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Chapter 9.55 Awakening and Advancing

 In the year 2291 of the Qin Dynasty, the atmosphere in the northern hemisphere was clear. There would be haze in some parts of the war zone due to bombing, but overall the air quality was getting better.

In Constantinople, Eastern Federation pickup trucks are now driving on the streets. The design of these vehicles is very bear-like, with tough outer shells and rough external card slots.

But in fact, tracing back to its internal engine technology and transmission design, they are all technologies provided by Edenia, with a technical flavor of the Wild West.


Nowadays, all the people walking on the street are bald and have strong bodies that don’t look like normal people. Their gray-white skin makes them look like tyrants in biochemical technology. They are holding synthetic bread sticks in their hands, chewing them and gulping them down from time to time. A mouthful of alcohol from nowhere.

Compared with Shengyang's use of mechanical alien limbs to replace limbs, the Eastern Federation prefers allogeneic fusion surgery cultivated by biochemical technology to solve the problem of disability in war.

A large number of organs are cultured under the stimulation of drugs to replace defective organs. Of course, this is problematic, as it will cause sequelae to fertility and may produce deformed children.

But this is not a problem for the young adults. Every young adult will leave enough "gene seeds" (frozen sperm) before genetic modification to ensure that the next generation will be normal.

With such technical support, the idiots of the Eastern Orthodox Federation rushed to war without any scruples. The Spartan society of the entire nation existed for the sake of war.


In October last year, China withdrew its troops from the Red Sea region under pressure from public opinion in Dashi.

This kind of appeasement surprised the top leaders of the Orthodox Church. But the results and benefits made them unable to help but take a step further on this path.

The Eastern Federation effortlessly allowed the Black Sea Fleet to crawl to the Red Sea area.

The scene of these thousands-ton warships crawling with huge mechanical legs caused heavy turmoil in the entire Assyrian region. It also started the arduous process of the fall of the region.


After losing the military protection of China, the Dashi Federation can really only rely on itself.

The entire Dashi area is very large, and mainstream local scholars in most areas have not yet thought further about themselves.

But from the perspective of other industrialized countries outside.

Today we can give up Assyria because of temporary peace, but can we give up Mesopotalia tomorrow?

The military experts in the Eastern Federation military fortress are further actively planning the war.

And began to financially support Zhihu elements in the Dashi area, praising their efforts and contributions to peace.


The situation in large food regions represents the cultural and ideological weakness of non-industrial countries.

In this regard, the strong men in large food areas have always relied on their own charm to govern.

At this time, they had no way to contain the rebels sponsored by enemy countries with a higher degree of industrialization. They could only resort to violent assassination methods.

[China Observer complained: These guys in Dashi don’t even know how to assassinate. They kidnapped “a journalist” on the street, dragged him to the bathroom, dismembered his body, and then packed it away. 】

In recent months, a series of rebels have been killed on the streets, in homes and on the roads in the Dashi area.

This seems to have a deterrent effect, but such terrorist acts are incompatible with the spirit of modern industrial governance. The rule of law among the food warlords and strong people is crumbling during this event.

Moreover, the military strongmen do not know that these opposition forces are externally funded, not internally spontaneous. Excessive cleaning up of "consumables" cannot deter organizers.


For those who govern the plateau region, the case of Dashi is of great educational significance.

Forces that were not fully formatted were dragged into the industrial age by external forces.

However, its local education has very superficial definitions of society, history, etc., and most young people have not developed effective self-thinking abilities.

There are always some fools who will be fooled by the "justice theory" that comes out of nowhere, and then fall into the trap of external forces.

By the time these fools discovered the clues of the liars, they were no longer pure fools under the influence of money, beauty and power. Under coercion and inducement, not to mention challenging the "order of liars", they even revealed the truth.

He has no courage, he hypnotizes himself, and is exploited until he dies.

The above-mentioned situation is a huge hidden danger for the region's "national progress".

Existences like Western China that are preparing to adopt a "big social order" must consider risks when investing funds, manpower, and technology.

Mr. Wei's eyes are fixed on the Lizhou Continent, where it is now very possible to pull out the big food and there will be hidden dangers. Because the changes are sufficient.


A series of assassinations in the Dashi area successfully affected Chinese trade in the Persian Gulf area.

Grain content

China's normal trade in the region, external forces such as Europa and Edenia, instigated the young public opinion in the Dashi region to oppose it.

