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Chapter 31 Chapter 3009 Carbon-based, silicon-based; Guards, natural disasters

In the Wukaili year 9344, the player Wei Keng also passed the plot about the invisible assassin.

"Dog Planner" Wei Keng: (The player himself) can only survive in the Black Alliance time travel system by passing the plot.

In the magic plane, the setting of the invisible assassin is that the Cester clan is sinking under the power of darkness. Seeing that his people are unable to transcend, the invisible assassin is determined to leave the tribe, practice hard to cultivate strength, and launch a war against the dark power.

Before the player Wei Keng arrived, the entire game space happened to be in a state where the kingdom collapsed in the game world and all the tribesmen were wiped out. In the end, they could only hug their thighs and come to the plane of stars. This is exactly in line with the setting of the invisible assassin losing his tribe.


At present, because GM Wei Keng has infiltrated into this game system, he knows how the system plans to arrange this god's gene for himself.

After his soul traveled to this plane, Wei Keng was born in Wukai, a ninth-level civilization, a planet that specializes in cultivating martial arts and physical skills. Therefore, the following plot is about the complete corruption of that martial arts planet and the stimulation of the "invisible assassin" god.

The gene awakens and then pursues the path to salvation.

"Dog Planner" Wei Keng knows the plot. As a member of the war subsystem, the player Wei Keng cannot know all the information, but he also knows the general trend and can figure out the "secret".

…The previous series of plot interactions with the ghosts gave player Wei Keng a lot of points in the system.…

Wei Keng returned to his martial arts planet, the invisible assassin's divine gene, and his standard talent is "Eternal Invisibility".

In the star sea plane, the effect of this skill is: what is displayed to the outside world is always the "virtual identity".

That is, when entering a planet, the "virtual identity" allows Wei Keng to always imitate a natural identity among the sergeants of this planet, and people around him will not doubt this identity, and this identity will also appear on the planet.

In the automated archives. Even among the natural disaster robot forces, Wei Keng can even sneak in, pretend to be a robot, and then suddenly launch a "backstab".

This kind of backstab can be carried out in the planetary governor's palace or on a battleship to launch a surprise attack on other players.

The skill effect of "Eternal Invisibility" has three levels. The primary virtual identity can only be an ordinary person on the planet, the intermediate virtual identity can become the captain of the planet, and the advanced virtual identity can directly blend into the Star Fleet Corps and become a senior warlord.

Such "information invisibility" makes heroes with the invisible assassin template the standard configuration of "Old Yinbi" in the Star Sea plane.

After being tempered by the Tianque Star, Wei Keng's mental power level and physical skill level suddenly improved by leaps and bounds. With the blessing of the god's gene, Wei Keng had a clear standard table to compare with every step of his training. Now he has quietly advanced to the spiritual level.

Level 4 double peaks in strength and physical arts.

After Wei Keng returned to his hometown silently, he felt the martial arts style of his hometown and shook his head leisurely.

Although Jinyi's night walk does not attract everyone's attention, Wei Keng's stealth skills can be freely communicated to any planetary department to obtain confidential information.

Even in the planet's treasury and military logistics, Wei Keng has access to secrets as a small employee.

Wei Keng is currently on duty in a space elevator battle station. He is a clerk at the third level of physical skills. He commutes to and from get off work every day through the space elevator, oh, this tool is similar to the subway in the 21st world.

Wei Keng likes to jump on the elevator chain four hundred meters apart.

First: There is no one in this place. This feeling of being unsupervised is very refreshing. Second: In this situation where the entire planet is full of advanced physical practitioners, Wei Keng is at the level of a white-collar clerk and needs some stimulation.

Satisfy your nature.

"Xiao Zhou!" In the helium balloon-mounted airship at an altitude of 4,000 meters, the leader who was enjoying the game time suddenly had an idea and felt that he needed to pay attention to his work, so he called Wei Keng through the communication through the atmosphere and carried out the "mission."


After Wei Keng responded with "Hey!", the leader nodded and arranged for Wei Keng to work the night shift.

Wei Keng opened his mouth, but found that he had no chance to refute overtime, so he had to accept it. If Wei Keng expressed his unwillingness to work overtime, he would receive a lecture.

Wei Keng whispered: "Okay, since you don't want to give me a holiday, then I won't take a holiday, but the main thing is to let you know about this, so as to confirm my alibi and not let some people in this world

People think I'm here."

Wei Keng also had such a perfunctory attitude towards the Guards and Natural Disaster camps, so that in the past three or four years, the fate of the two Sirolina began to be entangled. As a ghost, Xi Danyu also began to search for the "Huiyao" artifact in order to improve his level.

.The genes of gods in multiple regions of the Wukai and Red Blade (Galaxy, Fairy) regions have started team battles in their respective regions, and Mr. Wei himself is fishing.

The current camp of the Stealth Assassin belongs to the Guards, but Wei Keng only showed an attitude of not compromising with the Scourge Legion, so he joined in name only.

