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Chapter 31 Chapter 3008 The Disaster of the Ending Civilization

Chapter 1505 08 The Disaster of the Ending Civilization

Xi Danyu’s hometown belongs to the area ruled by Luemo Civilization, which is a seventh-level civilization. In the original timeline of the Star Civilization, this civilization was very stable in this area. Just like the 21st century’s Five Permanent Persons for the surrounding second- and third-rate civilizations

A small country has the power to suppress it forever.

But in this world of God's genes, it is as outrageous as the Marvel world is in the real 21st century.

Here, the originally unbreakable gap between advanced civilization and low-level civilization in the universe is defeated by even more outrageous existences. Just like the unbreakable conflicts between various ethnic groups in American reality, they are directly penetrated by various superheroes in the movie.

The genes of gods appear one after another, like "Wakanda", "Aquaman" and "Amazon", trampling on the "first-mover advantage of normal technology" in civilization.

While Xi Danyu and player Wei Keng encountered a silicon-based natural disaster on Tianque Planet, similar "player plots" were also breaking out in other areas.

…Conversion of space-time perspective from the cantilever of the Milky Way to the inner circle of the Milky Way…

At the end of the civilized capital, the entire planet has become a battlefield of destruction. Geared robots with weird cameras on their heads, crawling up from the ground on spider mechanical legs.

Inside the capital Star King City, there is a city area with a diameter of 600 kilometers and forty-five rings (the northern part of the city in the 21st century is the fifth ring road). Outside the 300-meter-high skyscraper city wall, the guard mechas of the capital are resisting.

“Silicon-based natural disaster”.

The scale of this "silicon-based natural disaster" is very large. In an area the size of almost the entire France, there are 6,000 underground volcanic craters. Natural disasters have sent troops to the "Crypt Factory". And the "Cryptic Catastrophe Machinery" produced by these underground factories

"The beasts" gathered around Luemou's royal city just like streams that merged into a sea.

The mecha guards in the royal city relied on the electric jets to flash and move around the skyscraper city wall areas. The three-hundred-ton mecha landed on the high point of the city building. It was not bulky at all, and it was holding a gun comparable to a telephone pole.

The cannon emits powerful heat rays that continuously destroy the mechanical monsters coming up.

If it were just a mechanical natural disaster beast like a "crypt spider", the guards of the royal capital could take it down.

But every time a "natural disaster" breaks out, there must be a natural disaster hero among them.

On the thirty-eighth day of the siege of the royal capital, fifteen hours later, on the thirty-seventh ring of the royal capital, at eight o'clock, a gloomy metal tombstone dozens of meters high rose up.

The tombstone attracted countless mechanical parts and even metal debris around the building, spinning rapidly like a Rubik's Cube. Then it turned into a cyan robot. This large-scale emergence of silicon-based robots has a soft aluminum alloy shell. Although it only uses firearms

It will collapse after two shots, but on the battlefield, the sight of countless robots with flashing eyes like high beams charging at them ferociously caused the morale of the recruits on the left wing to collapse.

In the silicon-based natural disaster that broke out from the late civilization, the "heroes" who participated in the war carried the god's gene as the "Immortal Corpse King"

At this time, on the battlefield, the thirty-meter-tall mechanical body continued to swallow up various mechanical metals, and mechanical debris continued to fall from the black-smoking metal skeleton.

The setting of the Immortal Corpse King in the positive displacement particle magic plane: an evil existence that was collected as a specimen by the human empire suddenly resurrected. In this inverse displacement particle plane, the star sea plane, there is the same: "setting"

The origin of the predecessor of the Immortal Corpse King is that he was a fifth-level psychic in the Luo Mo Empire. This psychic was the person who led the troops to resist the advanced civilization (the planet massacred by robots in Volume 28).

At that time, this fifth-level spiritual power resister finally chose to surrender under the heavy encirclement and suppression of the slightly Mo civilization.

