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Chapter 6.02 Knock on the mountain and shake the tiger

 In the 148th year of the Pandora calendar, the Min-Liu Strait Fleet is continuing to cruise.

During the cruise schedule, line-guided biological torpedoes were put into the water one after another to bomb groups with triangle fins exposed in the waves.

After the Pandora era, dolphins and finless porpoises entered the Stone Age, and trade phenomena emerged. Finless porpoises would sell pebbles washed in the river to dolphins, because there were a large number of coral attachments on the seabed, which were hard and round.

Stones are very rare.

The dolphins sell the sharpened large shells to the finless porpoise. The finless porpoise holds this half-meter-long "shell vessel" in its mouth and holds it against its tooth socket when necessary to "fencing" with large underwater animals.


These creatures, according to the situation of the species era, have already reached the primary social level.

However, this kind of "social trade tool manufacturing" was imitated by them, or was it imitated by the consciousness of the celestial dragons! They did not use it to develop for their survival. The celestial dragon community also did not allow them to do so wantonly.

open up.

They look similar, but there are fundamental differences with the progress of primates over four million years!

Before the arrival of Pandora's era, a certain skill of the species only had internal driving force when it served as the "basis for survival".

Because, if it developed in response to the request of "controlling your master", then what necessary reason would the master have to worry about every detail of your survival? And a species prioritizes survival over the mercy of its master.

How can you be so determined to promote other secondary skills?

Be it wisdom or muscle, it can only be achieved if it becomes the basis for the survival of the species.


In the Min-Liu Strait, these dolphins turned into cannon fodder after swooping forward, and after consuming a lot of energy from the Tianshu dragon community, they began to migrate out of the community.

Starting from July 12, 147, after half a year of coastal sweeps in this area,

The commanding area is far away from "Dayuan", the largest island on the continental shelf of the East China Sea.

Landing on the island is the next stage. In the military planning of the command zone (Master Wei's excess planning), landing craft and transport ships are still under construction. The initial stage is to send an expedition team to the island to inspect the landforms.

All in all, in the areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiaozhi, the maritime forces of the unified expedition force need to step up their preparations.

Large ships of one thousand tons cannot be built, but warships of two hundred tons and five hundred tons must maintain a certain reserve. Only in this way can we control the offshore area and maintain a "regiment-level light mechanized corps" in the surrounding coastal areas.

Projection ability.

Regiment level = establishment of 1,000 people.

Light mechanization = artillery, standard ammunition for combat vehicles, fuel supplies, and the average weight of each person is one ton.

The unified expedition area had been at a standstill in Fujian for more than half a year, and it finally received the "reaction from the outside world" that had been expected.

The envoys sent out by the nobles of the Fujian city-states were deliberately sent out by the commanding areas.

This is Wei Keng's advice to Sun Xiangyang: scum should be sparse rather than blocked.

"Fujian District was won too quickly, and our policies were laid out here all of a sudden. There were a lot of conflicts with the rules drawn up by various old forces in this area.

Each of our policies can only take care of 90% of the people, but as long as 5% of the people oppose any policy, it will bring huge challenges to our governance.

And these 5% of opposition voices will be instigated by the old forces.

Rather than letting these five percent cause damage to our side, it is better to build 90% of the area first and leave the 10% area as a pustule hoarded by the old forces.

After we have established a foothold in most areas (new cities, new agricultural areas), we will approach the cities step by step and squeeze out these pustules completely!"

This suggestion put forward by Mr. Wei is very useful!

When Fujian was undergoing restoration and reform, the grassroots cadres in the conquered areas were responsible for cleaning up "Fengyue Cave", a place where poor women who lost their husbands sold their bodies.

Still forcing the decision on "son and daughter" to directly inherit the father's property, and kicking the uncle to the second-in-line succession, there was a lot of rebuttal.

"This has been the case for our ancestors for generations", "Why do you outsiders change our rules?" "What kind of law? The only rules here are those set by our ancestral hall."

[If you suddenly stop 60% of people from eating the flesh and blood of 20% of the weak as a matter of course, you will encounter great resistance.]

However, as a few large city-states were left unconquered, these dissenting voices were not incited by the remnants of the old forces.

Because these remnants of the old forces are hiding in the city.

Therefore, when these "ruined and decayed" people encountered the governing power of the unified conquering army, these famous figures who had the power to command others in the old era were unable to act as the backbone in person, so they were naturally in disarray.

And when the welfare system of public society allows women, the elderly and the weak to work and generates value that cannot be ignored in society,

Ninety-nine percent of people have benefited from helping each other. The so-called cannibalism in the dark ages is unpopular!

