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Chapter 01.32 Drop Ink Cup

Beside the bonfire in the dark night, facing the twitching of flesh and blood, Wei Keng felt a sense of revenge.

Although logically this is not considered healthy and is taboo. But now?

"This is just this once, uh, this is a special case." Wei Keng defended.

The flames rose up, and pieces of hot stones were sent into the wounds on the node creature. Wei Keng thought it was screaming too noisily, so he used a wooden frame to open its mouth, and continued to destroy its healing body.

Pronunciation organ.

When these things were removed one by one and the organizational structure that did not conform to his own aesthetics, Wei Keng's inner evil spirit could be released. Yes, after witnessing too many cruelties he encountered, if he could not make some feedback,

Wei Keng felt that he had a psychological shadow.

Wei Keng: "How should I put it? Ideas need to be clear."

While Wei Keng was looking for various 'reasonable' reasons, he put the felled fungi and vegetation into the organs of the node organisms. When he watched the carbon-based materials continuously regenerate and exclude these structures, all the

Wei Keng had a smile on his face.

From an outside perspective, if these more than a thousand people with the same faces grinned at this matter, cooperating with each other to cut up the living flesh, without a trace of mercy in their expressions, and even through communication, the steps were getting faster and faster, it would definitely feel like

To the point of shuddering.

As the stars in the sky slowly rotate.

The life radiation of this gene community node creature captured by Wei Keng is weakening every inch. Not only that, but abnormal organs are also constantly proliferating in its internal tissues. Especially the nerve center, the tissues are radiated by Wei Keng's genes, and the brain tissue

The structure was forced to change. Immediately afterwards, it seemed that it could understand emotions, no, a channel appeared where Wei Keng was instilled with a lot of emotions.

The negativity and darkness in Wei Keng's consciousness, as Wei Keng's life radiation forcibly opened up the understanding ability of the biological part of the node, were input into this genetic community, and were also vented into the nature.

Negative thinking is an attitude toward the end, destruction, or even hatred of a certain type of existence. This is an absolutely malignant existence.

What those individuals who were captured by Wei Keng encountered at the node creatures seemed to be just pain before death in ordinary creatures, and would not derive anything else. However, in the existence of higher consciousness life forms like humans, the more complex death and

Torture can evolve into complex darkness in thinking and consciousness.

This node creature continued to devour humans after it was born, and even integrated human heads into its own organs. It originally had human genes in its body, but the human genes were successfully controlled by it and captured people's memories and thoughts.

Now, under the strong influence of Wei Keng's life radiation, these human genes are beginning to backfire, and then this community is forced to accept the depression, darkness, and terror that only humans can understand. It begins to know what it means to be "born as a human, I'm sorry"


In the past, when the complex consciousness and emotions possessed by humans as advanced creatures collapsed and distorted, they could not be transmitted.

But now, the simultaneous dark hissing of thousands of genetically identical human thoughts will spread out with the radiation of life.

Blackening, Wei Keng is okay.

Now it is not only this genetic community that is affected by Wei Keng, but also mutations in the entire area. In the jungle, a large number of leaves fall without wind, and the roots of the leaves automatically break.

It all starts when the little creatures in the soil first go awry.

These tiny creatures were originally the most marginal life forms within the range of life radiation of these genetic communities, so they were also the individuals on the periphery of the life community that were least able to withstand the influence of radiation.

These bugs and geckos in the soil mutate rapidly, and their internal cell nuclei appear abnormally shed. Then the shed genes change their structure and return to the cell nucleus to disassemble the cell nucleus, proliferate and replicate!

Viruses, something that is no longer common in this era, have appeared! However, now as Wei Keng's negative side has darkened, this thing has once again spread its teeth and become the crack of the loser.

In less than ten minutes, the virus spread from small biological activities to plants. Necrosis began to appear in the pipes of the bark of the plants, and there was a lot of internal dehydration. Abnormal leaf fall began. Then a large number of more complex animals also became infected.

General hair loss and convulsions.

This genetic community is bearing a large amount of abnormal information. With this abnormal information, even if the creature at this node in Wei Keng's hands will escape death and return to the natural community, it will accumulate a large number of error fragments in its genes, which will destroy the community it is in.

Biological periodic necrosis.

And such changes have spread to all directions, causing panic among countless natural life consciousnesses.

If previously these genetic communities were simply unparalleled in their disgust towards the Wei Keng cluster that suddenly appeared in the south to grab territory, now they have truly triggered a more terrifying situation.

The Wei Keng cluster has now become toxic to all genetic communities in the entire Pandora world from this moment on!

This wave of fluctuation has now expanded to two thousand kilometers, no, three thousand kilometers. The entire Southeast Asia, half of southern China, and large communities on the ocean can feel this shocking change.

And such a shocking process did not happen before in the Pandora era.

