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Chapter 11.37 Immune to Strike

In 179, Wei Keng evacuated from the Japanese islands, moved toward North America along the Aleutian Island chain in the North Pacific Ocean, and successfully completed the cleanup of the Pacific Ocean.

A few years ago, when the battle line was still on Taiyuan Island, that was when the sulfur-iron basalt community had the strongest adaptability and could produce more than 400,000 species.

During the confrontation in the Japanese Island Trench, there were only 50,000 species of sulfur-iron basalt. At the same time, there were 80,000 species in the Luzon Trench, which was also the first island chain. In the second island chain trenches such as Guam, which were behind,

Because it is far away from the organic matter-rich areas of the continental shelf, there are only 180,000 species that maintain the intersection of life fields in the entire Pacific Ocean area.

When Wei Keng set foot on the stars, his efficiency in allocating organic matter around the world was already higher than that of the apostles. He often used a wave of "nuclear strikes" to accurately cut "tumors" such as node organisms, followed by a death wave of "chemotherapy" communities, and finally the mobilization of

Hundreds of thousands of tons of organic matter energy are used to launch "high-energy immunity" to fight and eliminate the underlying ecology.

On the Pacific Ocean, a 10,000-ton ship lowered its carbon-based radiation device. Like a golden touch, large golden sea anemones grew like flames in the trench.

One year after Tianshu Long was wiped out, Sulfur Iron Xuanwu also disappeared completely in October 179, and the apostle's death march began to play.

In November 179, soldiers stationed on many islands in the Southeast Asia received a "temporary retreat" order from Wei Keng.

From the islands of Java to New Guilla, a group of islands spanning two thousand kilometers across the equator,

1,333 carbon-based signal towers echoed a signal: "On November 23, at 8 a.m., unification time, the eighth area of ​​the earth (Thousand Islands in the South Seas) will be immunized. Thank you for your unremitting efforts over the past two years. Your blocking mission

It has been completed, please witness the results next."

For most soldiers in the command area, this order was unclear.

As a result, officers and soldiers from all over Region No. 8 asked the theater headquarters here to send a message to verify what the "inclusion of immunization at eight o'clock in the morning on November 23" was. Otherwise, the order may be implemented incorrectly.

At 8 o'clock in the evening on the 22nd, there were still 36 hours left before the "inclusion of immunity" time, on the cruiser "Black River" in the command area of ​​​​the Malacca area.

The commander of this theater, Lu Min, was wearing a command helmet. At this time, the carbon-based communication tower on the fleet had already accumulated a "raging crowd" from below. Lu Min had to ask Wei Keng for an explanation.

On the tarmac at the rear of the Yishui cruiser, as the helicopter slowly landed, Wei Keng arrived at the cruiser. Before Wei Keng could enter the fleet cabin, Lu Min said: "Okay, I have to explain the 'immunity' situation.


It's no wonder that the soldiers in the command area were worried at this time. Six thousand officers and soldiers were fighting on the island. Although they killed the monsters on the mountains one after another and built carbon-based towers one after another, everyone expected that it would take ten years to be the most optimistic.

It will take years to completely suppress the ecology.

Now claiming to give up and experiment with a completely new situation, everyone finds it incredible and even suspects that the next "immunization" plan may be just an experiment and may not be reliable.

Lu Min knew the information about the immune area in the Central Siamese-Burmese subcontinent, and he also just learned the price of this "immunity" from an old friend of the "successor".

[Lu Min is an old man in the unified control area. During the shelling of Xinlu City (6.21), he was the leader of the "merchants with swords". This almost caused serious route problems in the unified control area, but it also indirectly led to the unification

The cutting area directly supported Yishui City, which was an important factor in accelerating the growth of the progressive forces in the east. He had been sent to the south for decades until this battle was reactivated.】

Wei Keng looked at Lu Min and said calmly: "Now I have mastered the power to mobilize the cycle of some organic matter on the earth."

Lu Min: "I know this, the internal circulation of organic matter in humane ecology." Of course, he quickly noticed something in the description of Wei Keng's spiritual language, and asked instead: "What kind of organic matter cycle do you have?"

Wei Keng leisurely opened to him the distribution map of organic matter in the entire Pacific Ocean, and at the same time listed several protein frequency bands that Wei Keng now has in excess on several lands, as well as the Pandora field interactive frequency band channel of the ionosphere in the global ozone layer.

Wei Keng said to Lu Min: "This is the latest technology, I want to take away the apostles."

November 23 at 6 a.m.

At the high mountain station on Brahman Island, Sun Yu followed the order and activated the high-oxidation particle torch near the carbon-based tower. As the blue light of the high-oxidation cold flame flashed, he quickly evacuated the nearby area as required, waiting for the so-called "immunity" to come. He

Looking at the colorful sky in the sky at this time, I waited with bated breath.

