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Chapter 5.11 The Tao is the Ant

 Wei Keng, escorted by three mechanical beasts, headed westward along the Huaihe River system. Along the way, he passed through Beng, Xinyang and other old-era cities in northern Anhui, and interspersed with the northern part of the Dabie Mountains.

Finally, when we entered southern Henan, or to be precise, we entered the northern section of the Dabie Mountains where Huoqiu was originally located, the number of people became sparse.

The radiating influence of the city-states centered on Jianye ends here.

The maintained gravel road ends at a checkpoint in the mountains of northern Anhui.

The roads beyond this end point are all traces made by some trainers with mechanical beasts. These winding trails will be submerged by plants at any time, so some eye-catching markers will be placed along the way.

Field marking is also a science.

For example, on a fork in the road: a round stone means that the placer has completed a round trip.

The flat-topped stone means that the activity period of the genetic community in front is during the day.

The tip of the stone is pointing upward, which means that the genetic community in front is nocturnal.

As for rocks with dents on the top, it means a high degree of danger. The deeper the dent is, the more obvious the danger message is.

As for the specific information display, there will be some complicated situations, for example, leaving stone powder of different colors, which also means the level of the genetic community ahead.

This kind of knowledge has a complex system. In fact, it is also applied in Guangdong where Ji'an City was originally located.

But now, no one uses it anymore. The grass in the unified felling area is the emperor's grass. The trees in the unified felling area are the emperor's building materials.


In addition to carrying tents, water filtration and other equipment for this trip, Wei Keng also carried five days' worth of dry food.

However, according to the data, there is high-energy food that can be collected in the target area, and the actual situation can last for ten days.

Entering the ecological zone with individual strength, I remember that the last time I was exploring the northern part of Guangdong Province as multiple individuals, I was unaware of the depth. As a result, I was attacked by multiple node creatures, causing heavy casualties (major under Wei Keng's standards).

As for now, the combat mechanical cat raised its huge ax and struck with its sharp claws. The leaves and branches in front were chopped down, and the green leaves and leaves fell to the ground. A road was opened where there was no road before, and there was no time to escape.

Arboreal insects tumble among the fallen leaves.

Wei Keng tightened his grip on the large-caliber firearm in his hand, and the rapid-fire firearm on his waist was ready to be activated at any time. At the same time, he commanded his swift mechanical cat to investigate the surrounding area.

ten minutes later,

Wei Keng set up the tent and stroked the head of the giant cat that came back.

Wei Keng has somewhat realized the culture of mechanical beasts in this era. In this strange mountain forest, surrounded by unknowns. At this time, there are only war beasts that absolutely obey their orders, so human emotions will indeed regard mechanical beasts as dependent on each other.


It's just that the goal of adventure is for oneself, and the emotional needs generated during the adventure are nothing worthy of the world's understanding.

Wei Keng: "My adventure goal is not for myself. So~" Wei Keng patted the cat's head and comforted it: "This operation is for the human civilization system. So as one of the participants, you will get humanitarian support.

If treated, your bloodline will also get breeding priority."


After passing the final checkpoint, we advanced for three days and finally arrived at the target area, which was marked as a red area on the map.

After passing through the jungle, Wei Keng held his breath when he saw this bare and rocky hill.

The entire area forms an irregular but full of lines structure.

From the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, there are many concave and convex ravines like chocolate lines. There are one centimeter-sized openings in the convex places. The openings are not directly facing the sky, but there is a shield like a cat's ear, and the concave ones are

The gully below is very smooth because it is a drainage channel.

This is the territory of ants. When all the large plants are eaten away, the mountains, rivers, water and soil lose the protection of trees. In order to protect their mountain nests, the ants carried out such engineering construction!

Wei Keng couldn't help but sigh at this kind of infrastructure: "You are worthy of being a Chinese ant!"

Ants are a species widely distributed around the world. Before the arrival of Pandora Field, ants have evolved eusocial attributes, that is, they rely on the transmission of various pheromones for social communication.

Of course, in the era of human civilization, no scholar believes that the true social evolution of such species is promising.

Because each type of ant may have unique skills, it can weave leaf nests, build complex caves, and some can breed, but each type of ant has become a new type before evolving its unique abilities. Reproductive isolation

Under such circumstances, the skills evolved by them cannot intersect with each other.

Ants, a species that existed 100 million years ago, have only one skill slot no matter how they change!

But with the advent of Pandora's era, termites, red ants, army ants, and other types of truly social creatures began to exchange genes with each other.

If conditions permit, ants in a region may continuously intertwine genes with each other in a certain battle and become new genetic species.

Due to similar genetic structures, gene exchange is easier within ants than between higher species.

For example, primates and ungulates have completely different feeding habits and locomotion patterns, so most of their genes are unavailable after gene exchange changes, but all ants do not have ecological difficulties.