The upper reaches of the Yangtze River, a place known as Chongqing in the civilized era, has mountains and water.

Now it is still a mountain city. On the uneven undulations, towering huge plants merge with architectural fragments from the old era, standing on both sides of the Yangtze River, forming a life-punk city.

The genetic community here is not the strongest in East Asia, but it is definitely the genetic community that has evolved the most in the direction of human society. This is all because this was the last relic of the human evacuation plan before the Great Destruction. Because the community here is the genetic community of human beings.

It is the place with the highest concentration, so it is the most sensitive to changes thousands of miles away in the south. Because Wei Keng's negativity at this time is, to some extent, in contrast to the situation when the genetic community in that place was born.

Shelter Plan:

In 2365, when the Pandora Field approached the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the strongest technological power in East Asia gathered here to build a nano-network that could cover the entire city circle. This nano-network was divided into six thousand layers, using massive optical quantum signals to

The phenomenon of life information transmission in the world of Pandora is cut off.

This plan was partially successful with the start-up of forty large-scale nuclear power plants in the surrounding area. The nano-network successfully interrupted natural carbon-based life radiation.

When the shelter plan was initially successful, the humans who escaped here breathed a sigh of relief, but more problems arose.

And behind the city, a large number of humans are trying to get ferry tickets and squeeze into the city at all costs.

However, in the end, this shelter suddenly collapsed three months later, and tens of millions of humans gathered here were exposed to Pandora's Field in an instant. Then, this place became the largest human killing field at the end of the old era.

Regarding how the shelter facilities collapsed, the last words left by humans in despair at that time are recorded on the rocks beside the river!

A record scrawled on a piece of red rock summed it up like this: This is the bad nature of human beings. As society continues to become more complex, there are always some social minds that do not focus on social development and survival, and pursue strange theories and anti-civilization hopes.

The details of the collapse of Chongqing City were recorded in detail on subsequent stones.

The final record of a city clerk who did his duty: the shelter took in too many people in the end, so it was also mixed with extreme natural terrorist organizations. These organizations use the slogan of loving the earth, and when the Pandora field spreads, they represent the movement of mankind towards

Therefore, in the eyes of this organization, all human self-rescue is unreasonable and should be given up. Therefore, in the end, this organization destroyed the shelter facilities from within.

But another person wrote another opinion: Of course, it is also possible that the shelter plan failed from the beginning, and the barrier it produced only blocked the most obvious life radiation phenomenon, but human consciousness has actually already

Contaminated by life radiation, this cannot be seen in a single person. Maybe this person is just a little depressed, but the entire society is full of decay, despair, madness, and helplessness. It is the human consciousness under the radiation of life that changes in thinking.

The phenomenon of extinction.

The unconditional compromise of the green terrorist organization is actually the conquest of mankind by the community consciousness in Pandora Field.

Chongqing City was completely exposed to the natural radiation of life. Thousands of human beings here were desperately waiting for death. After the first few days of crazy destruction and killing, more and more people began to calm down. When human beings cannot defeat something,

When time comes, religion will be derived, and this time human beings' idealism in despair seems to have achieved results.

Within a few months, more and more people were calm. One by one, they found trees to lean against, ignoring themselves being swallowed by nature. They faced their impending fate in a non-violent manner.

Because tens of millions of humans eventually ended up here, the human genes in the community here are very strong. Almost every plant and tree has human genes.

The flowers blooming on the trees look like human lips, and the fish in the water have human teeth.

And now, 70% of the fusion people here are not out of shape to the point of deviating from human aesthetics, they are just a little weird.

For example, some are a fusion of people and plants, with plant vines exposed on the tail vertebrae. During the day, the vines penetrate into the mother tree to absorb nutrients and move at night. And some have palm leaves growing on their original hair.

, when the sun is bright, the hair can unfold like an umbrella canopy for photosynthesis.

The genetic community here expresses a large number of human genes and has a large number of humanoid individuals. Therefore, it is also very rare among the global genetic communities to have the ability to make tools. They can hollow out the insides of some large organisms, just like filling bottles with parts.

Implant the tree structure to form a transport ship, which can travel down the Yangtze River and spread to surrounding areas to collect minerals. There is even the ability to smelt metal.

The community consciousness that these fused people are linked to has also inherited some social habits of the old era of mankind. For example, they are a matrilineal society and have social hierarchies. The existence of sacrifice is the self-proclaimed name of the highest node creatures among the fused people here.

But even so, they are still a community and are not regarded as human beings by the human city-states in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Yellow River.

Because, even if the appearance of high-level fusion people is indistinguishable from the humans of the old era, they will not have the same concept of higher life forms of the old era. They will be like the leaders of the ant colony, and can carry out life and material treatment on any low-level fusion people.

Predation. In other words, the sacrifice here is not as simple as a transcendent power status in human society, but as the top level of eating in the community.

