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Chapter 7.50 Different ways, no conspiracy

 After experiencing the three planes of China, Pandora, and Kongtuan, Wei Keng is cautious in promoting humanities in the unknown plane.

Wei Keng’s reasons: 1. I am just a middle-aged person and lack outstanding insight. 2. There are too many variables in a world with unfamiliar rules and social development is repeated. If I am not careful, I will go backwards.

In this world where magic and swords, blood and mystery coexist, there is no reference. It is better to go slower than to let society regress. Leaving the future to the unknown is equivalent to giving the gods of all walks of life the opportunity to intervene.


After the Great Northern Battle, although the Industrial Party currently has the ability to eliminate the dominance of the King of Egg at once, when it cannot find a replacement, it may as well take small steps and implement it step by step.

In the thirty-three-story building on No. 4 Street, Xiange Industrial Street.

Wei Keng said to his followers whose consciousness can enter the industrial etheric world: The counterattack of the conservative forces is destined, but they have to be told that it is impossible to completely go back to the past.

After the great battle in September 3603.

The entire continent is predicting that Karet will "imminently" enter the King's City of Egg, and when he seizes the highest power under the rain of flower petals,

In the end, this "soon" was postponed for a year...

The industrialists led by Carret chose to tidy up most of the Egg first.

In October, the United Industry's comprehensive economic assistance was sent south via thousands of steam locomotives. While discussing ransom with various nobles participating in the war, they prioritized the work relief model for rural farmers.

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In December, in order to ensure the labor force needed for agriculture in the south, United Industries repatriated a large number of captured soldiers. However, after these strong laborers returned to their territories, the industrial leaders sent labor companies southward for resettlement.

In the second year after the war, before all grains were sown, all farms signed post-harvest purchase agreements and paid insurance against possible disasters.

During the busy periods of sowing and harvesting, the steam car railway withstood the test of workers in the south traveling to and from peak times.

Nearly 200,000 people returned to the south carrying snakeskin bags and silver coins, and happily bought daily necessities at the same price as in the north in newly opened department stores in their hometowns. (The same price in the two places means that the logistics network has also done this.


At the end of the year, Karite presided over the weddings of each of the newlyweds in the main hall of Xiange Ling, and at the same time presented them with titanium steel alloy concentric locks.

Mortals can enjoy the victory, but Master Wei, who is burdened with the historical responsibility of planning the future, especially the responsibility of confronting the willpower of the gods, has too much to do.

The society here is very different from the humanities of the earth. How to implement many grassroots policies requires a lot of consideration from scratch.

For example, there is no land annexation problem in Aige: the prerequisite for land annexation is the emergence of homesteaders. During the sale and purchase of the land of homesteaders, local powerful people in the ruling structure are gradually concentrated, and only then will land annexation occur.

The land of the Aige nobles was granted by grant. The big nobles could not deprive the small nobles of their land when they were small nobles. Therefore, there was no annexation in the name of "purchase". The legitimacy of the territory came from the layer-by-layer consent of the upper-class nobles.

This is standard "feudalism".

If compared to the main world:

The land situation in Aige is similar to that before the Warring States Period. Only those with a title are allowed to have fiefs.

Without a title, it is illegal to open up wasteland. For people with a title, even if the land is abandoned for hunting, it is the freedom of the nobles. Therefore, after the reform of the Warring States, the national power suddenly increased greatly. This is because the nobles did not utilize the land enough.

Under such circumstances, the system can open up the enthusiasm of farmers and increase productivity.

Europe entered the era of industrial productivity from a feudal situation, and the nobility had the ability to cultivate large amounts of wasteland by purchasing machinery. Free people still had no land, and after entering the city, they gathered into the "citizen" class. As for those who stayed in the countryside, they were able to cultivate large amounts of wasteland.

Those who are called "Sir" behind the nobles are actually serfs.

In terms of society and humanities, Eastern civilization matures earlier than Western civilization. Eastern experience cannot be applied to the West.


Most worlds (planets) in the Arcane Plane have this kind of feudal system, and the bottom layer is the serfs without freedom. However, in relatively civilized countries, nobles will be ashamed to kill serfs at will. Oh, but that's the case,

The situation of "the lord's legal first night right to the girl in the territory" is always regarded as normal.

