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Chapter 7.36 Unforgettable Traits

 The war brought casualties and also brought about the continuous consumption of industrial products.

The railway freight volume on the meridian line continues to increase, and the speed has also been increased.

In the year 3589, the railway wheel technology adopts advanced air levitation technology, that is, there is an air film between the steel wheel and the rail. This makes the resistance speed of the railway comparable to the magnetic levitation efficiency of the main world. And

This kind of driving does not consume energy to maintain the magnetic field on the rails, but only needs to be maintained on the steel wheels. The energy consumption is extremely low. Its transportation costs can already compete with the cost of shipping.

Various industrial cities in the Northern Federation began to work overtime to produce low-end manufactured goods, such as canned food, kettles, bathtubs, and chemical water purifiers, which were continuously sent to the south via railways.

In mid-range manufacturing, the demand for various machines whose material properties are stabilized by runes, such as water pumps, boilers, brick kiln exhaust fans, cold water air conditioners, and broadcasts, has also increased significantly.


The Southern Continent War was started by 'science' for the sake of proselytizing.

It is also actively promoted in order to establish its own leadership. However, "industry" is not idle either, expanding production capacity and mastering raw material supply channels. Actively participate.

At this time, Sainz's gains in this war were still not enough to gain an advantage over "industry." After 1992, the calculations were made. On the contrary, after industry seized a large amount of resources from the southern continent, it began to develop technology.


Sainz completely miscalculated. With Wei Keng, the unruly man, being aggressive, arcane-led "science" is too lofty. Science is only in a comprehensive disaster or in the confusion of mortals.


Nowadays, such a booming industry has popularized various application technologies into daily life. For people living in industry, you have to be faster in science.

Wei Keng still doesn’t know that “science” is competing with “industry” for dominance. On the contrary, Sainz’s continuous advancement has made industry play an increasingly stronger role.

In modern times, there were only two types of groups that had strong demand for basic livelihood products. The first was: the land was turned into a wasteland by war, and the second: societies with a large number of families giving birth to children.

Wei Keng's concept of industry is not exactly the Western-style manufacturing economic industry that "accumulates wealth" as Sainz preconceived it, but to stabilize society.

The more "Science" is mixed up, the more the 'Industrial' priesthood will fit people's expectations.


During this war, the Northern Territory did not accumulate wealth from trade. Instead, it crossed the northern ice sea and developed towards the ice continent.

In 1991, when the war in the southern continent was in full swing, fifteen cross-sea energy lines were opened. Three-meter-thick pipelines were laid in the deep sea, and every link was riveted with calf-thick rivets.


The energy lines in the main world are "natural gas pipelines and ultra-high voltage power grids." In the arcane world, the energy lines have a more bizarre method, which is to use superfluid pipelines.

In the energy field in these superfluid pipes, the fluid can transfer kinetic energy without loss. The loss is less than the electrical energy transmission in this world. The cost of solving the loss caused by the tunneling of high-voltage electricity under this physical rule is too high.

Therefore, fluid transmission efficiency is better if it does not break through the energy level.

This energy line project that spans the entire seabed is a major industrial miracle in addition to the meridian railway. Several sea castles along the way worshiped this thing as the blood vessel of the two continents after receiving trade preferential treatment.

After the reconciliation in the war ten years ago, humans and the upper-class sea tribe have now formed a very good cooperative relationship, but the sea tribe still has some interesting misunderstandings about the increasingly developing human society.


The perspective comes to the ice continent

For tens of thousands of years, the ice fields where only the wandering ice souls and white-haired giant monsters were entrenched also began to develop at the same time. Settlement fortresses like dormitories were built on the ice fields.

Near these settlement fortresses, glaciers were built to convert the energy gap.

There is a huge temperature difference between the surface of the ice sheet and the ocean. This temperature difference is energy. When thousands of meters of glaciers interact with the adjacent sea, the release of latent heat will generate a large amount of energy. Such energy can be transmitted to the industrial areas of the main continent.

There will be endless energy.

Of course, Karet could also predict the consequences of doing this! The warm current suddenly turned into a cold current. There was uncertainty about the climate, so this cold current must be controlled, and the transmission system of the spell system must be exchanged in the deep sea layer.

If everything is coordinated properly, it can benefit human industry for hundreds of years. It can also make lakes dotted with lakes and oases of water and grass appear on the northern ice sheets. Of course, changing the vitality of a continent is tampering with the authority of God.


On the northern continent, there is a "Yunfang Reservoir". Before the arrival of humans, it was a huge basin. Now it is filled with pure lake water. In the narrow outlet of the basin downstream, the water flow is layered layer by layer.

of gravity dam blocking.

Lake water from melted ice and snow condensed here, continuously expanding the ice field canyon wider and wider. After hundreds of years, it turned into a deep freshwater lake similar to Lake Baikal.

Both sides of the lake are covered with green grass. It looks like the spring just after the cold winter of the main continent, but dozens of kilometers away, there are still continuous snowfields. Oh, that self-indulgent bronze dragon often shouts on the snow.

