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Chapter 34 Extra Volume 29 Chapter 09 Infiltration

Chapter 1496 Extra Volume 29 Chapter 09 Infiltration

The perspective returns to the positive displacement particle plane.

The branched timelines on the fence of the magic plane began to become desolate with the complete invasion of the game. That is, the flow of time is getting faster and faster, heading towards the sub-ruins, but these versions of the world full of "Frostmourne stories" are firmly blocked

The "leaders" peeked into the root area of ​​the new space-time civilization.

When the main world swept through this territory, it completely ignored the Wei Keng fence to defend important space-time territories. For example, in the several dimensional areas where the flow of time slows down that Taiyi is currently exploring, Wei Keng protected all of them.

The nutrients that the game mechanics of Black Alliance draw from are the feces of those fertile soil planes. Just like the most brilliant mushrooms grow on cow dung.

As the worlds interfered by the obsessives under the "dota template" were drained of all expression in the war, the final outcome of these worlds was completely gamified and became a game map.

In the magical world, everyone's physical status has been digitized, whether they are kings or peasants.

In countless streams of time and space, the battle between Konoe and Natural Disaster has been played like a computer game for college students.

The human kingdom and elves belong to the Guards, while the various demihuman race tribes and undead belong to natural disasters.

On a continent that is completely gamified, every spring and autumn, the king here must lead his army to join the battlefield and join the guards. Otherwise, the entire world will merge into the void.

The edge of such a world is endless clouds and mist. If ordinary people in the kingdom want to escape from this world and come to the edge of the ocean, they will see a huge fish mouth "hundreds of meters" suddenly open and swallow it.

Ships trying to escape here. Of course, if the world is downgraded, a large amount of water will flow into the sea edge.

…All people in this world must prove their worth and transcend themselves before the world becomes desolate…

In a small town, (obsessed) Wei Keng penetrated into this plane and took a look at his original birth state.

Wei Keng: Oh, I am a magic apprentice.

Then Wei Keng saw that he now had fifty bars of blood, which meant that his life had been standardized to fifty stages. Wei Keng took a knife and scratched his arm. The blood bar did not change, but a message appeared on his status bar.

"Blood loss", if not stopped, the blood bar will drop a little in five minutes and continue to bleed. Wei Keng quickly bandaged himself, and soon the "blood loss" status changed to "repairing". In the time it took to repair the four hourglasses

Finally, the "blood loss" state disappeared. After Wei Keng removed the gauze from the wound, he found that the skin had returned to its original state.

Wei Keng took a breath and standardized the blood volume using game mechanics.

For example, after you continue to lose blood for thirty minutes, you will switch to a sub-healthy state of "45" blood."

Of course - if Wei Keng draws a drop of blood every ten minutes, then packs gauze and recovers quickly, then he can bleed without restriction and have sex for free. "Is that a locked state that lasts ten minutes?"

Later, my system sent a further explanation of this mechanism: If there is always slight blood loss, about once every hour, you will be slightly injured, and then repaired quickly, although the health bar will not drop, but you will be in an additional state of being easily injured."

——Dog Planning has punished many players for their whims.

Wei Keng: "Sure enough, only by experiencing it on the spot can we determine the situation of being digitized."

All "bugs" that are easy to be exploited have been exploited by players. Of course, there are always bugs in the "modular" order. As long as you study the game mechanics carefully, there are always deep-seated bugs that can be exploited.

Oppositely, Wei Keng is now a "Magic Apprentice" template, but there is a "Game GM" behind it, and all attributes can be adjusted.

At this time, in most of the recruitment systems of the Black Alliance, Mr. Wei is undercover and has tampered with the game system of the Black Alliance.

The current recruitment system of the Black Alliance in the main world has been infiltrated into a sieve.

Although the scale of the obsessive will that the Black Alliance has collected from a large number of low-value regional planes is very large, when it is recruited to the frontier battlefield to confront Wei Keng's will, Wei Keng in the frontier battlefield plane is more powerful than those in the Black Alliance.

The supreme commander of the group army must also understand the characteristics of their recruitment obsession.

At this time, Wei Keng, the magic apprentice, looked at the golden city-state in the center of the game world and said leisurely: "Hey, they are all strong men."

...In this kingdom, which is just a "number" in this game, in the royal city at its center...,

There was a panic in the castle. This advanced world had just lost its only three gold-level combatants, the king and two dukes of the kingdom. This was a disaster for the kingdom here.

However, at the court meeting at this time, many great lords were very excited. The content of the debate was about the successor of the kingdom and the distribution of rights in the kingdom. The nobles were roughly divided into three factions.

1: The heir designated by the old king, that is, the youngest son, was dissatisfied by some nobles and requested that he be turned into a regent by another strong man who was related to the king.

2: Those who have no objection to the succession of the new king, but as territories that join the kingdom, hope that the kingdom will give them more rights - these nobles seem to support the king, but in fact they want to split their territories into the void

Found other territory to guarantee.

