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Chapter 9.54 Climbing Technology

 In the world war game, all chess players will continuously increase their investment in technology while strengthening their traditional military strength, trying to accumulate the power to completely defeat their opponents in technology.

Although the Shenzhou side is now showing signs of being divided into the East and West two-headed dragons, it is definitely one of the world's chess players at this time.

In October 2290, in the Red Sea region, on the Shenzhou Expeditionary Fleet, three Xuanming battleships formed a core fleet cluster floating on the sea. Rows of unmanned aerial vehicles were in the sky, flying in groups of three within a range of dozens of kilometers around.

Airspace cruise.

At this moment, a black-red aircraft from the Eastern Federation flew in. After getting permission from the battleship commander, it descended vertically to the platform behind the battleship.

A group of bald Eastern Federation personnel came down, shook hands with the Chinese side, and started "peace negotiations."


Fifteen days later, Western China and the Eastern Federation reached a military agreement, and the Xuhe Legion, which was originally targeted at the most popular areas, withdrew. ——Note: The legions influenced by Silk Capital in the Persian Gulf did not evacuate. The Silk Group still wanted to maintain its

own interests in the region


The withdrawal of Western China from the Red Sea region has severely damaged the investment situation in the Tianzhuyang region of the plateau region. But this is only superficial.

Before the war, Plateau was not a commercial and private system, but an economy under a large social order.

Xuhe withdrew its troops in October, and then Western China determined the Dashi area as non-performing assets and refused financing to continue filling the hole.

Western China's economy naturally suffered huge losses as a result.

However, large enterprises on the plateau have managed to survive. A small number of enterprises with practical innovation and research and development have also received loans, and there is no shortage of funds.

In this tsunami, those industries with low technical content and over-reliance on market operations and financing were wiped out.

Many platform assets on the Internet have collapsed due to broken capital chains and have entered bankruptcy and reorganization. Games, film and television, and live broadcast platforms, which were relatively high-quality entertainment industries a few months ago, have also suffered due to their over-reliance on overseas market earnings due to their capital chains.

After Dashi fell into the flames of war, everything went bankrupt. For a time, people all over the country were wailing.


However, Dongzheng’s raid on Lihai seemed to have caused an economic collapse in the plateau area.

But from a more in-depth perspective, industrial production is still continuing in the plateau area at this time. Industries involving raw material production, mechanical processing, energy, and food have not been acquired. The governance system remains clear and efficient, and there is no chaos.

Western China has naturally entered a wartime state.

The economy of a sovereign country is completely different from that of non-sovereign countries in modern times.

A sovereign group, in order to win the war of life and death, the express delivery industry and transportation industry, which were originally controlled by business and private parties, will be unified and managed under the public system during wartime.

The sudden economic control in Western China also caused the silk merchants who had originally tried to buy the bottom to suffer a sudden blow.

Western China has full control over the food, machinery, chemical raw materials, and maritime security supply chains by freezing the private transaction model of core production materials.


Western China's final losses were only superficial, mainly concentrated among a large number of small investors, and overseas funds lost all their money.

For example, the Silk Bank issued the "Oil Shell" fund in the Dashi area, and there was a negative interest rate. In other words, if you bought this fund, you lost all your money, and you still owed it money.

It is precisely the petty bourgeoisie in China who were sold out by businessmen and private individuals, who used them as amplifying channels to exaggerate the losses of China's retreat several times, as if the entire plateau was on the verge of destruction. The Silk School's so-called "troops must be sent" argument, That is, this group of people is preaching loudly.


At this time, from the overall strategic perspective on the plateau, industrial planning decision-makers were not swayed by "part of the public opinion" at this time.

The Industrial Development Commission further implemented that all public servants are not allowed to hold any form of commercial or private stocks.

Compared with the population lost by other forces in this world war, the main loss of the entire industrial society in Western China was psychological pain!

Europa and Edenia used public opinion control to force "analgesia", ignoring the bloodshed and still shouting that they were happy. They seemed to have strong psychological endurance, but they actually lost the country's vitality and future.

Life is always more important than money. It’s just that money can make the singers on Lutai forget this truth!

Those who govern with a business-private nature can forget about it, but those with a proletarian nature need to always remember that “human life comes first.”


At the end of 2290, from the economic data point of view, the plateau area completely slowed down. It seemed to be in trouble.

But in fact, the focus of Gaoyuan Group's work is no longer on market economic figures. It is on core tasks and key node guarantees.

The number of scientific researchers employed in all core industries is twice that of the past. And the progress of scientific research projects is three times that of the past!

Compared with the peaceful economic era, the Shenzhou Plateau region now employs high-tech talents and requires only one-third of the various funds in the past.

