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Chapter 1.17 Group, an opportunity to prove.

 While Wei Keng was forming his team, the system was still introducing the background to Wei Keng in the communication team: In this era, human civilization has existed like dots of oases in the desert.

In the process of great integration, emerging biological communities have achieved a state of coexistence of regional life communities through the guidance of regional masters. All of this has also had a corresponding impact on human society in the old era. Human beings have also tried to control some powerful

The coexistence of species to grasp power...

Wei Keng (Communication 1): "Wait, don't talk about this yet!"

Wei Keng (communications 2 to 11) urgently explained the situation to those on the periphery: "Come down into the grass, join us quickly, don't be alone. Move closer inward."

Wei Keng's thousands of selves in the center, the first scene he saw after arriving was a large number of his own divine synchronizations, but not all of Wei Keng's first scenes when they opened their eyes were this.

The eyes are the surrounding flowers, plants and trees. Because they are in the outer area where the landing point is discrete, I am still surprised when I see the first person who is the same as me. I have not yet figured out the situation, and I may even be a little scared, and I may even turn around and run away. Communication is required.

Team up with these nearly 150 unlucky ones and notify them one by one. No one can be missing.

Now the voice of the central report is very loud, and the early days provide the movement of self-gathering for those who are scattered in the early arrival places.

Wei Keng (Communication 12) searched for the system's public information and asked the system's automatic question and answer function: "Yes, genes and other life forms are prone to cross-connection, what's my situation now!"

Wei Keng (Communication 45) is still talking to the supervisor: "Where is my 'hang'? Support, map, and shooting marks in the perspective, throwing prediction, yes! Hurry up."

Of course Wei Keng knew that the supervisor was a girl. If he were alone, he would be shy and polite to this girl, but now he was in a group of people and in this uncertain situation. During the conversation, some people could not help but be aggressive towards the clerk at the window.

The posture of questioning.

As for Wei Keng, his priority now is to take care of himself.

The vegetation in this jungle is very lush, but traces of past humans can barely be seen, because there are some red brick fragments and a cement-sand mixture remaining in the soil. However, the structure of these hardened roads from the civilized era has been squeezed out of shape.

Eight twists. Just like the past glory of mankind, it has now been shattered.

The Wei Keng have completed self-organizing four teams and have gone to the perimeter to guard. Others are seizing the time to integrate their current resources. Now everyone has a quantum node that can jump over material information. Now some submachine guns

It has been transferred to the hands, and some Kevlar ceramic protective clothing has also been distributed to the peripheral individuals.

The friction between the magnesium rods ignited the collected dead branches, and then forty guards lined up to bring the fuel to make the fire strong, and the rough wood chopped down was sent inside to be roasted and turned into simple torches.

peripheral area.

It's not really a torch. There are a lot of dry vines wrapped around the outside of the torch, and it's best to tie some oily fruits or pine branches. This will burn longer, and these torches may be sent to the outside.

All that's left is the smoking red charcoal fire at the top, which needs to be tied back to the dried vines beside the fire.

At this time, the movements in the jungle to the north made Wei Keng feel more and more urgent.

Finally, in the northwest corner, Wei Keng's team came into contact with the threat there. The huge roar and Wei Keng's own shouts to each other made Wei Keng, who was still in the central area, feel terrified.

Wei Keng, who was in charge of organizing on the north side, shouted: "Everyone spread out, the first group and the second group come to the front."

Since the subsequent grouping has not been completed, the first and second largest groups should be given priority from an overall perspective.

The guards in the two organized formations hesitated for about tenths of a second, but still collectively obeyed the group's orders.

No. A 33 in the first group: "Being timid is definitely timid, but the system and rules are the basis for ensuring the large-scale survival of my group. When it is time to go up, you must go up. This is the rule, the rule of the country, and the rule of society.

Morality, and the responsibilities that a man should have.”

Wei Keng was originally going to the Eighth Day Plane and arrived as a businessman. Of course, the first step as a businessman was to conduct an inspection and he had some self-defense equipment.

These equipment now include body armor, a Kevlar helmet on the head, and carbon fiber frames on the shoulders, back, waist, ankles and knees, which can assist with load-bearing. It carries a small-caliber rapid-fire submachine gun weighing two kilograms. As for the main weapon,

It is a mechanical crossbow that is wound by the foot, because there are only a hundred bullets in total, and every time you fire it, there will be no bullets, and the metal arrowhead can be reused.

Therefore, the Wei Keng who went to support now took out the mechanical crossbow first. It is not that the crossbow is more powerful than the submachine gun, nor is it to save some bullets, but that Wei Keng does not have a walkie-talkie in the current jungle combat materials. This firearm

When placed randomly, noise blocks communication, making it difficult to form organized resistance.