Oh, in those pustule areas, cannibalism is still talked about.

Moreover, because the pustules were squeezed, the puss in the pustules felt that they were being persecuted: "Why did what they did in the past (the old days) (cannibalism) be considered bad, but your squeezing of us today is justice."

It’s nothing more than strength, and as long as the strength is strong, we are also right.”

When Mr. Wei's body communicated with the comrades who entered Fujian: "Don't argue with the pustules, they will only resist failure instead of reflecting on it.

They have never really understood the spiritual concept of "the right person has many help, the wrong person has few help" left over from civilization. They will only use this word to whitewash it in a high-sounding way when they are strong and many people obey them, as a sign of their own strength.


As for the direction in which the pustules in Fujian are squeezed out?

At the cost of a separate body, Wei Keng verified the properties of this big pustule in Jianye City!

Zhenxinzheng fulfilled the standards of honesty, responsibility, solidity and bravery at the cost of death, just to prevent himself (Weikeng Cluster) from wasting energy, wealth and other costs to understand the injustice of the people who built Ye City.

When a down-to-earth, responsible, and diligent person pays the price of his life for a certain group of people, and this group of people does not even feel a little uneasy, let alone regret, then no matter how beautiful the aura and beautiful embellishment of this group of people, they will not be able to suffer in the future.

In times of disaster, it is not a pity to die!

Looking back at the 23rd century, the end of the modern era, the period of the great nuclear war. The fact that some small and medium-sized countries that were prevalent before the war with sophisticated egoism and socialist ideas disappeared proved that sometimes the so-called "many, many, and groups" are not necessarily necessary.

Reason for living.

In February 148, the upper echelons of Jianye City expressed anger at the unification of the conquest area as they marched eastwards!

It's just that the time it takes to send out the "roar" seems like the reflex arc is a bit too long.

In fact, as early as half a year ago, they knew that the unified expedition area had entered the Fujian region. At that time, they were not interested in investing their efforts in the southern mountainous area to fight with the genetic community there. They ignored the unified expedition army's entry into the area.

Four months ago, people from the city-states in Fujian came to ask for help, speaking in Mandarin with "H" and "F" indistinguishable.

At that time, the Jianye City bureaucrats' attitude towards this request for help was that these city-states on the edge of southern Fujian were poor and weird. Their "plea" should be carefully studied on their own side.

Two months ago, the Allied Expeditionary Forces had liberated the south.

Jianye City still hasn't said anything, but just said it remains to be seen!

So why are you suddenly angry now?

In February, the Tongfa District opened the East China Sea trade route! Directly supplying salt and iron to many city-states in the coastal areas of Su Di!

This is a serious problem geographically! It’s okay for you to project to a certain place, but after projecting to this place, you quickly control this place, and then use it as a stepping stone to radiate towards the surrounding area, then the problem is big.


On January 23, a fleet of five 500-ton gunboats from the Unification Army entered Qiantang Bay, escorting three 2,000-ton cargo ships.

While this shipping team conducted a large amount of grain (canned food) trade with the local city of Shaoxing, it also conducted surveys of great military significance.

The Imperial Army fleet sailed to the Qiantang River and dispatched the Lugia air formation to take pictures of the Lin'an ruins.

On February 3, the fleet left Qiantang Bay, followed the upper part of the bell mouth to the Puhai ruins area, then entered the Yangtze River directly, and arrived at the Jiangyin stronghold, that is, the bastion area at 12 noon.

The fleet in the unified control area is smaller than the large fleet built by Jianye Tulong last year, but the masts are still higher than the bastion wall, and the five standardized hulls and 57 mm caliber rapid-fire guns are also the same.

Make this fleet full of intimidation.

Of course, this fleet only made a preliminary test of Qiantang Bay, and then withdrew from the Yangtze River Channel.

The unification area still believes that the river west of Jiangyin city-state is Jianye's sphere of influence. (Key words: still.)

Subsequently, from February 7th to 18th, after detecting multiple points south of the Lianyungang ruins, they began to return south.

Finally returned to Fujian on February 23.

Judging from the resumption plan of the entire maritime traffic road in the unification area, the team heading north is only one of four fleets.

Of the remaining three fleets, one is responsible for exploring the southern route, while the other two fleets are going up and down around "Dayuan" Island to conduct island inspections. During the island inspection, it was discovered that the Tianshu Dragon node on Dayuan Island is no longer there.

It was the fleet heading north that caused the greatest irritation to Jianye.

