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Chapter 5.10 Vitality in the wilderness, gathering strength for civilization at the edge

 What is the advanced agricultural structure?

In modern times, advanced agriculture relied on genetic engineering technology to prepare improved seeds, chemical technology to gain advantages in pesticides and fertilizers, and mechanized intensive production. Several major global grain monopoly groups relied on this model to create superior agricultural production output at that time.

But what if it is calculated based on market output value?

Going forward two hundred years, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, among the eastern trade exports, porcelain and silk accounted for the largest trade output value, and were more popular than cotton after the industrial revolution. If we judge based on the market profits at that time, it was also advanced.


An American biology Ph.D. used an ecological diversity data model to deduce the economy. The conclusion is that the worse the diversity, the easier it is for the economy to collapse in a devastating crisis. A few years after this paper came out, the U.S. economic crisis confirmed the correctness of this paper.


In other words, once the agricultural economy, which relies heavily on petroleum and chemical machinery, is subject to fluctuations in the upstream energy and downstream consumer markets, it will be difficult for farmers to find an extra way out. Their road will be blocked in a single agricultural economic system.

It's like an unemployed worker who doesn't know what to do and can't do anything.

However, there is a diversified economy in rural areas, and various fruits and green vegetables are cultivated. When the sales of a few agricultural products fluctuate, as long as they get regional loans and insurance business, they can switch to other industrial chains, which will be scattered into small problems.

.Small problems are easy to solve, but if they turn into a big problem like collective farming in large-scale industrial agriculture, it will be hard to recover from.

All kinds of breeding production may seem very rustic, but in the planetary development of the 24th century, the basic production data of these early greenhouses provide basic reference data for various complex environments in planetary development.


The fundamental difference between the Eastern and Western agricultural economies lies in which model allows more people to participate in the accumulation of agricultural technology.

When the connection between rural and urban areas becomes increasingly narrow and sales channels are controlled by only a few people, they will inevitably develop into the type of large agricultural companies. In recent history, Western agricultural products have long been industrialized. Tomatoes and eggs are all the same size.

The only one.

If there is a direct and extensive connection between the countryside and the city, that is, the conditions for rural people to go to the city to sell agricultural products at will.

When various small and medium-sized enterprises in villages and towns can grasp vegetables from all walks of life in the city more flexibly than large companies, supply chains that are independent of the control of large companies first enter the city through vegetable baskets, and then bring goods online.

and other means to enter the market vigorously.

Fruits, various special poultry, livestock, and even some weird flavors have invisibly inhibited the expansion of large agricultural groups in this area.

Even if large companies have repeatedly used public opinion and rhetoric to try to guide consumption trends, criminalize dog meat, and black label economic farming such as bamboo rats as unsafe, they still cannot suppress the diversified consumer market for agricultural products.

Wei Keng: Free-range free-range eggs are just more delicious than industrialized foreign eggs.

In recent history, the rural horizons of the East have been opened up, and they can compete with monopoly business groups for business opportunities. And because a large number of young people have gone to the fields, the cities of the East will still retain their local spirit when future generations of urban culture pursue diversification!

Cognitive equality, after the information age, enables young people in cities to yearn for various simple rural productions such as herding cattle, digging loaches, etc. from their fathers' stories. Young people in rural areas also know that in the 21st century

To keep up with the pace of the city, use video apps to promote products by playing bamboo rat farming and frog fish in the fields.

On the contrary, in other places in the world, taking the Lighthouse as an example, the red area of ​​the electoral district has the largest number of sects in the world, and it is a dead soil.

In the blue areas where big cities are located, the pursuit of freedom after diversification is all kinds of unrealistic, including freedom of drug use, gender diversity, obesity, animal protection, environmental protection, addiction to stacking buffs, and feeling uncomfortable when stepping on empty spaces.



On August 25, the 145th year of the Pandora Era, the "administrative ability assessment" in conjunction with the "technical position assessment" in the unified conquest area began.

