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Chapter 1.31 Looking Back at the Darkness, Extreme Emergence

 A Wei Keng is not worth mentioning in the face of various weird biological groups in the genetic community.

But if the number of Wei Keng exceeds one hundred, a qualitative change will occur! Even if the genetic community cannot be defeated head-on, they will rely on their own endurance and organizational power to quickly insert into short-term contact, and then withdraw without missing a beat, then insert again, and withdraw again.

And if the scale of Wei Keng exceeds 500, then it can truly run rampant across the entire jungle.

In the current era, most of the aggressive large carbon-based groups have difficulty maintaining aggregations of more than a thousand when moving long distances, because this is the limit of their logistical capabilities.

Logistics - This is the ability of a living being to control and collect energy in a region. In the old days, humans planted a single crop in the entire alluvial plain, collected organic matter, and then gathered it through transportation. This supported the movement of tens of thousands of troops.

Fighting hundreds of miles away. But with such a system, the genetic community that is still becoming barbaric does not have this ability.

Within a week, Wei Keng targeted the top four genetic communities in the area and started sweeping them.

Strategically, it's a mopping up, a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves, but from a tactical point of view, it's like a cat catching a mouse!

In the five days before the battle, Wei Keng had been patiently stuck - this was the combat experience gained from Ji'an City, killing horses and destroying transportation capacity. When the enemy's transportation capacity remained in place due to his own interference, it could not move.

At this time, it is like a barrel effect, consuming all combat power conditions in the enemy force.

Heavy sniper rifles are definitely the most effective military supplies that Wei Keng exchanged this time. Those giant herbivorous devourers with huge bellies and small heads were hit hard by Wei Keng.

On October 17, sixty kilometers northeast of the Qingyuan ruins, this is now the scene of the battle between the Wei Keng cluster and one of the invading groups.

Wei Keng's current strategic bottom line is that the genetic community in the north cannot cross the ruins of Qingyuan.

It can be seen from the satellite cloud map that the northernmost part of the Pearl River Delta alluvial plain is Qingyuan. Further north is a completely mountainous area. Wei Keng will climb one or two mountains when carrying out production activities, but he will never regard mountain roads as

Fun, there is no step recorder in this plane to record your steps. -Bai Linglu: "You can have this."

Back to the current battlefield area,

In the mountain forests, the supply giants of the genetic community are now as thin as wood. They hide in the jungle and dare not come out. They can devour trees for food, but water?

"Pa--" crisp gunshots rang out on the top of the mountain, but before the sound reached the riverside, the head of the giant beast that was trying to replenish water exploded and fell to the ground. The huge body was half submerged in the water, and in the lake

The small crustaceans and the cockroaches in the surrounding soil all smelled the smell of blood and began to take a share of the pie. Oh, these two types of small animals may even bite each other.

This giant beast that produced blood for the top of the entire genetic community died like this. And judging from the dozens of bones on the riverside, this was not the first one.

Although after the death of such species, they will try their best to return energy and matter to the powerful community in the jungle by decomposing their small animals, but - without such giant beasts as the first channel to convert material energy, the top genetic community

There is a huge loss when the group of node organisms obtain energy, and this loss is not enough to support the metabolic consumption of the internal cluster.

For the genetic community, the most helpless thing is: Wei Keng who launched the sniper attack is eight hundred meters away! This is a distance from which even the most combat-effective individuals among them cannot fight back.

Those node creatures and the surrounding behemoths weighing up to one ton are just like the Yamato-class and Nagato-class, which are the mainstays of the empire in the Pacific battlefield of World War II: "The most unpleasant thing in the world is that in the vast Pacific, there are always firefights, and

I can't catch up even once."

In the first five days of this battle, the guards did not make an appointment with these giant beasts!

Wei Keng taunted from the distance: "Just stay there and wait for me to plant an orange tree for you!"

Preventing a giant, slow-moving, slow-metabolizing supply beast from approaching the water source is equivalent to a war that cuts off the oil lifeline of an industrial country! As long as we cut it off, we will win.

In this way, Wei Keng, who was squatting at the water spring, sealed off the four communities.

The total life radiation of these four communities was several times that of their own, but just four days without water reduced their life radiation by half.

And today,

On the night of the fifth day, these four genetic communities finally lost their patience and began to attack.

When Wei Keng saw a large number of swift species scurrying out as a fast swarm, he was happy, and he was waiting for the separation of lightweight biota and heavy blood-thick units in the genetic community.

This night was a geometric night composed of the straight lines drawn by each bullet and the parabola drawn by the grenade.

In the field of view provided by night vision goggles, the charge of these batches of lightweight beasts was completely blocked by the fire network. Wei Keng's homemade rifle bullets alone shattered their heads a hundred meters away. When these beasts approached

Within a range of fifty meters, the heavy machine gun can directly tear apart the body. Of course, the heavy machine gun only fired four times at them. More often, it was the fragments of the grenade that killed them.

