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Chapter 10.05 Crossing the River

 The nuclear strike plan was eventually returned to the archives. This was retained as a preplan.

In a passive crisis, these plans will be activated in sequence, but in a proactive situation, most of these plans will be sealed.

Wei Keng: When taking the initiative to advance, I have at least multiple sets of plans in hand to guarantee the bottom line.

The cost of resources required for a comprehensive nuclear strike is too high. Currently, cleaning the 100,000 square kilometers of the apostle's core area in the south requires 60 nuclear bombs, which is very expensive.

In fact, the purpose of establishing a nuclear strike system is to make Wei Keng feel at ease.

There is a reassurance that can cope with the worst situations. Then when making big plans, you can be in an orderly manner and avoid becoming a "frightened bird" and having your strategic concentration interrupted at will.


In October 159, the unified cutting area successfully determined a scientific number from the carbon valley.

Potassium permanganate is in the ground state of matter, with an ion temperature of 14,800 degrees.

In Pandora's field, at this temperature and one hundred and twenty times atmospheric pressure, potassium permanganate oxidizes and is refracted into oxygen-containing substances in the surrounding material range, which has a significant "burning" effect on mitochondria.

After the breakthrough in theoretical experiments, the application technology began to be launched. Hengyang's industrial department took over the task of developing "plasma generators".

At present, under the premise of recovering the Juxia Dam, the control area has greatly expanded the total control area, but the degree of control has declined. The newly captured human settlements are surrounded by a strange ecological world. The water source area is ready to be carried out.

Special disinfection experiments.


Oh, it's not that fancy. This ion generator is powered by a furnace and then controlled by a magnetic field. The cost can be controlled.

Its application in society is to replace the chlorine purification process of tap water before the arrival of Pandora Field, ensuring that some toxic organic matter can be quickly decomposed.

In November 2015, these related equipment completed experiments in the reservoir of the Juxia Dam.

The entire equipment is a six-meter steel cylinder. In the steel cylinder, there is a blue plasma like a fluorescent lamp under the magnetic field equipment.

These special plasma flame torches were placed under the water body. After being energized, within a few hours, the life field in the lake water weakened to 70%. All organic matter within 60 meters of the core has been affected by this "strong radiation"


If such equipment and technology were placed before the Great Destruction, human civilization could be saved. With the scientific and technological equipment of human civilization at that time, it was not difficult to manufacture such equipment. It just required a large number of people in a short period of time who could "no less than

The organized heroes who endured high concentrations of neutron radiation in a nuclear leak are fighting for the future of mankind.

In the final analysis, human beings lagged behind in the research on related basic physics in the early days of the arrival of the Pandora Field. When it is completely spread, the world will run out of time.


After the "super oxidation equipment" experiment in the Tonglu area was successful, it was immediately put into use in the Bashu area.

Due to the strong biological radiation in the Bashu area, the use of colonial armor is limited. This must be installed by Wei Keng or the group of cultivators who bring the equipment into the lake wetland center for installation.

During the fifteenth set of equipment installation, Huang Jingfei looked at the life field occupied by a large number of disgusting insects on the lake where he landed, with an extremely serious expression.

The life forms of Bashu seemed to have sensed the human community's plan to burn them, so they launched a large number of counterattacks.


On December 5, 159 in the Pandora calendar, Bashu entered the coldest season of the year. This was also the season of the year when Pandora's life was heaviest in the region.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the wetland area No. 933 in northern Bashu was filled with mist.

Huang Jingfei, who was sitting on the boat, turned on the observation and perception of life radiation. What he saw here was "devil energy" rising into the sky. Well, that is, non-human life radiation.

Huang Jingfei took the "carbon-based frequency band radio" and applied another wave of oil and gas warheads to the top.

As the warhead fell, the oil and gas rose and the flames burned, the insect swarm on the island here was finally contained.

This cultivation team, more than fifty people, delivered all diesel engines and fuel to this land. When the oxidation radiation equipment is started, any carbon-based biological equipment cannot operate, including the latest biofuel cell technology. It is necessary

Radiation must be carried out using the most primitive automation before the Great Destruction.

After taking fifty minutes to install it, dense numbers of insects began to appear on the land on the island again. These insects emerged from the other side of the water and completed their metamorphosis in ten minutes. They hurried to the shore.

Start crossing the lime belt bit by bit.

These insects have acid that can destroy machinery.

Of course, it is because of this that people in this area of ​​ecological consciousness are anxious.

Huang Jingfei: "Retreat, the countdown has started. We will evacuate fifteen kilometers in fifteen minutes. I will stay five hundred meters away and be responsible for pulling the wire."

In this team wearing canvas uniforms, everyone looked at their captain. Some people were puzzled that the automatic countdown had been left.