However, those "surrenderers" who were at the end of their civilization were not as capable and ambitious as Emperor Wu of Wei, Cao Cao, who could arrange the surrendered generals and turn them into mainstays (such as Zhang Liao). Most of the "surrenderers" were actually Song Huizong,

They brought "Song Jiang" to Zhao'an and were unable to make reasonable arrangements. They could only use underhanded methods. After using Zhao'an to deal with the rebels' troubles, they then used underhanded methods to bring "Song Jiang" under the guise of being fair and aboveboard.

"We disposed of them harmlessly.

Back to the topic, after the predecessor of the "Immortal Corpse King" surrendered to the Luo Mo Empire, the Luo Mo Empire arranged a "scientific experiment" to trick him into the test bed, and then removed the brain of his mental organ.

, embedded in a silicon-based system and controlled by human-machine fusion equipment.

But a hundred years later, in the underground prison of the late civilization, the controlled "rebel leader" awakened the power of the gene of God (the Immortal Corpse King).

...Standardized "settings" can be easily created in the ruins plane...

Compared to the "disaster of the undead" on Tianque Star, the disaster on Capital Star was more complete.

The gangster who was born in Cairo Xi just chose to fuse humans and silicon. He is an uneducated person who arrogantly wants to dominate the world, while the Immortal King is a completely blackened madman who wants to destroy the world.

After the resister who awakened the gene of the Immortal Corpse King climbed out of the abyss of the underground prison of the late civilization, he did not let go of any "carbon-based human beings". He directly used "electronic firelight" to extract the last remaining thoughts of people and stored them in

into the silicon base, and at the same time directly destroy the original flesh and blood of mortals.

On the first day of the rebellion, a large number of "civilian-grade" aluminum alloy monsters summoned by the Immortal Corpse King overwhelmed the security forces in various civilian areas of the capital star and then turned to military bases.

After successfully using the natural disaster silicon-based nano-cloud to control the arsenal, well, within a week of the natural disaster, a large number of "Death Knight" level mechanical monsters were created.

These "Death Knights" with manganese steel tracks and alloy steel pipes carried rotating machine guns and began to attack the core area of ​​the royal capital. At the same time, these "natural disaster units" made terrible noises in the electromagnetic frequency band and broadcasts. This

It behaves strangely, maximizing the fear in the hearts of carbon-based beings during the attack.

…when a natural disaster is in progress…

Back to the present, it has been thirty-seven days since the silicon-based natural disaster broke out to attack the inner circle of the royal capital.

The Immortal King's move Death Tombstone spewed out tens of millions of "natural disaster nanoworms" that were like the source of Transformers fire and "swarmed" into the city streets. A large number of vehicles and electrical appliances in the city were activated by these things, clicking, clicking, and turned into

They formed combat units and swarmed towards the fortress area where the Imperial Kingdom's army was originally heavily fire-powered.

After the metal Rubik's Cube tombstone slowly retracted underground, the massive Transformers summons had overwhelmed the empire's defense lines. The original intensive firepower on the skyscraper city wall had been replaced by chaotic "retreat" orders and screams.

The "Immortal Mechanical King", whose entire body was made of metal, also appeared in the nano cloud. When it arrived at the Royal Capital Fortress in the center of the capital star, it let out a long, metalized roar.

The lower half of the Immortal Mechanical King's metal body was inserted into a tracked armored vehicle. The tracks were bloody and covered with corpses that were obviously skull hairs. Among them, there were hair strands hanging on the track fenders that seemed to be female. Narrator: Because

Only long hair can disturb machinery.

When the Immortal Corpse King was about to step onto the "steps to heaven" in the royal capital, well, it was a square strip paved with 10 million tons of marble. Fighters floating in the sky tried to fly in and bomb.

But these bombers seemed to have hit an invisible wall, emitting a ring of light centered on a shadow area near the Immortal King, cutting the aerial fighters into pieces.

…Slow it down 10,000 times, and you can see that it is a rhombus. If you slow it down 100,000 times, you can find that there is a figure at the moment when the rhombus flashes...

