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Chapter 2.04 Recruiting

 May 1st, 135th year of Pandora's era.

Wei Keng is also connected to the plane of death. In the cabin in the middle of the giant ship, the area where the containers were originally stacked was removed by a forklift to free up a large area for this glowing wormhole to move. Through the worm

Through the hole, you can see the slow movement of people and machinery over there.

Wei Keng sat quietly in the place that had been transformed into a conference table. After the censorship organization from the wormhole arrived, he began a brief explanation.

Wei Keng's performance was just right, his tone was calm, and his words sounded like he had finally waited for the organization. He started by thanking the comrades for coming to open up a new world for socialism. The leaders of the terminal plane were stunned for a while. But Wei Keng

Soon we got to the point. I started to report on my work since entering this world.

Transferring land is a very complicated process. Wei Keng handed over the files he had accumulated in this area over the past year. A large safe's worth of paper documents. (The paper is very rough and contains wood fibers.)

Captain Sun and the crew were surprised when these things were just loaded onto the ship, especially the record points on the geographical contours, the daily precipitation plan for the past year, and a lot of numbers. He muttered: "Culture

People are just different." Now, the crew members on the ship have the impression of Wei Keng as an 'educated and talented student'.

Wei Keng conducted detailed archives of tens of thousands of square kilometers of land this year.

Hydrology, humanities, geography, minerals, species, growing areas and states of edible herbs found.

He also described the intelligence levels of genetic communities of different sizes in each region during the three conflicts between himself and the native communities. He also described the situation of several large cities in the Yangtze River Basin from Ji'an City.

These information are very detailed and are specially prepared for the upper-level bureaucrats of the country.

Sun Xiangyang obviously couldn't handle it. In order to appear busy, he now took a few people to unload the industrial equipment, and at the same time arranged for the second officer to provide ideological education to the local indigenous people.

In the plane of death, inside the office building, the lower half of the wall is painted green and the upper half is whitewashed. Several offices are busy all night long. The leaders and clerks here can only rely on strong tea to survive their overtime work.

The printer is constantly printing the files sent by Wei Keng. These data allowed the organization to quickly establish a detailed understanding of this plane.

The leadership team of the Deadly Plane also conducted an assessment on Wei Keng. First of all, it was determined that Wei Keng had graduated from a university. At this time, the Deadly Plane was still in the 1990s, and this academic degree was still the pride of heaven. As for whether the graduate student was in

Educational qualifications obtained after majoring in special fields cannot be reflected in primary production.

Furthermore, I am very interested in the equipment that Wei Keng "picked up" while fighting in this plane.

Although Kevlar helmets and body armor can be determined to be manufactured in a military factory in Shaanxi based on the production number and the marked production place, they are obviously better than the technical level of the Free Eagle in the Dead Plane. As for Wei Keng's performance

I picked up brand new equipment with the same serial number. The person in charge of the plane of death knew that there might be some small story in it, but he did not dwell on this issue.

In the Southwest High Energy Laboratory, the wormhole is in the metal restraint device.

Cheng Shitao, a high-energy physics expert in the military, is using particles to test wormholes. This high-energy physics expert is testing some theories through the changes in the properties of particles near the wormhole.

In the tests that have been carried out, we can transport materials, but we need both sides to transmit energy simultaneously. This ratio is 65.6:1, which means that the energy output from the Death Plane is 65 times the input energy from the Pandora Plane. And material transmission

During the process, materials must be prepared on both sides for transformation. To transport one kilogram of steel in the terminal plane requires one kilowatt hour of electricity, but transporting gasoline consumes very little. This is the same as in Pandora Field, where the energy information of organic matter transformation is easy to transform.

related to the rules.

Of course, this wormhole does not support transporting animals. If a creature is thrown into the Pandora plane, it will become a dead thing. The internal protein structure is disordered.

The above are the parameters measured by scientists from the Dead Plane. They are trying to find some bugs from these parameters and further expand this alien plane shuttle channel.

But in fact, this wormhole is a masterpiece of the main world.

The main world has not built a channel for conscious life to travel. The material information sent on both sides of the wormhole is just an information transfer and processing station.

Through the processing station, the forces of the Dead Plane input enough material information to assist the material structure of the Pandora world. Since the Dead Plane is a "research and development, exploration" process in this process, Luo Hongxing can operate from the Dead Plane.

