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Chapter 7.28 Facing the sea

 Because the Arcane Plane has the feasibility of space folding and material volume compression, it is natural to deploy the "chocolate blocks" (missile silos) originally found on guided missile destroyers on aircraft.

Wei Keng: "This is a simple transformation that anyone can imagine."

Facing such a silly giant like the giant dragon, Carret brought enough mechanical equipment to come and watch the show leisurely.

When the ferocious dragon (the beaten dragon) began to change its direction, the spaces on the plane twisted and released the warheads.


In order to break through high-magic units like dragons these days, what is needed is not the equivalent. If the equivalent does not reach a certain level, no matter how large it is, it will not be able to break the defense.

For example, the speed of a bullet propelled by gunpowder on Earth cannot make the projectile exceed Mach 6, and the explosion of gunpowder cannot reach the power of atomic energy.

The energy level constraints are even more obvious in the arcane plane. No matter how much explosives are used to reach a certain level, they will tunnel through. No matter how strong the flame burns, after it exceeds 500 degrees, if there are no special means to restrain the space tunneling, the furnace will be like an eternal furnace.

The swimming pool is full of water.

Therefore, Wei Keng's missile does not have a large amount of charge, but sends the warhead into the sky. After sending it to a sufficient height, it controls its falling process to achieve an energy level breakthrough.

In the arcane plane, in the process of converting the projectile kinetic energy into potential energy when natural objects are suddenly thrown downwards, anything that exceeds the speed of 75 meters per second in the air will encounter resistance other than aerodynamic force.

, will become red hot, which is a speed barrier in the atmosphere of this plane!

Under the speed barrier, under normal circumstances regardless of enchantment, the object will continue to accumulate heat until it completely becomes red hot.

Therefore, the principle of the meteorite spell is easy to understand. As long as the material is transported to a sufficient height, it will naturally carry fire damage after falling. Under the maintenance of the spell, energy accumulates in the material in the form of internal energy, and eventually turns into blazing stones and falls from the sky.

Of course, what Wei Keng is about to unleash right now is not the meteorite technique!


The blue dragon looked at the young man who controlled the mysterious triangular aircraft. When Grace talked to the young man in the language of her subordinates, she also confirmed the young man's identity as Karet, the northern arcane lord.

The blue dragon flapped its wings, causing a thunderstorm to disturb Grace, and then pounced directly on Wei Keng.

The Sun Triangle, well, is Carret's vehicle.

Suspended metal pieces were ejected from the front of the ship, each metal piece flashing with runes, and a set of hexagonal network protective shields were quickly spread out.

And it is divided into multiple layers.

With a clang, the Blue Dragon hit the first layer of the Sun Triangle's protective shield. Radioactive cracks appeared on the shield, causing glass to break. Then it shattered with a clang, but there was a second layer right after.

Seeing the mocking smile on the face of the young man sitting in the floating seat of the aircraft directly in front of him, the dragon felt deeply uneasy.

What the aircraft launched into the sky has turned into hundreds of metal spears falling down, and each of these spears is flashing with complex arcane runes.

The falling spear quickly approached the energy level of the first ring. Carret stood up, raised his hand, pointed at the sky and pulled it slightly. The first ring broke through. A circle of red flame appeared at the tip of the spear.

, and then the flame began to expand and turned into an energy pointed cone on the spear.

It's true that under the natural law of free fall, Wei Keng does not need to consume too much energy. As a sky knight (human immortal), he only needs to use a little bit of high-energy power to break through that energy level.

Then came the second layer, a layer of orange-red flame sprouted from the red flame.

The third layer flashed out from orange to orange again.

The fourth layer emits light yellow light from within the orange color.

The above process took less than a blink of an eye, and the energy level reached the ninth level. Miss Blue Dragon sensed the situation in the sky, and the ferocious expression that was about to tear Karit to pieces had not returned yet, and the dragon's eyes were full of panic.

High-level arcane mages can slay dragons when they have all the equipment and resources.


Just like that, before the blue dragon hit it.

Then he was pierced by spears that looked like threads of light.

The blue dragon was frightened by these hundreds of justice from the sky, and wanted to escape through space teleportation. Good guy, this arcane mage from the north deployed an eight-ring spell space lock in advance, which directly curbed the blue dragon's attempt to escape.


The blue dragon had no choice but to detonate the scales on his body and use shield spells to attack him one by one.

This is the property of a dragon. They will inscribe their own dragon language spells on their scales. They may use these scales as scrolls to deliver them to complete the contract when encountering adventurers, or they may throw them all away now in order to survive.

The collision between the dragon scales and the light thorns inscribed with dragon language magic instantly produced a large number of ring-shaped shock waves. The energy of the nine rings was only restricted within a three-meter range. Within this three-meter range, all materials became vaporized.

, like a glowing light bulb.

The next circle is the eight-ring energy level state. The halo that spreads here is obviously a little weaker, but it can still turn most materials into powder.

