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Chapter 6.01 Rooted in Pandora

 Pandora Plane System: "Welcome back to your main business plane, should you eat first, drink water first, or, um ah~ ah (this is a miserable hum after being suddenly punished)..."

With a click, the welcome interface switched to a serious data interface.

Now that the Wei Keng cluster has determined the serious situation on Pandora's side, it is trying to switch back from the state of the air twisting plane (holy sword).

After a few seconds, he came back to his senses, separated into dozens of clones, and then asked the system interface: "What did you say?"

Over at the system, the new supervisor on duty was grabbed by the ears by Liao Yangxiu and carried aside.

Hearing Wei Keng's inquiry, he replied angrily: "What are your next steps?"

In the Pandora plane, the Wei Keng cluster is responsible for welcoming that part of its own individuals: "I'll go to the toilet first and relax."

Gannan, in the area controlled by humans.

The newly arrived Wei Keng clusters were neatly arranged in a large square array of twenty-five by twenty-five on the renovated square. Looking towards the northeast of the square, less than three kilometers away was the height of

Plantation Life Radiation Tower reaching fifty meters.

However, this is just a descending point.

In the current unified expedition area, there are a total of twenty-eight descending points, distributed in various regions of Jiangxi, Fujian, Yue, Hunan, and Yunnan, so the total number of people is 25x25x28=17500.

The entire advent process lasted three months.

The guards of the Pandora world also collected all the data during this arrival.

The life towers near these landing points are surrounded by fences composed of glass pipes. The glass pipes are filled with activated carbon, forming a pattern of a radar network, which focuses the life radiation of the "basic organic matter" that the world can rebuild for Wei Keng's life.

At the Advent Center of Wei Keng.

On February 2, high-energy particles from the main world arrived, and the distortion process of the Pandora field, with the supply of basic organic matter information from this kind of "carbon radar", relatively clearly showed the birth process of human beings in the life field.

At the landing site, a huge bubble layer appeared that twisted various optical fibers into colorful layers, and then thousands of energy blocks similar to biological eggs began to develop similar to carbon-based life fertilized eggs. In this development process

, it selectively absorbs the life radiation from the outside world.

The Weikeng cluster is the standard human being on earth. When it comes to the earth and extracts the life radiation from the Pandora field, it does not extract all frequency bands.

For example, although the life frequency band of microorganisms in the biogas pool is low in harmfulness to humans, it still needs to be transformed according to the pattern required by human life forms. This requires consuming the information enthalpy of the main world and relying on the life metabolism of the satellite cluster in Pandora.

Transformation of life radiation process.

The Tongfa District (mainly Wei Keng) took advantage of this arrival to conduct research.

The research method is: first, carry out more refined calibration of the organic radiation frequency band detection facilities here. Then observe the trend, design experiments to perturb the trend based on this, and then conduct data statistics!

In the air twisting plane, Master Wei Keng, who looks like a middle-aged man, mastered his skills step by step in this way.

In the process of coming this time, Wei Keng gradually moved closer to his (human) "optimal frequency band" in the Pandora plane through a series of technological methods.

After the first round of filtration that affects crop plant cells, the radiation frequency bands emitted by the methane decomposers in the biogas digester then go through the second round of filtration in the animal cell culture device, and finally more than 98% of these frequency bands can be determined

Can be completely absorbed by Wei Keng's arrival area.

The final miniaturized technology product is a layered petri dish like a photovoltaic panel! It is composed of bacteria, plant cells, animal cells, human cells, etc. at a composite level.

The research and development results of this carbon-based component will also be the basis for the next generation of communication equipment in Tongfa District.

It has the advantages of high information carrying capacity and high radiation compatibility with the human body.

The degree of compatibility is mainly reflected in the fact that protein metabolism is simple and the life radiation produced does not conflict with human life.

The only thing you need to pay attention to may be to go on a diet, otherwise you will gain weight if you still keep craving for food even if your body has sufficient energy.

And from other people's perspective.

May 12th, 147th year of Pandora Era. In the strong life radiation area where Wei Keng descended, the surrounding area has been completely blocked.

Equipment similar to telescopes, large and small, are set up around to collect energy band data. The special photovoltaic glass in these equipment can accurately measure the amount of electrons spilled from the bond angles of various organic molecules.

As for the technicians responsible for the observation, a large amount of data was written on tinfoil paper (after pressing the traces, applying toner), and then the tinfoil papers were placed in glass boxes one by one and sent to the archives.


Chen Jiayun (crew member) who was in charge of safety supervision at the scene looked at the colorful bubbles in the distance.

In these ten-meter-sized colorful bubbles, Wei Keng's flesh, blood and bones grew from the inside out, until finally the bubbles began to shrink and turned into a normal human body, and then an organic tight-fitting body was constructed all over the body from gravel and vegetation.


Chen Jiayun looked at this spectacle and murmured, drawing the cross on his chest and chanting: "Amitabha."

Regarding Wei Keng’s arrival pattern, because Wei Keng couldn’t explain clearly (Wei Keng: I have lost my memory, I only remember that he was from the 21st century, I can’t remember anything else),

The scientific community in the Tongfu area can only make do with general scientific hypotheses to explain.

