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Chapter 30 Chapter 3001 (Volume 1) Gene of God

Inverse displacement particle area, the plane features the time and space where stars compete for hegemony.

Outside the fence, Wei Keng looked at the parallel time and space created by the Black Alliance, exhaled slightly and said, "Oh, this is your attack."

This parallel space-time plane was named by Wei Keng: "Plane of God".

The reason for naming it this way is very simple. Wei Keng felt that many things were packaged in the Black Alliance.

For example, in this plane of God, the original template power system of level nine mental power and level nine physical skills was inserted into the "Obsession Traveler" by the forces of the Black Alliance, creating a set of "genes of ancient gods"

The power inheritance system, the descendants of gods summarized the "three generations of divine body evolution stages"

The first generation is the spiritual body, the second generation is the immortal body, and the third generation is the divine body. As for the Black Alliance, the founder of the version, as the true god who is the descendant of the God of the Universe, in fact, the fourth generation can be summarized on this path.

It has to be said that the background of this model can also be seen as the shadow of "fixing the body". For example, the training mode of "fixing the body" on the "three stages of natural human development" is the same as the "spiritual body, fairy body, and divine body".


This is the correct path laid down after the battle between "Sports" and "Gaia" in the Five Wars.

The development goal of the initial stage of body fixation is that the carbon-based human being can reach the physiological limit at the age of twenty, and can control the progress in various large-scale movements at the same time, such as landing on a cliff that is only the size of a palm.

Running and jumping.——This generation of the Black League is classified as a spirit body in the current "Sports" rating.

The intermediate stage of the body fixation technique begins to load the above-mentioned basic healthy body, that is, with the assistance of microscopic facilities, the nano-auxiliary body is controlled, and after reaching a high-precision state, it is directly connected to high-energy energy - for example, in space,

The energy halo reaches the equivalent of 600 million tons of coal, with the human body as the center and completes central control.

In a state consistent with this halo energy body, humans can directly control the electromagnetic force, dismantle spaceships and battleships just like dismantling models, and assemble them at will. This can be called the immortal body.

High-level body-fixing techniques edit every atom of the body from stable to high-energy. It can reach a speed of one thousand kilometers per second. It can easily break through the defense lines of powerful battleships, and can also send energy to penetrate the planet.

To peep and observe, this is for the divine body.

The current Black Alliance in the main world, its science and technology of "body fixation", all originated from the body control related to Wei Keng's "human base system". Of course, after two or three hundred years, the follow-up belongs to "self-control".


On the original basis, they carried out "sports" based on the characteristics of "obsession".

Therefore, the classification of the fourth-generation holy body is completely different from that of Wei Keng. - In the fourth stage, Wei Keng needs to merge with the stars or merge into the near-vacuum sea of ​​stars, so in the "Star Field"

The vast world of free labor is set as the goal of "sports".

However, the Black Alliance does not have such a "labor" goal. They created a gorgeous energy body like the "Holy Body" based on "domination".

Wei Keng: "Tsk, tsk, I didn't have such a fancy name at the beginning. After I passed it down, why did the smell become so strong?"

Of course, Wei Keng is not the second person to complain about the naming of "spirits, immortals, gods, and saints".

There is nothing wrong with being simply "Second Second", Second Second is just some meaningless things for one's own pleasure. It is not that I have not experienced the more disgusting naming Wei Keng in the past. For example, in the Pandora plane, Wei Keng was the Emperor of Humanity, and he was

Added a series of titles. What's wrong is turning these meaningless things into "shackles" for other people.

The development of science and technology is right, but the direction is different. No matter how good the technology is, the taste will be different...

...Dimensional wars have been fought for many rounds in this starry universe infiltrated by the "fourth generation of divine bodies"...

Waves of traversers sent by the Black Alliance of the main world, in the starry sky of various planes, lead human beings towards the perfect creatures that reach the limits of physical laws, but they are all met with "shovel" attacks by the unscrupulous people who stayed in the soil.

"Fight back.

Regarding the third-generation divine body, the local forces in the plane of stars can also be eliminated by directly destroying the energy warehouse and starving the third-generation divine body of food.

Because the third-generation divine body requires huge energy to consume, the humanoid body that is completely integrated into the complex force field requires fifteen tons of nuclear fusion fuel and three kilograms of antimatter to supply every day. Once it stops, there will be nothing.

