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Chapter 6.17 Forced to obey and strive for profit

 On April 17, the life community in the Dongting Lake area was already dying. After the large creatures in the community won a new round of fighting, they seemed to take a breath from the chaos, and their bloodshot eyes regained some spirituality and looked forward to it.

Towards the north shore.

At this time, the life fluctuations of these remnants of Yucheng are still full of begging for the main group in the north (Yucheng).

But their begging was in vain.

The bombers in the control area were still dropping fragmentation bombs. The casualties and severe pain forced them to engage in a new round of devouring each other in order to survive.

Human beings will not show affection when it comes to enemies that threaten their own right to life and development.


As for the Yucheng community, the reason why the new communities after the split ignored the spiritual fluctuations of pleading from the southeast was because the daughters of these chief spirits were busy fighting the chaos.

It will start on April 8th, probably in Dazhou.

Bifangtian completed the gathering of the biological community's armed forces. She used a biological army that combined the characteristics of spiky arthropod forms, bird airbag lung breathing, and mammalian nervous system to crusade against the eagle summons.

In this "demon clan" civil war,

Bifangtian's biological combat power has advantages in recovery and biological endurance, and her troops are completely designed according to the insect swarm.

The human bodies of herself and her daughters grew out of the upper parts of these beasts.

There is a shrinking structure on these huge beast bodies. This structure can shrink the "human body" directly into the beast's body for protection. It is like a small kangaroo in a kangaroo bag, which can directly shrink back when in danger.

As the vanquished party, Eagle Summons occupied the eight biomass storage depots left by Shouling in the Yucheng area.

These biomass storage depots are placed in the cliff caves of Yucheng. They are huge pupae with a height of 70 meters and a diameter of 30 to 40 meters. These pupae can help the Eagle recruit troops that are much larger in number than its other sisters.

But more importantly, the knowledge of Yingzong is better than that of Bi Fangtian.

After experiencing a severe beating from the conquering army, as soon as Yingzhuo took control of Yucheng, he began to carry out a thorough mechanization transformation in his community:

In order to fit the wheel axle structure, the legs are specially formed with a rough leather structure that rubs the axle.

In order to make it easier to hold the gun and operate the cannon, the giant beast's palm can pop out teeth to increase the grip strength, and it can hold the gun barrel tightly for bombardment.


On the 12th, as the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft of the unification zone took pictures from high altitude, they discovered the civil war in the northeast of Chongqing City. Looking down from the sky, the humanoid community that currently occupies Chongqing City faced the impact of the other side.

There was a lot of fire throwing.

This is the explosive bomb launched by the eagle to summon the flock.

Judging from the battlefield situation, the ejection of the troops summoned by Ying was very rhythmic. It was a one-time salvo fired under unified coordination, and the bombs were hit in the northwest where the attack waves of Bifangtian were densest.

After the long-range fire bombardment, Ying summoned his four-legged jumping wolf troops to assassinate and bite at sharp angles, tearing apart the front line from the side.

The new owner of Yucheng has made some progress after being beaten hard, while challengers like Bifangtian are still at the old level.


There was civil strife in Chongqing in the north, so the commanding area did not continue to move north after regaining the entire Hunan region.

Unify, unify, attack!

In the east, it is "unification", because there are still remnants of human city-states there, and there are a large number of similar people. In the early stage, the main thing is to exert influence. If you don't take action, you will be too slow once you take action.

In the west, it is "cutting". There are no humans here, so we must turn the foreign land back into the human world. We must do it step by step, step by step, and we must not rush.

First, we must establish a stronghold city for industrial production, living, learning, and comprehensive development.

In addition, there is now a new focus. Wei Keng has harvested a batch of nuclear raw materials from the previous civilization. A series of supporting industrial technologies such as gas diffusion separation methods must be studied carefully.

It doesn’t matter if it can’t be done in ten or twenty years, but we must start building relevant technical institutions from now on.

This thing will be done sooner or later, and it will be done sooner or later. Mr. Wei does not lack the formula theory of implosion method, nor the calculation formula of high-energy fluid mechanics, nor the equipment with excellent performance. Of course.

The most important thing is a good body!


The perspective returns to the forces in Yucheng. In addition to the conflict between Ying Gong and Bifangtian, there is another force in the Yucheng community. This force is entrenched three hundred kilometers downstream of Yucheng.

As the first symbiote in Chongqing City to come into contact with humans in the conquered area, Long Ximin and the tribe she leads are facing a fork in the road.

When the chief spirit of Chongqing City died, Long Ximin opened a new center here, three hundred kilometers southeast of Chongqing City, avoiding the whirlpool of the sisters' fighting with each other.

This is the western Hubei region.

To the south is the famous Zhangjiajie, which can be used as a barrier to defend against attacks in the command zone.

