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Chapter 9.38 Deducting History

 In late November of the year 2289 of the Qin Dynasty, politicians in the United States of Edenia wearing top hats wanted very much to mediate the conflict between the European Union and the Eastern Federation from a third-party perspective and determine the ceasefire line. However, the four provinces of Izumo and South America Shengyang, like an awkward combination, bit Edenia's neck and lower body respectively, and dragged it into the manure pit.

After the armistice between South Pacific and China,

Sunrise shuttled most of its main fleet through the Panama Canal and into the Atlantic Ocean. But Edenia could not.


At the same time, the Jiedu envoys on the islands in the four provinces of Izumo in China, the old land of Shengyang, suddenly found an opportunity to start "Sparasi" without the authorization of the emperor.

The North Pacific Fleet under the command of Izumo Jiedushi took the opportunity to capture a series of volcanic islands (Aleutians) extending from Alaska to the Pacific. At the same time, it tried to "recover" the Command Strait. (In that area, during the Age of Discovery, China first established a monument. )

On November 24, Izumo's 30,000-ton aerospace ship folded its wings like a chocolate bar projector like flies, and a 15-ton supersonic fighter jet was launched into the Arctic Ocean, launching the Eden Sub-Arctic. All merchant ships in the lane were driven out.

The Chinese imperial court announced that it was not responsible for the war in the four provinces of Izumo. However, the business and private groups in China used "voluntary support" to remotely control the four provinces of Izumo to fight the North Pacific War.


During the command naval battle on November 25.

In the next fourteen days of sea and air battles, the Kemeng-class battleships in the four provinces of Izumo in China successfully destroyed the four maritime aircraft carriers that Edenia came to challenge.

This great sea battle announced the end of the competition between the two ship types for hundreds of years before the advent of the interstellar era.

The battleship finally won the maritime supremacy on this blue planet.

~In this Shanghai battle with an average firepower projection span of 800 kilometers, both sides have drone air force clusters, aerospace satellites, and sea control information searches.

Battleships' electromagnetic gun strikes are superior to aircraft carriers' pure carrier-based aircraft bombing mode.

The information control tower of Shenzhou's battleship Ji Meng performs very well in data linking with aerial drones, and has 28 global satellites for positioning.

At the same time, the fleets of the four provinces of Izumo and the accompanying frigates formed a regional air defense network. It was like a huge protective shield covering the entire area.

In a large sea battle, clusters of missiles from Shenzhou can penetrate Edenia's aircraft carrier fleet.

As for the air planes dispatched by the United States of Eden aircraft carrier, due to their slow speed, naval battles often decide the outcome within an hour. Before these fighters have completed coordination, the battleships of Shenzhou have already finished their work, and all their energy supports the air search radar. and azure protective shield.

In the following days of fighting, Edenia's aircraft carrier formation continued to suffer losses and retreated from the battle sequence.

It has been verified in actual combat that the Shenzhou battleship formation's electromagnetic gun salvo and a round of twenty supersonic gliding warheads can penetrate Edenia's fleet anti-missile network.


On December 8, during the sea battle, the Edenia maritime aircraft carrier was the last lament. The stars and stripes on the side of the ship soaked into the sea water.

The first aircraft carrier to be hit, the USS Liberty, erupted in smoke as soon as the clear sky flashed. More than 600 officers and soldiers on the ship abandoned the ship and fled after struggling to save the ship to no avail.

The second victim was the USS Democracy, a sister ship to the USS Liberty. Before this battleship was hit, its anti-missile radar and various laser anti-missile beam energy weapons were turned on, but it still

It can't stop the simultaneous attack of twenty waverider warheads.

The reason is very simple. The laser firepower that the Edenia aircraft carrier can provide is limited, and it cannot stop the salvos of more than three battleships.

After all, the radar network of the surrounding frigates and the aircraft carrier are not on the same ship body, so there is always a delay of a few tenths of a second in digital transmission.

This is impossible to solve with technology, which makes the aircraft carrier face abuse that no warship should have to endure in an instant.

After the "Democracy" was sunk, the "Los Angeles Seattle" was immediately followed, and the "San Francisco" was severely damaged and fled in panic.

