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Chapter 9.37 Fate? Savior?

 Since the Age of Discovery, the world has gradually become connected into a "village", and the major powers in this village are like the mothers in the village. If any family has the slightest disturbance, they will immediately become extremely sensitive.

Shenzhou ended the conflict with Shengyang in the South Pacific and ended the war very quickly. The photo of the two sides signing a peace agreement in New Zealand soon spread rapidly in major media around the world.

In the peaceful era of the earth, "fight" was big news, but now when the mainstream areas are reduced to war, "stop" is big news.

The sudden ceasefire between Shenzhou and Shengyang made the other half of the world wary.

Because at the moment, it is difficult for Westerners not to associate the world structure with that before the First World War.

At that time, China also took over the West Asian region and began to march aggressively towards the Mediterranean region. The entire Europe had to form the Holy Alliance to resist the pressure from the Eastern Empire.

In recent years, China has stabilized the Tianzhu Ocean region, while Shengyang has launched brutal and inhumane attacks on Europe and America. The West is still killing each other.

In the eyes of the West, Shenzhou and Shengyang are both Easterners, and there is no difference in appearance, which has given rise to "conspiracy theories."

Western conspiracy theorists: The fact that the Battle of Lizhou ended so quickly just proves that after resolving their conflicts, Shenzhou and Shengyang are ready to carve up the Western world together.

This statement is not unreasonable. After Shengyang negotiated peace with China, China Southeast Capital also began to provide loans to Shenzhou and provide strategic materials. Oh, Fenghou took the lead in this matter. Bai Zhaodi started taking risks after being prompted by the system. invest.

Some of the technology trees currently controlled by China's business and private sectors are very competitive in the market, such as electric power technology. For example, ultra-high voltage power transmission and transformation, as well as various battery patents and quantum wormhole storage power grids.

However, the related automobile industry has always been blocked by the petrochemical industry in North America, and the two sides have conflicts in the market.

Therefore, some business and private groups in China really hope that there will be such a war to wipe out the North American chemical industry, so that China's batteries and photovoltaic panels can be sold at a high price.

Monopoly on key industries such as food and energy is the ultimate pursuit goal of business and private enterprises in the stage of brotherhood.

In China, business, private and Western capital have all reached this bloody stage. Negotiations are no longer possible and external conflicts must be instigated to bridge internal differences.

The commercial and private business in China is divided into two lines, one is the commercial and private business in the Tianzhu Yang region with the interests of the Silk Road as the core, and the other is the commercial and private business in the Western Pacific with the Jiangnan Banking Regulatory Group as the core.

Western capital is also divided into two routes. One is the North Atlantic Commercial Alliance. The other is the Mediterranean, North Africa, and East Africa, which trade with the East. For hundreds of years, they were the "East India Company" of various European countries.

The Western media is anxious to tell part of the truth, but because they are also part of this filth, these crazy words seem unable to withstand proof.

The two major capital forces collided on the road to rob the world. In this world, in order to compete for the power of bloodthirsty and flesh-eating, people in various regions began to drive towards the meat grinder.

The business and private classes do this instinctively, and it is not some "conspirators" who are causing harm among them.

Because in their view, in order to win the war, the people below need to obey, obey, and obey again. They don't even realize that they are wrong.

When the "top human beings" are confident that there will be no problems with this ruling system, they have no intention of improving the ruling machine.

However, in this case, "these top human beings" have no belief in victory in the development of the war.

When the war broke out, these elites, who were supported by the flesh and blood of all mankind, were obsessed with the theory of "destiny" about the future success or failure.

Edenia, Great Lakes.

In the underground base at the bottom of the lake, North American executives entered the scene.

Young men wearing suits and top hats entered the scene one after another. These were young clones of high-level figures. With microchips implanted in their brains, these bodies with unlimited energy could be controlled to dominate the current power.

Our meeting cannot be separated from the current war situation.

On November 18, the Rising Sun fleet passed through the Panama Canal and arrived in the Atlantic Ocean. At this time, the Rising Sun navy and army had invaded Florida and opened six landing nodes.

Although Shengyang's scientific and technological level is a little biased, it is still an industrial country that was fought in several world wars.

The shortcomings of the loose federal system of state rights in North America quickly became apparent.

In the south of North America, rows of rising sun super fortresses form a naval battle line at an altitude of 30,000 meters, spraying blue light to sweep the airspace.

After the Empire of the Rising Sun blew up the radar base on the ground,

The Tengu mecha drove straight in. Although the air superiority was won by the Imperial Super Fortress, 90% of Edenia's air power was destroyed by the Tengu mecha's infiltration.

Edenia's air force and army are separated. The advantage of this organization is that the air force is an independent strategic strike force.