The plane obtains supplies. But to a certain extent, everything in this alien plane area seems to be of no value to the plane of death.

September 2435 AD, this was a year when the newly established southern regime was reborn.

Wei Keng had originally accumulated a small and simple industrial production chain composed of various small mechanical equipment. With the arrival of the space gate, there was a major technological update.

The ocean freighter No. 834 Yuanhua brought down a large amount of modern equipment equivalent to the late twentieth century in the main world, as well as bulldozers and excavators. Wei Keng even saw five tanks with round heads and five pairs of wheels. Jueming

The military director of the plane even temporarily sent a batch of biodiesel preparation equipment after learning about Wei Keng's situation.

These mechanized equipment directly completed the transformation around the Wei Keng, and the dry toilet was directly filled up.

There is ammonia production, alkali production, and acid production combined equipment, so there is no need to pile up manure and nitrate. The organization on the plane of death has authorized the cadres on the ship to directly establish a leadership team there to continue to liberate the world.

This newly established organization in the Pandora plane defines Wei Keng as a typical case of "the great young people of the motherland building socialism in the wilderness."

Hearing this definition, Wei Keng felt a little blushing.

Wei Keng: "During this period, I have been only thinking about myself. I don't have any great ideals, and I have always wanted to go back to my hometown. Now that I am being regarded as a role model, it is really too much, too..." I can only say that wormhole

The people there are so honest.

Wei Keng, who doesn't have much playfulness, gets praise from the group, and sometimes he can't help but work hard.

Wei Keng's busy figure can be seen in lime kilns, coke ovens, and new machinery production centers.

Even the natives in this plane felt that Wei Keng changed his appearance and became more cheerful after the arrival of the big ship.

No one paid Wei Keng a bonus. After the task indicators were posted on Wei Keng's desk, Wei Keng worked overtime day and night, without any of the calm attitude he had before.

[I lie down because I can always see people other than myself finding opportunities to get rich! I no longer believe that I have the possibility of receiving fair remuneration for my labor, so I have lost my enthusiasm for labor.]

Now, it seems that Wei Keng will put his return aside for the time being and start contributing to the magnificent development here that will surely go down in history.

When the huge steel ship docked at the port,

In several original city-states in Guangdong, some businessmen quietly used mechanical cameras to take rolls of photos. The red flag with five yellow stars on the bow of the ship made families with a little bit of cultural heritage in the surrounding city-states feel that things were not simple.


Because Pandora fields are spread across the entire planet, the East Asian superpowers use this symbol to refer to this country.

Now, the East Asian continent is divided into two states, and both of them still use this flag.

The northern forces added a yellow horizontal line to the original flag, while the southern forces added a blue horizontal line to the original flag.

The giant ship now appearing at the Pearl River Delta pier is directly the original flag! It reminds me that Wei Keng Group suddenly arrived near the mouth of the Pearl River in Guangdong Province. It all seems to be connected together into another new story.

Story: An unknown human force intervened in Guangdong. Before arriving in Guangdong, it sent a large number of people with the same faces to pioneer. Now it has driven out almost all the genetic communities in the area, and has figured out the various regions including Ji'an City.

The depth of the city-state began to project more power and resources.

I have to say that their guess was very close.

On June 1, 2436 AD, the sun was bright and the clouds were blooming.

In the square of the largest stronghold of Wei Keng's settlement in the Pearl River Delta, more than two hundred Wei Keng, all crew members, and more than a thousand plane natives lined up on the gravel ground in accordance with the standards of event organization.

As the announcer "raised the national flag, played the national anthem, and everyone saluted" from the loudspeaker, high-pitched music sounded from the loudspeaker, while the flag bearers raised the red flag, and the flag slowly rose with the music.

There must be rituals, and great righteousness must be discussed. The most important affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military service.

"Sacrifice" is today's flag-raising ceremony. In the future, today's process standards will be promoted to all strongholds.

As for "Rong" from this moment on, the armed forces here should not be a one-man private army holding weapons and fighting for Wei Keng's own personal survival. After the flag was raised, the organization announced the name of the only legal armed force now:

"Unify the army".

After the red flag waved on the metal flagpole, everyone still stood on the playground as required.

Five tanks with the double wheat ears logo drove past the military parade in a pentagonal shape, followed by tractor-pulled 70mm artillery. According to the standards after the fall of civilization after the Pandora era, this kind of firepower is indeed majestic.

