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Chapter 6.16 Facing mistakes, correct methods

 April 4th, year 152 of the Pandora calendar.

In the symbiote prisoner transformation camp, there was chaos. The demon girls all had their hair disheveled and torn their clothes, as if they were collectively suffering from mental illness. Oh, if they all put on white clothes, they would be almost the same as the female ghosts in the TV series.

The female hostesses in the area rushed at them with water guns, but they didn't stop them from acting like monsters.

Then four trucks drove over, and seventy-five guardsmen arrived in formation.

As the Unified Life Field unfolded at the scene, the symbiote sacrifices of the Hundred Demons Night Parade began to shrink their heads like primary school students.

Wei Keng did not let them go back. He first asked them one by one to find out what these prisoners of the Yucheng system wanted to do.

When these symbiotic people in Yucheng faced the life radiation field like Wei Keng's scorching sun, they were afraid, with natural fear. The inhuman genes hidden in their bodies were trembling from top to bottom.


In the north, Eagle Summons has completed its backlash against the mother body. She has become the new leader of the Chongqing City system.

When faced with such a new community center, all the groups in Yucheng refused to accept the call. Their own lack of strength made it difficult for Eagle to summon her to become the Queen of Blades. Not to mention Bi, who was closest to her.

Fangtian jumped out to play against her first, but Min, the dragon type who was originally the most powerful among the outer spirits and had always been rejected by the first spirit, would not stand up to support her.

Therefore, after April 3, the spiritual connection between the symbiotic people was torn apart, divided into at least eight sections.

Under the unified spiritual will, the former symbionts were the most proud group in the Pandora era, believing that they had an unbreakable unity with the old humans.

Under the coordination of Mother Seuling, everyone will always be good sisters (good besties), and now these sisters are starting to fight each other, which is really a once-in-a-thousand-year wait!

[Wei Keng expressed his understanding of this: "I am my brother who is settling the scores. Well, even if it is all me, we still have to be fair, fair, or fucking fair!"]

The great upheaval in the Yucheng community directly led to the loss of the last bit of 'F2' ability deployed in the Dongting Lake area to deal with the unified felling area.

Forced by the unyielding mechanization of the surface of the logging area and the continuous suppression of aerial bombing, the communities in the Dongting Lake area have entered a state of continuous injury, self-eating, and survival.

Therefore, in the process of interrogating the symbiont community one by one, Wei Keng obtained consistent information from several symbiont sacrifices that were originally large nodes that "blood relatives in Chongqing City are killing each other."

For example, during the interrogation of Yang Chuzhi: "Now, what is the situation in your community over there?"

Yang Cuzhi looked at the several Wei Keng in front of him with dull eyes, and replied in Wei Keng's notes: "Hunger, hunger everywhere."

Wei Keng: "Isn't the natural field capable of allocating life energy? With so many trees, you should have no shortage of supplies."

Yang Chuzhi: "There is an upper limit. There must be a dominant individual as the center in order to maximize the vitality in the field. No one can do it now."

Wei Keng: "On the north bank of the Yangtze River, didn't you respond?" (South of Dongting Lake is Hunan, and north of Dongting Lake is Hubei)

Yang Xuzhi looked at Wei Keng sadly.

Wei Keng knocked on the table and asked her not to pretend to be pitiful.

Under this pressure, Yang Chuzhi said: "You have blocked the Yangtze River channel, the north bank? The sisters have given up on that side."



After interrogation, Wei Keng gradually learned the whole situation. He wanted Yu Cheng to breathe a sigh of relief, but they died immediately.

After the temporary ceasefire, the biological community in the Dongting Lake area is in a state of continuous injury, and at the same time, it continues to bring bad feedback of information.

This caused the eight community wills that are now split in Yucheng to be cut in silence!

Because no matter who accepts Dongting Lake as an injury area, it means that the community centered on themselves will continue to receive negative information and consume life energy.

The colony in Yucheng has not yet developed into the model of the will of the swarm.

The will of the swarm is a one-way control from top to bottom, and can freely adjust the upper and lower feedback mechanisms. When the lower parts are not worth investing in, the will of the swarm can be easily disconnected. In order to retain the adaptability of the middle layer, Chongqing City retains human genes as

The main node, and these nodes can still produce emotions.

After the separation of Chongqing City, the message of huge pain spread towards the genetic species it originally covered. This message of pain is not only pain, but also the despair caused by the gradual approach of human ecological replacement in the south.

In the reform camp, although these symbiotic people are far away from each other, as the only remaining node of the species community in the area, they have become the convergence point of the great tide of these emotions.

That's right, it was so fun to be a Disney princess before, but now it's so miserable to be abused.


After the interrogation, Wei Keng obtained their physical examination reports.

Zeng Shushe: "The endocrine system in their bodies is very chaotic. The source of this chaos is genes other than humans, which causes physiological protein metabolism to be disrupted."