Snow wolves, let’s have a big chorus. Wei Keng: “It’s no wonder it’s Xiu’er.”

There is a mage tower standing by the lake. In the mage tower, Karit is sitting in a hemispherical energy bubble. This energy bubble jumps with a large number of pixels and is connected to the "Internet" of the Truth Alliance.

Nowadays, the Internet is a place for middle and low-end mages to exchange knowledge. A few arcane apprentices are allowed to join, but their permissions are still limited.

Well, the Northern Industrial Party has been temporarily blocked. It has not been allowed to open because there are too many arcane apprentices in the Northern Territory. Once they are allowed to become Internet users, no one can say what the current vast network will become.

What does it look like.

The "industry" base has a large number of people, and they may not necessarily have the advantage of facing the "scientific" side on the Internet, and they are very likely to become leeks.

Nowadays: The potential of the Internet led by Sainz in this world has been revealed step by step. The development direction behind it makes Wei Keng uncertain about the depth of the water here.


The Internet in the main world is just a virtual world, and virtual existence cannot become reality.

The end of modern times, that is, the second half of the 21st century, was the craziest time.

Capital cannot find a sufficiently realistic equivalent on earth, and its preparation for benchmarking in the virtual world is to actualize the digital wealth in the Internet. It is an attempt to turn virtual benchmarking into reality.

At that time, commercialism was promoted a lot: for example, buying an art work at a high price, then converting it into a digital form and posting it online, and then burning the real object.

For example, commercial and private giants ask popular celebrities to digitally scan their entire bodies, including their private parts, and then sell them on the Internet at high prices.

At first, this didn’t seem normal, because it hadn’t touched everyone’s bottom line, and they just thought it was very strange. But when everyone got used to this first step, capital and power began to determine this so-called “common sense” and

Make new expansions.

At the end, that is, in the second half of the 21st century, the great powers under the capital system began to use military operations to promote this "free economy" in what they called "unfree and undemocratic" areas. A new type of predatoryism emerged.

water surface!

After the powerful power of monopoly capital used war and non-war means to destroy the governance system of a small and medium-sized country, it then supported agents to vigorously promote digital wealth on the so-called blueprint.

The entire process allows families of all classes in this small and medium-sized country to exchange their wealth into digital products provided by an Internet hegemon, thereby achieving a kind of digital statistical prosperity.

Finally, the entire region is extremely lacking in material wealth. Although a large number of cars have been produced, they have been circulated. The people are very poor in daily necessities. A few people consume luxury goods with very high external premiums.

This kind of eloquent plunder will eventually make the great powers' efforts to incite their own economies in vain. Because greed is a tumor that squeezes both the outside and the inside...

In modern times, as the world's factory that produced real wealth became energy independent, and its maritime military delivery capabilities ensured the independence of the supply of raw materials, it was hard to decouple from the virtual digital economy.

The stately, conclusive, and decades-old false wealth creation model will be wiped out overnight, resulting in an economic collapse that is more severe than that of 180 years ago.


The reason why industrial manufacturing in the main world is unwilling to admit information wealth is because information wealth has no stable existence in the physical world. It cannot become a constant value anchor like gold and silver. Nor can it be like pots, pans, cars, and home appliances.

, as long as it is well maintained, it can be used for decades and has exchange value.

On earth, information can disappear at any time due to human factors such as world turmoil, the absence of order, or account bans by Internet hegemons.

In the arcane world, information is difficult to erase in the physical environment, especially information recognized by a large number of lives. It will wander in the etheric world and can only be covered up by new information, making it more difficult to decrypt.


According to the three definitions of "accumulation, retention and use", information on the arcane plane can be used as wealth, and the Internet has unparalleled advantages in creating, combining and modifying information.

Now, Wei Keng is already wary of Sainz.

As a gangster who came from the 21st century and lived in the 26th century, Mr. Wei deeply knows how terrifying the early monopoly hegemony of the Internet was.

A peach replaces a plum, turns reality into fiction, and refers a deer to a horse. These are all the capabilities of information networks.

Wei Keng clicked on the system in Offat Tower. This was one of the few actions that Wei Keng took the initiative to seek out the system and discuss countermeasures. This shows that the situation in this regard is quite serious.

After the white spirit deer appeared.

Wei Keng immediately asked: "Can the Internet in this world change reality?"

Bai Linglu took out the information he had prepared long ago in response to Wei Keng's question and answer: "Yes, and not only that, when the information is gathered to a certain extent, it will open up a world in the ether, and even outline time and space, directly splicing together a section.

History that did not exist in the past. For example, a story in which a certain hero in history was a beautiful girl." (King Arthur is a beautiful girl, which is one of the allusions left to the main world in modern times)

Bai Linglu was joking, but Wei Keng was able to expose the essence behind the joke. When the information is complicated to a certain extent, the time and space history of the arcane world can also be reconstructed.

Wei Keng's expression became more serious.

Wei Keng: "Show me the space-time data of this world."

The gods in this world look across multiple time and space, so don’t expect to play tricks on the gods on their thrones through infinite rebirth.

