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Chapter 7.37 'Industry' Mantra

 Feng Fu Li 3592, in the royal capital of Aige.

Danny, wearing silver armor, looked at the childhood home he had moved away from. As a member of the royal family and the first heir to the Xingche family, he was about to go through rigorous training at the age of ten.

As for the room that once held so many fun toys, it will be locked forever.

Speaking of these toys, there are model pickup trucks and Transformers that can be divided into two groups to fight. And~

These toys were all mailed from Caret in the north.

Danny loved it, but just yesterday, his mother Cizeya dropped his Lego castle, ending it all.

As a man of the Xingche family, he must have a sword and a war horse. He must be a brave knight. At the same time, he must be a king responsible for his people.

Xizeya knelt down and said solemnly: "My child, you are the hero chosen by God."

A child born on a high staircase, after enjoying his childhood in isolation, suddenly the sword, glory, and bloodline were all thrown over him.


The perspective turned to the north. Wei Keng, who was wearing a light combat uniform, was now covered with a military coat.

The light combat uniform has a temperature adjustment function, but Wei Keng has a phobia of electricity and can use the military coat to keep warm, so there is no need to consume electricity.

The broken ice in early spring was broken by leather boots. After the snow melted, it seeped into the soil, causing the soil to crystallize. In ten days, such soil will turn into mud in the spring rain, and the deep plowing machine will plow it.

open the soil,

Karite has been treading on this kind of land for more than ten years. The mud can be used to knead various balls, pyramids, small square tripods, or small tanks.

When spring comes, all kinds of plants and trees will grow out, weave a cage, catch a gruck bug, and lock it in it.


Oh, the roar of the airport ahead interrupted these random thoughts.

Over there are big toys, big toys for adults. On the rocket launcher for adults, a huge humanoid fighter jet comparable to a space shuttle is on a metal bracket, being locked to the steel frame by hydraulic restraint machines for the final


Among the toys Carret gave his nephew was such a model.

Giant Spirit God, armed mecha, height 40 meters, tonnage, 120 tons,

The eight-ring energy level sun rune can heat the inhaled air and eject it, reaching a thrust of 200 tons.

The seven-ring energy shield can flexibly allow this mecha to switch to a suitable aerodynamic shape when flying in the atmosphere.

The ceiling of the mecha is 35,000 meters. Higher altitudes are not just a matter of lift, but the energy levels of cosmic particles at higher altitudes are very high. Although the energy is not large, they can penetrate the energy shield.


Wei Keng: "After all, it is the rule of the arcane world. Energy skin can give the fighter plane a more flexible design. I will have no problem designing the Gundam."

The person on duty today in the system, Liao Yang Xiukouhu: "I think a tank with five pairs of wheels can also go to the sky." This is the supervisor's sharp point about Wei Keng's preference for large robots.

However, Wei Keng did not shy away from it. Who among the boys could refuse a big battle robot that can click and transform?

Three hours later, after the debugging was completed, Wei Keng flashed into the cockpit, deployed all protective techniques and began combat experiments.

The humanoid mecha is designed to be cool. But it is still designed to satisfy the core combat performance.

Air combat? That's too superficial. Karite has not reached the legendary level, but this thing is definitely a legendary item.

Mr. Wei has equipped the mecha with beam cannons, shields and other air combat capabilities. The strength of the mechanical arm can even hold down an old dragon.


Of course, the core function of the Gundam designed by Mr. Wei is to pursue complex battle command capabilities.

In the pioneering battle of the southern continent, the arcanists have developed a perfect strike system. After this strike system is formed, it will pose a substantial threat to the north, which has a large number of ground armored weapons.

Mr. Wei wanted to have tactics to counter the Alliance of Truth, so he also studied it in a targeted manner. He took out the design concept of the sixth-generation aircraft, that is, establishing an air command center, and then the ace fighter knight led the air puppet formation to assault the enemy's defense line.