Huang Jingfei: "According to the data, the harm caused by high oxidizing radiation to humans will have visible side effects after half an hour. I'm sure it will go away after it is started. If it is not started, if the machine cannot be rescued in time, it will be useless for them."

To ensure that public scientific and technological assets are not wasted, someone must be responsible for the final step."


Five minutes later, after most of the team members had evacuated, Huang Jingfei confirmed that the countdown had started and immediately increased the throttle of the speedboat engine to retreat quickly.

Before leaving, he did not forget to observe the scene of the overwhelming murderous aura impacting the demonic realm.

The swarm of insects that was originally swarming towards the equipment suddenly became frightened. Through the telescope, black "water flows" poured into the water body, seeming to want to escape. Their life radiation was like barbecue on the stove, and the smell of blood was

, turned into a burning smell.

Huang Jingfei also felt a "warmth" feeling, which was a signal that the mitochondria in the body were starting to become active. If this warmth started to accumulate for ten minutes, it would be a burning pain.

What erupted on the island at this time was a "hot light" that could only be seen by node creatures and human leaders with spiritual language level four or above. This was the "light" emitted by super oxidation in the frequency band.

Huang Jingfei took vitamins immediately.

At this time, he glanced around and saw that in other areas in the distance, the same "hot light" bursting into the sky.

Huang Jingfei is just one of the groups, and the Wei Keng cluster is in charge of the groups in other areas. Moreover, "the day's plan begins in the morning."

The temperature is low in the morning, and the only things that the life community in this area can fight back are insects. If it is noon, they will appear, such as poisonous geckos, small snakes, or large cockroaches entangled with wireworms.


In January 2016, along with various wetland areas, after 34 unified oxidation operations, the water sources in most areas have reached a level that can be used.

After the life radiation in the Bashu region was severely damaged, the Tonghua District was gradually able to use colonial armor within these wetlands.

When large-scale biological machines are transported on the road and excavated to loosen the soil, they build the life nodes of node plants.

The all-out counterattack of the unification zone against the Bashu region began. After nearly two years of attrition war, the winner was finally determined. It was not just Bashu, Bashu was the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and the original scope of the unification zone was still in the water system further south.

.This is a huge step forward completely to the north.

Since then, the entire middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River have been dominated by the new human ecology.

Ecologically speaking, in two years, they occupied 8.9 million square kilometers near 30 degrees north latitude, which is more ferocious than any community in Pandora's history.

Within the human social group, the Tongfa District has officially established its position as the main force for human rejuvenation.

The current step is to cross the Yangtze River, and the next step is to cross the Han River, cross the Qinling Mountains, and head straight to the Loess Plateau.

In the newspapers in the conquered areas, there were optimistic words such as "We will be invincible" and "Civilization will never be destroyed."


However, in Jianye City, the large-scale progress in the control area is not good news.

Originally, their upstream pressure was on Chongqing City, but now the Tongfa District is strongly taking over in this direction.

In the Zifeng Building in Jianye, Qiu Mengfei (Long Mengfei), who was now a quasi-king-level trainer, walked into the tiled meeting hall. His face at this time was a little less childish than before.

, there are some unspeakable evil things. These abnormalities mainly come from his eyes - his pupils can change between vertical and round.

With seventeen A-level mechanical war beasts, he is the backbone of Jianye City's combat power.

In the timeline without the rise of the Conqueror Zone, neither the Northern Federation nor the Southern Alliance.

In the later stages of the Tianshu Long Incident, top forces such as Jianye and the Five-color Federation used their main combat force to form a mechanical combat legion composed of 300 mechanical beasts.

A-level mechanical beasts are responsible for core tasks such as assault and detection. The mechanical beasts of other trainers are responsible for stabilizing positions and digging tunnels. Travelers from the main world were even taken into the pits at one time, and a large number of related tactics were developed.



In the hall, Qiu Mengfei arrived relatively early. At this time, he raised his head and looked at the strategic map hanging on the wall. At this time, in the direction of the Yangtze River outlet, there were signs of multiple biological communities madly attacking human activities.

Red arrows everywhere are cutting off human traffic lines.

Qiu Mengfei knew the reason. This was because the Minliu Strait was completely cut off by the unification zone. The dragon (Tianxialong) community was trying to save itself.

Now, in the southeast, three city-states originally attached to Jianye sent proposals to strengthen exchanges with Jianye. However, all trainers on the Jianye side believed that the real purpose of this proposal was to test.


In the view of the people of Jianye: these coastal city-states that have opened trade lines with the Tongfu District have been controlled by the Tongfu District. Now they just want to test Jianye's power and consume Jianye's power by asking for help, just like in northern Jiangxi back then.

Same as those city-states.

This idea of ​​the Jianye people is their own. It can be said to be very unreasonable.