Gu Qi

Because the Industrial Development Board has drained the overheated economy. There is no money in stocks, bonds and other fields to support careers that are higher than the income of scientific researchers.

Those originally high-paying professions include "business planning" and "financial executives." For an industrial society, only these get-rich-quick professions will be disillusioned like bubbles. For people in other labor positions, only the "panic" mentality will the lifting of.

At this stage, the stable establishment of scientific research personnel, the iron rice bowl of the owner system, and the guarantee of various benefits are more attractive to the educated labor force than the temptation of business and private interests. This provides ample opportunities for plateau governance. Capital, maintaining mobilization power continues to increase..


Western China has begun to develop "four high-tech" on a large scale (one higher than three high-tech).

Innovation 1: Metallic hydrogen has been processed in the space industry.

This type of technology is difficult to store on the surface and cannot be applied. However, the low temperature and no vibration in space make metallic hydrogen relatively easy to maintain storage conditions. This has brought innovation to the development of space ammunition, um, space fuel.

Innovation 2: Deep sea base vehicle.

At present, the base technology of various countries is to fight on land, and the area below two thousand meters in the deep sea is an open area that is uncontested.

At the end of December, four deep-sea base vehicles in the plateau area, together with four teams and a total of 4,800 sergeants, drove into the deep sea.

This deep-sea base is directly mined, smelted in an argon electric furnace, and mechanically assembled in a deep-sea factory.

Innovation 3: Deep crustal steam pipeline.

The strategic role of natural gas pipelines is the same, which is to transport energy. However, natural gas is limited, and geothermal energy is unlimited on the surface of the planet.

Eight thousand meters underground, an alloy pipe with a thickness of half a meter and an inner diameter of one meter was completed. The inner wall is made of anti-corrosion ceramic material.

Extending from the plateau to major urban areas, they connect vertically upward to secondary heat recovery pipelines with a slightly shallower depth, about two thousand meters.

These secondary pipes are filled with sodium element with excellent thermal conductivity to ensure heat circulation. What is introduced from the underground to the surface is stable lead molten metal.

Since then, in the area surrounding the semi-plateau area, energy can be directly connected to thermal energy wells 100 meters underground, without the need to build fragile power stations.

These technological innovations have brought this timeline into the next century. Many related materials and engineering technologies come from various forces around the world, such as the European Union and Shengyang, which are all fighting against the Tianzhu Yang Economy in the war.

With trade ties.

In other timelines of Command and Conquer, these technologies will not be developed until the next hundred years.

In other words, China's current plateau withdrawal has caused a large number of secondary economic losses as a chain reaction, causing productivity to flow back to core industries.

The original geostrategic mistakes were made up for by "technological promotion".

Of course, the reason is that Western China has accumulated a solid foundation in all aspects and can win anywhere.


People standing in the plateau area cannot see all the "benefits of the blowout" in the short term. They just feel that "life has changed from one era to another."

We all came from the peaceful era of daily skewers, daily afternoon tea, and online shopping of all kinds of exotic products. Now these have all disappeared with the changes in industrial structure.

For example: Yesterday, I was a modern girl, standing in the sales department, using smiling service in exchange for a refined life after work. But today there is no such industry, and there is no such market. The only option is to be hired by the public, wear a mask, and work in a rural supply and marketing cooperative.

, provide reports for making rural agricultural greenhouse materials.

But ordinary people in the plateau area think about it carefully and find that it is still acceptable for now. At least everyone is still alive. The so-called downgrading of consumption and work experience during the war is nothing after adapting. Maybe life should be more simple, don't talk too much about it.



China's business and private sectors were the biggest losers in a series of reforms in Western China after the "big food failure". They suffered economic losses. The public opinion and employment control that they had controlled for decades lost their initiative and voice overnight.

was flattened

For example, in the year 2290 of the Qin Dynasty, the last three days.

China Internet giant, a company whose entrepreneurial icon a hundred years ago was the Antarctic goose.

This Antarctic Goose was privatized under the restoration wave 70 years ago, and then the business and private giants who had done whatever they wanted for decades were finally re-publicized.

Although people no longer have takeaway milk tea to order, milk tea icons are posted on various social platforms with the words "Congratulations."

This is a new era milestone. The history here is different from the history of other commands and conquests.


Wei Keng's consciousness of "anti-empty" looks at the dimension, and his perspective shifts from his own historical cluster to other time and space that are beginning to narrow.

Wei Keng lamented: "There must be very few people in those parallel historical lines."

Those historical lines that lacked the appearance of a lot of people, no one accused them of being "extraordinary" in the past, but now they have a foil.

This chapter has been completed!
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