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Chapter 2.03 The Future of Human Communities

 In the plane of despair, the ocean liner Yuanhua No. 834 suddenly disappeared on the empty sea, causing an uproar. For a time, in Hong Kong tabloids, topics such as pirates, Oriental Bermuda, and alien abductions were rampant.

In the South China Sea, a fleet of three destroyers was searching the area. Helicopters painted in blue and white skimmed the waves, and the crew relied on their naked eyes to search for targets on the sea.

"9214 (Gou Liang Yaosi), 9214 received, please reply——"

"9224, the sea conditions here are normal, the wind is level 6, the waves are high..., no target has been found yet——"

"Continue searching—"

Radio signals are transmitted in the integrated tower inside the battleship.

Since the missing freighter has not been searched so far, the search and rescue team feels that there is very little hope. However, orders from above have been issued and the search must continue.

At the same time, a black stealth high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft from the United States passed by in the sky. The Pentagon seemed to be very concerned about this disappearance. Perhaps it was more concerned about whether the ship of this quasi-ally in the East was really missing. Washington's

When the decision-makers communicated with Five Stars, they also learned about some of the "deceitful" techniques of the East, such as "building plank roads in the open and secretly building warehouses" and so on.

After all, there is a series of valuable production equipment on this ship, and some of the equipment also involves sensitive materials. You know, according to the latest intelligence, the Global Redemption Army has used guidance containing highly toxic substances in its recent attack on Israel.

The production of rockets and these highly toxic substances involves some large-scale key industrial equipment.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the third search and rescue destroyer discovered a strange electronic emission signal on the sea near the Dongsha Islands and immediately approached.

When the destroyer No. 201 got closer to 200 meters, it saw a mirage. This light and shadow phenomenon happened to be the Yuanhua 834 heading towards the Guangdong port.

The destroyer captain immediately stopped approaching and reported the situation back to the military area before taking the next step.

Twenty minutes later, the search and rescue helicopter that took off from the destroyer found the source of the emitted light and shadow. It was a luminous object without any charge, but it had a repulsive force on approaching materials within a range of 60 meters. This repulsive force became stronger the closer it got.


However, it is certain that this thing is also affected by the gravity of the earth, and its mass is determined to be forty-five tons. It is just because the volume of water pushed away by the repulsive force is greater than the gravity it experiences, so it floats on the sea.

The nearby supply ship collected the material-repelling wormhole into the hangar through steel cables. After entering the square hangar, the wormhole quickly filled up everything here.

Three days later, the luminous object was transported to the shore. The military used a pure steel carriage to contain the luminous object, and then transported it to the Southwest Physics Center by train overnight.

In the plane of Pandora, in the newly built brick bungalow, black smoke began to emit from the chimney, and Wei Keng burned the power boiler.

The giant ship Yuanhua No. 834 has stopped outside the natural deep-water port, while a cement ship is leaning next to it, and a steel frame ladder is set up on the side of the ship. Wei Keng boarded the ship.

Wei Keng was quite surprised that he was able to board the ship. After coming to this world, Wei Keng had always been wary. This sudden unguarded face-to-face communication made Wei Keng a little uncomfortable.

Wei Keng and captain Sun Xiangyang met for the first time.

The two parties looked at each other in confusion, and after completing the mutual military salute, they asked "Hello" in Mandarin.

For Sun Xiangyang, although the message "Unity is strength" sounded on the dock, it was a bit strange that Wei Keng's group of people were all exactly the same. However, the red flag flying on the small port still made him choose to believe in this place.

[Sun Xiangyang wants to find out where this place is, and Wei Keng can't show that I know it was the people from your main world who created the time and space vortex to get you here. He must act like I am actually a time traveler who needs help.


Wei Keng: "This plane is a future era. Well, it is a future era for me. I am a person from the 21st century. I encountered an air crash while flying on a plane. After parachuting, I passed through the fog and landed here.

When I landed, I found that I had become many individuals."

Sun Xiangyang was shocked: "You are in the 21st century? This is the future for you, so what is this?"

Wei Keng finally found the opportunity to see the sign on the lifebuoy on the ship: 1988, and asked in "surprise": "Aren't you from the 21st century?"

Since then, the incongruous dialogue between the two parties has finally ended.

The first step in communication is sincerity. It may be said that Wei Keng is not confident in his ability to grasp people's hearts, even if he has the upper hand! It is no exception.