Wei Keng dug out several case contents from Zeng Shushe's report.

From Zeng Shushe's inadvertent expression of emotion, Wei Keng understood what she meant: "We can give up and directly destroy it humanely."

Wei Keng rubbed his temples.

In cluster thinking, he was also thinking about whether his previous ideas were too idealistic?

He is a male. During the socialization process, human males will gradually and naturally select the tendency to protect their children and daughters. Such psychological tendencies will ensure that their genes are passed on in a simple society.

However, the rate of development of the complexity of human society is greater than the rate of evolution of nature.

For example, right now, these symbiont captives who appear to be women! They have no value in integrating into society and working together to give birth to the next generation. This is just like in modern times, all drug addicts, regardless of gender, are not suitable for normal candidates to be partners and give birth to the next generation together.

.Because I am not sure whether I can restrain the desire to "inhale external evil" during the pregnancy.

Gene purity is extremely important. When introducing foreign genes, no matter how superior the external introduction may be from the perspective of the maternal line, the paternal line is absolutely not allowed!

Zeng Shuyou came up behind Wei Keng and gently beat her back, and whispered: "Should we just put the prisoner back?"

Wei Keng came back to his senses and said to her: "Thank you for the reminder. Human beings in different regions in the old era began to say goodbye to each other a hundred years ago. Nowadays, the possibility of walking together again is extremely small. Therefore, the old civilization era is suitable for human captives

Policy, perhaps really shouldn’t apply to alien species.”

Zeng Shuxie nodded, her mind already thinking about how to "industrially" deal with these symbionts.

However, Wei Keng put his hand on her forehead and stroked it gently. She felt a "warm" life radiation and couldn't help but raise her head, but all the perspectives in front of her suddenly disappeared and she fell into the world of dreams.


During this descent, she could hear Wei Keng's voice.

Wei Keng: "As a new human civilization that has once again embarked on the path of civilization in the Pandora era, we should be cautious about genes, but we must not be superstitious."

The Wei Keng cluster used the eighth-level spiritual language to give a grand description of Zeng Shushe, the bearer of his own genes.

In this description, Wei Keng used the brainpower of six thousand individuals.

So after Zeng Shuxie's five senses changed, what she saw again was the configuration of male and female gene chains. Next to a large number of gene chains, there were large and small boxes that could be expanded.

After unfolding, you can see how the protein corresponding to this gene folds, which then promotes changes in cells, tissues, and organs, and ultimately contributes to human characteristics.

One hundred years before the main world's dimension travel era, Earth's medical technology had deciphered all dominant segments of the human genetic chain.

What Wei Keng has now exhausted his brainpower to show through spiritual language is only an extremely small part, but it still includes the relevant genes behind 108,000 important traits.

This was enough to shock Zeng Shuyou.

Wei Keng: "What is the purpose of us humans emphasizing genes? Is it pure and sacred? No, no, those vain titles are unnecessary arrogance in the development of life! We need to be cautious about genes, because in the long development process

, the progress and integration of human civilization are hard-won. We are not qualified to waste the capital given to us by previous life inheritors."

In order to develop as a society,

We must have the patience to communicate, the wisdom to learn knowledge, and the desire to imagine and create. All of these are based on the balance among a large number of individuals in the existing gene pool of the human population.

In this gene pool, there is no absolute standard answer. Some are cheerful but prone to sloppiness and outspoken; some are patient but not good at words. When the pressure accumulates to a certain level, it is easy to become extreme.

As society has progressed over thousands of years, it has become more and more accustomed to how to coordinate diversity, minimizing conflicts and maximizing the cohesion generated by cooperation.

But this coordination ability is not unlimited. Social coordination, like the survival of the fittest through genetic evolution, is hard-won. It requires internal revolution, external conflicts, and a series of consensuses such as laws and ethics to ensure that it can accommodate the largest number of people.


Therefore, if the gene changes, the recording will be unstable.

But if we only rely on genetic stability to achieve better development, this is also a kind of superstition. Because we do not have a standard gene!

You are not absolutely right, and neither am I. We are all the foundation that supports society in finding the right foundation from the infinite future.

You and I must be cautious about genes, and we must always be wary of whether we are using a narrow way to distinguish right from wrong.

For example, now, even if their genes are really wrong, we cannot use wrong methods! Another four months of transformation will give them one more chance and give us one more chance to try.

Should we choose a future in which ‘society, civilization, and beyond the shackles of planetary species’? Or should we follow the ‘natural constraints brought by the genes of all things’?

Hopefully we can make them understand the difference between the two paths.

If they choose the future, society will include them in collaborative production, and the human species essence bank will be open to them. Their next generation will acquiesce in reproducing in the name of humanity.

If you are unwilling to get rid of the shackles, then tell them that human beings' current attitude towards alien species on the same ecological track is the cruelest survival of the fittest."


The conversation is over.