The current aerial vehicles of the Xuan'ao Alliance can quickly project the 'Arcana of War' and cut off the nodes of the northern ground armor cluster movement. This mecha combat system can in turn cut off the opponent's command center at a faster speed.

Although war should be avoided if possible, Wei Keng said: "You have more cards than me, and I can't sleep well."


After the cruise, the Giant Spirit God slowly landed.

The green-blue flames shrank fifty meters in the air, directly fixing the ground with plastic energy beams. Eighteen groups of beams were like energy pillars, causing the mecha to fall slowly.

Subsequently, after the multiple sets of protective spells on the outer layer were lifted and the cockpit was opened, Wei Keng came to the foldable platform and entered the control center, where he began to discuss further modifications with the senior rune members of the technical team.

The most important requirement of the United Industry executives for this combat mecha is that all high-energy runes must be produced locally.

Now the most difficult goal for this mecha is also: all high-level runes are produced in the Northern Territory.

In order to enable the industrial territory to achieve this goal, the school will offer eighty-three higher majors. High-thermal control, fluid dynamics, controllable light detection technology (advanced perception of the six rings) and so on.

The advantage of industry is planning, breaking down huge and complex technologies into multiple departments, allowing technicians to work together, and after each group assigns tasks, it specializes in creating "professional" personnel who are proficient enough in a certain series of standard runes.

The Industrial Party led by Carret is like this: find the target, and then use resources to smash it one by one.

Those who are proficient in many arcane arts are geniuses. Now these talents are all in the Truth Alliance, but among the massive talents cultivated here in the Industrial Party, there are many outstanding ones who are perseverant, obey orders, and take the overall situation into consideration.


Just when Wei Keng successfully piloted the "Julingshen" to cruise and land,

In the plane trade building, Sainz watched all this, Wei Keng landed, and reported the procedures layer by layer in the intelligent system of the giant spirit god (like a beginner's guide to starting the game).

Sainz ended his "interested" viewing and turned to Yamazada.

The culture of large robots is something that only the people of Yamazada would come up with.

Neon's character likes to combine strength and beauty. The main world where she lives has a humanoid robot culture, so she forcibly puts together the two attributes that are divorced from reality (the main world). Similar cultures include "ship girls",

"The Magic Girl", "The Hero of the Holy Grail".

According to Chinese culture, strength does not necessarily have to be combined with beauty and exquisiteness. Beauty can be simple beauty, and strength can be simple strength.·

Confucianism condemns things that are complicated and impractical (sometimes they don’t understand how to use them). However, they don’t care about the charm of existing powerful things. The so-called "appreciable" is just the icing on the cake. In modern times, Eastern official photography ghosts

To cope with the work, I photographed 10,000-ton warships, aircraft carriers and the like as "unpretentious".

Of course, despite cultural differences, different priorities in ideas lead to different creation habits.

Some of the results that have been created can be enjoyed by people. At least in the first half of modern times, the sales of Japanese animation have been fully recognized, which shows this.


Returning to the topic, Sainz is watching Yamazada now, and it is not interesting to discuss the emergence of "Gundam" in this world.

Just like Easterners can't tell apart the looks of Italians, Germans, and British people, Sainz can't tell the difference between Eastern cultures.

Is there some connection between "machinery" and "industry"?

Yamazada gave a straightforward denial.

Yamazada said very sincerely: "I am from the battleship faction, mobile suits and the like are heretics."

Sainz was speechless with this answer. Indeed, Yamazada had a very obsessive obsession with giant ships and cannons. After building a Mutsu-class battleship, he thought about Yamato.

There are even plans to use the current magic technology to allow the giant ship to deploy its mechanical legs and crawl on plains and river areas. There is no guarantee that it will fly into the universe in the future.

Sainz turned his head and looked at Wei Keng's interface and whispered: "This is really troublesome."