Then we began to transfer young personnel from each department without affecting production.

Wei Keng's copy in the propaganda agency: "Going up and down the mountains, well, it is quite necessary to complete the exchanges with the vast territory. This is a historical mission."

This large-scale social mobilization in the unified control area is equivalent to a full-scale war mobilization. This is actually a war. Fortunately, the reserves currently completed in the unified control area are relatively sufficient and are not subject to material restrictions.

All young people who go to the countryside are given 20 yuan of living expenses every month and receive quilts and other supplies. There are also arrangements in the countryside.

And try to arrange delivery chains between them and the city.

[The living expenses of twenty yuan per month alone are already two-thirds of the average salary of urban workers]


The first batch sent probably 50,000 people!

Groups of people came to the countryside singing songs. It was the first time for many of them to sit on a steam truck and they were very excited. Since this collective recruitment event was unavoidable, they also had a trace of expectations for the future.

On the first day, hay smells like sunshine.

The next day, the hay was a little scratchy.

On the third day, there seemed to be bugs in the cracks in the wall. Oh, after asking a fellow villager, it was not, it was fungus caused by the radiation from the radioactive tower.

On the fourth day, the mud star seemed to be mixed on the sheets.

fifth day, sixth day

"What are we looking forward to?" This group of young people who entered the plantation area in southern Gansu began to complain when faced with the straw curtain windows and creaking wooden doors after the first week of arrival.


Although life in the countryside provides food and clothing for the time being, all aspects of life are scarce and monotonous.

In the hot summer, there is no air conditioning or fan here.

In order to escape the heat, we could only collectively build a cold pool with stones and squat in it to soak.

Cooling oil has become a necessity.

The soda candy tablets became a perfect match with the glass bottle, filled with hot water, soaked one piece, and then hung it in a deep well. The villagers also followed suit, and "city people really know how to play" became a mantra.

After completing teaching and planting work in the countryside, the young people were bored with their free time, so they compiled a book of agricultural and forestry experiences that the villagers were accustomed to, and uploaded it to a garden magazine, so that the talent of growing vegetables could be passed down in their bones.

Started drawing a little book

Of course, the cat at the entrance of the village was personified, and a masterpiece of adventure was drawn from a kitten to a war beast.

It was so vivid that it was passed on to the children in the planting area.

Some young people began to have a whim and looked for books on mechanical war beasts.

They majored in liberal arts and took the initiative to study across majors. They began to find some bugs from the jungle, tried to install gears and metal shafts, and connected the transmission structure like a four-wheel drive vehicle with the wriggling skeleton to create a mechanical bug with the simplest principles.

In the future, they will return to their hometowns on time according to the exchange system and enter urban civil service positions. When expanding urban development, they will not forget the potential of the surrounding countryside.


Tongfa District Documents: Grassroots experience is a must. Promotion at each level of departments, departments,... requires a certain standard of grassroots work experience. As long as the city is stuck in the system, "local personnel directly give urban household registration

"The possibility of establishing a civil service establishment for college students." Each position is definitely capable of placing liberal arts students with rural experience.

According to the law of historical development, cities have absorbed enough young people from rural areas every year. However, in terms of public institutions, if there are "first to enter the city" or "people who were born in the city" to control the young people who later enter the city, it is obviously wrong.


Of course, it is impossible to say that the unified district policy has no drawbacks at all. The ratio of men to women in public officials will be greatly skewed towards men. Because expatriates are at the grassroots level, men have an advantage over women. ~ It is human nature, and parents in the city will not bear it

People in big cities are worried about leaving their daughter alone outside, let alone in remote places?

Of course, Wei Keng ignored the above issues.

Wei Keng believes: "In addition to giving birth to children, my shoulders can handle the work of two ladies."

At the beginning of the 143rd year of the Pandora calendar, various subtle exchange changes in the conquered area were quietly taking place.

On this historical line of Wei Keng's continued existence, Bai Linglu's supervision team gave a better assessment.