The first hypothesis is the reflection of the alien plane, which can be referred to the arrival of the crew faction.

Hypothesis 2: The projection of extraterrestrial civilization, high-level civilization is no longer based on genes, but directly based on ideology. (The plane of death is also thinking about the possibility of contact with extraterrestrial civilization.)

And for the people who rule the area: No matter what the real reasons behind these hypotheses are.

It is an indisputable fact that Wei Keng was born in the world of Pandora and participated in social activities, and Wei Keng is also cooperating in the study of such a magical advent model.

It is worth emphasizing that the main world is also very serious about "Wei Keng's research on Pandora Field".

The main world will not neglect the study of the intra-plane perspective just because it has mastered "Dimension Advent". This is because this is an exploration of one phenomenon in two directions.

The arrival of dimensions is a large number of "high information, high energy" particles that jump out from the Pandora field. Since they are high-energy particles themselves, they jump from high energy to low energy. When they expand, they just need to find a low-energy level carrier that can store information.

After the main world finds a plane with life activities, and projects enough "unmanned information particles" across the dimension, like casting a net, it is not difficult to figure out the one-way process of high-energy jump to low-energy information unfolding. From then on, it can be

This is the basis for coming to a plane.

This method of using the energy information resources from the jump to explore the projection of life, thinking, and consciousness can be compared to: as long as humans find enough coal mines, they can support the completion of the first industrial revolution.

On the Pandora plane, Wei Keng folds low-energy information into high-energy, which is the opposite!

It is equivalent to saving limited "coal mines" (high-energy particles) and preparing to develop "renewable energy".

The high-energy particles projected from the main plane are limited!

If we explore the basic physical rules of this world and gather low-energy phenomena, we can create a carrier of higher-energy information.

So in the world of Pandora, wouldn’t the logistical requirements of Wei Keng’s arrival on the main world be much lower?

When he first came to the Pandora plane, Bai Linglu recommended the copy center to Mr. Wei! Mr. Wei said at the time that he didn't want it, but now he has developed a more advanced one by himself.

If we go one step further, the technology on Pandora's side can recreate the high-energy information particle container in which it came, and further empower it to jump away from Pandora.

So as a time traveler, can’t I get back to the main world by myself?

Of course, you still have to let the gravity well on the other side of the main world open for you. Otherwise, if you return to the main world in the state of high-energy particles but do not enter the "precision laboratory", then the consciousness information will still be directly destroyed as the particle energy is dissipated.

[The supervisors of Wei Keng absolutely attach importance to this experiment. This is an operation that can truly allow the main world to take root in a plane. Of course, in the Pandora plane that the main world is exploring, only Wei Keng has the opportunity to complete the "occupation" achievement.


Of course, before the development of these high-precision technologies can bear fruit, we must proceed steadily.

Wei Keng, who had just received a batch of self-experiences in the empty plane: "I have a long-term plan for twenty years in this regard."

It is the midsummer day of August 147 in the Pandora calendar.

The expansion plan from Gan Province to the east of Fujian Province was completed ahead of schedule with the large-scale addition of new forces from Wei Keng.

Three routes were restored at once, leading to Putian, Xiamen, and Fuzhou, the three most important coastal city nodes in the old era.

An airflow barrier structure is built around the rail pavement. This allows the heat waves emitted from the chimneys under the gas trains to burn the moss vines that try to spread in.

Of course, with the opening of the railway, the fifteen medium and large city-states in Fujian Province were severely impacted! They are also the areas where Jianye City's influence radiates, but they are on the edge of the influence. The mountainous terrain makes it impossible

It is connected to the waterway of Jianye City.

Therefore, when facing the city-states on the Yangtze River waterway in northern Jiangxi, the commanding areas need to pay attention to bilateralism, while in the Fujian area, they directly take away regional control from the city-states!

Over the past three years, intellectuals who were sent to the plantation areas for grassroots training were gradually recruited and moved into Fujian District, where they began to establish grassroots control from the bottom up, from rural to urban areas.

The beastmen must be handed over by each city-state within a time limit to cooperate with medical treatment. As long as they cooperate, they will be paid on a per-person basis.

Those with mild genetic contamination will be sent for medical treatment and given 40 steel coins.

Those with moderate genetic contamination will receive a subsidy of thirty steel coins.

Those with severe genetic contamination will receive a subsidy of twenty steel coins.

(Why, the more serious the genetic pollution is, the less the subsidy will be given, instead of the more serious the subsidy will be, the greater the subsidy is? This is because we are worried that someone will deliberately drag mild and moderate polluters to severe ones in order to ask for more money.)

After all, in the villages below, genetic polluters are not regarded as human beings. The "value extraction" that will be suffered by people is not something that Master Wei has experienced in Jianye City.

Dehua City is the largest existing city-state in Fujian. They were also the most shocked when the power of the Tongqu District came like an overwhelming force.

Supplies that were unimaginable in the past were transported via industrial railroads.