Waiting with him were the 6,733 officers and soldiers on the southern front this time. Everyone got up very early that day and discussed in the frequency band. At this time, someone in the communication soon said in surprise: "Why are there planes flying in?"

The area is sealed off, and the oxidation level there has reached 33 times."

Sun Yu also quickly raised his head and found that someone had flown into his station. He then recognized it as the carbon-based printed aircraft of the Weikeng Cluster.

At 6:56, in the entire No. 8 District, there are 637 stations in Nanyang Thousand Islands, all Wei Keng is in place. The aircraft has stayed on the platform of each station, and Wei Keng is also preparing to leave the mecha and go directly into the outside world.

In a strong oxidizing environment.

Facing anxious inquiries from comrades who have been fighting together in the signal band for three years, Wei Keng responded with a smile: "I am very happy to meet you. It is my honor to pave the way for you in the future."

The countdown has started.


In the Carbon Valley Base of the Tongfa District, all the experimenters wearing helmets stood up in awe on the optical interface of the real-time monitoring map of global organic matter.

Because they saw from the global perspective provided by the satellite: "A torrent of organic matter steams up from the Pacific Ocean, the Central and Southern Subcontinent, and the Tonglu area, and converges into an organic light belt in the ionosphere area."

This band of light drifts towards the Southeast Asia region and finally ends at 637 locations in the Thousand Islands.

These 637 areas are exactly the areas that ignite high oxidation areas.

As the node for guiding the arrival of organic matter on the ground, the Wei Keng soldiers all stepped out of their colonial mechas and were exposed to this highly oxidizing environment, instantly turning into flames. This was just a spark, which would then ignite the huge organic matter band transferred from the earth.

In the early morning of this day, Sun Yu and more than 6,000 people in the eighth region of the earth saw a magnificent scene. In the sky, a brightly colored halo snaked through the galaxy, and then dropped straight down into the earth.

.And at the moment of contact with the earth, like a shock wave, a barrier of "colors like soap bubbles" was formed on the ground, spreading towards the surroundings.

Because the organic matter was transformed too violently, part of the organic matter turned into flammable gas during the diffusion process, causing a spark ignition effect. Therefore, this beam of light coming down from the sky gave the color of an alien death ray strike.


Wei Keng's "immune system" operates under the influence of high oxidation. With the support of high oxidation respiration, a large number of organic matter frequency bands of human physiological activities undergo intense metabolism like a high fever. It is the future of steel and ion beams.

When bombarding insect swarms, it makes up for its shortcomings in "resistance to insect swarms' organic matter viruses." Although this is still not as resistant to viruses as insect swarms, it will have enough time to cook and eat the insect swarms after the immune system fails.

Back to the present, in the equatorial islands, in the humid rainforest, the worms based on the trembling rain were quickly digested as the bubbles enveloped them, and the birds flying in the sky were also wiped out in an instant!

Of course, when this light wave swept through Sun Yu, a human being, it seemed to sense homologous human genes. The frequency band formed a special cocoon-state field area around them. Sun Yu and others felt as if they had entered amniotic fluid. And

This area is only five meters long. Five meters away, there is a violent "organic reaction effect", a horrific scene of molten flesh.

All creatures in the surrounding environment that did not belong to the human frequency band were devoured. Even standard beasts such as war cats were detached from their mechanical structures and turned into "special creatures" one by one. They began to change, and finally in the life field

It has a floating structure like a "big pie round shuttle".

These one- to two-meter "big pie shuttle" structures are born, changed, dissipated, and reborn in a cyclical process. It is equivalent to the circulation of platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells in the human body.

Within an hour, the apostle community in the Nanyang region that had been entangled for hundreds of years was completely destroyed by this terrible ecological attack. Several super nodes tried to resist, but were burned down by the precise strikes of cloud bombs.

Looking back two hundred years ago, when Pandora Field first came to this world, it was the same miraculous spread.

Today, because the oxidation energy level of the life activity mastered by Wei Keng is too high, this scene is repeated. But what is being digested at this time is no longer human civilization, but countless aliens born in the past two hundred years.

Two hundred years ago, there was a great reshuffle of life around the world, and human civilization almost disappeared, but now humanity is pale.

An hour later, the attack ended,

In the eighth area of ​​the earth, the metabolism in the jungle gradually slows down, and the things that were originally "cells" in the immune system begin to turn into cocoons, eggshells, and soft fetuses. These small eggshells will stay in the jungle.

In the future, as the migrating standard beasts approach, there will be a response in the life frequency band, and these cocoons will cause the standard beasts to be raised. They will eventually become standard beasts.

On the premise that humans control global organic matter, the various organelles of the "immune system" are the matrix of organic matter recycling reactions under highly oxidative conditions. The "standard animal community" is the state of human beings under low oxidation and is the basis for controlling the ecology.