Nowadays, the industrial areas have appointed governors who were born in poor families, and at the same time introduced the power of labor service companies with a capital color, and they are competing with these local lords for control of the people.


Civilization under Western culture can say "If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away."

When the people of China are in good times, what they think about is: The mountains are high and the emperor is far away, so they have one-third of an acre of land to cultivate. When there is a severe disaster or drought, they think: The emperor is innocent. He raises his arms and raises his pole. He can greet people ten miles away.

The unscrupulous people in Pat Heung who also had their ribs scratched by the "capacity tax" "would rather have their own kind".

Therefore, in modern times, the West also did not have the cultural feeling that "people who are separated from others are not as good as peace dogs".

Therefore, if you use Eastern thinking to determine the population of the arcane world that is more Western-style, you will not be able to adapt to the climate.

For example, the policy of dividing land cannot hit the Aignon people's g-spot.

A large number of serfs in the Egg Kingdom have never owned land, and do not think they can legally own land. In the past, when they were farming smoothly, they only hoped for a good master.

The industrial party headed by Carret has evenly divided the land and given it to these serfs. These serfs dare not ask for it because they are afraid of losing their protection. They have to use Russian therapy to beat all the nobles and old scholars into white bandits and kill them all.

It can be advanced later. Of course, the consequences left behind are too great. The main world was completely disintegrated under its counterattack, not to mention the new industrial power of the arcane world.

So what do these serfs want?

Several individuals of Wei Keng conducted a detailed inspection in the south. Wei Keng, who looked like a coachman, took what looked like glass marbles but actually sealed a whole set of rune knowledge books and gave them to the little kid covered in mud. Every time he asked,

Tao: What do you want to do when you grow up?

The children's answer was: "Become a knight, a blacksmith who can speak softly to the knight, and a scholar (arcanist) who can be respected by the knight."

This confirms Wei Keng's prediction: Just like when Shang Yang carried out his reform, what the people wanted was a title. To put it bluntly: an important identity recognized in society.

When Wei Keng passed through these villages, he immediately formed multiple circuses and organized a professional magic team to parade in multiple areas to perform rune spells. At the same time, he conveyed new running machines and various short movies.

To the villages. This is how the American imperialists brought the culture of prosperous areas to the countryside when they developed the New World. Oh, now Wei Keng thinks that this art troupe is a good form.


Ten months after the war ended.

In the etheric world of industrial reflections, on a platform cut out from the side of a towering chimney, "industry" is sitting here with nothing to do, looking at the "concept" it has created.

At this time, in the far distance of the "Industrial Reflection World", the boundaries of industrialization are slowly advancing towards the outside. Rivers embedded in the soil are protected by water conservancy dams; forests are restricted by roads and buildings within the remaining square areas; pipelines extend underground,

And electric lights are lighting up on the building.

If Wei Keng felt something, a laptop appeared in his hand and began to record information.

The words Wei Keng typed echoed throughout the entire ethereal world in the manner of an industrial whistle: “The rise of industry lies in initiating mobilization and allowing the mobilization to produce beneficial effects for all participants.

Initiate mobilization: Those in power cannot unilaterally assume that loyalty will be gained by giving kindness, but must devote themselves to the things that the middle and lower classes really need.

What the lower-ranking people need will continue to change depending on the times and productivity. It can be a title, farmland, real estate, or a job.

The benefit effect of the new model: Extensive mobilization is to allow the new model to replace the old model, and the new model depends on the old model, so that more participants can benefit. If mobilization cannot produce benefits, then this kind of mobilization will harm the public and enrich the minority.

As Wei Keng entered this information, the industrial operation of the entire Ether Realm seemed to be much smoother, and the expansion plans towards the farmland and rural areas on the edge of the Ether Realm also became faster.

Wei Keng closed the laptop, and the object folded and shrank into a square, and finally disappeared into the ethereal space.


Most arcanists in this world use books as props to store arcane information.

In fact, many magic books can pull the reader's mind into the world of information after opening a page. The book is just a form.

This laptop is the "industrial bible" written by Wei Keng. Now his fingers are typing on the keyboard, filling in new concepts into the "industrial godhead" framework.

Regarding the understanding of "industry",

Wei Keng himself will make independent judgments on various situations.

