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Chapter 9.51 The still crazy world.

 In this troubled world, in May of the year 2290 of the Qin Dynasty, the collapse of the first mountain peak was a strange news.

At the same time, the two completely unmanned automated legions in the plateau area have since been completely sealed and no longer appear in the official establishment. This has caused a lot of speculation among other psychic powerhouses in the world.


The Great Lakes of America, Jason in the future in front of a blue projection screen in a dark underground base, and Jason in the present looking at a paper map in a tent in a desert base in North America, all made the following judgments invariably.

Future Jason: Shenzhou took the lead in finding a way to stabilize the strongest state of psychic energy. That is, when psychic energy reaches its strongest stage, it restrains killing and destruction, and reaches the so-called Eastern "Zen Realm".

Now Jason: Although the Chinese psykers have mastered the strongest psychic power, this power should be under certain restrictions and they should not be able to continue to use it in the short term.

Wei Keng's battle has shaken the entire world of spiritual energy into tremors. Decades ago, the existence of Omega has proved that once an Omega-level superpower goes crazy, it will be beyond the containment capacity of modern military powers. But now

, after Omega broke into Western China, he was killed with a sword on the plateau.

Various psychic organizations around the world couldn't help but feel nervous. Through various channels, they watched the battle footage captured on satellites, and thought that they were far from being able to catch this sword.

It's just that they (mainly Western psykers) don't understand why this nearest god on the plateau doesn't stand up and establish leadership for the psykers of the world.

So these people keep looking for reasons. In looking for reasons, they think that the strongest power is subject to various limitations, and speculate that there are various weaknesses in China's spiritual path.

But speculation is speculation. In reality, Europa, Edenia, and these psyker organizations have reduced the intensity of their activities in the East.


The perspective comes to the plateau, after a month,

Wei Keng looked at the map from time to time and noticed the first peak in the original sequence that he had ruined. Looking at the peak that he had shaved off, he always felt a little "regret of breaking a toy" in his heart.

So much so that he thought about it every day and dreamed about it at night. Wei Keng actually dreamed that he climbed to the peak with a bucket of cement mud, and spent the whole night repairing it with cement to restore it to its original state.

Thinking about it now, Wei Keng asked leisurely: "Am I a watchmaker?" Then he denied it with a silly smile and immersed himself in his daily work.

Wei Keng's heartfelt voice: "The most important thing in this world is to be together."


The disaster in Omega decades ago could not deter the rising sun. Edenya and other forces continued to develop time-space and psychic technology. But now the psychic warfare on the plateau and the unknown fear cannot be stopped, and it is already in full swing.

The Great War in the World.

The chariots of various countries cannot be stopped with a sword.

In the offshore area, Kovsky walked in the dark red central command room, patted the female adjutant's butt restlessly with his hand, and then sat in his command cockpit.

The Red Sea Theater, a strategic point across the three continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa, has been firmly controlled by the Chinese commander Xu He. This has brought a huge threat to the Eastern Federation's southward march.

After Xu He determined that the rear staff department would only provide defensive strategies, he wholeheartedly used them as nails to firmly guard the most critical areas.

The Roman Inland Sea area and the Erythro Sea area not only connected the ocean with waterways, but also had a developed railway network.

For the Eastern Federation, on their way to pursue Wenshui Port, China's dispatched troops built a steel barrier due south.

The commander stared at the battlefield of the entire Dashi Peninsula, hesitated again and again, and decided to hit the iron wall of China.


June 12 at 8:00.

The Dongzheng Federation, an armored group dominated by old-fashioned Rhino tanks, fought smoothly and their self-confidence increased. They crossed the longitude and latitude dividing line drawn by China and began to attack (test) the in-depth defense position constructed by Xu He.

Xu He, who had been waiting for many days, immediately launched counterattack preparations. His counterattack was not only to repel, but also to outflank and annihilate. Therefore, in this battle, Xu He not only activated a large amount of air power and firepower to attack.

After retreating, ground troops were dispatched to conduct regular interspersed operations.

Groups of Shenzhou tanks began to penetrate silently like a revolving door to the back of the Eastern Federation's southern troops, preparing to serve as a hammer to beat the Eastern Army.

On the defensive position directly in front, the "iron felt" was also prepared to withstand the impact, blocking and stagnating the southward troops of the Eastern Federation, giving the Shenzhou armored forces behind them the best opportunity to annihilate and outflank them.

Therefore, at 8 a.m. on the 12th, on the iron wall defensive front created by Xu He.

Five groups of mobile fire projection platforms transformed from trains quickly arrived at the front line. The mechanical feet like the claws of a dragon clicked open from both sides of the rails and grabbed the ground.

The one-meter cone-shaped mechanical feet, under the pressure of the electrochemical impact rod, are inserted deeply into the ground thirty centimeters. The train's thirty-five sets of mechanical feet provide a strong grip for the platform.

Forty-five minutes later, dust raised by the Dongzheng tank group appeared in front of the determined front line.

Then the more than 50-ton electromagnetic gun on the train slowly rotated, projecting powerful firepower at the group of rhinoceros approaching with great momentum.

To observe the combat zone in a sector with a radius of fifty kilometers directly ahead, it would take ten minutes for helicopter aerial photography to take a wide-angle view of the entire armored cluster.