In each team, there are still three people who are prepared with submachine guns, ready to form alternating firepower when necessary to cover the retreat of the large forces! Yes, Wei Keng, who holds the gun, knows that he has the responsibility to cut off the rear.

Among the first group, the fourth squadron (30 people in total) had priority in contacting the target.

When the combat team arrived at the front line, they encountered the self-individuals of the reconnaissance team who had fled.

When this individual, whose arm seemed to be wrapped by some stinging tentacles, saw the support team, he immediately pointed behind him, then suddenly fell to the ground and shouted: "Shoot quickly."

The team immediately pointed their crossbows in the direction of the guard's finger. As the grass behind them shook, one person fired with a gun, and the others also shot the crossbow arrows.

The thing in the grass seemed to lose its movement for a moment after being hit, and Wei Keng, who had been lying on the ground, immediately got up and shouted: "Continue to be vigilant, that thing is as big as an elephant." Wei Keng did not wait for the investigation.

After running two steps, the thing emerged from the jungle.

Boy, what kind of monster is this!

The lower body has the four legs of a tiger, the upper body is the metal bone plate of an annelid, and the front part has sixteen tentacles like an octopus sucker, and the center of the tentacles is not an octopus tooth, but the mouthparts of a mantis.

What the hell is this thing?

The Wei Keng communication team immediately asked the system, and the system said: "The level of exploration of this plane is too little, and there are species changes after various gene fusions every day, so..."

Wei Keng Communication Group: "Forget it if you don't know." Then he focused on what was in front of him and ignored the currently useless system.

In a tense scene.

The monster, which had just been forced to retreat to the jungle, spotted the escaped Wei Keng (reconnaissance team) from the infrared perspective, prepared to escape back to the main team, and immediately launched a thrust. The explosive power of this feline was vividly displayed in its lower body.

Wei Keng, the surviving member of the investigation team, returned obviously too slowly.

It was about to turn into a successful hunt. At this time, Wei Keng, who was the temporary commander and holding a submachine gun, rushed forward, grabbed the reconnaissance Wei Keng, put the gun on his shoulder, and pointed at just

The chasing monster five meters away presses the trigger and fires.

This is not so much a rescue, but more like using the other self as a shield during the attack.

Wei Keng, who was fleeing, was obviously stunned, but he quickly regained his composure and did not resent himself for holding a submachine gun.

In this case, Wei Keng would choose the best choice: if the probability of successful survival is only 50%, then he would choose the plan that makes the target bleed 100%.

The forward impact of the fleeing guard Keng and the recoil of the gun guard Keng's firing,

Let one of the two people fall down on his back, holding a gun and staring at the approaching monster, while the other one lies on top of it, desperately trying to use it as a human shield. If both of them are going to die, at least hit this thing more.

A few shuttles.

Fortunately, the giant beast was once again blocked by fire. The second row of crossbow arrows from the guards at the rear also arrived. Whoosh, whoosh, the crossbow arrows were directly inserted into the monster's body. It cannot be said that the monster was inserted into a hedgehog.

, because just use the pedal wheel to roll three times and the arrow fired by the crossbow with the bow string will be directly immersed in the monster's body!

This monster was really seriously injured. After dozens of crossbow arrows were inserted into the nerve-dense area of ​​​​the head, it no longer had the ability to control the movements of the whole body. It could only rely on the chaotic movement of other nerve nodes in the body. These several tons of

The monster staggered over as if drunk.

The two Wei Keng who were originally on the ground rolled to avoid this final trample, and Wei Keng's queue dispersed in time. In the end, the thing hit a tree and fell into a pit.

"Not just one, there are at least six." Detective Wei Keng, who had narrowly escaped death, continued to elaborate on his intelligence.

At this time, shouts came from the east side of the jungle, and other teams also encountered encounters.

"Go to support!" Wei Keng, who was in charge of communications, shouted, and all the personnel began to turn around. The personnel holding torches and wearing body armor consciously walked at the front, swinging red charcoal sticks to prevent sneak attacks in the grass.

Wei Keng's arrival seems to have stirred up a hornet's nest of a genetic community in this plane.

And the surviving Wei Keng seemed to have a sneak peek, and the information he obtained in his panic was incomplete.

It is true that there are seven or eight large species, but these are not all of a genetic community. There are other small species in the entire region, and they now follow the will of life of this region and exclude outsiders.

When Wei Keng's 4th Squadron arrived at the conflict area, the first stage of the fierce battle here had ended. In the center of the battlefield, three Wei Keng's bodies had been separated, and seven or eight Wei Keng's bodies were bleeding and injured.