But we have to ask how much Wei Keng really hates natural disasters and how motivated he is to fight against natural disasters? Well, only God knows. Wei Keng can show that he is on the front line of fighting natural disasters by posting a few more posts on WeChat Moments.

[Similar to: Some people in the 21st century continue to show off their happiness and responsibilities to their families in their circle of friends and personal video accounts. They perform very well externally, but the deliberate external performance here is somewhat true internally.

Only you know.】

...At this time, an abnormal trend appeared on Wuxing. This trend was a precursor to the increase in the power of natural disasters...

Inorganic tempering, in short, is to allow inorganic nanoparticles to enter the body and stimulate the strengthening of body cells.

At first, "inorganic martial arts tempering" was only used in the families of some business rookies, but it soon became popular throughout the martial arts planet.

In fact, the effect of this kind of inorganic nanoparticles is indeed very strong, which can make the activity of all cells in the entire body quickly become more powerful under the stimulation of external energy.

It can make physical skills quickly reach the third level, which can already allow well-connected families on the planet to let their children cross the "citizen and servitor" level dividing line, stay on the martial star, and inherit themselves.

Prepared spaceship pilot, ocean farmer position.

Of course, Wei Keng knew the side effects of doing this! That is, the body cells were greatly depleted and the coordination of the entire body was destroyed.

Wei Keng: If some useful things really had no side effects, they would have been promoted by the main world a long time ago. The reason why they are not promoted is that there are fatal problems.

Inorganic tempering greatly enhances the activity of every cell in the body, but life requires not only the activity of cells, but also the precise coordination between cells. Otherwise, cancer cells will thrive forever, so why do humans avoid it?

Not as good as?

The harm of inorganic tempering is not visible in the early stage. In the early stage, you will see the "accuracy of body perception", "strength" and "quick thinking" all increase without any harm. However, in the late stage, without the stimulation of external inorganic substances, all organs will be damaged.

They devoured each other and fought against each other.

Wei Keng understood that at the end of the inorganic tempering process, he had to become silicon-based. At the same time, he continued to put silicon-based life substances into the lower carbon-based life forms, and maintained the stability of his own life by controlling the lives of the vast carbon-based human race.

At the same time, a wave of wise men on the planet have seen the risks of inorganic tempering, and a force has begun to oppose inorganicization.

However, Wei Keng felt that they were "crossing the line".

These "anti-inorganic" martial arts warriors directly caught people with no identity background on the streets, used inorganic tempering to strengthen ordinary people, and directly used super strong magnetism to suck out all inorganic objects.

However, this kind of violent elimination of "inorganic tempering" nanoworm system will leave various inorganic garbage that cannot be metabolized in the human body, just like leaving gauze and scalpels in the human body after surgery. This extreme method will

It will make people disabled.

Those who hold the banner of "anti-inorganic" weaponization only use "sabotage" and "intimidation" to prevent ordinary people from moving closer to inorganic tempering, which makes Wei Keng very annoying.

In the airship duty room, the player Wei Keng overlooked the city. He whispered: In my time, the adults in the northern capital began to take action to combat "involution", but they were unwilling to open up their senior positions to middle-level people, so the middle-level people could not

Buy it, because in order to respond to the call, are you willing to be diverted to the path of "cannot go to high school"?

If the bottom class adopts inorganic tempering, then it is natural that society does not give them a choice.

This is just like in the 21st century, a large number of young people eat takeout, which means that time is being squeezed. All aspects of society are like juicers, squeezing the pace of life of young people to zero, leaving no extra room for leisure. Some health experts are trying to increase

The "takeaway tax" is a method to reduce the number of takeaways and scare the public not to do so by increasing the public's cost. That is dealing with the problem from the perspective of a "leader".

Diao Minweikeng: "Leaders" only want to achieve the goal of "eliminating a certain phenomenon" and have never thought about how to reasonably allocate the "costs" in the process.

The popularity of inorganic martial arts training is due to the fact that formal martial arts training facilities are increasingly monopolized by the top level of the planet, and it is increasingly difficult for the lower levels to advance to the third level of physical skills. If you cannot enter the third level of physical skills, you will have no citizenship.

When the highest-level group on the planet can rent an interstellar battleship for children for super-speed martial arts training, and in the hypergravity wellhead in the center of the earth, the physical skills of the next generation can be tempered tenfold. They can basically completely

There is no need to care about the inorganic martial tempering mode. Those who enjoy high resources and belong to upper-class families can of course stand on the "moral high ground" and denounce the unhealthy morality of inorganic martial tempering. - The awakened person of the gene of God based on the "Silent Warlock" template,

This is the setting. He comes from a noble family, considers himself a rational person, looks down on blind people, and tries to discipline them.

Wei Keng is now mixed with the middle and lower classes, and is fully aware of the extent to which these martial arts planets are competing against each other.