When Jiangyin reported the information about the Tongfa Fleet on the afternoon of the 3rd, the people in Jianye didn’t believe it at first. However, in the following days, many coastal localities in the north reported "Activities of the Tongfa Trade Fleet."

, a stress reaction suddenly appeared on the top floor of Jianye.

Due to what happened on November 7th of the previous year, the relationship between the Tongfu District and Jianye did not go as expected by Jianye's upper management: "As time goes by, the Tongfu District will give up pursuing the case."

Jianye has always felt that it "takes the initiative" in the conquered area in the south!

Whether it was technical cooperation with mechanical beasts or personnel exchanges, because it was the Tongfu District who took the initiative to initiate exchanges, Jianye felt that the Tongfa District needed him.

For example: The trainers in Jianye believe that "open learning quota" is an important card!

They feel that if the elites in the command zone cannot maintain enough high-level trainers, the problem of "unstable rule" will arise.

To know!

The upper echelons of Jianye City still feel that it is the elites who control the "people with the same appearance" in the unified control area.

[After all, Wei Keng was too honest and kind, and Wei Renlu personally confirmed that individuals with the same face did not know how to refuse the 'emphasis of words' (Su Lingshuang's rhetoric), so she went to die with the apostle. 】

The above cognitive errors have led to extremely serious consequences.

147 years after the unification of the area, they were no longer active in various cooperation and stopped personnel exchanges. With the cessation of personnel exchanges, the supply of many mechanical parts began to be subject to a quota system. As for prices, they were left to market regulation.

Zeng Jiaqian's roar at the negotiation table: unlimited low-price supply is because you have my people studying. I can benefit, so I cooperate with the supply. You have not fulfilled your responsibilities, and now you want us to fulfill our responsibilities unilaterally.


This lack of smooth communication has already caused Jianye City to feel the consequences of a cold relationship with the Tongfu District. However, it has not yet felt the danger.

When the waterway in the unified logging area was opened directly on the coastal edge, they felt the threat from the unified logging area.

Through one year of continuous exchanges, Tongfa District has established a reputation in the Yangtze River Basin business through Jianye. Now that the waterway is open, it means that it has its own channels and can go it alone!

On March 11, on the Purple Mountain on the outskirts of Jianye, city leaders held a crisis meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, the city finance department reported the increase in tax revenue this year, but no one was happy. Ninety percent of the increase in financial tax revenue was related to trade in the Tongfa District.

Within the sphere of influence of Jianye City, the prices of various key commodities in other city-states, such as canned food, gun barrels, and gunpowder, are also declining. The parts for building mechanical beasts are no longer unilaterally dependent on Jianye.

Before the Great Destruction, Jianye was nicknamed "Huijing" because of its proximity to the inland. This was the radiation effect of a large city on surrounding areas. However, this radiation effect was limited.

Also before the Great Destruction, each of the cities in Jiangsu had its own port and canals leading to the coast, and each of them was qualified to build the administrative center of Ye.

The current unification zone is opening up maritime trade routes to restore history and weaken Jianye's influence on surrounding areas.

These high-level trainers in Jianye sensed threats from the reduction in their families' income.

Xi Dong (King of Heaven): "The commanding area in the south obviously challenged us. Because of the Tianshu Long incident, we tolerated them for half a year. But obviously we did not get their understanding, and instead started to intensify our efforts."

This king of heaven has yellow hair, and the scars on his face show evil intentions.

[In this era, yellow hair needs to be dyed with beer, two liters at a time, two to three times a week. And in the current city, when many people have protruding ribs, such a yellow hair is indeed worth its weight in gold. 】

Jiang Xu closed his eyes and said nothing about such suggestions.

(In the original plot: the villain who opposes Su Lingshuang and Qiu Mengfei) Song Heng: "It is not appropriate for the war now! In land battles, our supplies are severely limited. Moreover, once the other side destroys the railway, it will be difficult for us to attack their south side.

The core area. And the battle at sea..."

Song Heng opened the information about the Tianshu Long battleship under construction. This battleship is 200 meters long and was transformed from a container freighter. The power system is not a propeller driven by diesel electricity, but a propeller surface driven by biological muscles.

The paddle is as wide as the school gate.

The upper structure is directly connected to the deck, and five mechanized Tianshu Longzi combat aircraft are parked on it.

This is an aircraft carrier.

There are five mechanical flying dragons with cockpits as weapons.

But the problem is that there are currently not enough people in these five cockpits. If it sails to the sea rashly and encounters the counterattack of the Demosaurs group, the aircraft carrier will easily lose control.

This chapter has been completed!
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