Like those who eat, they become weak and have no strength.

Therefore, large forces in the star sea can also destroy the energy mothership nearby when attacking the third-generation divine body, putting it in a "hypoglycemia" state and withdrawing from the battlefield.

But the fourth generation, known as the Holy Body, is a perfect creature that can directly obtain energy from the vacuum fluctuations in the laws of the universe. It is indestructible and can only be sealed.

Wei Keng: This is no longer a body fixation technique, it is naked technology and hard work. It can only be used in a plane where the dimensional rules are conducive to "perpetual motion".

Bai Linglu: In this realm of inverse displacement particles, the Black Alliance has used dimensional technology to construct a depression of physical constants, so no matter how the body is destroyed on the plane, it will return to the depression and then be reborn.

As early as the Sixth Plane War, the Black Alliance (Earth, Fire, Gold) and the Star Ring Alliance (Saturn, Jupiter) had already competed in the field of "sports" in the relevant star sea planes. For this purpose, the "Sacred" Alliance was designed.

The indestructible concept of "body".

An existence at the level of "holy body" is the "king" in the galaxy, indestructible and indestructible. It is a puppet on a string in a high dimension. As long as the strings in the high dimension are continuous, such an existence will not perish.

Wei Keng's technical explanation: In fact, in the dimension, the local life is not without the possibility of confrontation. For example, I directly choose a wave of "stellar light flow" to charge, suppress the perception of the space where it is located, destroy the material body, and contain it for three light seconds

Quantum fluctuations within the range.

Then use the cosmic computing system to determine the fluctuations of its dimensional constants, and continue to destroy it when it tries to recover, burying all its so-called information "burned in the cosmological constants" in chaotic quantum noise and not being able to recover for millions of years.

Bai Linglu: In this universe, if we want to use high-level tactics like yours, we might as well expect a sudden source of destruction from the sky.

Wei Keng asked back: "Do you think it is more likely that the source of destruction will come from the sky, or that I will ignite the ruins?"

Bai Linglu:???

Wei Keng whispered: "If I surrender, the blazing light will shine on my face. Only by facing the darkness bravely can I walk with the most lovable person."

…About the period from 3830 to 3845 in the main world…

In the first few battles in the starry plane where the anti-displacement particles are located, the Black Alliance initially chose a "relatively fertile" war zone.

Several main consciousnesses sent by the Black Alliance of the main world were not used to the assault tactics of the Gamma Holy Spear. When they were preparing to build a super battleship, they suddenly saw a few stars in the sky shining brightly, and then

Wei Keng directly pushed him to the ground, broke into the "cosmic cage" in the nearby black hole area, and became a prisoner.

And when these guys who became prisoners of war opened their eyes again, it was already a million years later. The once bustling starry sky had calmed down, and no civilization could be found. And these fourth-level holy bodies are known as eternal existences.

, in the end, you can only drill into a black hole and leave this world.

But the "Titans of Space and Time" of the Black Alliance behind these obsessions were dumbfounded.

Following Tianxing (Xiaye): The confrontation between the "Holy Body" and the "Suppressing Holy Body" in the plane war is actually a confrontation of physics. We use the latest loading technology (standardized obsession supporting power system), and he

(Weikeng Cluster) uses the most powerful "space-time sealing technology".

Kong Chuanxiao is an evaluation of the current predicament of the Space-Time Management Bureau: Even though the body can be revived without limit and the mind can be constantly reappeared, we seem to be far inferior to him in terms of the "key" of consciousness "holding" the plane.

Narrator: At this time, although these giants of the Black Alliance have not yet realized the physical development of "consciousness" and the gap between the "dream" and "obsession" routes. However, in the current constant confrontation, they have to admit that their own side


Just like the correctness of the "sports" and "intellectual education" lines of the Fifth Plane War was verified in the war. The current war has gradually proved the "Germany, America and Labor".

"Moral education": looking at the best possible future, tracing the origins of the present, choosing the most beneficial motives, rather than following the crowd and blindly believing in trends.

"Labor and education": dual cultivation of life and life, labor is happiness, and happiness is a feeling that is in line with nature, making labor happy, rather than making labor produce content with the value concept created by others.

"Aesthetic education": Summarize the things that contributed to development in the past to determine beauty and ugliness. - For example, the "frugality" of the old farmer Wei Keng, who has surplus every year (there is a surplus in every cycle), is a kind of simple beauty. Of course

It is also a kind of beauty to dig out manure and grow vegetables, but it is ugly to have pink-headed and red-cheeked people perform cheerful programs for the leaders on the screen.