Nowadays, "rationalists" like the Silent Warlocks are intimidating the "people" and trying to create the risk of "inorganic tempering" out of thin air. Well, that is, violently destroying the inorganic systems of civilians on the streets, and controlling and controlling them. To make all people in the gray

In the area, the people of inorganic tempering are thinking about whether to give inorganic tempering to the next generation.

Just like the various extreme "correct" understandings in ancient industry. With the help of "correct" principles, the cost was placed on ordinary people.

..."Dog Planner" Wei Keng knows that these anti-inorganic tempering forces are not a conspiracy, because the "Silent Warlock" of the Imperial Guard is set up in this way...

After the first few rounds of competition, Konoe found that they were unprepared for the various depraved methods of natural disasters, and decided to severely crack down on people from the "mortal class".

In a space battleship outside the area, members of the ground anti-inorganic tempering force were communicating quietly.

As a member of the Guards Heroes, Wei Keng watched all this with cold eyes. Although he had eavesdropped on the "good intentions" of the captain who had awakened the "Silent Warlock" god gene, he was very speechless about his operating methods.

Wei Keng raised his forehead and was speechless: "They lost completely in the last team battle, especially when the Dark Rangers attacked from the opposite side. They couldn't resist at all. Now they want to ambush the new natural disaster force and seize power?"

Wei Keng: "If the goal is correct, can we do whatever we want?"

The setting of "Silence Warlock" in the magic plane: a powerful warrior trained by high elves. In the setting, high elves are originally people who see people through their nostrils, and as the most powerful warrior among them, oh, I'm afraid only Karl can

Lead them.

Because I set my position too high, I just set goals that seem to be correct, but I don't squat down and take responsibility for the execution process.

This results in their plans often being "ruthless plans" that involve a lot of sacrifices.

Maybe the original intention of making the plan is good, but when it is implemented, the result is the opposite.

In this plane of stars, the warrior who inherited the gene of the "Silent Warlock" god is a very traditional child of the ancient martial arts family, and his obsession is quite stubborn and willful.

Just like the "anti-organic martial arts" group, they hold the banner of justice and rush towards the correct goal, but the execution is a mess.

Well, the extreme implementation is correct, but it blocks most people's possibility of correct corrections. - Wei Keng: Backwards compatibility, it must be backward compatibility.

In the omnic plane of the Fifth Plane War, Wei Keng's Guantian Society was downwardly compatible with the "loan-escape youth", making Silicon Heart Society compatible with the petty bourgeoisie.

...Player Wei Keng: Zhuzi doesn't agree with him. But the "invisible assassin" is also a part of the plot setting...

Wu Xing, Wei Keng, who was getting off work, suddenly felt that the surrounding space had solidified. Wei Keng paused and suddenly released the "Mist".

This "fog" is the invisible assassin's talent skill, which can reduce the opponent's hit rate.

In the tunnel area of ​​this skyscraper, a large amount of electromagnetic interference spread to hundreds of meters around like a nuclear explosion. The satellite immediately flashed and avoided fifteen space-solidifying beams.

After Wei Keng landed, he saw a beam of light in the sky locking on him. Wei Keng took a deep breath: "How did you find me?"

A lady with a high bun floats down from the air. The golden energy shield is like a gorgeous long skirt. Inside the shield is a pure white mechanical space suit. The ceramic joints are engraved with crystal patterns. This is the woman who has awakened the goddess of the crystal chamber.

Genetic super soldiers.

The lady looked at Wei Keng and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you have hidden it very well, but -" A green gem appeared in her palm. Countless data beams were refracted from the green gem, and each beam was reflected around Wei Keng.

There was a projection interface. On the interface were traces of Wei Keng's various hidden identities on this planet, which should have been hidden.

Wei Keng took a deep breath. This is the "Gem of True Sight". There are always six pieces in this plane, and now this team has got one.

Wei Keng looked at the diamond-shaped robots suspended around him. These robots were like turrets without tracked bodies.

Although these ground combat robots currently floating in the city have not raised their gun barrels to lock on themselves, they are marked by beams of radar.

Mr. Wei spread his hands: "I surrender."

The current humor and relaxation are because the opponent's firepower cannot defeat him, but Master Wei has quietly mobilized the space-based particle cannon system he wrote.

Yuna, who is the gene of the "Crystal Maiden" of the Guards Corps, smiled: "Welcome to join the team." Wei Keng glanced at her pure white smile, which was like snow, covering up all the shameful dirt.


The surrounding combat robots dispersed, and she walked slowly towards Wei Keng. At this time, a suspended sports car fell from the sky, and she opened the car door. Of course, the side seat was given to Wei Keng.

After people were seated in this sports car, Transformers suddenly turned into rockets, flew directly to high altitudes, and entered outer space along the track. After entering space, a ship suddenly appeared in the originally empty area.

Battleships anchored here.

This chapter has been completed!
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