Edenia has always used its air force independently in foreign interference, and there have been no disadvantages.

But today, for the first time, Edenia was invaded by industrialized foreign enemies.

As a result, this independent establishment of the air force turned the North American Air Force into the air force commanded by Goering of the Third Reich.

The Tengu III marine-class mecha maneuvered at low altitude and high speed to penetrate inside, then deployed its nano cover and broke into the North American Air Force base from the ground.

Because the air force bases in North America are too independent, and the airports rely on defense towers for protection and lack the support of the army's artillery and armored mobility forces, they suffered heavy losses from attacks like the Sun.

After the Tengu mecha cluster defeated Edenia's air force, they quickly took off and fled to other areas before Edenia's heavy firepower could react.

To make matters worse, there is an intelligence gap between the various states in southern Edenia. The Rising Sun invasion force repeatedly jumped between states, playing their favorite turn-based game.

Sunrise commanders discovered that as long as the U.S. military in one state turns on its combat posture and then moves to another state, it can avoid the best combat capabilities of the U.S. military.

Because each state has its own management system for transportation and logistics. The central government of the United States of Eden lacks the power to appoint personnel in these states. Without a unified reward and punishment system, it is impossible to coordinate accurately in war.

Even the responsibilities of war zones between states are not clearly defined. Many of these state boundaries in Edenia are longitude and latitude boundaries, not natural boundaries.

Natural boundary lines can be seen everywhere in the provinces of China, because historically, the regional culture and economy of each region have promoted full exchanges between the two sides. Of course, in the era of feudal separatism, it was also clearly clarified that each local state capital could The boundaries within which governance rights are exercised.

The straight-line state boundaries in Edenia look good on the map, but in reality it is impossible for each state to exercise governance rights along those straight lines. In the past, capital was happy to see this, and it was impossible to promote this process.

All these shortcomings can only be said that Edenia is too young!

Now the people of Edenia have only seen the most superficial surface, and the hawks of Edenia are only furious at the state rightsism of these governors.

Perspective, return to the current venue.

The clones in suits and cylindrical hats (magician hats) fell silent after learning about the dire situation.

The power giants present are all members who know the "secret".

The "Izhou" ship ten years ago. The prophecy was becoming a reality.

For these upper-class people who inherited capital at birth, it is like the noose of fate is constantly tightening.

What is destiny?

For these Protestant believers,

It was fate that Cain assassinated Abel! It was fate that Noah boarded the ark! It was fate that Rome was destroyed at the hands of the barbarians! It was fate that the Mayflower carried immigrants into the New World!

And now?

Destiny is irresistible, but you can buy a ticket or indulgence to leave it.

In European and American Hollywood movies, whenever a disaster movie comes out, some people stand up and complain, and a lot of people stand up and believe it. It makes Eastern people look very unconventional, but this is the case with American culture.

There is no such thing as retribution for good or evil in the West. Their reason for moving forward comes from the fact that they are the "chosen people". Because they are pious, they are chosen. And because they are chosen, they continue to act in the world even if they are guilty of original sin.

The flaw is that every time there is a disaster, internal strife will begin.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that there will be groups like the white left and anti-self groups in Europe.

This is a group of people who are aware of the serious sins of their group, but do not want to atone for their sins, but want to compete for the qualifications of "voters".

Returning to the topic, there is no doubt that the upper echelons meeting in the Great Lakes now feel that they are the chosen ones. Therefore, they also implement some plans to "let God choose themselves".

When fate decreed that 'Edenia' was about to fall, they carried out a "savior" plan.

At the conference, the interface of a technology center was opened. This technology center has unprecedented electron acceleration rings and power supplies.

There are countless possibilities in the theory of space and time.

The original purpose of Edenia's dignitaries investing in this space-time center was to find the space-time vortex leading to the future and search for the way to salvation.

According to the parallel time and space theory, Edenia still has a downstream timeline in the future.

In the past ten years, Edenia's businessmen and private individuals have launched thousands of time-space teleportation experiments, putting things like game consoles downstream.

[This game console has the function of selecting national characters. Once the game console selects Eastern characters, the time and space coordinates in the game console will be lost. But people in the downstream time and space will further investigate once they select English or Latin. Finalize whether to send time information.】

This savior plan was really found for them, and Edenya successfully resisted the rising sun's time and space line.

Edenia's senior officials learned that in that future timeline, in some of their own international operations, Sunrise defeated the Mississippi River. But the specific process, the people there did not say.

Instead, they hope that contemporary Edenia can provide space and energy to summon them here. The coordinate time there is 33 years later.



Members of the Edenian Senate and the shadow government quickly completed the vote.

55 people voted, 43 in favor and 12 against, and finally passed.