But if you want to explain it, the order of priority of various concepts is difficult to explain one by one at a time.

Therefore, Eastern philosophers: By reading the books of saints, you can only learn a few things about the saints. It is better to have no books at all than to believe in the books.

Mr. Wei is very averse to dogma, but in this world where quantum information persists, dogma must be written for these "diode" mortals.

The existence of gods is based on some information that is regarded as "constant information" by mortal consciousness.

Especially now, in the face of this world's foundation, Wei Keng must clearly define the way "industry" responds to reality, as well as the current measures to promote "industry", the relationship with the long-term pros and cons of "industry", and the trade-offs.


In the field of belief in the arcane plane, long-term consensus can support the "godhead" from falling.

Choosing fanatics and provoking short-term consensus belief can give the gods the power to change the situation and create opportunities at the moment.

‘One-sided fanatic believers’ are sometimes not necessarily what God needs, because what creates increased opposition is not just one’s own short-term source of divine power, but also creates the strong emotional opposition needed by the opponent.

The direction that God needs is controllable. For example, the current expansion of "industry" in the reflection of the etheric realm is the most prosperous in the Fengfu Continent. This is a type of controllability in the direction.


Regarding "being a god", Mr. Wei has no experience for the first time, but he still has experience in "being a human being".

After experiencing the solo journey of millions of timelines in the void twisting plane, and the trampling of hundreds of thousands of selves in the Pandora plane, I have gained my own insights.

God is marveling that a powerful mortal soul like Wei Keng can appear in the main world. Wei Keng, in turn, is also investigating: How come the mortals in the arcane world are so simple? The people in the main world hide earth-shattering power.

What is great power? That is, individuals can make great judgments beyond their own class! And because of the continuous emergence of awakened individuals of their own, the entire class gradually understands how to judge and make decisions for itself!

Any "god or emperor" who tries to rule everything, enacts harsh laws and uses torture to intimidate, cannot predict the variables among the masses!

However, in this world, Wei Keng made a lot of observations.

Wei Keng analyzed the thinking of the people who played a role in the human dynasty here being able to last for thousands of years and the decline of a race or civilization from ancient power to an ordinary humanistic phenomenon after tens of thousands of years.

Wei Keng was very confused, but he had to admit that there was no "such" power here.

Wei Keng: There are no philosophers in the arcane world. We face the unknown of the universe with our own insignificance and still try to deal with it logically. This is philosophy!

Not everyone on the planet is a philosopher, but most people will have philosophical thoughts when they take time out from their busy schedule to think carefully about life and the world.

For example, when ordinary office workers on the earth reach middle age, they have a vague sense of the infinite vastness, greatness, vastness, or strange things that are just a few cents away, and they are indifferent to facing them one day. Oriental scholars say: At forty, there is no confusion, at fifty, there is knowledge.


The consciousness of all mortals in the arcane world is sealed by invisible concepts.

Everyone is afraid that they have no faith, and is worried about being filled in the wall of unbelievers. Even arcane mages choose to believe in an existence.


Wei Keng: Death is like a lamp going out. For things like life and death that people on earth are forced to face, the attitudes and concerns of mortals, arcane mages, and even heroes in this world are completely different. Because the focus is on death.

Finally, there are things after death.

Therefore, when it comes to "small things and easy things", ordinary people on earth and ordinary people in the arcane world will "act as they please and keep their minds and be at peace", showing chaos or order.

But when it comes to "big and difficult things", the human consciousness on the other side of the earth can often show the courage to "give up miscellaneous things and seek specialization"! This is the divinity that transcends chaos and order.


There should be an objective reason for the above differences. After Wei Keng reported it to the system, Bai Linglu retrieved the data collected by the system from a large number of planes, providing support for Wei Keng's ideas.

Intelligent life in different worlds are essentially different because they have gone through different processes.

For four billion years in the main world, life has struggled to sprout under absolutely stable physical rules. The spiritual cognition of primates is endowed by the difficult process of transforming from animals to humans for millions of years!

In the arcane world, under the physical rules of stable transmission of quantum information, life comes too easily.

The human beings in this universe were created at an incredible speed. In just tens of thousands of years, the neuronal structures of mortals’ cerebral blood vessels and cerebral cortex were able to run thoughts under the construction of gods. However, to accommodate the microscopic part of consciousness, the human beings here may be very



The perspective comes to the south

When "industry" grows further within the etheric world.