In the Izumo Navy in the North Pacific, only three 8,000-ton frigates were severely damaged.


The commander of the Izumo fleet, Imo Nobu, is obviously a descendant of the marriage between the Kazu clan and the Chinese clan.

Half of his blood is from the He clan, but at the moment he acquiesces that he is a Chinese. After winning this battle, he was the first to report to the emperor.

It is truly "loyal beyond words".

It's just that the soil and water support the people. Even if Izumo was taken back by China, it would be the homeland.

Due to the local earthquake disaster, it is still necessary to find a "theocratic agent" as a sustenance.

On the floating battleship Zixiao Palace thousands of miles away, after receiving the news of the great victory in the north, the emperor did not want to give any awards.

However, out of political considerations, we still found an excuse to give "rewards" to some Chinese families in Izumo. These rewards have nothing to do with this victory. This kind of provocative behavior cannot be tolerated, but it cannot be tolerated either in terms of human relations.

Do it absolutely.

The Shenzhou Empire is no longer in its heyday. Today, it is still unclear whether the restored Guan Family Dynasty can be recognized by the people of Shenzhou in the next era.

Nowadays, all the victory propaganda under China's command is nothing more than the struggle of the remnants of the old era who enjoy modern productivity and get rid of the tiger's skin.


Returning to the current situation in the North Pacific, with the disastrous defeat of the Eden Asia-Pacific Fleet, the gap in maritime power has changed.

The Izumo provinces demanded the conditions for the peace talks this time. They began to demand sea control, fishing, and mining rights in the North Pacific.

But for Edenia, it is not just as simple as losing mineral land and fishery resources.

The gate of the command strait is opened wide, and China's North Pacific Warm Water Port Fleet can directly enter the Arctic Ocean. Edenia's influence on the Eastern Federation through the Arctic Channel will disappear.

In short, Edenia once again failed to support the World Island.

While watching the fire from the other side, it is absolutely impossible for Edenia to be so "disrespectful" to her allies, and will only throw away some leftovers and scraps that she does not eat.

But the laws of heaven are unpredictable. In the current world strategy, Edenia was badly beaten by the rising sun in the southern battle. The United States must maintain its honeymoon cooperation with the Eastern Federation. If they want the increasingly independent Eastern Federation to stand by their side, they have to let Produce more.


The situation in Edenia is like the late Ming Dynasty in the main world, with Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, and Rat Tail outside the Pass fighting on multiple fronts.

It is different from the scenario in which the Edenia aircraft carrier formation in the west was wiped out in the Pacific.

The Poseidon-class battlecruiser formation of the Edenia Federation on the East China Sea coastline is trying to protect its ships and avoid the battle.

The executives of the New York Stock Exchange and the people on Wall Street "micromanaged" the war in the same way as the Chinese Donglin Party members a hundred years ago.

Just like during the Sunrise Rebellion at the beginning of the last Great World War, the Chinese navy was forced to guard the financial center of the Suzhou and Shanghai cities. At this moment, the dirty politics locked up the military deployment of Edenia.

Three hundred and fifty years after the founding of the country, Edenia's military finally understood what it means to be a worm in the country.

As for why I didn’t feel it in the past? In the past, we all intervened in wars. Wall Street was protected by the ocean and was at the rear.

Now, when these big capitalists are approaching the front line, the officers of the Bald Eagle Emblem have discovered how much the power of their own capital has caused chaos during the war.

But the generals of Edenia have no choice but to do this. Hundreds of years of capital governance have allowed this country to sell all aspects of itself to Wall Street. It is not just factories and scientific research departments that have been sold, but also the various living rights of the people.

After the era of big data, Edenia’s chaebols stand at the top of the food chain.

Now every high-ranking military officer in North America can receive money, and his family members can also receive condolences.

In one case, during an extremely confidential military voting meeting, a colonel of the Edenia staff firmly opposed the idea of ​​garrisoning troops on the west coast and requested that the New York State garrison troops be secretly transferred to participate in the battle in the south.

On the next day, his fiancée received a limited edition bag that he had wanted to buy but had not sold. And he himself received a ten-carat custom-made diamond ring. The colonel then fell silent. Today is a diamond ring, tomorrow Or it could have been a bullet fired from outside the convertible.