Now the perspective has come to a specific space-time of the star plane, a "point of time and space" that has been fought over again and again.

In the plane of stars, when Wei Keng first broke through the strict ninth-grade Zhongzheng level in this "fossil plane", he adopted a framework in which the upper level's heavenly position and the lower level's obsessions confront each other.

Wei Keng: Reserve an ascending channel in the frame, which is like using hard brackets and hoses to set up pipes in the dying body, so that the blood can flow and become active again. "Tiannian" and "Obsession" are for

Create a structure of confrontation and balance to provide the possibility for "possibility" to rise. Similar to the spacing control of transplanting, leaving a space for seedlings to grow.

However, now, in the "God Gene" world opened here by the Black Alliance, the God Gene is constantly awakening in lower civilizations, and is constantly impacting the ruling system of higher civilizations, which seems to provide an upward possibility.

Wei Keng: How should I put it? As a new gadget dropped from a high dimension, the gene of God is like being thrown into a dead plane, breaking the stones of this stagnant water and splattering out even more smelly sludge.

...in the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud, on a certain planet...

In a primitive tribe, on a huge pyramid, the spider queen awakened the broodmother gene. Standing on the top of the pyramid that was wiped by the maid as smooth as a mirror, her upper body was in the shape of a beauty, with her tall figure and charming navel.

, so that it is enough to make all living beings fall over, but the lower body is a spider body with purple light and terrifying markings.

While everyone was worshiping, the stone door of the pyramid opened, and a large number of small spiders poured out. There were about a thousand of them, and they quickly filled the space where the worshipers were kneeling.

The power of these spiders when they surged out was so great that the shock wave they produced even brought up rubble on the stone steps and swept around.

The people lying on the ground did not dodge, and allowed these spiders to lie on their backs. As the spider's feet inserted, the entire spider was embedded in the body of the worshiper. Then these people who merged with the spider fell into coma, and waited until they woke up.

After coming, there will be extraordinary agility and jumping ability (Spider-Man gene).

After the warriors in this primitive tribe further grow, they will enter space. They will receive space battleships given by the Mother Queen and begin to conquer the universe.

Because the warrior gene of the broodmother spider has penetrated into the upper echelons of many surrounding seventh-level civilizations, many upper-class people who own skyscrapers and live in the so-called civilized world have crawled in this primitive world due to emptiness and loneliness, in order to pursue eternal life.

At the feet of civilization (ancient existence).

Narrator: The civilization of this plane cannot decipher the God's gene of "high-dimensional projection information".

Since it cannot be deciphered and can directly reach the highest level of power, this makes lower-level civilizations qualified to show off in front of scientifically advanced civilizations.

…in the Triangular Galaxy next door to Andromeda…

On a large planet with a mass eight times that of the Earth and full of volcanic activity, a man lay in the middle of a pool in a crater, with hot magma pouring into his body.

He possesses the godly genes of the Fire Lord, but on the other side of the planet, his other brother is the Shadow Demon.

The two brothers were groping for each other's position and competing on the dark side and the sunny side of the same star.

Around the volcano on the sunny side, there is a shadow area that is constantly erupting black flames. Within the range of nearly a kilometer of this flame, there is energy that can break apart all the molecules. The flame lord is waiting silently. He controls

The earth on the other side of the planet is also ready to erupt at any time.

Under the feet of the man in black robes on the other side of the planet, who is the Shadow Demon, the granite land slowly rises. In the cracks, blazing flames spit out like dragon's breath. And in the cracks of the bloody earth, the rolling magma squirms,

The slimes that mimic lava are trying to extend their tentacles.

...By the way, now in the Wukai galaxy...

The player Wei Keng, who was originally promoted to the goddess, now appears in a martial arts warrior academy designated by Wu Kaiming. Because he completed the time travel through the Black Alliance system, he enjoyed the "identity arrangement" of the Black Alliance.

This planet is similar to the "Wuxuan Star" before Eryuan traveled through it, but because most of the details in parallel time and space have changed, Wei Keng who was reborn here is not called Eryuan. This star is not called Wuxuan Star either.

On this day, Wei Keng, who had average grades, raised his head and looked at the tall building.