In the "scientific" reflection world that is also growing, but is much inferior.

Sainz leaned against a smooth, curved screen and stared in the direction of industry.

In Egg's Northern War, it was a common victory for "industry, science, and machinery", and all three parties gained huge faith.

However, the increase in faith brought about by such a brilliant victory not only failed to allow "science" to gain leadership, but instead further widened the gap between "industry" and "technology".

Sainz watched helplessly as "Industry" led the victory. But he could not interfere on his side. The closer he got to the gods, the more "not allowed" he got. Now he felt an invisible order constraining his camp.

You can't do anything by yourself.


The Northern War fought by Wei Keng was also for "scientific machinery".

Sainz's mortal idea is to regain dominance, but the "science" of the link does not allow him to hinder "industry".

"Science" should not have a competitive mentality with "industry". The current backwardness of "science" is purely because the promoters of "science" lag behind the promoters of "industry".

Sainz was unable to target Caret for a full year in 3603.

Because Caret is doing something for science!

But now, Carret finally decided to go to the Egg Imperial Capital. Sainz found that he was finally free from the restrictions of his godhead and hurriedly started his final little trick.


June 22, 3604

In a mage tower of the Xuan'ao Alliance, a nine-ring great arcanist wearing dark blue robes and golden patterns outlined a six-ring magic circle on the marble floor.

After adding magic energy, this six-ring magic array turned into a three-dimensional six-ring array, entangled in chaos.

Scholars who know occult knowledge can know from its symbols that this is related to the succubus of the abyss. The pink color looks very beautiful, but it outlines the lines of the sharp and curved magic circle.


At the same time, Carrette, who was sitting on the "Heavy Knight" armored chariot in front of the gate of the Imperial Capital, paused for a moment, with a clear smile on his face.

After looking at the towering royal capital for a few seconds, Karet decided to continue rehearsing the city entry ceremony.

After feeling the chaos in the curse in his blood, Wei Keng smiled and whispered: "Oh, I'm starting to do it again."

At this time, Wei Keng was a cluster of one hundred and sixty identities under the non-stasis cloning technique. Karite was just one of them.


Mr. Wei's current clones are in fifteen industrial parks, a battle group, eight scientific research institutes, certain kitchens in chain hotels in certain cities, and comprehensive rural pig, chicken, and fish breeding farms. Mr. Wei does everything.


Because Wei Keng lives a life based on his own interests in different circumstances.

The selves in different states can be objectively compared to determine whether they have suffered any special interference.

For example, when you encounter a negative buff such as "curse", you can also try to bring in different emotional feedback and then compare it for further confirmation. This is Wei Keng's idea of ​​​​"phased array".

The worst thing about the so-called negative curse is that you don’t know your fault even when you are in the wrong. With many perspectives and states, you can be extremely keen to discover your own abnormalities.

Wei Keng immediately submitted the situation to the system for recording.

Bai Linglu: "This is already evidence of Shi Chui, why should we expose it now?"

[Science, industry, machinery, the names of the tablets. This is not only a ranking of importance, but also a ranking of descending order.

Sainz, the promoter of 'science', comes before Caris, the promoter of 'industry'.

When Carret came, his father was bewitched by a magician. Then he activated a curse when he was 14 years old.

Now this curse is activated! The dimensional computer can also check the causal relationship based on this.

Sainz's methods before Wei Keng's arrival could still be considered secretive. But now that Wei Keng is using "industry" to help "science" fill the leaks and continues to start, Sainz is completely acting in the opposite direction.】

Mr. Wei: "No, no, wait until he does something more to prove that this mission is a first-class bastard, and then don't you want more compensation for the mission?"

The Space and Time Supervision Bureau invited Qin Xiaohan to have tea. Wei Keng didn't dig some holes in his work, and he always felt that he was not counted among them.

Bai Linglu seemed to have taken a deep breath and said to Wei Keng: "They have plotted against you from the beginning. Are you angry?"

Wei Keng: "(He) is so powerful that he is blind, so why should I get angry?" A few seconds later, Wei Keng added: "Maybe, it's a bit regretful. We were supposed to go together, but we couldn't get together."

This chapter has been completed!
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