In just one night, more than 600 swift species were killed at eight ambush points. When the giant beasts were only halfway on their way, they were already finished.

This disconnect is fatal.

When the genetic community found that nothing could be done and asked these giant beasts to turn around, Wei Keng, who had finished the sniper battle, blocked them again with a 60 mortar and a heavy machine gun. There was no need to worry about the assault groups of swift species appearing on the left and right sides.

Can output calmly.

The powerful healing ability of these giant beasts took the heaviest beating. When the guards fired so many thousand rounds of bullets in five minutes, no matter how thick the blood bar was, the blood in the body would be lost, and the soft tissue would be destroyed and unable to be reorganized in a short time.

And was consumed to death.

As long as it waits until it falls to the ground, then several guards will hold a four-meter-long bamboo pole and insert it into a wound, and then fire the front-end cluster grenade. What awaits it is an explosion that makes it impossible to revive.

On the morning of the sixth day, the radiation intensity of the four genetic communities within a range of 120 kilometers was no longer as strong as that of Wei Keng, and due to lack of water, the health value was still declining rapidly.

In the system space,

Bai Linglu, who has long hair reaching her waist, sits high on a light chair. Oh, she only has hair in this space. When she returns from the gravity well, she is so smooth that she doesn't want to look in the mirror.

She looked at the latest numerical value. She pursed her lips and controlled herself not to make a sound, because once she opened her mouth to describe it, she couldn't contain the surprise and pride in her voice!

The Wei Keng cluster's spiritual resonance data has increased fourfold.

Judging from the extent to which consciousness in the main world can increase the enthalpy of information received by nodes, the average value of each Wei Keng individual has soared from 43 to 129. Although this average value has declined after the peak, it is still

80 and above.

The highest peak of a certain body reached 675. And the consciousness exceeded 1000, which is Shangqing.

Wei Keng's numerical value is not a single one, but now exists in groups in this plane! -Bai Linglu has checked it, and in all the time travel situations, including the current situation of travelers from all walks of life in the plane war, there are

There is no such phenomenon as Wei Keng. This kind of large-scale explosion of consciousness is rare and rare.

It seemed like a night of killing. On the sixth day, nothing happened during the whole day. The mountains and forests here were quiet.

However, the life scale of these genetic communities stuck by Wei Keng continues to decline, and they are extremely pitiful as life forms.

However, on the seventh day, Wei Keng discovered that large-scale autophagy had occurred in these communities, and many individuals were shrinking. It could be judged that their internal hunger had reached a critical point, and they could no longer maintain normal operations.

As a result, the Wei Keng gathered the small clusters and began to form a large cluster, preparing to completely pull out each cluster one by one. After a morning's march, they bypassed two mountains and arrived at the first target. This was the

The strongest genetic community in Wei Keng's blockade is also the community that Wei Keng has definitely killed his own individuals.

After the observation group Wei Keng measured the wind, the action team lit firewood at the bottom of the hill, and thick smoke surged up the mountain. On the other side of the mountain, Wei Keng blocked the road with a gun and would not let anyone go.

A creature the size of a fox.

After half an hour of smoke, several smoke piles were piled up and covered with soil. The smoke at the foot of the mountain stopped immediately. The smoke on the mountain had not yet dispersed. At this time, the Wei Keng group attacked. The journey was destructive, although some

The beasts were still very crazy before their death, but in the face of coordinated attacks from multiple angles, these crazy beasts also turned into corpses with their skins broken.

Arriving at the top of the mountain, Wei Keng quickly found the node creature with the strongest life radiation, but after seeing this thing, Wei Keng fell silent again.

A week ago, when Wei Keng saw himself melted into wreckage at the Thinking Spider, he was already ready to accept any tragedy in this world, but there are always situations in this world that challenge the limits.

What I see now is a two-meter-long fat thing sitting upright. This thing looks like a toad when it is sitting upright, but it is not a toad. Its mouthparts are that of a death worm, and it has no eyes at all, or the eyes are on the neck.

There are four tumor-like objects in a circle around its neck. If you look carefully, these are human heads. The eyes on these human heads provide observation for this fat object.

Three of the heads were obviously a little old. The skull structure seemed to have shrunk and began to gradually collapse into the skin. As for the facial features, Wei Keng was sure that it was his own.

Regarding this, Wei Keng stared at his own remains like this, speechless and speechless.

When Wei Keng came closer, his own head opened its eyes. When the eyes of this human head, which had been parasitized by this fat body, looked at each other, they seemed to feel the excitement of genetic radiation, and they seemed to light up, but after a while,

It disappeared in an instant. Just like a spark in the ashes of death, it jumped for a moment and then disappeared completely.