3: The wait-and-see faction hopes that the kingdom center will come up with more "purple and red equipment" for distribution. Of course, the treasure of the kingdom is not just a magic weapon or a treasure trove of knowledge, it can also be the beautiful princess.

Everyone is paying attention to their own interests. Of course, the "kingdom destruction" crisis has been thrown aside. Just like the termites before the building collapsed, they are still working hard to chew better sawdust.

After the sixth meaningless Kingdom Council, in the long corridor lit by magic lamps, Princess Losuna, wearing a magic robe, hurried to the Kingdom Administration Hall.

Losuna met her younger brother, the new king of the kingdom. She asked seriously: "You have been actively sending troops, is it because of the magician named Jaina?" The new king's face changed.

Hong, obviously not learning enough about Houhei, denied it: "Sister, this is for the peace of the kingdom." Luosuna looked at her brother who had gone crazy and sighed.

After coming out of the palace, she came to the Kingdom Magic Tower and found her tutor Mudilia. This magic tutor obviously knew what the student was going to say, and said with emotion: "If you want to bear the crown, you must at least

Understand the crown." This sentence seems to be educating students, but in fact it is a sigh for the current choice of his new king.

In the endless void, in the current endless war between natural disasters and guards, a large number of kingdoms rise in each era, and at the same time, the old kingdoms fall.

In the fallen kingdom, all the people will sink in the void ocean, and the mages and nobles who lost the kingdom will become wandering heroes in the tavern, waiting for the new king to recruit them.

In this gamified world, on the vast fields, due to the last defeat, less and less rain can be exchanged from the system. People in all kingdoms will be hungry this year, and the wealth of the lords will also be reduced.

Although everyone in the kingdom, from the lords down to the people, knew that this was an irresistible factor, they all pretended not to know, hoping to force the kingdom to be responsible for everyone's losses.

The lords were excited in the royal court and wanted to participate in the war. They seemed to be denounced the evil and continued to stand on the side of the guards and fight the natural disasters to the death.

In essence, it is to express dissatisfaction with the king! And the kingdom must make up for it with another victory to improve the ranking of this kingdom that is about to break up.

But a kingdom with only the last bit of capital needs to carefully consider its next battle from its own standpoint.

The new king jumped out. He was fascinated by the female mage (Jaina) from the Guards force next door. He seemed very stupid. He wanted to fight a war with "resounding slogans" but was actually unprepared. Under the guidance of the wise man,

In the eyes, the new king is a deteriorating kingdom chariot stepping on the accelerator for the last time heading downhill.

Luosuna only saw her brother heading towards death, feeling unwilling to do so in her heart.

…At this time, in the system space managed by “gamification” called Black Alliance…

On this side, Wei Keng in the gm system said "Huh?!" and was surprised. This was because he felt that the "fruit" was ripe.

Wei Keng opened the "Game" system interface, and the body projection of Princess Luosuna, as well as the thought template flashed with the birth of "obsession".

Wei Keng whispered: "When the whole world is developing in a bad direction, and you want this development to come to a halt, your will to use your own hands to control the chariot is very shining."

Wei Keng followed the normal process of this "game system" and put a check mark on Luosuna.

At this time, in the gm system of the Black Alliance, her icon turned green, indicating that she was ready to project her consciousness and reborn on the battlefield.

...Morality is the thing that people are least willing to learn in the development of history...

Before the Fourth World War, the obsessions from other worlds, such as Bai Zhaodi and others recruited by Wei Keng in the Shenzhou plane, still had human rights. After they survived the three disasters and nine tribulations, they would be incorporated into the time-travel system and achieve positive results. But now

?This is purely consuming the obsessives from various planes in the dimension as consumables.

Thinking of this, GM Wei Keng suddenly took a deep breath: "By the way, the group of wills in the main world today, although they claim to come from the source of the ancient main world, are actually more or less "hybrid" others.

Plane consciousness.

Before the Second Plane War, or even in the earlier Pastoral Era, the consciousness of children born to travelers in other planes was reborn in the main world, and they had been cultivated for more than a thousand years. Now they are said to come from a certain

They have a powerful ancient consciousness, and 99% of their consciousness is not native to the earth."

It is worth mentioning that according to today's standards, the Wei Keng cluster is considered the purest source consciousness of the main world.

Of course, it is precisely because the genealogy of Wei Keng's consciousness source is unquestionably clear and has never been used as a standard of pride by Wei Keng himself (Wei Keng: The second generation has nothing to be proud of), so it is instead used by everyone in the main world today.

The big consciousness group deliberately ignored it.

Just like in the ancient industrial era, other countries in the world deliberately did not discuss historical principles with China.

Returning to the topic, those branches that echoed in other worlds hundreds of years ago gained equal justice in the war of innovation (Wei Keng bulldozed He Chongyun) and had the opportunity to move into the high class. However, after they took office, they

It spreads the injustice again.—

Now Wei Keng began to investigate the rebirth origins of these "branch consciousnesses", and suddenly discovered that if they follow their set standards, they are actually the newcomers! Wei Keng has enough legal traditions.