At this time, the armored cluster of the Dongzheng Federation was hit by a hailstorm. The Dongzheng people were beaten dumbly by the "Iron Dragon".


In modern wars, such train gun clusters are not regular active equipment, but only temporarily modified equipment.

The biggest problem with train guns is that they are easily destroyed after being exposed.

Such a high-value artillery group, although it is very convenient to maneuver together, it is also easy to be found by the air force. As long as one aerial bomb is dropped, the firepower of this brigade will be lost.

At the suggestion of the Plateau Staff Headquarters, Xu He made such a modification. This was a decision made based on the Shenzhou Plateau Staff Headquarters' very good understanding of the Eastern Federation's combat system.

That is because the Eastern Federation's air force is insufficient and its air force counterattack system is backward. It cannot penetrate the missile defense positions that China has deployed, let alone obtain battlefield awareness in a timely manner.

After judging that the Eastern Federation was not enough to destroy the train gun, the train gun's mobility could just fill the urgent need for fire support in the forward positions.

Wei Keng: This is "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude" for the Eastern Federation.


In the Eastern Federation's air force system, air superiority fighters and ground fighter aircraft are two independent groups. Under the Eastern Federation's bureaucratic system, both groups can obtain special funds.

After collecting a large amount of data, the Plateau Staff Headquarters discovered that there was a fifteen-minute interval between the discovery of the ground target and the call for ground strikes by the Dongzheng air control group.

For China, the fifteen-minute interval is enough for the ground to make targeted anti-aircraft firepower arrangements, as well as air interception, and at the same time quickly arrange evacuation, effectively reducing the probability of the train gun being destroyed.

As long as this kind of train vehicle can survive, its mobile ground firepower can overwhelm any division-level firepower mobilized by the Eastern Federation at this stage.

This is a very "skinny" way to sneak into the tactical system of the Eastern Orthodox Federation. It is like using feathers to scratch a person's back where he can't scratch it.


So after three hours of armored fighting, the four armored brigades of the Eastern Federation going south were first blown to pieces by artillery shells. They failed to test and prepared to retreat, and then were blocked by a group of Shenzhou Kirin tanks that colluded with the smoke in the sandstorm.

, Rhinoceros Gate was pushed back to another position. As a result, it was crushed by the Shenzhou Train Cannon that followed on the railway track, and was completely blown apart.

In this test, the whole army was wiped out. Using the official post-war mouthpiece of China, he stepped on the remains of the rhinoceros while wearing a mecha, pointed at the fragments on the ground and said: "It is really a model of meat detective."


The armored warfare in the Red Sea region exposed the serious diseases hidden by the Eastern Federation's long-term scripted exercises.

Xu Hexun destroyed four Rhino armored brigades, causing a sudden change in the situation. On the east side, the number of light-armored mechanized troops used for strategic maneuvers in the area was seriously insufficient, and the situation shifted from offense to defense.

After General Kovsky failed in the collision with China, he was like a bear that was stung after stealing honey. He howled in external propaganda and claimed: "China did not pay attention to the rules of the battlefield and must be held responsible for this."

Of course, this battle made the Eastern Federation admit that the Chinese regular army was too strong, so it was ready to start from the weak side.

The Dongzheng commander's calculation was: "If the resistance morale of the Great Eaters is fundamentally destroyed, then China's use of troops here will not be sustainable."

The leader of the Kremlin Palace agreed with General Kovsky's self-defense and was willing to give him one last chance. On the projection screen, a box was opened in front of him, which contained a row of red buttons.


After June 15, Xu He watched the news inside and outside China.

After the sequence change incident on the first mountain peak on the plateau, the rear reported that everything was fine, and a new round of strategic materials and military equipment were being delivered continuously.

The four golden-armored warriors who broke the army will also rush to the battlefield today. It seems that there is no problem.

However, Xu He also saw something: Wei Keng had resigned from his position in the military, and had entered a state of mothballing along with the two legions.

When he learned that Wei Xin was still alive, Xu He breathed out a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but speculate about the reaction in the court.

But now his thoughts have returned to the battlefield. According to the intelligence sent by the Disha system, the Eastern Federation will make big moves in the Lihai area recently.

However, Xu He was contacting the generals in the surrounding Dashi area and asking them to be vigilant.

Xu He was very worried about the oaths taken by these local officers.

As Wei Keng said, the Dashi region's confidence in foreign operations at this time all comes from external support. This is two extremes from their previous inflated self-confidence and desire to become the third level in the world.

After Shenzhou won the counterattack, everything seemed to be counting on Shenzhou to send troops to help them wipe out Dongzheng. Now they are a little bit restless.

Xu He now really wants to turn into the Roaring Emperor: "How can you lie down now? How can you lie down at this stage!"

Sure enough, the Disha observation team provided Xu He with the latest news, and the Dongzheng people began to look for trouble.


June 15, six o'clock in the afternoon, under the orange sunset.

Off the sea, there were waves under the water, and then the ripples became bigger and bigger. Finally, in the rising waves, a huge aircraft flew out from the water. Then in the water mist that was sprayed from the tail

, this aircraft rushed into the sky.

The back carried a turtle-like structure of a nuclear submarine from the last century. It began to sail at high speed in the Lihai area, and the latest MiG-57 air fighters in the sky formed an air formation to escort this offensive force.

This chapter has been completed!
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