Ants that have broken through the shackles of genes have a chance to take off!

This is the case in the South American plateau. The ants in the upper reaches of the Amazon became larger and larger when the Pandora era came, and there were more and more species in a single nest. They soon completed a breakthrough and became a diversified Zerg true sociality.


For example, termites are specialized into farm ants that decompose fiber and produce organic matter. The reservoir ants are three meters long like a paint bucket and crawl underground like worms. They have countless secretory contacts to supply other functional ants.

The fighting ants are getting bigger and bigger. It is nothing if they exceed the size of Hu Feng. The real fighting ants are advancing in the cave, as big as Teddy. After leaving the cave, they unfold the horny gland syringe,

As well as the big claws, it looks as big as a husky with its splayed teeth and claws.

And as a Coleoptera, it can also fly. Although its flight ability is only about ten meters, ants are animals that fight in groups. Dozens and hundreds of them swoop at them in succession. The flight distance of more than ten meters is by no means a short one that can be ridiculed.


In the end, South America evolved the Tallin Nest Master, an apostle-level existence.

Before the Pandora Era, ants, no, it should be the entire insect class, had never reached the top of the biological chain in the long ecological evolution, but after the Pandora Era arrived, they did it here.


Returning to the Shanghuai area, the ants here are slightly less lucky. Since Pandora Field spread from the Americas first, by the time it spread to Asia, global human power had been compressed into the only remaining area. In

In the dying struggle, humans paid more attention to the races around the settlements that were most likely to evolve into large colonies, and killed many potential colonies in advance. This included the ant tribe in the Shanghuai area.

After the complete collapse of human civilization, there will be the huge Chongqing community to the west, the violent Tianshu dragon community to the east, and human city-state areas to the north and south. Coupled with the fierce competition from the surrounding small and medium-sized communities, this group of ants in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River will

The community has always been confined to some original mountainous areas.

Although these native ant tribes in East Asia cannot build tower forests to absorb light energy with maximum efficiency like in South America, they have still built complex tunnel systems within each mountain.

The former mining economic zone has now been transformed into nests. The buildings and machinery left by humans can no longer be seen. They have all disappeared under the corrosion of formic acid.

And in response to interference from other surrounding communities and even humans, the ants here have also begun a strange evolutionary path, that is, breathing fire!

That is, after spraying out the chemical substance, they simultaneously use their jaws to strike quickly to complete the fire. This is a skill that they could not use in the past, because releasing flames is a waste of energy for earth creatures than making venom.

Skill points!

Large predators have this point, but it is more efficient to use all the points on the muscles. And the flame output? It can only convert the energy that penetrates the bones into burning through a layer of skin. It does not have the advantage of killing efficiency in open areas.

However, during the process of tunneling in the mountain, if their claws and muscles cannot be used, the tunneling ants can seize the nodes of an area with a fire, consuming all the oxygen in the area and completely suffocating the intruders.


However, because the flame skill consumes too much energy and is not strong on the surface, the local ant colony cannot develop a solar energy collection mode that is beneficial to itself.

Therefore, compared with the apostle-level ecological group like Tallinn Nest Master, this small-scale and poor-founded ant ecological group is not even a little bit worse, and cannot actively initiate expansion to the outside world.

In short, the skills are very good, but they lack blue (not enough ecological energy)! If the Tallinn nest master from South America can integrate this community, it will be awesome. But across the Pacific Ocean, the Tallinn nest leader is from mainland China.

The genetic community cannot be overcome at all.

Wei Keng lay down in this ant mountainous area. After a full day of recording and investigation, he had a clear idea. He arranged his mechanical beast in a camp on the hill next door and began to investigate alone.

After identifying an ant hole, use a large bottle of sulfur powder and sprinkle it from head to toe.

Although after hundreds of years of barbaric evolution, the communication of ant genetic communities has relied on the effect of life radiation, it still retains the ability to recognize pheromones, so this detail must be prepared.

Wei Keng, codenamed Zhen Xin Zheng, just dove into the ant hole and got in.


The surveillance space was quite lively~ No time traveler had done this before. The ladies in Bai Linglu’s team had also seen Wei Keng’s mission style.


After encountering dozens of ants in the cave, Wei Keng stuck in the tunnel and "said hello" to them and then passed them by.

When I brushed against these black beetles back to back, I could even feel the spiky hairs on the ants on my spine. Thanks to the strong smell of sulfur, the smell I secreted as a mammal when I was nervous did not make these ants smell delicious.



As for how this "say hello" works?

After humans learn to use language, they have a very strong ability to imitate sounds. Some people imitate dogs and bark "Wow~ang", some people imitate cats and call "Meow~", some people laugh like pigs and hum, and some people can whistle and imitate goshawks.