The scientific experts received orders from the dignitaries and began to prepare to activate the electric energy system, which required consuming the entire power supply of Edenia for fifteen minutes, so that they could summon the future target of 260,000 tons.

But before the people from the future arrive, Edenia has one more thing to do.

Qin Tong calendar year 2289.

Just half a month after the war between Shenzhou and Shengyang ended, Edenia raised the voice of mediating for the European War.

At this time, the European Union and the Orthodox Federation were exhausted from fighting on the cold European continent. In just three years, there were 60 million casualties.

Among them, the Orthodox Federation suffered 10 million casualties. Most Russian men had mechanical prosthetics and bodies installed.

As for the remaining almost 50 million casualties, they were all from the European Union. The European Union almost wiped out the entire northern and central Africa.

For the sake of the war, the European Union conducted a "loyalty" census across Africa.

The so-called "loyalty" refers to whether a man is willing to be drafted and whether a woman is willing to be drafted by "European Humanities".

The old diode of European philosophy is that loyalty is either absolute or absolutely disloyal.

The colonists' recruiting brigade was dressed in mechanical armor and brought four-legged robots to each tribe. They used guns to threaten them and took the young people away. They then left behind boxes of food, Coca-Cola spiked with addictive drugs, and some Game consoles that require real-name login.

Of course, the European Union will not invest more in these cannon fodder.

After African soldiers were injured, only 7% received mechanical prosthetic modifications. This was far less than the almost 90% prosthetic modification rate of the Eastern Orthodox Federation. Therefore, the casualties were huge.

As for the rising sun,

Commanders will also implant artificial nerves into injured soldiers, seal them in the cockpit and continue fighting while enjoying electronic entertainment. Therefore, manpower losses are controlled.

Therefore, in this war, the European Union is simply at the bottom of the major powers.

In recent years, when Sunshine has launched a large-scale landing in Africa, the European Union has been attacked from both sides and is almost unbearable.

Accepting mediation now and acknowledging that two-thirds of Europe was taken by the East may be a fact that we are unwilling to accept, but we must admit it.

In the Orthodox Federation, these unscrupulous officers were sitting in tight mechas, walking in the wasteland of Central and Western Europe. They looked at the Central and Western Europeans who were holding the food they provided, but there was no gratitude in their eyes. Residents also have mixed feelings.

"What did we gain from this battle?"

Rockav (a traveler from the lower Caucasus and now a female officer) drove a fifteen-ton, iron-like bipedal mecha to a stop in front of a half-collapsed building, watching the snowflakes fall aimlessly.

Snowflakes are very beautiful, but there is nothing left in Europe except hatred.

The Orthodox Christian Federation cannot directly govern the occupied areas and can only indirectly rule this land by supporting local governors who converted to Orthodoxy.

Throughout North America and Europe, this year, intelligent people began to have internal anti-war trends.

These ideas began to spread and began to be borrowed by local speakers in electronic media. It was not the reflective forces of North America and Europe that were at work.

In fact, it is Western capital that feels that this war is no longer beneficial and should be put on the brakes, so that relevant voices can emerge.

But in fact, his anti-war rhetoric is also mixed with hostility to the outside world.

For example: Some speakers will blame China for promoting the war behind the scenes and making profits. The reason is that China sold a lot of civilian products such as "food freeze-drying" and purchased a lot of precious resources.

"To unite the West, an enemy is needed." This is the information Edenia obtained from the downstream space-time line in the savior plan.

The Congressmen of the United States need to exaggerate the "Eastern Threat Theory"

It’s just that Edenia may not know that some histories can extend life through a series of coincidences. Some so-called “medicines” become poisonous when their weight increases!

China's capital group was also constantly observing the European and North American wars. After confirming that Western capital had clearly pointed the finger at itself, it immediately began to counterattack.

In the Gulf of Aden, the Great Eater Alliance has built a floating dock here, where the "independently developed and manufactured" warships of the Great Eater's own country are modularly assembled here. These standard 10,000-ton warships are equipped with electromagnetic guns and unmanned aerial vehicles. Fleet navigation and nano-shield systems are standard features of these modern capital ships.

A third-party force is about to appear. This force can seize the Caspian Sea to the north and Suez and North Africa to the east.

However, the current strategy of the Dashi Alliance is: whoever wins will help whom.

This is a speculative mentality. To put it nicely, it is called "shopping around."

To put it more clearly: There is no determination to win your own victory, because all major victories based on yourself come at a price.

And the ugly part is: the speculative mentality is often hesitant and weak. It seems like a good hand, but in the end it is all played out.

In modern times, there were many arrogant speculators, and they were often able to make a lot of "small profits" by playing both ways. However, at the critical moment, the national ideology and the direction and will of the political group were not unified, and they became pawns.

This chapter has been completed!
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