The rear is protected by a queue.

Now Wei Keng from two squadrons was confronting the monster group at the lakeside. When the fourth squadron arrived, three squadrons were now confronting each other. Originally, Wei Keng from the two squadrons held the crossbow in trembling hands, but as his own side arrived, he stabilized

a little.

This lakeside is obviously an artificial lake in the past, because on the small island in the middle of the lake stands a large pebble that is obviously only found in large rivers. Oh, this should have been a human park in the past, but you can’t tell it now, and the monsters are still there.

Convergence, and what about the Wei Keng cluster?

The cluster also carried out a self-spiritual purge at the rear.

The squadrons at the front have united closely. That's because they are facing the risk directly and Wei Keng has no brains to think about anything else. Wei Keng's learning efficiency is the highest when the exam is approaching.

As for the rear, although it is absolutely logically recognized that it is necessary to support the front line, some hesitation, some timidity, and some self-luckiness are unavoidable.

A real army should be one in which every individual is willing to sacrifice for the collective victory.

Of course, Wei Keng knows himself well. Faced with such a group formed by himself, Wei Keng will stand up and point out this hidden danger. And the way to point it out can be very direct.

After applying to speak, Wei Keng18 from the communication team took the initiative to come to his group to mobilize.

This Wei Keng looked very difficult, but he finally took it upon himself to reveal the most secret things in his heart, and began his first self-insight in this life: "Everyone, everyone has the same thinking, and we are all Wei Keng, so we should all know

, as an individual, an unimportant individual, the feeling of being isolated and excluded from the group! In this life, we want to forget some things, let go of some baggage, and try not to take the wrong path.

But now, we have become a group! We have come to this harsh environment.

As a group, we have to see for ourselves! If a society does not ignore or give up on the basic necessary conditions for the survival of each individual, and does everything possible to fulfill the bottom-line responsibilities and obligations in all aspects, can everything be successful?

Another direction of development.”

And these words made Wei Keng, who had originally had inconsistent eyes, suddenly look at himself who was speaking out. Then, seeing the same actions of everyone around him, he understood that every one of them was the same.

The same thinking, the same will, the same resonance point! The unification is completed instantly.

Just like a spark igniting a prairie fire, each and every Wei Keng began to take conscious actions for his own position.

I, the 12th team, lined up based on me and prepared to integrate available tree resources nearby.

I, Team 7, use me as the benchmark. Quickly collect the powder from the fire and look for large dry leaves. (This is to prepare a simple smoke cover.)

Wei Keng's view of society: The most terrifying thing about society is that after groups are separated, they start to ignore each other one by one. Today I can ignore your food, but tomorrow I will ignore my drinking water. And the day after tomorrow, everyone will live in a incomplete society, and will be ignored.

Some people with big goals are driven by them as consumable parts and lubricants.

In the island country during World War II, in order to prevent American soldiers from having sex at will, the government recruited some women who were engaged in prostitution to fill the desires of the occupying forces. So that most people don’t have to worry, and most people in the island country will be grateful to those women? No, not grateful, yes

If you ignore it, you will think that "they are originally in this profession, and since politicians have chosen this method, they will acquiesce."

In fact, the entire society has a sense of self-preservation for these individuals who are selected to fill the pit. When the individuals filling the pit make a sound, they will go up and apply various soft and soft methods like flies that smell blood.

Violence and indifference are used to satisfy the group's violent feelings.

Therefore, there is such a poison flowing in its culture: thinking that one can be timid in the face of disaster, and others do this, and that is their fate! This poison explodes with its economy for a period of time, and then spreads with the culture, moving toward the entire

As for the spread in East Asia, countries in East Asia have different degrees of social change and very different levels of immunity, but there is no doubt that they have all been affected.

This poison is "indifference",

Social symptoms after poisoning: As long as the person suffering is others, then try to anesthetize as much as possible. As long as there is always someone to take responsibility, then take it for granted. This is how society should complete its distribution to everyone.

Wei Keng has not yet had time to forget the pain caused to him by such social poisoning, and time has not yet diluted the pain.

It is obviously exploitation, but it is not said that it is "making you up". I also curiously asked "Why is there a lack of gratitude and lack of struggle". At first, everyone was drunk and I, on behalf of society, thought soberly, "Is there something wrong with this generation?"


As for Wei Keng, he hasn't had time to forget it yet, because his group is not yet an incurable "poisoned" person, and because there is no class in his group yet.

So, you might as well prove now that you can mobilize the society you form and don't have to follow certain "taken for granted".

This chapter has been completed!
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