In the future, there is a high probability that an empire that falls into absolute authoritarianism will not appear, and the republican system is most likely to be maintained.

When knowledge and means are scattered in a vast ruling area, the power of the wilderness and the central authority will complete the interaction on a constant "bearing" of justice.

When "simple ideal" and "noble justice" are linked tacitly, then "the top and the bottom are the same."

The main world constantly evaluates the possibility of the development of a plane. All evaluations are preset lower limits, not upper limits! The upper limit requires heroes, but most people are mortals.~ And even if there are one or two heroes, time and space monitoring

The team will work hard to accommodate it.


At the same time, Ye City was built in the north. Among the ancient capital buildings with hundreds of years of history, the tiles on the buildings on the streets were washed clean, and the green of bamboo and pines and cypresses on the tiles gave the environment a humanistic verdant.

Corresponding to the greenery, the academy's trials began. In order to adjust the talents of these talented people from the north and the south, the instructors suggested that they form two teams.

In this combination, it is natural for a talented man to match a beautiful woman.

Qiu Mengfei, who had the best grades this year, a very good family background, and good looks, was matched with her.

The mechanical beasts of the two are: Land: Electric Vortex War Dragon, Blazing Blade Light Tiger, Water: Thick-armored Tank Crocodile, Wave-piercing Snail. In the air: Sonic Blade Falcon, Clutching Eagle.

In the competition, they are unwilling to give in to each other.

Even Wei Keng could see that after the two of them competed neck-and-neck in the training ground, everyone around them was optimistic about them.

After Wei Keng saw the college students gossiping about this matter several times in a row, he couldn't help but sigh: "The combination of talented people and beautiful women is indeed the g-spot that people in the Jiangnan area love to see."

Everyone in the academy is busy with the task of selecting these talented people.

Next, it may be said that adventure work in the eastern ecological region will be arranged.

Therefore, at this time, Wei Keng proposed his first long-distance exploration trial, stamped a stamp, received the documents, and then left the city calmly.


The academic school in Jianye paid close attention to the true new era when it came.

After all, in the new situation sent by a certain city-state in the south, the information about the changes carried out by the forces of the same-faced people has been paid attention to and mentioned by some big figures above.

Therefore, the instructors in the college also paid extra attention to determine if there was anything different about it.

As a result, within two years, because "Zhen Xin Zheng" was too implicit, two completely different faces appeared, "explicit" and "real". Only people in the Tongfa District could see the "real", while everyone in Jianye

As an outsider, we can only see the "appearance" of the ordinary and no longer ordinary.

Exhibit 1: Learning about mechanical beasts is step-by-step, and there are no surprising new ideas.

Fact 1: Wei Keng’s database contains design ideas for some time travelers from other timelines, but Mr. Wei insists on starting from the basics and is never unique.

Show 2: In terms of personality charm, well, I have lost my eye-catching height of 1.9 meters. I am busy with my own things every day, and I don’t show anything outstanding. Maybe I have a little money, but my expenses are normal.

Fact 2: Wei Keng’s financial resources can support him in reaching the upper echelons of society. The team in charge of Bai Linglu and Liao Yangxiu even designed a complete charm display model specifically for Wei Keng, but in the end, Wei Keng felt that this was a falsehood.

, and kept demonstrating the "Dragon Slaying Technique".

This caused Wei Keng to show his need to have no observation value under the attention of those who built Ye City.

Now, Wei Keng has decided to conduct a trial, which can be said to be worthy of observation, but now everyone's attention is busy on the exchanges between the north and the south.

As a new student, I assembled a war beast that could only be considered a "rare" level and went on an adventure. There was no need to send anyone to follow it now.

Moreover, the 'really' destination was the upper reaches of the Huaihe River, and it was not the mutated area of ​​the East China Sea that the two major city-state power groups in the north and south were paying attention to.