This is the Phantom Assassin. Yes, Sirolina's consciousness has also descended into this plane.

She has successfully adapted to this game, because her obsession is very "standard" for the Black Alliance game system, so she has become one of the inherent summonable characters in the Phantom Assassin profession, just like the General Master in the Juggernaut profession.

The character "Yushula" exists.

Her memory is the memory of twenty trials that she just finished from the "Iron Collar" plane.

Her camp at this time is also a silicon-based natural disaster, and she also belongs to the camp of the Immortal Corpse King.

In the endless parallel time and space, she has experienced a lot, and she is the most successful obsession selected by the system. At this time, she is a reincarnation, and her initial identity in this relatively late empire is a traditional noble.

The game system's obsession with the Phantom Assassin is that she is a marginalized person who is not recognized by the mainstream elven nobles. As time goes by, her heart becomes distorted. In the end, she wants revenge on the entire empire.

Speaking of which, Sirolina fits this setting very well, and she also wants to be recognized in the magical world.

At first she wanted to be recognized by the kingdom, but after the kingdom declined, she wanted to be recognized by Wei Keng. However, in the end she chose power and fell into the trap of the system. She felt abandoned by Wei Keng, so

She unknowingly conformed to this obsession.

After being reincarnated into the Luo Mo Empire, Sirolina, as a down-and-out noble, had seen all the hardships in the world, so as soon as she awakened the power of divine genes, she did not hesitate to stand against the Luo Mo Empire.

Wei Keng once warned Sirolina that the world would not turn around with her, and also predicted her ill-fated future.

...The current "Kingdom Downfall" plot establishes the settings for other heroic characters...

The final bastion of the Empire. A general, a master of physical arts, was watching the riot outside his own turret. The Immortal King's mechanical army was attacking the final protective shield of the kingdom's city.

In the Imperial Spiritual Power Temple, on the marble steps, these Kingdom Spiritual Power Seeds dressed in white ceramic attire are quickly evacuating under the protection of the armored mechs of the Kingdom's Royal Guards.

Of course, at the spacecraft evacuation scene, the sound of natural disaster machines firing can already be heard.

A few minutes later and several kilometers away, the natural disaster completed the breakthrough of the core defense of the royal city. Endless silicon-based liquid gushes out from the earth. These metal slimes engulfed the palace guard mechas that were caught off guard on the street and infected them.

The unmanned mechanized troops that were originally trusted by the Lue Mo Empire had their Identification Friend or Foe system modified, joined the rebellion, and became a member of the natural disaster.

The people at the forefront are now the knights of the Kingdom's Guards.

Although there are only fifty people in this knighthood, they are all fifth-level physical warriors. They are wrapped in energy shells and operate a large number of war mechas to block the exits, buying the last time for the spacecraft to evacuate.

The battle was very fierce. The automatic levitation robot that was destroyed in the explosion, the broken ceramic shell, and the deformed metal ring all flew hundreds of meters away in the violent explosion, dragging cigarette sticks, in the core of the royal capital that was once the garden city.

Flying around in the area.

At this time, there were still large and small resistances in the royal capital. The nobles of the royal capital knew that they had completely fallen and were in a desperate situation, but they did not disperse in a hurry. Well, to be precise, there was no other choice during the natural disaster's attack.

The last few people chose to fight until the last moment, because they deeply understood that if the empire collapsed, the entire planet would be completely slaughtered by the inhumane mechanical forces of natural disaster.

Narrator: The Luomo people used to use robots to massacre those rebellious planets in the past. Now the brutal programs of the robots were compiled by them, and now they are doing it themselves.

On various firing lines, many combat troops were suppressed by robot firepower until they collapsed, but there were still new detachments that broke through the divided battle zones and joined the ranks to defend the royal capital.

It is impossible for noble knights (advanced physical practitioners) with glory to leave in a spaceship. For them, it is better to die in battle than to escape. If they escape, they will be humiliated and lose their past glory.