In the Lop Nur base, Site No. 5 also has a colorful area, which simultaneously creates a high-oxidation organic environment.

When the immunity fluctuation in the eighth region of the earth ended, a Wei Keng individual walked out of the organic region, came to the surrounding steel platform, and began to pull the first group of waiting successors into this highly oxidized organic region.

Wei Keng led the team, and the successors were quickly submerged in a phantom bubble with extremely high organic energy. Ten minutes later, Wei Keng led them out again. However, when they came out, there were already twenty of them.

A group of forty identical individuals.

Then Wei Keng entered with another group of successors.

In this phantom high-energy organic area, what Wei Keng gave to his successors was to connect the frequency band of the immune system under high oxidation.

Wei Keng: "I will leave the world eventually, but as a species inheritance, I should pass on to you the organic system that resists diseases."

On November 24, Wei Keng gave this first phase of organic frequency band control to 933 successors.

The eighth area of ​​the Equatorial Islands has been cleared, followed by the vast areas of North America, South America, Africa, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean.

In the Lop Nur base, after everyone was silent for a long time, Sun Xiangyang asked: "Do you have to carry out such individual demise in every area?"

Wei Keng: "My birth was accompanied by a mission. I thought about it for a moment. If I came from the 21st century and suddenly appeared in this era and regenerated in this era, maybe it would be to allow the humans here to restore themselves.

The path of wisdom. Now I think I did the right thing."

Zeng Shuxie: "Aliens have alien civilizations..." She wanted to remind Wei Keng that humans still need Wei Keng. Wei Keng also showed his cards at this time, looked at the girl and said: "The future may depend on you.

By the way, even if we master the human life field, human beings still should not be immortal species. Human beings rise and fall, and this rise and fall process can remind us to do as much meaningful things as possible in our life time."

In The Language of the Soul, Wei Keng describes the physiological development period of the "human species" in the new era.

Wei Keng: "In this generation, I divide the development status of natural people after the age of 60 into three evolutionary stages.

In the first stage, the state is the collective state when I first met you. I will be highly resonant under special circumstances. Now it can be inferred that in that state, by regulating the organic matter in my body, I can delay aging to three to four times that of normal people.

.Around two hundred to three hundred and fifty years old. You are at this stage now.

The second stage was in 159. At that time, after I had completed a series of scientific systems, the number reached 300,000. I could already breathe a little in high oxidation. At this stage, as long as I replace the living body, I will continue to

I will never grow old if I learn new knowledge. Of course, no matter how much knowledge I have, there will be a moment when I finish learning. When I stop learning and stop renewing myself as a new individual, I will gradually disappear in the process of five hundred years.

The third stage, which is the current stage: I can build a life system in the region in a highly oxidized state. In this state, I can maintain it for thousands of years. (At its peak, it will be a thousand years old, and then it will slowly age.)

Next, it may enter the fourth stage, that is, after I have emptied the world of heterogeneous organic matter, I will leave you a message about that situation and wish you healthy growth."

Thousands of years seem to be a long time, but summer insects cannot speak of ice. In the future stage of civilization, the more advanced beings are, the more they will feel that their life span is short. Just like today, human beings have a life span far longer than that of cats and dogs, but they still seek longevity, because and

Compared with the planet and the universe, thousands of years are nothing.

Huang Yuhua: "Can't the life span limit be broken?" He obviously asked the key.

Wei Keng: "What I mainly evolve is the complexity and activity of organic species. Only in this way can we support powerful intelligence, but this does not support unlimited lifespan.

Reducing the types of organisms and simplifying the complexity of life can extend lifespan. Of course, what about evolution like that? The final direction may be different from what I imagined." Wei Keng passed on the concept of immortal jellyfish to him. Then he released the one who only knew how to devour.

Interstellar swarm concept.

"If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening."

In the language of the soul, Wei Keng extended his hand to the heirs: "We are a species, and we need to pass on the fire to maintain the glory of wisdom, don't we?"

Although all the successors have understood Wei Keng's courage in the process of Wei Keng sweeping away the aliens in the earth's life field,

But the real courage lies in the evolutionary path Wei Keng has chosen.

Wei Keng could have constructed his own immortality genes to last forever in this plane, but in the end he gave up his immortality and still positioned himself as a species.

Immortality is contrary to progress, because "infinite" is equivalent to "can be overdrawn", and immortality brings the numbness of life. For example, single-cell organisms remain unchanged for hundreds of millions of years.

To give a simple example: the longer the vacation does not mean that there is more time to do homework. Homework is often done in the last few days of the vacation! This is human nature. And the monthly exam is once a month, so that there is a deadline and a rhythm, so that middle school students can

People's postures follow each other step by step, gritting their teeth to keep up, and curl up together.

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