When the strong have absolute rights and obligations to the weak, this is by no means a society, but an ant nest order in which the weak eat the strong.

But now, the upper echelons of this community in Chongqing City feel that the "similar people" in the south have a "will for revenge" against the entire world.

The metal bronze bells hanging on the giant trees rang. In each of the tree holes in the giant trees, there were hundreds of strange dragonfly species with human eyes on their heads.

The top of the largest wooden building in any area.

On the jungle side, with the reminder from Bai Linglu and some feasibility study reports on the status of the captured node creature, Wei Keng recovered from the negative state and returned to work.

Wei Keng said on the system: "Sorry, I just couldn't control my state."

Bai Linglu: "Your venting is normal. As long as it does not exceed a certain value, proper venting will help your mind release chaos. Of course, it is also my duty to 'remind you'. Your personal memory of the damage in this battle has been

It has been saved and there will be no defects. Please rest assured.”

Wei Keng: "Thank you. For the next step, um, I would like you to help me with the planning of how to deal with this thing."

Bai Linglu, the node creature, has already retrieved the information and provided a plan that makes Wei Keng very comfortable.

Wei Keng began to review the battle situation again and continued to think in an orderly manner.

Although there are more genetic communities further away in the northern Guangdong region that continue to be hostile to themselves. But the reason why they must be solved at this stage is not sufficient. The rescue and immediate revenge have been completed, and next, we need to

Take your time. Once you have the initiative, control the rhythm.

In other words, you can prepare more for your own industrial production, communicate more with other human forces in the local area, and at the same time continue to collect intelligence on various communities in the world.

Wei Keng's team retreated along the mountain road, and most of them were on their way, striding forward with weapons and ammunition on their backs.

Some Wei Keng were held by the person in front, or pushed forward gently by the person behind, holding paper and pen to record and draw. After this process lasted for five minutes, they handed the paper and pen to themselves behind.

, carrying the luggage on one’s own back turned into physical labor.

Wei Keng is now very flexible in using his own life radiation. The brain, the organ with the highest energy consumption, can absorb 70% of the energy from the entire group, maintain powerful mental arithmetic, and estimate the situation from various perspectives in front of him.

For example, if a leaf in front falls from a branch, which piece of soil will it fall on the ground two seconds later, the thinking array formed by the guards can accurately predict it within tenths of a second.

Wei Keng can think at high speed. At this time, the energy consumption of life radiation to support each brain thought is 27,000 calories per hour, which is three kilograms of fat or the energy of forty-eight Big Mac burgers.

Of course, the brain can take over such information, but if it wants to form an effective memory, the brain will still overheat during the process, so every ten minutes, Wei Keng changes to another brain to record, but what about Wei Keng who has already recorded the information?

, then switch to making the muscles of the body become a large energy consumer, such as walking with a bag on your back.

On the way back, Wei Keng was still rapidly consuming the fat in his thighs and internal organs. The things that once trembled under his skin now flowed rapidly under the control of his own life radiation, keeping his body temperature at 37.5.

degrees Celsius.

"I will continue to fight against the community here." Wei Keng, who was recording terrain data, once again determined the strategic goal.

"But I will try my best to show more vitality here than you." Wei Keng, carrying his own remains, did not waver in his core goal.

"I still need to improve in many aspects." Wei Keng, who was at the front of the queue, held a road cutter and kept cutting away the weeds that had just grown a few hours ago. He smelled the sweet smell of the grass juice and felt confident about his future.

In this contest, the biggest advantage within our own cluster is the advantage of communication and coordination. The large number of pictures, smells, and auditory signals that we transmit telepathically provide "foreseeing" cooperation for each individual's actions. And this guardian

Keng thinks it can get even better.

Telepathy is better than language, but! Language is an advanced mode of voice communication, and this mode is advanced.

In ancient times, humans' "strong telepathy" compared to animals was to make sounds to confirm each other's status. Gradually, this method of shouting at each other was needed to transmit information more quickly based on simple syllables.

After the birth of language, it originally took a long time to roar to convince other individuals that they had "spotted a deer instead of squatting and shitting and encountered a hyena." When language appeared, it only took a few syllables to express it.

Language is encrypted and standardized roaring tones. So now can my telepathy be standardized for various meanings?

Wei Keng now looks back at the times when he provided mental perception images during battles that were not so clear at all.

The process and possible results in the battle can be expressed more simply. In the picture, you only need to pay attention to a few points such as the hands and feet, and you only need to determine the changes in the sound. Most of the time, smell, taste, cold and heat do not need to be expressed, because even a lot of self-body is in

Normally, you don't pay attention to every smell around you all the time. Just important ones, or even artistic conceptions you are familiar with can replace a lot of information from the six senses. That is, "understanding by heart".

Wei Keng feels that there is more room for improvement in his coordination and cooperation.

This chapter has been completed!
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