In the plane next door, I avoided everything and lived a very ordinary life. However, in this "war time and space", I was destined not to be ordinary.

Wei Keng looked at his hands. At this time, his hands appeared translucent. Of course, as he restrained himself, his hands returned to normal.

Wei Keng knew that the "Invisible Assassin"'s divine gene was about to awaken.

The warriors of the God's Gene will eventually start fighting each other for their own benefit...

Of course, in addition to the genes of various gods projected into the universe, various artifacts are also projected into the plane. They may be scattered in the nebula, may surround the neutron star, or lie quietly in the void.

Wei Keng, who cheats in the Black Alliance game, senses the direction of each artifact based on the source of positive displacement particle projection. (Currently, Mr. Wei does not dare to be arrogant, and only slightly opens a full map cheat)

As an infiltrator, Wei Keng does not expect to be able to grab all the artifacts, especially the most lethal artifacts.

Example 1: "Butterfly" is a terrifying weapon that can produce fluctuations in time and space and erase targets of the same type. For example, after locking a tank, tanks of the same type that are not marked by your own side on the entire planet will be randomly swallowed by time and space.

Example 2: "Cannon" (a secret equipment that hides a super blue giant star but can be carried with you)

Example 3: "Dragon Heart" (can connect to a life form as big as the moon, sharing and backing up life with the holder)

There is no need for him to get these awesome things mentioned above. Wei Keng is now staring closely at the "Golden Cudgel", which is a "super space scanning device". It can lock all living things on a planet at the same time, yes, except humans.

, even the movement trajectory of ants can be locked.

Anyway, this kind of thing that can restrain oneself must never be given to others.

Beautiful starry sky, next door to the Red Blade Galaxy (Andromeda), Losuna has also arrived.

Wei Keng is not ashamed at all about entering this world "holding his thighs". As long as the goal is achieved, that's all.

During the time travel, Luosuna felt that she was simultaneously thrust into a mixture of ice and fire. Under the repeated alternation of cold and heat, she felt as if her soul was split into two parts. One part landed in the Wukai system, and the other

Part of it went to the Red Blade system.

The perspective first goes to the Red Blade Galaxy.

In the Feiyu Military Alliance, the only ninth-level civilization here, there is a giant ring built around the red giant star, inside the facility code-named Jiuxi...

Inside the red giant star, there is a white spot that travels at sub-light speed like a stream of light. This is an energy facility. In the pure white metal cultivation chamber in the center of the facility, a blond girl is being conceived.

This is an energy facility built by the Feiyu Military Alliance, the number one in Andromeda, the second largest force in the universe, and the only third level nine civilization. This facility was built by the ninth level civilization specifically to contain the "Gene of God".

From the perspective of this plane, the gene of God appeared in this universe six thousand years ago, subverting the traditional hierarchy of civilization. The superpowers in the universe are also searching for the gene of God to incorporate into their side.

In the energy cabin, as the girl woke up, outside the observation window, a saint-like queen looked at the "Son of God" who was about to be born in the cabin, and said leisurely: "If we are going to succeed, everyone needs to evacuate. I need her to open her eyes."

When you open your eyes, the first thing you see is me."

A large number of technicians slowly drove away in their energy bubbles and evacuated in an orderly manner from the white corridor. The lifting platform retracted as everyone evacuated, leaving behind a spherical inner space with a diameter of 30,000 meters.

In the red blade system, Luosuna felt a flame coming from her body in ignorance. Eventually she burned violently, but suddenly she felt that she was being lifted up. Luosuna's god gene was "Phoenix", and at this time

When she was born, she was emitting blazing light.

The high-density plasma that erupted in the outside world was so hot that it was comparable to the detonation temperature of an atomic bomb. It was blocked by the nano-cloud controlled by the eighth-level mental power. The Queen of the Shengguangyu Family of the Flying Feather Alliance spread her wings and wrapped her with huge mental power.


The queen looked at the girl who opened her eyes and showed a mother's smile. The queen took Luosuna out of the breeding warehouse and breastfed her with her own breast.

In an era where science and technology are so advanced, women use such primitive feeding methods to expose their breasts and feed the new generation with milk. It is obviously a ritual function, and it is used to describe to everyone around them that this is the treatment of a "divine daughter".

The queen spread her wings, and her white and soft feathers wiped away the chaotic energy on Luosuna's skin.

This chapter has been completed!
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