This is thanks to the fact that it is wartime, and the Edenia plutocrats do not want to offend the military. If in peacetime, they would be so wild.

Under such circumstances, the officers of Edenia can only fight a war to defend Edenia's "most valuable assets" for their own future and family, rather than a war to defend the United States as the Propaganda Department calls it.


The selfish actions of the top leaders of Edenia have seriously affected the morale of the local resistance forces, including the National Guard.

In the face of continuous defeats, and the top chaebol group seems to be "none of my business".

Although Edenia still maintains a fairly large-scale armed force, all the states are in a state of decadence, and the theory that "there are no more than three Sun Divisions, and more than three are invincible" is very popular.

For example, in Philadelphia, the streets are full of hippies. When batches of soldiers step onto the recruiting buses, what these recruits get from their hometown is not that they can plunder resources in a foreign country and enjoy the farewell of beauties during the "intervention war", but It is the taunt of peers whistling "cannon fodder".

The entire Edenia is a country of immigrants, and the high-ranking families are all young people who defected when other continents were in turmoil. So even though the Edenia media talked at the top of their lungs about "defending the family and the country," they "won the country unfairly." Let this be a joke.

For hundreds of years, the Edenians could watch the conflicts in the Old World with amusement, but they could no longer be serious about their homes being invaded.


But so far, all situation analysts do not believe that an industrial force like Edenia, with an economic scale several times that of Shengyang, will fall in this invasion. Even Wei Keng has arbitrarily judged Edenia to be a paper tiger. .It wears as soon as it is poked

Yes, how could Edenia fall to this invasion? No, this is too magical. Just like in the main world back then, although there were rogue bandits and Tartars suffering from ringworm and scabies, I don’t think there is anyone in the world today.

Oh, this is the disadvantage of Eden's uncontinued history. There are various signs of sudden collapse in the world, and if no one stops them, then the embankment of thousands of miles will be destroyed in the ant nest.

This kind of thing happened in China in the classical era. When technology and economy were dominant, due to the corruption of the upper-level groups and the centrifugation of the lower-level, the entire behemoth collapsed. The sound of the crash echoed in the twenty-four histories.


The people of the rising sun, oh, the Latin Americans headed by the people of the rising sun, are extremely brave in the war. Well, absolutely strong and cruel.

While the Edenians used drugs to anesthetize themselves with a playful smile, the Shengyang people accurately prepared the "brave potion" according to the physiological conditions of different races, different heights, and individual mecha policies.

Let's put it this way.

The technical capabilities of Mexican "private entrepreneurs" in pharmaceuticals are at the workshop level. They produce three-no products. There is no pharmacological data to support them. The main purpose of those Breaking Bad actors is to adjust the chemical formula to circumvent the law and add an extra hydroxyl group. There will be no detailed research or analysis on what the specific consequences of adding a chemical formula will be in the human body.

Sometimes it will cause zombies to be powerful and ignore fear, sometimes it will cause muscle spasms, mental illness, panic and other random buffs.

As for Shengyang, as a force with complete chemical engineering and medical research capabilities, after breaking through that line, it injects various types of drugs into various parts to study the stimulation of different nerve perceptions and the side effects mechanisms.

As for how many "guinea pigs" died in this experiment? In Shengyang's medical school, there were inscriptions on the mice and pigeons used in the experiment, but they never mentioned it.


In an invasion war, using a large amount of "military drugs" on low-level soldiers to inspire courage is an inevitable choice for imperialist wars.

Because there is no simple faith, nor is it the period of early liberal capitalism, which can stimulate the huge benefits of adventurous and plundering activities.

The current war dividends are not enough even if all the monopoly giants eat them, let alone the middle and lower class audiences.

Even if soldiers pick up a piece of gold during the war, they will be robbed by upper-level officers during the electronic monitoring of their equipment.

So giving drugs is the cheapest way to boost morale.

In the war between imperialists, in the eyes of the monopolists, the decisive factor in victory or defeat is no longer at the lower levels.