These are all imitations at the sound level. As for things like snakes and insects that have low or even no hearing ability, the well-developed human figure imitation ability is just playing the piano to an ox.

But now in Pandora's field, all genetic communities are drawn to the communication method of life radiation frequency.

In such an environment, the Wei Keng Cluster developed the language of the mind. This skill is a tool for information carrying density that crushes animals by several orders of magnitude.

On the same frequency band, high-end is compatible with low-end.

Wei Keng, who was on the surface, listened to the situation underground. After systematic analysis, he deduced eighty-seven major instructions and one thousand four hundred and eighty-five minor instructions.

It must be noted that the life band information of ants does not have a language system, that is to say, each of their instructions is single, and there is no possibility of combination to generate new information.

Wei Keng released the news that "I am carrying important information" and sneaked into the nest system through the path given by these ants.


After diving four hundred meters,

Wei Keng took a breath and continued to emphasize the instructions in the language of his mind: "I am an awesome ant, I have information, I have performed a meritorious service, and I want to see the nest master." Therefore, the brain consumption was very large.

And because the emphasis is too single, the protein consumption of several trace elements such as "silica manganese" is very large.

As for why you need to stress it so intensely all the way? It’s not that you don’t have pheromones in your body, you have to use spiritual language to confuse it.

[Current research can regard mental fluctuations as an electromagnetic wave frequency band under Pandora's field. When emitting electromagnetic waves, mobile phones consume the energy of inorganic substances such as lithium batteries, while life consumes organic substances. 】

But fortunately, we rely on mountains to eat mountains and water to eat water.

Mr. Wei found the area where ants lay eggs, but did not take away the eggs directly to prevent the ants guarding the eggs from discovering that they were special.

Mr. Wei directly took out an iron straw, inserted it in, and took a sip.



It has a buttery and nutty flavor.

A lot of mental energy was consumed, and Wei Keng, who was a little weak, suddenly replenished his energy source, just like a person who had been hungry all day and had eaten hot chocolate.

In line with the principle of "you should not aim at picking up wool from a sheep", Wei Keng's straw also inserted seven or eight eggs in a row.

At first glance, the action of holding a straw in one's mouth and inserting seven or eight eggs in a row seems like nothing.


In the supervision space, all the supervisors were working quietly. Mr. Wei ignored the plot of Tianshu Long, while the other supervisors continued to analyze based on the observation points.

As for Wei Keng, Bai Linglu is in charge, which makes her feel like drinking milk tea now.

But later, a certain performance by Wei Keng made her disgusted, and she quickly mosaicd the screen.


Here in the ant cave, Mr. Wei felt that he had deflated the volleyball-sized egg. Sorry, he just blew a little. Afterwards, he was a little full after drinking and felt a little anxious. Because he didn’t know if the smell he left would expose himself.

, for the sake of preservation, a very deflated egg was used as a waste liquid storage bag, which was a great pleasure.

Then, in order to prevent myself from looking back and finding the wrong one, I carved the word "正" on the stone next to me!


In the space bubble, after confirming that Wei Keng had pulled up his pants, Bai Linglu continued to monitor, and personally grabbed a knife and began to report on Wei Keng's entire exploration behavior.

This report is extremely positive. It emphasizes the many shining points of "bravery, curiosity and determination". Well, as for some actions that make people look bad, they will not be recorded for the sake of "seeking truth".

Bai Linglu: "Of course, the most suitable time traveler for me is that only I understand its shortcomings best, and others only need to understand its advantages."

In fact, some characteristics are shortcomings in the eyes of people who don't understand them, but they are characteristics in the eyes of people who understand them.

For example: the current behavior of digging into ant holes and getting covered in dirt.

In the eyes of most individuals who have mastered advanced war beasts and tend to think of upper-class cultural exchanges in the city-state, it may be a shortcoming, a lack of social skills, and a lack of emotional intelligence to influence key figures.

But this kind of thing, in the eyes of the Bailinglu Supervisor, is a great advantage.

Almost all people who fall from the clouds to the bottom will be mentally damaged, as if: the prince turns into a frog, and the princess turns into a monster that is cursed and no one can approach. From then on, it is like being imprisoned in a well of abyss, unable to get out.

And Wei Keng can take root in even the lowest area in the eyes of others, full of vitality, and then hold on to the potential to push back to the top!

After writing the above report again.

Bai Linglu whispered firmly: "Kings feed on clods of soil!~" Then he held his head high and added: "The 'King' of our great river system has a unique civilization."

We are now in the middle of the Second Plane War, and the King Plan of the Great River System and the Caesar Plan of the Mediterranean System are both underway.


Zuo Zhuan: Chong'er came out of Wulu and begged for food from the barbarians. The barbarians attacked him. The prince was angry and wanted to whip him. The son offended him and said, "It's a gift from God." He looked at his head, accepted it and carried it.

This chapter has been completed!
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