~The "Zhen Xin Zheng" of Jianye City walked quite swaggeringly after getting the pass from the school that allowed him to go out for inspection!

First, he boarded a public steam train and went all the way to the northernmost station. Then, he used pack animals to transport his supplies to the city-state called "Hongze" in the north of Jianye City.

Here you can see the influence of Jianye City on surrounding city-states. When the trainers of Jianye City come out, there will be specialized departments in each city-state to help the trainers register in the city and set up safe spots for adventures!

These city-states are safe points where Jianye trainers can quickly return after encountering setbacks in the wild.

Of course, for these outlying city-states, it is also beneficial to provide trainers from Jianye with an adventure base.

These city-states that are "allied" with Jianye can find adventurers to issue exploration missions and discover abnormal situations in their surroundings in a timely manner.

Corresponding to the city-states in the Yangtze River Basin are the remote city-states in Guangdong. A few years ago, when encountering changes in the south, they were unable to find senior trainers and had no choice but to send troops from the city to explore.


In the outer area service hall of Hongze City, there was a bang, and five steel ingots were placed on the office table. The fees were paid quickly, and the clerks in Hongze City took out the information from the safe quickly.

And then other clerks responded enthusiastically, as if they were distinguished guests.

But these enthusiasms made Wei Keng feel embarrassed.

Wei Keng understood that he was not a charming person who could make the compatriots here bow down like this, he was just "five buckets of rice"!


Five steel bars were three kilograms of steel in the past.

But now in the Tongfu District, there are five iron boxes of instant noodles. Each box of dry noodles weighs two hundred grams and contains five grams of oil.

Of course, the iron boxes shipped to the north were not filled with instant noodles, but filled with a full 600 grams of dry grains and a small bag of salted kelp and dried soybeans.

Of course, tin cans in the Tongfu area are normal consumer goods in the Tongfu area, but in Jianye, an area where the middle and lower classes generally rely on Jinbu as the main food, they are a standard luxury product, equivalent to pure dairy butter and natural cocoa in the 21st century.

Pink chocolate cake.

It is difficult to see the achievements in restoring production in the unified felling area compared with itself.

But suddenly coming to the outside, in the city-states on the edge of Jianye City, we can see social changes in productivity differences everywhere.

The steel ingots used in standard cans are hard currency! The weight of five steel ingots in the current interpersonal society in Hongze City is equivalent to the 500 yuan given to a wedding banquet in the period when the ancient Eastern civilization launched the space station.

Judging from the economic situation of the clerks in Hongzecheng, their monthly income is only five steel coins! They use it to make ends meet, buy salt and pepper, and use dried seaweed as food.

In contrast, in the Tongfa District, urban youths who enter rural areas have a monthly discretionary income of 20 steel coins. Workers in urban industrial zones earn an average of 30 steel coins, which does not include food and drink.

There is a public cafeteria available.

Meat is even included in every meal in the canteen of Tongfa District. The meat may be some kind of large snail, or it may be a raised guinea pig. It may also be freshwater fish that was forcibly hoisted by a pump and transported in one breath.

In short, under the Pandora era, the metabolic rate of many ordinary people in the conquered areas was 1.5 times that of these northern city-states.

After "Zhen Xin Zheng" took away various ecological distribution maps and information in the north.

Wei Keng came to his warehouse, looked at the metal cans of high-oil and high-sugar nutrient solution supplied to the mechanical beasts, and was silent for a few seconds.

Wei Keng asked the system: "Have the previous time travelers realized that under such production conditions, developing the mechanical beast route is a high investment?"

I'm a little dissatisfied that I can make substantial progress.

Bai Linglu appeared in the interface: "They can realize it, but they cannot change it. This is the only unreason they can rely on in this plane. The current historical state of this plane is the end of the world, and maintaining survival is the first priority."

Then, Bai Linglu added with a slight complaint: "If you had been leading the mission of this plane, this apocalyptic situation could have been changed earlier."

This chapter has been completed!
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