Then, the ring state weakened layer by layer, and finally turned into a storm that spread to the surroundings, blowing away the dust three hundred meters away.


In the sudden blow, the blue dragon fell to the ground completely, not because of being beaten, but because of being frightened.

In the end, she felt that she was not injured. When she raised her head, she was slightly confused. Could it be that all the defenses on the dragon scales just intercepted all those blows?

Obviously not. When she raised her head, she saw dense golden light pillars hanging in the sky. These light pillars seemed to be stationary in the air and were approaching at an extremely slow speed.

The blue dragon raised its wings and accidentally touched one of them. Immediately, as if breaking the fragile balance, the golden beam directly pierced her wings and exploded a large piece of meat. The whole body of the blue dragon burst out.

The messy electric current, well, this can refer to the fine sweat that Miss Heatherlin's body secreted when Miss Blue Dragon tied up Miss Heatherlin and whipped her in the past few years.


At this time, a Youyou voice came: "It's just delaying the attack. The enemy has a way to survive. Can you take it?"

Carrette discussed with the blue dragon lady in a negotiating tone.

Carret: In the industrial concept, even a completely defeated party is still qualified to sit on the negotiating table. Only dead people are not qualified to negotiate. Living things always have a role.

With a "snap", Karit stretched out his hand and slapped the blue dragon's buttocks. The immortal's power could send a strong bull flying with his hands. But this time, a red slap mark was left on the blue dragon's buttocks from the air.

This mark oozed blood directly under the dragon's scales. The blue dragon roared in pain.

The careless Karite said: "My lord, Blue Dragon Crown, are you right?"

The blue dragon was still immersed in fear and couldn't help but feel angry.


May 23, 3579.

Thirty hours after the incident on the peninsula, the king in the capital of the Egg Empire was looking repeatedly at the letter handed over by Karet.

Well, that’s just the truth.

Of course, there are some arbitrary actions! For example, he directly presided over the marriage between his knight and the lady of the lord. The knight was only the second son of a viscount, but he got three of the richest cities on the entire peninsula as a dowry. This was enough to make

All the nobles in Aige were shocked.

However, after being shocked, the nobles in the entire royal capital said, this, this is not right! A group of people who have not eaten the grapes are desperately saying that the grapes are sour.

The reason is: Carret is not qualified to preside over the marriage between his knight and Miss Heatherlin.

So this marriage is illegal and Robin can only be a lover.

Oh, of course, there are now grand weddings held in the peninsula, and this so-called "love theory" is disgusting.

The key now is.

Karit has gradually begun to oppose his uncle in certain areas! And the opposition raised in these areas is strong.

The king gave this letter to his eldest daughter Roxanne.

After Roshan read the contents of the letter, she then saw the information on the desktop. What attracted her was "The Encounter of Heatherlin and Robin." This is a story about a warrior saving a princess, which made Roshan couldn't help but feel sad.

Yi Nian, read it again. The story of a knight rescuing a princess from an evil dragon is an erotic dream that aristocratic girls have when they are bored.

Of course, the king reminded her to read another scroll, that is, this year, the Northern Territory will send troops to completely eliminate maritime threats in the Empire Peninsula, so food must be supplied to the military, and the supply of refined food and pharmaceuticals to the Imperial Capital must be reduced by 30%.

Roshan, who was brought back to reality, instantly realized the seriousness of this incident.

The refined grain medicines transported from the north have formed a profit transportation chain within the imperial capital. The upper and lower parts of this chain have been divided up by various factions in the royal capital. But now the sudden tightening will inevitably lead to the intensification of internal conflicts in the imperial capital.

Roxanne: The Northern Territory must be stopped from doing this.

But how to stop it? In the past, Carrette relied on the royal connections in the royal capital to establish a Junker-style relationship with manor territories and industrial systems with the territories of many nobles.

As the connection between industry and agriculture becomes stronger and stronger, there is no longer any need for the catalyst of the Egg royal family. Moreover, as the regiments of the Northern Territory directly arrived in the peninsula, they rescued the families who were persecuted by the blue dragon, and even more...

Here comes military prestige!

Compared with the reputation established by marriage, being able to directly use lances and regiments to help block external interference is a more powerful gesture!

The king looked at his second daughter. She was a woman wearing a knight's armor. She was very strong and tall. She also had short hair and looked more like a man. Her appearance was very similar to Karet's. But unfortunately,

The most important gun to the royal family is missing.

The princess, Xizeya, understood her father's intention and decided to lead a team of knights to the peninsula for the second battle against the Sea Tribe.

Through the mode of military intervention, it was emphasized that the imperial capital's commitment to protecting the people was still strong, and he continued to discuss the "pharmaceutical" issue with Karet.

The king nodded to Xizeya and said tiredly: "In the past, be more polite to Karet. He is your brother and the current first male heir in the Xingche family."

Xizeya nodded, but then asked in confusion: "Father, Karit is ignoring your orders. Shouldn't you warn him?"

Roxanne: "My sister and I will go together."

The king nodded: "Yeah, that's fine."