Yamazada loves giant ships and cannons because Sainz only allowed him to develop this. The advanced runes of these giant ships and cannons are all provided by the "Truth Alliance", just like the high technology of neon in the West in the ancient times of the main world. See

It seems to have given it advanced technology, but in fact it has controlled the key points.

But these things about Karis are different.

This is a design independently completed by the Northern Industrial Party. Apart from knowing the existence of this thing, "Science" does not know any other information. Wei Keng's protective arcane method is watertight against information theft.

This "flying mecha" built in the Northern Industrial Territory, even the landing gear, protective layer and other branch technologies, did not appear in any projects cooperated with Xuan'ao Fang. In other words, it was independently developed without the "Truth Alliance"

Defense technology.

The character of the Eastern technical team in modern times: admit to being behind, don’t make any noise, just wait and see.

Scientific research: Beidou network, space station, lunar exploration, fire detection, nuclear fusion control.

Military aspects: hypersonic glide bombs, underwater unmanned detectors.

The determination in these aspects is very strong and will not be disturbed at all. Compared with other nations who talk about playing cards for the future, the East is really starting to play cards that can be used in the future now.

Now, Sainz is not sure about Wei Keng.

Just like in the mid-to-late stage of the Kong Twist Plane and the mid-to-late stage of the Pandora Plane, those who were on the same stage as Wei Keng suddenly discovered that the harmless guy in front had accumulated things that would be difficult to deal with in the future.


For teammates like "Industry", "Science" has gradually changed from "reliable" and "respectable" to "fearful", and there is an increasingly urgent sense of crisis.

Sainz's sense of crisis depends on the fact that there will be no cards to suppress his opponents in the future, and he will be unable to grasp the panic.

This sense of crisis is inherent in Mediterranean civilization, starting from Athens and Sparta in Greece, then to Rome and Carthage, as well as World War I, the Anglo-French Entente, and the German-Austrian Alliance.

Sainz’s thinking: Science, industry, and machinery must have a dominance. If “science” cannot dominate “industry” in the future, it will be “dominated by industry.”


In the capital of Aige, in the temple of Tyr, the high priest who was praying to the god opened his eyes.

After hearing the oracle, he felt a little excited in his confusion, because the "God of Justice" told him that there was hope for the future.

Tyr, the god of justice. This is the old god on this planet.

The will of "justice" coincides with Wei Keng's so-called "justice" in industrial spirit.

Different gods obviously give different priorities to the execution of certain concepts.

Wei Keng's priority of fairness lies in maintaining "development" in the group.

As for "laggards", should they also be included in the scope of justice?

What Wei Keng followed: leave a certain scope for development. Forcibly interfering regardless of the specific situation is counterproductive, and it is also a historical theorem that "falling behind will be beaten".

Moreover, "If you are beaten, you must resist, and to resist, you must learn and develop."

This is different from the "God of Justice".

At present, due to the economic imbalance in various regions brought about by the development of northern industry, more and more groups "begging for justice" have appeared among the old forces.

The scissor gap of industrialization has brought about the bankruptcy of a large number of small and medium-sized landowners in many countries, including the Kingdom of Egg. After the large nobles received support from chemical fertilizers, mechanization, and necromancy insecticides, they chose to annex land.

A small number of bankrupt farmers fled to the north, while some went to the sea to the New World.

As for the expansion of machinery in the southern continent, it did not obey justice, but was filled with rolling steel power.

Unknowingly, "industry" has also accumulated a lot of resentment while following the actions of "science" and "machinery".


In the year 3593 of Feng Fu Li, it was an industrial management area in the north. A relatively remote industrial scrapping area.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang" the steam train began to approach.

As the train arrived, machinery was transported back here one after another. In this factory, there are crushing hammers weighing several tons and roller crushers ten meters high, which are running creakingly driven by steam engines.

In the current industrial age, various types of scrapped machinery contain strange risks.