It is worth mentioning that there is another Sirolina (partial consciousness) among the nobles of the kingdom.

The "setting" given to her by the game system is much better than Sirolina who has awakened the "Phantom Assassin" god gene. - This is the state of Sirolina's fantasy of her own happiness in the magic plane, and the system still puts this dream into her

It was realized. But it was realized separately from the unfortunate woman.

…gm Wei Keng: Sirolina’s thinking was contradictory before the Wave Territory was massacred. On the one hand, she believed in the innocence and loveliness of beauty, and on the other hand, she was forced to be in an unsatisfactory reality, unable to face it, and felt sorry for herself…

This "albino" Sirolina is a member of the nobility of the Kingdom of Lue Mo. As a member of the evacuees, she looked at the fighter jets that came from afar but were cut open one by one with a stunned expression.

Like Phantom Assassin (blackened) Sirolina, she is also a soul-transported existence from the magic plane. Of course, compared to Sirolina's marginal position in the kingdom, she has received aristocratic education in the world since she was a child, and has enjoyed

After living the best life, I became attached to this world.

GM Wei Keng: The system gave her two souls in one body, and her arrangement was to gain everything, and then be destroyed and lose everything.

At this time, the perspective came to the palace, and the last small group of evacuees from the slightly uncivilized elite was intercepted.

The protective cover of the Royal Capital Core Airport was penetrated by a nuclear bomb.

At this time, when (albino) Sirolina's noble team boarded the cabin, the black diamond suddenly defeated the knights of the kingdom two kilometers away.

The knights responsible for breaking up the rear only had time to send out a signal before they were completely wiped out, that is: everyone ran away separately!

But it was too late.

With a click, like an eel being sliced ​​open in a vegetable market, the landing spaceship was cut in half from head to tail by a huge annular energy blade. The severed Luo Mo Kingdom evacuation spacecraft was the Phantom Assassin's "large space cutting technique"


Phantom Assassin Sirolina (blackened) walked gracefully across the cracked front and rear of the spaceship. Behind her, there were traces of space cracks.

This casual attitude, the indifferent attitude when the bullies in this world laugh at me...

The noble Sirolina (kind) who was about to board the ship saw the most painful scene for her. This person she once knew raised a crazy butcher knife.

Sirolina (kind) stared at herself with the butcher knife raised. Phantom Assassin Sirolina paused, and she suddenly felt that the eyes looking at her from the side were somewhat familiar.

In this world, two people once had the same origin in another world (magic plane), but they both chose to conceal their identities as time travelers when they entered this world, so they have been going in opposite directions until now they collided.


Wei Keng, the "dog planner" in the black game system, joked: If they had known each other early, maybe the disaster would not have happened, but the fate arranged by the system does not allow this.

As the system administrator who saw all this, Wei Keng could only acquiesce, because if he forcibly changed the settings, he would no longer be able to continue undercover in the Black Alliance.

Leaning on the seat, Sirolina (Innocent) pointed at the phantom assassin Sirolina holding the butcher knife. But after the blackened Sirolina (Phantom Thorn) fell on the blade, the once innocent Sirolina perished.

But then, (albino) she entered the "God Gene" space.

...High-dimensional Wei Keng: A standardized obsession group must be equipped with standardized story conflicts. The obsessions are mutually reinforcing and intertwined to strengthen...

In the dark space, the system narrated to the once innocent Sirolina: "The gene of God is activated", "The obsession value is 89%", and "The genetic compatibility is 92%."

In a series of reports, Sirolina looked at the endless "digital" information floating in the space.

God's Gene Space continued: "Excuse me, are you regretful during your lifetime?"

Sirolina clenched her fists: "Yes, I have a lot of regrets. I didn't grow old well, I didn't have a love, I didn't cherish every moment of the world. Of course, the biggest regret is that there is no punishment for evil."

Gene of God: "If you were allowed to live again now, what would you do?"