This is Guangzhou. Whether we are looking back at history or looking forward to the future, this name is very suitable. Although most of the armed personnel are still supported by Wei Keng, and Wei Keng will also be the skeleton here for a long time to come.

But the armament of the army ultimately depends on the core.

Of course, from Wei Keng's personal perspective,

What's the music like during this military parade? Sun Xiangyang directly used "March of the Athletes" as background music for the advancing tanks. This made Wei Keng feel that in elementary school, even if the crunching sound of tank steel passed by his ears, there was no sound.

It overshadows my feeling of "wearing a red scarf and standing on the grid to catch fish".

I have been listening to the "Athletes' March" since I was a child for two lifetimes, and I have been brainwashed. When I hear the melody, I follow the rhythm, and I can't think of replacing it with "The March of Steel".

The matter of "unification" is still a long way off, and there are still many internal problems imminent in this new organization in the Pearl River Delta.

At the temporary health center, people with vomiting and diarrhea kept the only health worker, Lao Li, busy. The unlucky people insisted that they did not eat indiscriminately.

But the friend who sent him here told him honestly: This guy ate a red raspberry on the roadside.

The indigenous interns in this plane were dumbfounded by this. Can those things be eaten? If berries could be eaten, human civilization would not collapse so quickly. Just like when all flowers with natural fragrance open, small bugs will be the first to

Time flies in, and all the fruits in this plane will have spores attached to them before they mature and have high sugar content. Those who eat these fruits are simple organisms with a growth cycle of only a few weeks. Now these high-sugar and high-water fruits are no longer

The ecological niche related to humans is gone unless all are inactivated by heating to over 100 degrees Celsius using high-pressure equipment.

Wei Keng could only directly inject a few tubes of blood into this sick patient, allowing the sudden burst of life radiation to erase the genes of these microorganisms.

And this incident taught the organization here a lesson, that is, logistical problems must be solved. In the past, Wei Keng explored the Pandora plane alone, relying on mountains and water to feel the radiation of life wherever he went.

, bring him here directly. Wei Keng is in good health, and almost all living things around him are destroyed by Wei Keng's reverse radiation. Everything that flies in the sky, swims in water, runs on the ground, and Wei Keng is eaten by Cantonese people.

But as the team grows, we can no longer wait for the poor to evolve into supermen in this somewhat magical world of biological mutation, like in American blockbusters. Instead, we must build an industrial logistics system from a scientific perspective.

The microorganisms in this world are very powerful. Plastic bags are decomposed by bacteria. The only effective way to preserve Wei Keng now is to salt it, then smoke it and dehydrate it. Finally, wrap it with lotus leaves and cover it with yellow mud, and dry it with the hot air of the lime kiln.

It is sent to the cellar for storage in an anoxic environment. In this way, there is still activity of nitrifying bacteria. As for ocean freighters, the freezers on the ship cannot store food. The only food available is canned food and various vegetables.

As for the fools who want to compete with Wei Keng, when he saw Wei Keng scratched his face at work and wiped a smear of spit on the wound, and the wound healed quickly, he realized the reality.

At the work organization meeting, Wei Keng made a record based on the conditions collected below. Glass bottles must be available, and they must have tinplate lids for sealing. At the same time, a batch of food air equipment is required. All bottled drinking water is carbonated, which is

The space gate on the ship put forward this series of requests. Everything was delivered quickly.

After the materials from the space gate were transferred, Wei Keng looked at the wormhole and began to think deeply.

Wei Keng: "So what can I do over there?"

As a member of society, Wei Keng is very concerned about the concept of "exchange". He cannot contribute unlimitedly to some people, and similarly, others cannot contribute unlimitedly to him. And he is obsessed with any model to achieve "sustainability"

"As a result, a process in which only one party contributes cannot be long-term.

Regarding this matter, Wei Keng's system prompts: "You can double-travel and travel back and forth between the planes of Jueming and Pandora. Exchange the resources of the two planes."

Wei Keng: I will never travel to the plane of death to make a contribution. It is said that the plane war is fierce there. I am a middle-aged man. I have no extraordinary resourcefulness. In the past, I might not have survived for one episode. At most, I was in Pandora.

Do some things in the plane that are beneficial to the plane of death.

This chapter has been completed!
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