Originally, most civilians in the city only wore a small amount of straw and linen clothes. After all their bodies were measured, a month later, a large amount of denim clothes were shipped over. Immediately afterwards, there was enough food and medicine.

Materials are distributed in an orderly and fair manner. Except for those who really have no labor force, as long as they are willing to participate in training and sign labor contracts for building roads and transporting goods, they can be distributed according to their work.

What is particularly miraculous is that the people in the unification zone have mastered the technology of regenerating human limbs. After getting up from their beds, a large number of veteran adventurers began to guide the way for the unification army and swept away the remaining genetic community forces in Fujian.

Even the extremely dangerous islands and forbidden areas at sea are not immune.

Fifteen 500-ton battleships from the unified army, combined with 1,000-ton supply ships, sailed directly over.

[The first-generation maritime battleship provided by the Deadly Plane has similar technology to the 037 submarine hunter. It is codenamed Yellow Water Battleship. It focuses on a fierce firepower. 】

The people in Fujian were not optimistic about such an active attack, but after a few days, these warships had finished the attack and switched to transporting more supplies, preparing to build stations on these coastal islands and prepare for long-term occupation.

As for the sea beast that was originally entrenched here, it never came again during the entire second half of the year.

These adventurers in Fujian were very surprised: How could the islands inhabited by sea beasts stop disappearing?

You must know that the total force of those people with the same faces who came from the west seems to be only a thousand people, and the impact of the tide of sea beasts on the city-state has never been the impact of thousands of tons of creatures.

Wei Keng: "Actually, not all of them were killed. It's just that when I landed, the node creatures entrenched in this area were ready to escape. But when they tried to escape, they were locked in the air, and an aerial bomb paralyzed them. Twenty or thirty motorcycles

The cars formed a high-speed troop and passed through them, killing them."

Of course, the local guide didn't see it that way. In an area where octopus heads, walking birds and other monster beasts were everywhere, Master Wei's twenty-man troop was just scurrying around and scurrying through the gaps between the large groups of sea beasts.

Got in.

A series of rocket launchers and heavy machine guns were fired, stabbed in like burning knives. In less than a minute, the shells of the sea beast node creatures were blown away, and then gasoline was poured on the wreckage. Finally, before the surrounding monsters swarmed up, another one was found.

The breach, under the cover of bombing by the aerial mechanical beasts, sprang out as if entering a no-man's land.

The marine gene community with its nodes collapsed was gathered together like ants on a rainy day, and was finally harvested collectively by the bombers that arrived and dropped cluster incendiary warheads. The whole process was like slaughtering, very brutal."

Mr. Wei Keng: "I don't think I'm cruel. These are all branches of the Tianshu Dragon community."


At the same time, on Damuan Island, the Tianshu Dragon was left in the center after fighting with the Sulfur Iron Xuanwu. The center formed was a little better than the nodes in the Bohai Sea and Puhai Sea in the north, and it barely managed to develop successfully.

In Sun Moon Lake, there are a large number of purple moss that are similar to hairy creatures. The entire hill covered with moss has dried up the water in Sun Moon Lake. This worm, which is fully 50 meters long, is in the Pacific Ocean.

The dual threats of sulfur-iron basalt and human clusters on land at this time,

It began to squirm with its underdeveloped body in preparation for a new escape.

The perspective returns to the human world

Economic, local control, and military all-round display,

This overwhelmed the various city-state forces in Fujian and had no time to think about how to use the power of Jianye in the north to play balance. The Tongfa District properly used its own mobilization advantages and productivity advantages to fully unleash them in the Fujian District, which was very clever.


The new forces of mankind severely attacked the order system in places where Jianye's power was beyond its reach.

Feng Kang, the brother of the Lord of Dehua City and a schoolteacher, when the control of the Tongfu District was getting closer to the city, he boarded the train to the Tongfu District and headed west. Of course, it was not to go to the Tongfu District, but to go to the Tongfu District.

After going to southern Gansu, I planned to take advantage of the convenient transportation there and transfer to Jianye.

As a conservative force in Fujian, it is destined not to choose to perish in silence.

Under the game rules of the city-state system, it was the conquered areas that were too ungrateful! Many city-states in Fujian wanted to surrender.

The Tongfa District marched into Fujian, refused all negotiations with the city-states, and only promulgated policies! The policies covered the border guard posts on the periphery of the city-states, and after besieging the core city-states, they began to use their economic advantages to extract talents.

This majestic look of defeating you makes the conservative forces here act like clowns, performing all the methods used in American dramas to turn the tide before the Great Disruption.

For example, now, asking for help from Jianye?

Feng Kang sat in a seat by the window. As the train headed west, he saw outposts every 500 meters along the railway. Large areas on both sides of the road had been cleared. Commonly seen along the way were the

In the power tower.

Feng Kang couldn't help but think of the map in his mind. This railway was like opening up the Rendu Line, allowing the army from the west to firmly control this newly occupied area. So even if Jianye was willing to intervene,

How can we break the situation for the city-states in Fujian?

This chapter has been completed!
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