The nobles of the city-state in northern Jiangxi used to be dedicated servants, giving up commercial channels and lying down to collect money. Now they have been sanctioned by the command zone and are in total depression. They can't even find servants to sweep garbage. The city-state is facing the danger of being submerged by biological radiation.


Nowadays, people in Jianye feel that northern Jiangxi is not easy to use and that it is a waste of their energy? Oh. - This is the "pragmatic egoism" in Hollywood movies.


Nowadays, the city-states on the coastline of the East China Sea seem to be "prosperous", but in fact they are "in a trance".

You know, 158 years ago, the conquered area was on the eastern front, but it completed the new stronghold of Yimeng City and started the strategy of "unifying the new forces in the area".

In terms of economics and trade, it is no longer about seeking upper-level cooperation with the city-states in the region, but about cultivating new force organizations and establishing ties with the grassroots factions of collectivism.

These upper reaches of the East China Sea coastline are facing challenges from new local forces, and they really need the intervention of big brother Jianye as the "Southeast Military Police".

In the past two years, the Northern Five-Color Alliance has been challenged by the industrial forces of the unification zone in the Yimeng region. The new city-state of Yimeng, which has a strong color in the unification zone, has sent batches of mechanical beasts towards the Qilu land to challenge those who insist on "Ji Zi" and others.

The defense lines of a series of old cities initiated a request to take over the "defense change". There have been many hot confrontations led by teams sent by the five-color alliance.

In such a comparison, Jianye is still "doing nothing" and is simply "singing flowers in the backyard across the river".


Back to the current position of the Jianye people. For them, they are immersed in a state of "living in peace and not thinking about danger": after the Yucheng forces of the eastern symbionts left, the front line in the west is currently stable. The biological tide going south has decreased this year.


As for why the biological tide has decreased?

"Unify the army!" Qiu Mengfei, who had always cared about it, muttered silently.

To be precise, it should be that under the biological frequency band of human communities, the carp family headed by "Gyarados" in the Yangtze River Basin received the promise of the human life frequency band and began to become the dominant force in the waters of the area. They began to be exclusive to other biological communities.

Of course, also because they share part of the life frequency band, humans in the control area can use spiritual language to convey certain information to these "standard species". They can even judge whether they are happy or angry through the frequency band signals emitted from their brains.

, and other meanings. And these standard species represented by Gyarados may have complex social cooperation within themselves, which is at least no weaker than that of killer whales in the species era.

[Bai Linglu has already found the Pokémon information, and his opinion is: "If it is a true trainer, then the commanding area is the real trainer."]


The "human" ecosystem operated by the Tongfu District is prospering, but in the eyes of Qiu Mengfei, who is now increasingly alienated, it is "increasingly evil".

Jianye's top officials pretended to be peaceful and intentionally or unintentionally concealed the influence of the commanding area.

After a large number of heterogeneous communities disappeared in the west and south, Jianye mappers deliberately blanked out the area and did not use unified color blocks. Therefore, looking at the Jianye control map, it seems that Jianye is still the main center of the south.

But every time Qiu Mengfei saw the big map, he couldn't help but feel his heart beat a little.

A few years ago, in order to build Ye City without being destroyed, he settled Zhenxinzheng in Xuanwu Lake.

If Wei Keng disappears from now on, he will feel relieved as time goes by.

But in the south, the Wei Keng Cluster is alive and getting better and better. Therefore, his idea of ​​"that problem will disappear on its own" gradually becomes impossible as the unification zone becomes more and more prosperous.

And he will never admit his mistake, he must find a reason to smear it in his heart.~ And in the past few years, the consciousness of Tianshu Long has gradually penetrated into his soul.


The meeting in Zifeng Building started. Dang, dang, dang, the clear meeting bell rang. This bell was removed from the bicycle.

It is an antique that dates back more than a hundred years. Although the Tongfa District has been re-industrialized in recent years and has begun to produce various light industrial supplies, after all, it is only an industrialization for two million people. In order to give priority to ensuring that production, life and use are not affected, many similar

Functional industrial objects, use one object to make do.

For example, an enamel vat can be used for drinking water or serving rice. To get rid of blind consumerism, Tongfa District uses one production line to complete two functions.

For another example, the glass bottles used to hold salt, pepper, oil and other seasonings in the kitchen, and the glass bottles used to hold physiological saline, alcohol, iodine, etc. in various white medical kits are also of the same model. They are just pasted with different colored icons.

Just a label.

Since this was the case in the unified area, Jianye could only give priority to protecting military industries such as mechanical beasts.

These trainers from the upper echelons of Jianye are spiritually aristocratic and cannot solve their material difficulties.

In this new conference in Jianye, many cities in the south were marked on the map, and each city had a letter. These were requests for help from their vassal cities. The people in Jianye had been delaying them, and now they had to concentrate on processing them.



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