But Long Ximin's group still felt that the attack force of the unified army was too strong. To be precise, the threat brought by the Wei Keng group was too strong, which made them uneasy.

In the palace of vines that control the growth of trees, each semi-human community enters from its own distinctive entrance.

Priests from all ethnic groups express their opinions in panic, and their spiritual language always has an indelible sharpness and is quite strange like a demon's voice.

Feather Leaf Flying Mantis Tribe: “The threat from the south has extended to the north.”

Li Qingjiu Wenwei Clan: "I have said before that the human race in the south is not easy to mess with."

Changben tribe: "Be prepared for the worst."

Their opinions are diverse, but there is rarely any constructive planning that can work together. All parties are talking for themselves. It is like people from all regions are chatting in their own dialects. What does it mean? In fact, from the beginning

I don't intend for too many people to understand.

Therefore, all the talkers were waiting for Long Ximin on the throne to make a decision.

Long Ximin lowered his fist against his cheek, as if he had just experienced a memory of his recent experience.

After coming back to her senses, she changed her posture and crossed her legs, looking at the people: "Do you want to live?"



April 30th.

On the north bank of the Yangtze River, a white flag flew over. The messenger from the Chongqing genetic community in the north came. She used a very standard spiritual language and an orthodox Chinese accent to seek peace.

No matter who she is, since she abides by her own standards of etiquette, the commanding district must ensure her safety in accordance with its policies.

Of course, the command area quickly figured out the identity of this envoy. This was the humanoid node entity who came to the Pearl River region in the south eight years ago. Long Ximin.

He is also the leader of the westernmost community among the six major communities after the split of Chongqing City.

As for the commanding area, the organization quickly summoned personnel from all departments to meet and discuss, and finally handed over the contact task to Wei Keng.

May 3rd, 8 a.m.

When they met again, Mr. Wei blocked the supervisors' perspectives.

[Of course Bai Linglu seems to be busy with some things, discussing technical topics such as "the time flow rate in the main world has changed", and has no time to take care of Wei Keng's side]

Green mint tea leaves are brewed in hot water, exuding a light fragrance. This was the gene selected by Long Ximin in Nanguan, Shanlin Town.

Long Ximin smelled it, took a sip, and said slowly: "The taste has changed."

Wei Keng took a sip and said, "Yes, I like the pure flavor."

After many generations of artificial selection, tea has become a species that is completely dependent on humans. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, tea is developed in the direction of herbs that regulate human physiological conditions.

Long Ximin stared at Wei Keng and said slowly: "Do we have to continue?"

Wei Keng hehe: "I said everything I needed to say at the time. Do you want to hear a word 'I'm sorry' from my mouth now?"

Long Ximin: "I have some chips, I hope you will let us go."

Wei Keng: "Oh, come and listen."

Long Ximin started the spiritual language connection with Wei Keng. Of course, during the connection process, Wei Keng simultaneously translated for about 600 people in the organization of the commanding area.

Long Ximin gave information about the mother of the overlord node biological virus in the Shu region.

The mother virus is a sub-branch of the Mycetoma mirata that lives in Southeast Asia eighty or ninety years ago.

In Wei Keng's system data, a rotating globe popped up, then East Asia was zoomed in, and then the Southwestern China region continued to zoom in, and finally a purple mark fell on the Land of Abundance.

Long Ximin wanted to lead Wei Keng into Shu, in exchange for her community being delayed in the north.

Wei Keng said slowly: "I can give you eight years. After eight years~"

Long Ximin lowered his head: "Within four years, my colony will be gone."

Wei Keng: "By the way, in the prisoner camp here, we will provide a choice in three months. Some of them may be integrated into our side, while the rest do not want to be integrated, and I do not want to force it. Are you willing to take them away?

?If you are unwilling, leave it to other Yucheng community forces."

Wei Keng passed the information about the captives to her in the language of the soul.

Long Ximin: "Oh, if they are willing, I will take them away." But after a pause, he sighed and said, "Actually, it's better to let them stay with you."

Wei Keng nodded, and then added, "Actually, I don't know how far I can go.

If I meet you again one day, I hope you will be prepared."

Long Ximin paused for a few seconds, and then said calmly: "If you can really be strong enough on earth, it will prove that your genes are the best. At that time, I will let my people completely give up all

Weak and equal fusion, follow your will."

Wei Keng looked at her and wanted to say something, but in the end he swallowed back the unnecessary words.

Long Ximin's answer is essentially to escape extinction. And in order to escape extinction, she will make any compromise.

As for the remaining items on the south bank of Dongting Lake that were struggling in the artillery fire, Wei Keng did not mention it, nor did Long Ximin ask for it.


Ever since

In mid-May, these Yucheng subordinate creatures were completely transformed into skeletons by the Dongting Lake. And the last skeletons were quickly corroded and broken by the new moss fungi replaced by human ecology.