In the year 3590, the Industrial Party found through statistics that the accident frequency of machinery exported to the south from the northern territory was higher than that of its own side. In addition to improper use, there are also some creepy reasons for this frequency of accidents.

Now in this mechanical scrap city, the highest level of the Industrial Party has arrived, and an entire mechanical investigation team, including Carret, is all wrapped in the highest level of protection.

Wei Keng is now walking among these put down machines with a serious look on his face. With the inspection of the inspection assembly line, the machines are classified.

The damage to the machinery in this world can be caused by broken parts, failure of runes, resulting in cracks in the main structure. Of course, it can also be caused by the accumulation of mental pollution.

In the South, those societies that have not undergone industrialized social transformation have insufficient training of personnel and are not suitable for using machinery at all.

For example, a machine entangled people's hair and crushed their heads. In a place with a large number of people like a factory, such a tragic situation would cause a lot of mental fermentation. It would be rumored that the machine deliberately chewed up people who were close to it.


And this is the arcane world. With the accumulation of information, just like the effect of a bard's singing, this machine will really have negative effects. When it is started, as people get closer, mental interference will directly occur.

People are more dangerously close.

This type of unusable machinery is defined by the Northern Industry Department as "weird machinery".

And, it must be recycled.


In the current scrapped factory, all machinery should be treated as follows:

The "souls" stuck in the parts must be guided back to the gods they believe in, while those negative mechanical parts must be soaked in the "water source of positive energy", cleaned, and re-smelted and cast as backup for ammunition and weapons.


When reading the information about these scrapped machines, the arcanist master of the Northern Industrial Party sighed from time to time: "The applications of these machines are really ridiculous."

Wei Keng looked at this series of cold machines thoughtfully. After a long time, he reflected: "The speed of industrialization is too fast. If we can slow down the speed of expansion."

Wei Keng patted his forehead. "Stop" was not decided unilaterally by "Industry". However,


When faced with this scrapped machine that was full of negativity, Wei Keng raised his hand. Countless negative noises were evoked. A pair of bloody hands stretched out from the gaps in the machine, while the mechanical gears were clicking.

, just like polishing the teeth of a cannibal.

However, at this time, Wei Keng faced the world with great solemnity and said: "In the process of industrialization, the proletariat is the most basic component of society. They are often oppressed, exploited by businessmen, feudalists, and machinery through machinery. The proletarians are born out of the proletariat.

The working class is the most advanced and organized class in industrialization."

When Wei Keng finished these words here, this extremely heavy message spread to the world. This is the key message anchored in the name of the God of Industry.

The godhead that Wei Keng could see and connect to in his consciousness had taken a further step towards a certain accurate form from its original hazy state.

All the negative information about the machines was ignited into flames when they encountered Wei Keng's metallic pupils. The machines burned. A large amount of metal was violently oxidized, like golden sparks jumping.

When the flame burned out, the light began to converge and formed a badge, a sickle, a hammer, and two ears of wheat.

Wei Keng looked at the badge and had a weird expression. This thing was not built by himself. How could it appear in this world? However, he hesitated for a moment and finally grabbed the badge and pressed it between his eyebrows. Then his expression showed a burnt look.

It was painful, but in the end I gritted my teeth and endured it. This thing was like a branding iron imprinted on the spirit, and then it became consistent with something in the soul.

After carrying all this with his will, Wei Keng's eyes became solemn.


The information of the arcane world cannot be erased, it can be covered, and it can be deflected. Of course, it can also be summarized to determine cause and effect!

Just when Wei Keng chose to bear this "karma" mark, a large number of pop-up windows from the system kept popping up, but Wei Keng forcibly ignored them all.

When Wei Keng really decides something, and he expects strong opposition from the supervisor, he will directly act arbitrarily.

Now this scene has given the new supervisors below Bai Linglu and Qin Xiaohan a lesson on how crazy a sudden "strong axis" can be.

This chapter has been completed!
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