As a person with an industrial mindset, Wei Keng is less constrained in solving problems than with a feudal mindset.

The imperial capital made the decision to send troops.

However, the situation on the Xingyue Peninsula has changed so fast with a series of operations that it is hard to believe.


Bolans, this is the name of the blue dragon.

Wei Keng communicated with her and reached a contract. The contract was to work for him for fifty years, and at the same time he reached an equal contract with Robin. That is, before Robin dies, the blue dragon must answer the call and use labor to repay the war compensation.


Um, the interest rate on this war reparations~ Well, Bolans thought it was an equal contract at the time. After he signed it, he discovered what a "debt trap" was. All over his body, from the dragon's liver to the dragon's tail, hundreds of years of scales fell off.

All were mortgaged.

Of course, as the first step in paying compensation, Wei Keng asked her to submit a petition to call out all the sea tribes she had driven over the past few decades and order them to launch an attack on the peninsula where Xixue Territory is located!


That's right, let the sea tribe take the initiative to attack!

This is a plan that even Blue Dragon doesn’t understand. Most of the upper-level people of the Sea Tribe have signed master-servant contracts with her (Blue Dragon). As long as she gives an order, the Sea Tribe can surrender to the northern lord. This young man

Why do the lords still need to fight?

Of course, all the supervisors on the system side have experience: Wei Keng just wants to do something that may seem troublesome, but is very safe.

The sea tribe surrenders to the blue dragon, which is surrender to the blue dragon.

Blue Dragon surrendered to Wei Keng, while the Hai Clan indirectly surrendered to the Northern Industrial Territory. This vassal-vassal relationship made Wei Keng feel very unstable.

Moreover, the upper class of the Sea Clan can represent the entire Sea Clan in the feudal concept. However, in order to export concepts, it is not only the narrow focus of the upper class of the Sea Clan. Extensive "communication" is required.

The premise for this exchange is to fight a war.


In the Star-Moon Fortress, the newly built military meeting area.

The military staff of the Northern Territory has been established, and the meeting was attended by two corps commanders from the industrial logistics department.

Both the Potu and Jiejiang armies have a full strength of 1,600 men. However, those arriving on the peninsula now have only half of their strength, a total of 1,600 men.

Of course, the local militia is also training. Robin, who has just been married, is leading the local nobles and citizens, large and small, in response to modernization as a new lord.

Carret fully showed his cards to his own knights. The territory is yours, and the farmland assets in the territory are also yours, but the law is determined by the industrial territory. No one should be superior to others in terms of punishment. They must always abide by it.

Morality, observing the precepts.

These points are unreasonable to the lords with old ideas, but they are absolutely no problem for Robin, who had new ideas from the beginning, and for Heatherlin, who was hit head-on by the northern power.


The militiamen have only learned how to operate primary musket volleys. The damage of these shotguns is better than nothing. They will be ineffective against large units, but they are more than enough to deal with units such as small murlocs that may only be the size of a wolf.

In the Military Staff,

The Xingyue Peninsula sand table shows the strength of the Sea Clan troops one by one. Well, the Sea Clan does not have a formal organization. They are troops assembled with a powerful lord as the core. These powerful lords may be Qiling Haiyang with a half-human body.


The Qilinghai tribe evolved from the "blessings" projected by mermaid sacrifices.

This is a quantum information effect of spiritual transmission.

Of course, conversely, it may be the curse of the siren. For example, after a sailboat crossing the ocean encountered the siren singing, its body was covered with scales, and genetic mutations such as octopus tentacles appeared on its face. In other words, the siren caused spiritual information through spiritual information.

There is complex contamination in human genes.

Most of the enlightened sea lords are not powerful, they just have human bodies, and have learned to use rocks and shipwrecks to make weapons, driving hundreds of large seafood to kill.

However, there are a considerable number of spiritual enlightenment warriors who follow the hierarchical order with the mermaid sacrifice as the core and form a relatively powerful mage group and warrior group.

The legions of the sea tribe may not be as disciplined as humans, but the sea tribe generally has many giant beasts.

As for this invasion, just talking about the core strength, the cursed sirens, fighting mermaids, and sacrificial mermaids, the total number is about 230, which is about fifteen large undersea city-states. There are 140 behemoth units over five meters tall.

, the remaining power beasts that can lift heavy hammers total five thousand, and we must pay special attention to them.

Of course, in terms of troop distribution, the biggest undercover agent of the Hai Clan troops, Miss Blue Dragon, as the master of the Hai Clan, can not only reveal the details of the Hai Clan army to her own side, but can even instruct the Hai Clan troops to cooperate and perform some micro-manipulations.

For example: Let the No. 3 War Turtles move toward the back to protect the baggage.


Carret looked at his knights and corps leaders and said: "Everyone, I want to capture them. In this battle, you must capture the main force of the Sea Tribe, and then educate them that times have changed, and finally, under the protection of your guns,

, I want to face the sea with the mermaid priests and discuss world peace and love in simple terms."

This chapter has been completed!
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