This is not because there is still life consciousness left in the head, but because Wei Keng's powerful life radiation resonates with the tissue of the same gene as the remaining Wei Keng in the head, allowing the Wei Keng cluster to read the records of the brain tissue in the middle of the head.

’s final encounter.

After the integration of combat activities, the consciousness of the Wei Keng cluster obtained this complete picture:

Half a month ago, when the team stationed in the north was blocked by a herd of beasts, in order for some individuals to go back and deliver the news, Wei Keng Investigation Team No. 98, No. 94, and No. 93 conducted blocking operations, while No. 84 to No. 91 evacuated.

[Among them, No. 87 was the individual captured by the Thought-stealing Spider. The evacuation team also failed and was intercepted by the Thought-stealing Spider. Only No. 87 was saved as the Wei Keng cluster arrived in time. 】

Three Wei Keng individuals relied on the outer mounds of the temporary stronghold to carry out a final desperate resistance.

Among them, individual No. 98 was knocked down when he shot and killed one and stabbed the second one. Knowing that there was no result, Wei Keng bit the grenade, holding the smoking thing between his upper and lower jaws, and the one who pounced.

The 'giant bear' who poured him out gave him a mouth-to-mouth kiss and died painlessly.

Individual No. 94 died in the cabin. After four beasts got into the cabin, when these beasts bit him to pieces, Individual No. 94 endured the severe pain and closed the door, knocked over the oil lamp and pressed the button

I got a lighter and lit the branches that had just been dried in the wooden house and were ready to be piled up to make cushions!

In the thick smoke, I hugged a wild beast, ignored its bite, and rolled at the door to hold on to the wooden door. I didn't let these things break the door and escape. In the end, I gradually lost consciousness in the thick smoke, feeling the hot flames giving my skin the last breath.

There was such a little burning pain that I couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, this ending is just like the last life!"

Individual No. 93 was the last to die. After watching his belly being cut open, all his strength was drained. There were no bullets in his gun, and even if there were bullets, Wei Keng did not have the courage to shoot himself.

He pulled the trigger of the end, and happened to see the fate of the other two himself in the sensor. This made Wei Keng, who had not yet chosen a path, confused?

No. 93 Wei Keng: "I still want to live. Instead of always dying, there should be other ways. Why not try?"

But then, he was held by the monsters with pliers and came to this fat node creature.

Faced with such a terrifying thing, No. 93 Wei Keng, an individual Wei Keng, could not contain his fear.

Real sacrifice requires a moment of courage. If you exceed this moment, you may become a coward! No. 93 Wei Keng does not have the resonance of life radiation, nor the support of the last bloody hero in the battle. Instead, he will continue to waver and do what he wants.

Make a little cowardly choice.

No. 93: After discovering that this thing has the ability to communicate, I want to beg for mercy.

In this last memory fragment, No. 93 expressed the memory of begging for mercy in detail, repeatedly emphasizing that his group had a big secret.

Of course, you have to tell yourself that you have a bigger secret and want to buy time. In logic No. 93, if the interrogator wants to interrogate the secret, he must use torture bit by bit without killing himself. Every time he

The first time I couldn't stand it anymore, I just confided a little and waited for some time. This is what Wei Keng said after reading the scout's captured manual.

However, after seeing that the members of the evacuation team he had covered were also captured, and were dealt with by these monsters one by one within two days, No. 93 finally despaired. He no longer begged for mercy, but faced this enemy with contempt and calmly

Narration: "I don't know anything."

"In the end, it is better to put away our weakness and die with dignity." This was the last thought of No. 93. Then he watched the fat thing open the bloody mouth of the death worm, and the endless darkness swallowed him, and he

All perceptions were decomposed in the severe pain, and the brain consciousness was forcibly destroyed, so that some memories were washed away and scattered.

Now Wei Keng's consciousness has finished reading this memory of his final death and fell silent.

I won't lie to myself. I have the courage to be desperate and the helplessness to find a way to survive when I see the same end again. Of course, in the end, I will be even more desperate and self-humiliated.

The four Wei Keng who were close to this node creature picked up their bayonets and tried to cut out their heads and those of the other three. During the process, the fat monster's struggle made Wei Keng's movements very difficult. Wei Keng thought for a moment.

He just dug out his own head, put it in a box, and then prepared to bury it at the place where No. 98 and No. 94 died, because No. 93’s final thought was that it might be better if he died there at that time.

Then, the Wei Kengs looked at this ugly node creature, and their eyes showed an extreme flame at this time. This flame was not unexpected at all, and seemed to come from Wei Keng himself.

The sun gradually set, and although the bonfire began to light, the dancing flames seemed to only make the darkness flicker between Wei Keng's individuals. Wei Keng's shadow stretched extremely long, and the shadow finally merged into the gloomy jungle.

This chapter has been completed!
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