Main world.

In 2705 AD, the Second Plane War has been going on for nearly 20 years. Basically, the new generation of travelers on the earth have also been involved in the war.

At this time, in the multi-dimensional area, some key battle planes are also now familiar to people on all continents and oceans.

The empty twisting plane battlefield is undoubtedly ranked first.

Although in the main world, players on the World Wide Web do not know some details of the battlefield in this plane.

For example, "a certain super consciousness spans hundreds of thousands of timelines" is unconfirmed false news.

However, everyone knows for sure that on that plane, the two major forces of the earth have accumulated a large number of time-travelers and are fighting fiercely! They are also arguing over an idea.

This dispute over ideas was found by some intelligence organizations from the mimic plane hanging on the World Wide Web.

Oh, let’s take the mimic world of Pandora as an example.

In the current mimetic world, a large amount of key information is hidden.

For example, how did Human Emperor’s group market come about?

Under what historical conditions was the communication technology under Pandora invented?

Or, the background story of the invention of blood pack technology in the life field cannot be found.

The current operator of this simulated world just puts these "technologies" directly in the optional column without explaining the origin. How were these technologies born? What purpose were they born for? They are all highly confidential at present.

Because as long as it is directly revealed what purpose and attitude this pioneer is pursuing, the intelligent analysis of the World Wide Web can determine which high-level traveler team is exploring this plane! What route is being taken?



On the edge of the Space Center of Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea, the space center of this era far exceeds the scale of modern times. A total of sixty spacecrafts are installed on a round-trip space rocket with a height of 150 meters and the size of a skyscraper (it must be capable of multiple times).

used), landing steadily on one of forty launch platforms with an average diameter of five kilometers.

Michaelena, who had just returned from the Saturn base, stepped down from the passage of the spacecraft.

She quickly got into a special car and rushed towards the gravity well of the nearby city. She arrived on Earth this time to connect to the World Wide Web here, and to enter the "high-risk" timelines in the Pandora plane. These high-risk timelines did not have the rise of human beings, but only

Weird, dangerous and uncontrollable genetic changes. But there, it's more real than the World Wide Web on Saturn.

In the gravity well of Saturn, she has been exposed to the world of Pandora on the World Wide Web for several months.

She speculated about this mysterious speed of technological progress: "This is a super explosion! It is a Caesar-level will propulsion.

In the original world of the Pandora plane, the Eastern travelers are exploring the path of kings."

However, when she just got off the spacecraft and was about to continue the investigation,

Her friend and plane governor invited her. The main battlefield, the Space Twist plane, needed her help.

She looked at the planned plan in the portable system with some reluctance, but she could only put it aside for the time being and start responding to the call.


At the same time, a series of time and space correction operations were carried out in the command center of the Great River System.

The two sets of monitoring systems in the Kongtwist plane and the Pandora plane have been completely connected.

The reason is that on the Pandora plane, Wei Keng's consciousness suddenly fluctuated after being exposed to the nuclear power plant incident. This fluctuation obviously affected Wei Keng in the air twisting plane, and began to change the original planned state of the air twisting plane.

, turned into a state of roaring.

Most of the sergeant-level inspectors in the Pandora plane and the air twisting plane suddenly realized that their sense of responsibility for inspection was actually unfolding in the dual planes.

There was an uproar for a while!

Someone must have violated regulations in such operations, but at this stage of the war, these illegal operations cannot be investigated.

Moreover, what is even more noteworthy is Wei Keng's performance under this kind of dual-dimensional operation.

Wei Keng's general consciousness is still strong, and he maintains the offensiveness of the Aerial Twist Plane and the pioneering nature of the Pandora Plane.


Before the two major inspection teams fully cooperate.

Bai Linglu and Qin Xiaohan had a very fierce quarrel, but after the quarrel ended, the two reached a series of agreements.

That’s right!

Contradictory differences about means and concepts are in the past tense and can be put aside for the time being. Next comes the time to harvest the results. No matter what, we must ensure that the "results" can be obtained stably.

In the second plane war, Wei Keng, as the main battle group, paid too much.

But the current situation is: since the group that has been on standby has not lost its strength, their voice will be very powerful.

And when coordinating post-war conflicts, can we achieve fairness and justice? The war has not even ended yet, and those on standby who are developing at a rapid pace have already begun to feel that "they currently lack resources more than others."

For example, we face the thorny problem of "how to provide rewards for a large number of low-level time travelers after the war is over".

Some small world-class space bubbles that provided expansion for frontline combatants during wartime seem to be about to break the promise.

Bai Linglu: "Idiot Wei will never take the initiative to fight." Qin Xiaohan rarely agreed with Bai Linglu: "My opponent, he is standing in the air twisting plane, acting too uncontested."

This chapter has been completed!
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