Therefore, Wei Keng did not adopt Luo Hongxing's suggestion, but told the truth to the Ministry of Health here about the status of these diseases after boarding the ship.

In the cabin in the middle of the hull,

After listening to Wei Keng's information about life radiation in this plane, Lao Li, the health worker on the ship, asked: "You don't need to pay attention to blood type. Isn't there any rejection?"

Wei Keng: "Yes, there is very little rejection. My number is very large, so according to the principle, if my blood is injected, the patient's condition can be quickly stabilized. However, I don't know what additional effects there will be. I

It is recommended that patients with mild symptoms undergo blood transfusions to establish life-radiation links. This is a common practice among humans in this world. Patients with severe symptoms can be injected with my blood."

Sun Xiangyang on the side said: "Xiaowei's thinking is very careful, but you just said that the life radiation in this world is very strong, don't you need to inject each other?"

Wei Keng: "Most of the time, it's not necessary. In my clone's case, the genes are very unified and the life activities are unified. Most of the time, it's enough to withstand external radiation, except when it's seriously injured."

Sun Xiangyang: "Have you ever been seriously injured?"

Wei Keng: "Yes, when I first arrived in this world, there were a large number of wild beasts in the entire Pearl River Delta region. I suffered a certain number of casualties. I compiled the relevant information in the files."

"Dong dong dong!" The door of the cabin was knocked. Luo Hongxing walked in and said: "Captain Sun, there is a situation in the warehouse. Go over and take a look."

Sun Xiangyang stood up, stretched out his hands to shake Wei Keng's hand: "Then please leave it to Comrade Wei." Then he turned to the health worker: "Old Li, we must let comrades recover." Then he followed Luo Hongxing, who was there.

Before leaving, he glanced at Wei Keng and nodded slightly.

In the plane of death, in this large warehouse similar to the cylindrical shell of a 21st century reactor, a group of scientists have adjusted the electromagnetic equipment, and the wormhole is firmly fixed in the metal structure.

With the steady input of electric energy, the point in the light sphere seemed to be stretched open, revealing an area like a hole. When the hole was opened to one meter, it could be confirmed that it was the cabin of the Yuanhua 834 freighter.

"Switch to 303 mode" "Adjust power to b344" "Infrared electromagnetic radiation increases"...

In the control room, one staff member was reporting on the test of this wormhole.

A few seconds later, another situation on the other side of the wormhole was confirmed, that is, the ghost that kept flashing on the other side of the wormhole was a person! After slowing down the video of the ghost 65 times, the researchers determined that the captain was standing there.


The chief scientist stared at the clock placed over there, his eyes dazed, and then said: "The time is sixty times longer than ours!"

"It seems like something is being transmitted to us over there."

I saw a recorder rewinding the video to five minutes ago, that is, on the other side of the wormhole, where dozens of crew members gathered together and tried to poke something into the wormhole with a pole tied to it.

This process encountered the repulsive force of the wormhole! According to scientists' calculations, to break this repulsive force requires using electromagnetic force to break the wormhole force field to distort the outer shell.

Next to the scientific team, a military leader, General Ling Liang, stared at the wormhole: "Prompt the other side to use Morse code to exchange information."

In the cabin, Wei Keng assisted Lao Li in the operation.

Lao Li was very cautious and carried out a blood type test and asked healthy comrades on the ship to transfuse blood to those with mild symptoms. Wei Keng also tested that the blood was type A and allocated shares to six people.

after an hour,

Sixty-four patients with mild symptoms on Lao Li's side are still under observation. Several patients with severe symptoms on Wei Keng's side have already gotten out of bed and walked around the light ward to show everyone that the disease can be cured.

People on the ship are at peace, and restorative training is being carried out next door - that is, to increase lung capacity and sing a song together.

"A big river with wide waves and wind blowing rice flowers..."

The singing was not loud when it reached the next door, but almost everyone heard it.

A worker lying on the hospital bed threw the cold towel on his head into the washbasin beside him and said in a somewhat irritable tone: "Lao Jiang and the others are getting better so quickly, why don't we just give each other blood once and forget about it?"

Health worker Lao Li said: "Comrade Wei Keng introduced us to the situation here. Life radiation takes a certain amount of time. After research by the leadership, except for seriously ill patients, everyone here is treated conservatively. Comrade Yuhua, please be patient."