Wei Keng picked up Zeng Shuxie and carried her to the lounge room. The indoctrination of the eighth-level spiritual language exerted too much mental energy on the recipient, and she needed to have a good sleep.

Well, it was actually easier to carry her, but Mr. Wei looked at her peaceful smile when she was sleeping and thought that she had been busy during this period, so he chose the softer princess hug.

After finishing their thoughts in the prisoner camp, the Wei Keng group turned their attention to the special ruins in Hengyang.

During the break between ceasefires, the unified army is racing against time to strengthen ecological replacement of the occupied areas.

During this process, the personnel in the command area discovered a strange area. In the life field of that area, all types of life radiation were in a vacuum.

After a close observation, the investigation team determined that there were cooling towers and a series of storage tank structures in this area. Wei Keng recognized it as a nuclear relic at a glance.

One hundred years is not a very long time for nuclear relics.

This immediately attracted the attention of senior officials in the unified area.

On April 4, an advance team composed entirely of Wei Keng followed the opened shaft and hoisted fifteen Wei Keng underground along the steel cables.

In this underground place filled with moist air, except for some bacterial colonies, there is no other breath of life. Moreover, the bacterial colonies are not connected into a Pandora field, and almost every group in the tunnel is different.

After swimming through several waterlogged areas and walking up several stairs, Wei Keng successfully detected multiple warehouses.

There was no worst-case scenario of a leak in the nuclear power plant. After the gates were pried open one by one, except for the pounding of the heartbeat, everything was fine.

Four hours later,

The guards came to the control room, where there were three human skeletons lying peacefully in the corner. Six road posts were placed around the corner, forming a simple isolation zone. On the other side of the control room, there was a rusty

A stained safe.

After brushing off the dust, Wei Keng saw a rust-free stainless steel sign.

There are two sentences written on the sign: "The nuclear fuel has been sealed and the information is in the box."

At this time, the radiation detector came into contact with the skeleton and buzzed. This startled the command headquarters above, which had been connected to the line.

However, Wei Keng took a deep breath, and ten seconds later, he raised his hand and gave a deep military salute to the skeleton.

It took twenty seconds for this military salute to be put down. Wei Keng, who was leading the team, arranged for some parts to lift the box up. Then he walked over with the lead box that was intended to be used to isolate nuclear fuel, and used iron tongs to put the bones in piece by piece.


After doing all this, Wei Keng whispered: "Go home."

Three hours later, on the surface, the very well-sealed safe was opened.

Inside are well-preserved tapes and records on plastic paper. All nuclear fuel is stored separately in fifteen surrounding rock caves with no underground water.

And the last information is a diary,

This is the last diary of the three people left behind.

May 3, 235*. (The writing is blurry, but based on the page numbers before and after, the date can barely be determined.)

After the Pandora Field spread here, the disease rate in the city was very high, and people in the power supply center also fell ill. The city's nano-protection network plan lacked materials and could not be completed. The nuclear power plant was ordered to shut down after August next year.

October*, 23*4.

The operation of the nuclear power plant must be extended. Chongqing cannot complete the diversion and resettlement of personnel. For the safety of people's lives, power supply must be ensured.

Wei Keng flipped through the thick records again and came to the last few pages:

Today, the nuclear fuel rods from Pool No. 8 were taken out and sealed in cold water. Only the last Pool No. 1 remains.

But the robotic arm in Pool No. 1 couldn't move.

The diesel fuel in the backup generator was contaminated by proliferating bacteria. Damn it, these bacteria can convert the nitrogen in the air into nitrate, causing the cylinder to explode and the power station to burn down.

It was too late to dismantle the robotic arm parts of other pools, so we had to do it manually.


Huaqing, Xia Yimin, and Han Qiu announced that they would stay behind.

You don’t need to look further to figure it out. The three people took their diving suits and hooked the last nuclear reaction rod with an iron hook in the cooling water. Then they fished it up, followed the pipe, and slid into the storage cabin filled with cooling water.


Under the diary, there are three gold medals.

These three people used their own efforts to eliminate the hidden dangers of the nuclear power plant.

However, the three suffered excessive amounts of radiation. In order to reduce the pain and prevent other comrades from coming into contact with them and suffering secondary contaminant radiation damage, they ended their lives in the control room where they stayed.

Wei Keng is the first person in the Tongfa District to read these contents, and he is also the first explorer in multiple timelines to see this information.

All along, in the process of traveling through Pandora, China, and the Kongtuan Plane,

Wei Keng always holds up the light and moves forward by himself. Although he often walks very freely, he also feels hesitant about not being able to see guidance.

Now, he saw the light. Although it was just an eternal light left over from the old era, it actually instilled a belief in himself.

Wei Keng Cluster silently preserved the spirit of these three medals and promised these heroes a hundred years ago: "The civilization here must be revived. I will build every house and road brick by brick."


Wei Keng didn't know that at this moment, the time flow speed difference in the supervisor's space suddenly stopped.

This chapter has been completed!
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