Well, it was similar to reprimanding them as the "eldest son" of a big family. And they seemed to be aware of this situation earlier than Wei Keng. It seemed that before Wei Keng discovered this "status" situation, they began to exclude Wei Keng.

outside the circle.

Outside this circle is not only the circle managed by the Dimensional Space-Time Center, but also the inner circle of the solar system.

Wei Keng: "A thousand years ago, the consensus among the time travellers was to prevent the main world from being affected by other worlds. However, the power of time is great. After a thousand years, the main world has been silently infiltrated."

…Kingdom plot, dividing line…

In the gamification plane, the new king of the kingdom launched a rash war and met with a complete failure. The aura power of the base on the kingdom's continent collapsed. Of course, in the eyes of an undercover agent, this was the complete exhaustion of the information enthalpy that supported the existence of the world.


After the kingdom collapsed, Losuna looked at the roaring waves, opened her arms and used her greatest magical energy to intercept the final destruction. But this kind of resistance was in vain, just like the game players on earth who wanted to protest against the plan.

The "stop service" announcement is the same.

When she was submerged in the starlight and her armor, flesh and blood turned into powder, she heard a voice that said that she "already possesses the gene of God" and "is preparing to be delivered."

However, Luosuna was stunned: "I ascended?!" Suddenly she saw countless people in the kingdom under her feet struggling in the tsunami and strong wind.

When she looked at her lost kingdom, she hesitated for a moment. At this time, in the sea where the kingdom sank, an entire continent began to soften and float like bread soaked in milk.

Suddenly, a person in the struggling crowd seemed to look at her and shouted loudly. She sensed something after a slight pause. Although she did not know this civilian, she seemed to have the feeling of "knowing him a long time ago" in her heart.

However, when she was about to ascend and teleport, while she was hesitating, she suddenly got close to the struggling guy (undercover Keng) in space.

The tampered gm system prompted: "It has been detected that you have nostalgia for the destroyed kingdom. Do you want to take one person away?"

Luosuna paused. She tried hard to think of those important people in the kingdom, such as her master, younger brother, and queen mother. But at that moment, the commoner floating in the sea suddenly hugged her thigh. Luosuna

Na tried hard to break free, but the thug held on tightly.

In the end, the two of them entered together, in a golden beam of light lowered by the God System. However, after Luosuna was scanned many times, she seemed to be divided into many personalities.

Wei Keng in this game world! Now he has entered the system with his arms crossed, claiming to be a "whim", "coincidence" and "accident".

Magic apprentice Wei Keng defended his "opportunistic" approach: I originally planned to pass the selection in this game (this trial requires killing, which is very cruel), but now she happened to take a look at me.

Wei Keng suddenly seized the opportunity prompted by the system, climbed up his legs directly, followed her through this "accident", and soared.

Narrator: As an ascendant, Luosuna passed the standardization obsession screening of the Black Alliance campaign system. Then she could directly "recruit" and enter the interstellar war plane. - Wei Keng didn't want to follow the standardization obsession.

The road to "postgraduate entrance examination" is not like the boring standard plot where the protagonist climbs, so I just hugged my legs.

It is worth mentioning that the battlefield Luosuna is about to come to is the "plane of stars" where Wei Keng's identity as Eryuan came before, and the nearby parallel world line - outside the fence, under the dimensional battlefield

"Plane of Stars"

…Come back and come back, the battlefield comes and goes again…

Obsessive Wei Keng was recruited by the Black Alliance system. In the process, Tukang began to become honest and honest. But at the same time, he also had some cleverness.

In the dark starry sky, Wei Keng looked at the geometric lines around him, sensed the laws of starlight in the universe, and determined that he had arrived at the war zone plane.

The new system sensed Wei Keng's consciousness and asked: "Do you want to be strong?" Wei Keng was stunned and asked: "Can I not seek to make progress?"

The system seemed to choke for a moment, and then asked: "What do you think about death?" Wei Keng: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

The system was down for a while, and I found that the guy who was sent over seemed to be quite capable of arguing.

The system of this frontier battlefield immediately had a small discussion after finding out that this funny guy was holding the thigh of a certain goddess.

The Black Alliance is responsible for raising people's civilian awareness. The first result of the discussion was: "Return, this is a mistake caused by the screening system over there."

The second suggestion is: "We might as well let this guy enter the battlefield. The summoned consciousness needs some entanglement. If this funny bit gives the goddess NPC extra care, maybe obsession can make her go a little longer."

The Black Alliance recruiter reached the final decision and decided to find a funny companion for Losuna as a source of obsession in the original world.

In this way, Wei Keng's arrogant consciousness was directly blended into the front line screening of the Black Alliance.

Ever since, the Black Alliance System said to Wei Keng: "Welcome to the cosmic battlefield. As the selector of the God's genes in the universe, you will possess the 'God's gene of energy-mass conversion'."

At this time, Wei Keng's consciousness fell into the deep space of the dimension, and reincarnation began.

The undercover journey begins.


This chapter has been completed!
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