This worker named Huang Yuhua had a bad temper: "I have to get better quickly now, I have to do the work at hand, and I don't have time to observe you here."

"Yuhua? Yuhua, what are you doing?" Lao Li wanted to grab the stubborn donkey, but the strong worker in his thirties shook him off with one arm.

Wei Keng looked at the worker who rushed to him and stretched out his sleeve to get an injection. He was stunned and asked: "Comrade, does the health center issue a bill?"

Huang Yuhua: "Comrade Wei, please give me a shot of the medicine you have here."

Wei Keng: "Uncle, this is not medicine, it is my serum. I only accept severe patients here."

Huang Yuhua: "You little comrade, don't be so picky!" Just when there might be a quarrel, Luo Hongxing came over to persuade.

Luo Hongxing: "Huang Gong, you are too impatient. I am doing this for your own good. This Comrade Wei Keng has unknown replication and proliferation here, and there are many individuals."

Huang Yuhua: "I've heard that there are a lot of things going on in my office over there, and I'm thinking of splitting up a few."

Luo Hongxing saw that he couldn't persuade him anymore, so he asked Wei Keng, "How about you?"

Wei Keng stared at Luo Hongxing, as if to confirm whether he was really acting, because from his performance, it was impossible to see the thoughts he gave himself in the system.

Wei Keng took a deep breath, tore off a report form and handed it to the acutely insane man named Huang. Wei Keng said, "I'll give you the injection, but you have to fill in this form three times a day for the first week."

So, the non-severe person got the first shot - and the hole soon widened.

After receiving Wei Keng's serum, Huang Yuhua felt that his symptoms were quickly eliminated.

He was so energetic that he ate a few more bowls of rice. After finishing his work, he fell asleep. In his words, "it's rare to sleep like this."

After a week, he was full of energy. He came to Lao Li for a physical examination. After checking his heart, chest and lungs, he muttered: "He's as strong as an ox."

In the Chinese social environment, once the first person to eat the crab is fine, you will be able to catch all the crabs in the ditch.

Everyone on the ship ignored the warning and crowded at the window of the health clinic, pointing at the medical device inside and demanding a shot directly.

Among these people is Luo Hongxing.

After about two-thirds of the people on the ship received Wei Keng's blood,

Luo Hongxing handed the data he collected to the system and contacted his supervisor, Mang Xinyi.

Mang Xinyi: "It has been determined that the human community is condensing. Please pay attention to your position in the community at all times." A discretely distributed image appeared above.

And this model not only covers the situation of the current human group in the Pearl River Delta, but also the situation of several other apostle-level node creatures.

The representative of the settlement is the node creature, but the node creature cannot be regarded as all of the settlement.

According to the existing data of the Time Travel Department, when node organisms serve as the intersection of life radiation energy in a region, they can make concentrated use of the energy occupied by their own community in the ecosystem. That is, in the discrete model of the individual life scale of the entire community, the middle one


When a node disappears, the point where energy meets is gone, but the life energy activity of the community is still there! Then it may be divided into several small communities according to the internal differences of the community, and several node organisms will be reborn. For example, the entire Guangdong region

It turned out that there was a larger node that was interfered by other communities, and was later divided into many small nodes, which were fiercely fought around the Pearl River Delta region.

Wei Keng is very special! In this land where there are almost 8,000 people including the new crew members, the effect of the community has been reflected, but there is no absolute node creature! Because because of the highest part, Wei Keng's 1,500

The life radiation of hundreds of individuals is average. It may be said that the Wei Keng group is a large fuzzy node.

What if Wei Keng leaves? The community that has been formed will not disappear, but new node organisms will be formed.

In other words, Wei Keng's telepathy and recovery ability will disappear with Wei Keng's disappearance and appear in a person in the community who has high life strength and can best fit the community.

But who would be such an heir?

Luo Hongxing is now paying attention to his own numerical value in the discrete model. His position is not close to the central peak of Wei Keng, so he cannot let Wei Keng leave now.

Luo Hongxing: "Please record that at the current time point, the name of this system is 'Human Emperor'."

Luo Hongxing's actual rank: Shangqing.

He has been to some planes where the consciousness of life can shake the heaven and the earth. The Human Emperor! The default of all people is the center, the gathering point of the fate of the human race.

When the Wei Keng group completely leaves the timeline, the current human community in this world will have a single node. Therefore, Luo Shangqing gave this an Eastern definition.

This chapter has been completed!
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