Quantum tunneling travels to another place in space, but during the whole process, has the information traveled through countless experiences in other time and space?

To put it simply, with the same energy and information in the arcane world, as an individual in time and space, what you can see may be one of countless reflections in parallel time and space. The arcane world has prophecies and time-space magic.

Wei Keng himself found the core of the problem.

Bai Linglu was also happy to see this, and immediately provided Wei Keng with all the signs about the gods twisting time and space and creating history.

The observation ability in the main world is advanced compared to arcane mages, but it is still a little weak compared to the gods born and raised here.

For example, in the observation of parallel time and space, the time and space distance is too large, that is, the two parallel time and spaces observed in the main world, the time when historical events occurred are very different. It can only be used to summarize historical laws, and it is difficult to truly use it as a prediction.

The gods observe time and space more intensively, and can observe multiple parallel time and spaces that are almost identical. In this cluster of parallel time and space observed by the gods, most mortal behaviors will not change and abide by the laws of fate.

Of course, in God's observation, time travelers are highly uncertain compared to the sameness of other mortals. For example, Wei Keng ate peach popsicles in this time and space a few hours ago, and ate pineapples in another timeline.


What is reflected here is the variable attribute of the consciousness of the traveler.

However, in the timeline created by the time traveler as a variable, gods can add modifications to other parallel time and space streams.

For example, where Wei Keng's consciousness is now, Karite is the "son of god" who promotes industry on this historical line.

But if the gods are willing, they can directly penetrate enough information to open up time and space, and add information about white skin, beauty, and preference for women's clothing to the template information of Karite.

Of course, history is moving forward, and the future created by Wei Keng's genuine consciousness collides with the future created by the protagonist projected by the god. As long as the time and space where the genuine version is located is greater than the pirated version, eventually the hypocritical history will be impacted and destroyed by the formal history.

Wei Keng is a Shangqing-level super variable in the main world, and must be greater than the template simply intercepted by the god. Unless the god smashes his own (soul) fragments into the template. But in that case, Mr. Wei is happy to see the god.

The fragments that descended to earth took on their own form.

Coming back to the topic, gods may not create boring history, but we still cannot ignore the power of information to modify time and space.


The upcoming Internet on the windy road and the ability to accumulate information may bring us infinitely close to gods in the future.

In the future, the ability to virtualize history will definitely be available.

For example, hundreds of years later, if there are tens of billions of human beings on the Internet, assuming that today in the era of the rise of "industry, technology, and machinery", a "Holy Grail War" will occur.

It is absolutely possible to create a history of the "Holy Grail War" on the Internet. As long as the history outlined is not outrageous and exceeds the capacity of the mimetic world, a history that is hundreds of years old can be outlined that is realistic enough.

Well, this kind of historical outline is too outrageous, and it will eventually end due to the collision of time and space downstream, causing an imbalance in the world order and a catastrophic catastrophe.

After using my "multitalented talents" to watch this material over and over again.

After Wei Keng read the data, he seemed to give up and said: "It seems that science is indeed the strongest godhead. I can't defeat him."

Bai Linglu's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: "Awe? Oh, tsk tsk, I've never seen you admit defeat. You talk about being awe, but in fact, you are eager to prepare something."


Wei Keng closed the interface and opened the remote sensing map of the entire planet's surface.

Due to energy level reasons, it is difficult to break through the first cosmic speed in this world, so it is not feasible to launch artificial satellites to monitor the earth.

This remote sensing map was obtained by an unmanned airship after orbiting high in the sky for several months.

Wei Keng looked at more and more industrial areas in the north and said silently: "In the future, in terms of the scale of information manufacturing, entity-based "industry" will never be able to compare with "science."

However, "industry" can produce critical information,

People are not equal, and so is information. Some key information is inherently more stable than messy information."

Wei Keng thought of the Internet at the end of modern times: "By today's standards, it was an era of "unclear right and wrong", which produced a massive amount of low-level information.

At that time, almost all undertakings were no longer for society but were economically oriented.

When problems arise, the solution is not to find right or wrong, but to public relations and calm them down.

Once fluctuations occur, the impact of massive amounts of low-level information will dilute everyone's attention just like the sea dilutes sewage.

But there are always things that cannot be diluted. Each dilution only solves the problem of that pollution, and the sea becomes thicker and thicker. But the nature of the sea is still rough, and the back waves are getting bigger and bigger."

Fengfu History Year 3591, October 4th.

Wei Keng left the Offa Tower in the northern continent in a flash, and in the room where he lived, Wei Keng left some words such as "fairness, justice, equality" on the wall.

If science masters "information hegemony" in the future and can distort everything by redefining it, "industry" will still have to fight against it.

No country, no organization, no force, no matter what the means, no matter how it turns the world upside down, no matter how it stirs up the world, no one (Wei Keng's self-positioning as "the middle man") can forget the core information.


"Industry" does not focus on the amount of information produced, but "unforgettable".

Next, in this timeline, "Son of Industry" Carret will develop some qualities that are difficult to erase.

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