It depends on which company has enough "genius and courageous" commanders at the top and which company has "idiots" who are holding back the war.

From a perspective of time and space, in history, victory or defeat is determined by the performance of a small group of people, so history becomes more and more constricted and the possibilities become narrower and narrower.

Observers of the main world outside of the time-seismic plane history can clearly see the end of the downstream and downstream histories of other timelines. Only the timeline that Wei Keng worked on is accretive.


January 23, 2290 in the Qin Tong calendar.

The Legion of the Rising Sun conducted a major assault along the Mississippi River, crossing the entire central Great Plains and defeating the "Western Force" legion, one of the two most important land combat forces in Edenia.

This is a force of 600,000 personnel, with nearly 10,000 tanks, 5,000 various combat aircraft, and 127 2,000-ton amphibious assault destroyers on land and lakes.

In the words of Mr. Wei, even if these weapons and equipment are placed on the front line, and Shengyang uses its firepower to hit them, it will consume more than half of Shengyang's ammunition.

The "Western Power" legion was annihilated so quickly, which made Wei Keng feel that the world has really changed. Why are the troops that invade foreign countries so difficult to fight in the homeland?

The bodies of those cowboy boys recruited from the west were left uncollected by the Mississippi River. The rotting liquid attracted the gnawing of wild boars and coyotes, turning them into white bones that could not be laid to rest.


In the above-mentioned battles, about one-tenth of the advantage in Edenia's equipment was lost. It only existed on paper.

Therefore, there was an important factor in the United States' defeat in the war: some military equipment administrators took the opportunity to settle the accounts during this battle.

It's just that these Edenian worms who want to take advantage of the chaos think that they are the only ones who can be secretly smart, and the other Edenians will eventually fight bravely to defeat the rising sun dwarves. But they don't expect that everyone is smart. .

Oh, "Captain of Edenia Avengers" and other Hollywood movies that the people of Edenia love to see are made like this: heroes descended from the sky, righteous, fearless, and able to withstand institutional criticism,

But in the end, he was still able to exert his halo as the hero of Edenia, overcame numerous difficulties, and finally defeated a large number of enemies, and the ending was happy. Oh, and there are some weak seeds of evil forces sprouting, and a sequel will be made.

The movie was shot in this way, but the rats in Edenia did not expect that the corrupt man would see the same thing.

This traitorous frenzy is the same as the sell-off in the Wall Street stock market crash. In reality, there are no fools, uh, no captains to come up with trays.

So, destiny, destiny. When everyone goes with the flow and does what is in their own interests, this is destiny.


Those Edenia military commanders are filling the gaps in their own responsibilities.

After the defeat of the battle, Edenia lost a large amount of well-sealed equipment to the rising sun.

When the Latin American grassroots soldiers rushed into the warehouse and wanted to smash the gold and silver treasures they had not found in despair, the officers in Shengyang were very excited, and then burned with anger, giving their subordinates more than a dozen slaps in the face, and "Baga" ”.

Take a military warehouse in Oklahoma as an example. There are batches of Guardian-3 main battle tanks. Each of them is a multi-functional tank equipped with electronic control programs that can be programmed into command sequences.

There is even a complete set of base vehicles and material warehouses that can produce Edenia ammunition, consumable parts.

As for the surrendered Edenian captive army, it was also full of leading parties. They exposed and accused each other in electronic programs.

Some "rednecks" who stubbornly want to fight for Edenia are pointed out. The rest are those who chant "Rising Sun Correct North and South America Co-Prosperity Sphere".


Therefore, at the beginning of the new year, the Empire of the Sun finally regained the feeling it had during the rise of the Reform Movement.

King Shengyang, who was in his palace on the plateau, said in his New Year's speech the famous saying about gambling on the fate of the country: The rise and fall of the Locust Kingdom depends on this.

Of course, in the New Year's speech of King Shengyang, he said: Sunrise and sunset divide the world into two parts.

Fifteen hundred years ago, when the Japanese went to pay homage to Emperor Yang of Sui, they said: "The king of sunrise congratulates the king of sunset."

Therefore, China's current attitude towards Shengyang's current military achievements is "Haha, aren't they just the Turks who fled westward?"

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