Sirolina smiled miserably: "I will let those who deserve to be punished be punished!" The enemy holding the energy round blade flashed in her mind.

Of course, this scene was recognized by the God's Gene, which gave her the "Spirit of Vengeance".

As dimension gm, Wei Keng was on the system, looking at this answer and recording it silently.

Sirolina was resurrected. After being discovered by a team of "Heroes of God" in the ruins of the train, a majestic knight picked her up from the ruins, and the knight who rescued "Spirit of Vengeance" Sirolina awakened.

It is the gene of the "Almighty Knight" god.

This knight is a warrior from the Gesu civilization next door, a warrior on the Beiluo planet. Ahem, Wei Keng's original time and space information is reflected outside the fence, and it has also become one of the sources of the Black Alliance's structure.

This all-powerful knight from Beiluo Star, whose tribe was in its darkest hour, was saved by a "great sage" who taught him swordsmanship and how to abide by morality. Now he is walking in the sea of ​​stars.

Follow God's way.

Sirolina, who was leaning on Kissin's shoulder, gradually regained the lost look in her eyes, just like a person addicted to nightmares who regained their confidence and she had a new goal.

…The story still continues and is still entangled…

The perspective comes to another person,

Three months later, Xi Danyu returned to her hometown, but after returning to the capital of the Luemou Empire, looking at this dilapidated home, she felt like she was struck by thunder in the spaceship.

Although she was full of resentment towards this hometown, she still fell into sadness when she witnessed its destruction by the same natural disaster and the undead. But before she could kneel down and dig in the ruins, a group of "Guard Mechanical Warriors" surrounded her.

, then, the heroes of the Gene Guards of God appeared.

Xi Danyu met Sirolina (the Spirit of Vengeance), and with her came four heroes who had awakened the gene of God.

In the eyes of Sirolina (Spirit of Vengeance), Xi Danyu's appearance here is very suspicious! In other words, after witnessing another self destroying one's princess-like life, everyone will be unhappy.

Under Sirolina's interrogation, Xi Danyu revealed his experience of being exiled from the Empire.

But here in the Lue Mo Empire, the Guards side headed by the Almighty Knight (Hero) also received information from their own Guards group. The planet that Xi Danyu mentioned had just been attacked by a "mechanical natural disaster", so Xi Danyu felt that he was even more suspicious.

I suspect that it is actually the natural disaster camp.

Narrator: Xi Danyu's exile was part of a family scandal that was not recorded in detail in the Luemo archives.

So on the space flagship, Sirolina, the junior spirit of revenge, asked Xi Danyu: "What is your identity now?"

Perhaps, it seemed foolish for Sirolina to question her so directly. Normally, she should observe in secret.

However, she was stimulated by the Phantom Assassin's betrayal of the kingdom, and it was difficult for her not to be suspicious of similar objects, and she lost control of her emotions.

Xi Danyu looked around, facing the robot warriors and many spiritual power users who surrounded her. In great disappointment, she sneered at the cruel facts, and sneered at Sirolina who was in the energy shield 600 meters away.


Xi Danyu did not defend herself, but whispered: "I shouldn't have had any hope for my hometown in the first place. The so-called "memories of home" are the unknown pastries on the dining table, coated in a way that makes it difficult to distinguish the taste.

of sweet cream.

Xi Danyu radiated a dark path, and under the interception of countless firepower, it disappeared like a dream and left the spacecraft.

When the shadow of the Dark Path disappeared, there was no trace of Xi Danyu on the spacecraft.

It is worth mentioning that Wei Keng, who is "good at pinching and calculating", was aware of Xi Danyu's experience, but he did not come to change her fate against fate, because! In this area ruled by the Black Alliance, the only way is to do something.

Only things that "conform to the settings" will have luck value. Otherwise, you will encounter bad luck.

Wei Keng: Where the leaders say exactly what they say, you have to go along with it, especially if you are an undercover agent, you have to flatter them.


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