At this time, the Dashi area took advantage of the situation and the "Jingjie" could not control the local warlords, but they could not suppress the Shenzhou Shop.

Now all the businessmen and private individuals of the Silk Sect in Western China finally understand why Wei Keng sold the stock of Dashi so quickly. There really is no more junk stock than this.

As for the Silk faction now, they can't escape even if they cut their flesh. They had previously spared no effort to support them in terms of public opinion and financial assistance, but they have been trapped.

A big meal is simply a "meeting of a sick man". In this sudden change of the world war, I can't stand the "wind and cold" at all. When I am sick, I can only regard the inside and outside of the perspective as a contradiction.


At this time, the Eastern Orthodox Federation was not completely smooth.

The Chinese troops withdrew from the Red Bay very quickly. The Eastern Orthodox Federation was unable to give the people in the region the rule they expected.

Various pharmaceutical experiments and cruel oppression have led to the rise of resistance organizations in the area.

The Eastern Legion's intelligence collection organization centered in Constantinople determined that China's forces seemed to have completely withdrawn. However, many resistance leaders in the Assyrian region had returned from studying in China.

Dongzheng strategy makers have to think about: "The possibility that China will never come back."


At this time, the originally silent New Thought factions in the Assyrian region suddenly woke up. They believed that just introducing industries from China in the past was just superficial and did not fundamentally change their country.

When those scholars in Mesopotalia and Persia were still advocating the "peace process".

The guerrillas in the Assyrian region picked up a series of works such as "The Book of Contradictions" and "The Theory of Struggle" and began to embark on another path.

However, this is precisely what the Eastern Orthodox Federation, as well as other powers such as Europa, have ignored.


In the underground military base of the Orthodox Church, a group of Orthodox military nobles were testing a batch of equipment.

These military nobles are different from the bald giants who are often two or three meters tall in the streets above. They are all very normal in stature of 1.8 meters, with well-proportioned bones and muscles all over their bodies. They are completely different from the gray-white skinned biochemically modified people outside.

They are natural people. After wearing this outfit appropriately.

I have clicked on thousands of pieces of data on physiological functions above and am currently discussing each piece.

This set of equipment is the Tiance Spirit Armor equipment they obtained from Western China through various channels.

When wearing the Tiance Ling Armor these days, after measuring the bioelectricity of the whole body, thousands of tiny needles are inserted into the skin septum to control changes in body functions without affecting various sports.

Of course, the macro subfield energy is also introduced, which is consistent with the operation of the body.


The results of the research made this group of blond and blue-eyed Orthodox nobles look serious.

These "Tiance Spirit Armors" are more advanced than they imagined! They can allow young trainers to increase their physical fitness to three to five times that of normal athletes within three to four years when they fit this suit of armor.

Among this group of researchers, Sophia (the time traveler from downstream) looked not only serious, but also nervous and fearful.

Last year, Western China dispatched its legion to the Western Regions. Is this an attitude of "appeasement"? No, this is taking out the knife that was originally stuck in Dongzheng's butt and putting it on Dongzheng's neck.

Starting this year, this kind of equipment has been spread to all public schools in 18 provinces and regions in western China, and has been included in compulsory training for healthy male teenagers.

China’s propaganda is: “Preparing talents for the development of the seabed in 20 years and the construction of the moon in 70 years.”


This time traveler from the future understands that this technology can provide a talent reserve for large-scale construction, and can also provide an almost unlimited amount of technical talent for war.

Not only Lingjia technology, dozens of technology trees that will be crucial in the next hundred years, and the plateau area have begun to make substantial progress.

This was supposed to be the wave of industrial technology fifty years later in their timeline. Now it’s ahead of schedule.

Sophia: History has been changed. They (including the Eastern Orthodox Federation and all participants in the hegemonic war) have awakened a giant.

Now this giant seems to be retreating in a gentle manner, but in fact it is quietly preparing a "dog-beating stick".

Sofia looked at the huge red map of the Eastern Orthodox Federation, so does the Eastern Federation really want to move further south now?

At this time, in the Red Palace, under the red glass window, the leader of the East was looking at the map of the Persian Plateau.

Dongzheng seems to be unable to stop. Once it begins to expand, there is no brake unless it hits something or falls off a cliff.

This chapter has been completed!
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