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Chapter 11.38 Annihilate Billion Eyes

 In the 180th year of the Pandora calendar, Wei Keng landed in North America. Almost as soon as Wei Keng landed, it caused a violent reaction from super life forms throughout North America. Billion Eyes, the earliest apostle, opened his eyes to all the lives in the entire North American continent.

Eyes. At the Mississippi River, a large number of four-legged carps landed directly along the land, and a large number of flying birds began to fuse flesh and blood, preparing for the final battle. However, despite the topography of the continent, Billion Eyes took a long time in the process of crossing the western part of the continent.

Too big.

So much so that a cluster of 60,000 satellites successfully established 187 carbon-based radioactive towers and standard beast colonies on the west coast. It also mobilized the earth's organic matter for tactical projection by igniting highly oxidized areas. So within three months,

A huge west coast community has formed in the western sea of ​​North America.

Let’s talk about geography here. Due to the tilt angle of the Earth’s rotation, the flow direction of the mantle is fixed, causing the continents on the Earth to drift from the southeast to the northwest. This results in the fixed characteristics of all continents on the Earth in different directions.

Because the continent is drifting northwest and being squeezed by the oceanic plate, the northwest coastline is filled with cliffs.

In the southeast direction, due to the westward drift of the land plate, there is always a large island. At this point, there is Cuba in North America, Daguang in the East, Sinhalese in the Southern subcontinent, and Madagascar in Africa.

The location of the Xiahua civilization is obviously the terrain of the eastern continent, and the southeastern part of the plains is always mountainous. Therefore, a series of battles in the unified expedition area are centered around the plains, with large interspersions and large detours between hills.

Note: If the sea level rises and the Huanghuai Plain is submerged, the Zhejiang Mountains will be the southeastern island. If the Henan Plain is submerged, the Dabie Mountains will be the southeastern island. This is a typical terrain on the east side of the continent.

The terrain and climate determine the military strategy.

When Wei Keng enters the west coast of North America, the eastern part of the entire narrow strip is dominated by the towering Rocky Mountains.

This terrain feature can be referred to the Ganges River Basin in India and the southern foothills of the Himalayas. Under the absolute mountain barrier, military operations from east to west must consider logistics.

In modern times, there were not many transportation highways and railway lines across the Rocky Mountains. They were all connected by a longitudinal highway line from south to north. (For this, you can look at the North American railway network and highway network. There are a small area in the west.

An apparently empty zone.)

The Billion-Eyed Apostle personally destroyed modern civilization on the North American continent, and now there is no ability to clear railway transportation lines. The efficiency of organic matter transportation is greatly affected by terrain and high-altitude severe weather.

So when it faced Wei Keng's landing from California, its attempt to dispatch from east to west was a complete failure in efficiency.

When Wei Keng entered the east and established a firm foothold, using the Rocky Mountains as a barrier to accumulate a wave of organic matter, the construction of biological farms was completed one by one. The large mushroom umbrella farm buildings of several hundred meters emitted an attractive organic frequency band.

In the first half of 180, Billion Eyes couldn't help but drive a large number of biological tides eastward, but they were all swallowed up by the humane standard beasts waiting for work, and integrated into the humane frequency band. (It was also making the strategic mistakes that the mirage mother made back then.


The devouring of the control area lasted for four months, and the power that Yi Yan was so enthusiastic about in the early stage finally reached its limit.

In the second half of 180, Wei Keng also carried out preliminary repairs to the railway line. The gas locomotive roared and drove towards the east, carrying radioactive towers and biochemical reactors, just like the muskets and cannons entering the Indian colonies during the "Great Discovery" era.

The mechanical beast jumps off the train, devours and kills, digests the feedback energy in the carbon-based radiation tower, then gives birth to cubs, and then continues to devour.

The peace and tranquility of the Billion Eyes community was broken by this fierce battle. A huge tide of beasts in the entire Mississippi River Basin was summoned. One by one, the monsters with eyes on their backs opened their eyes, radiating life frequency bands, as if

It is under the call of certain values ​​that organisms begin to gather.

Billion Eyes selects batches of large unicorns with strong long legs and devours the small black and yellow biological beasts. The sacrifice of these small beasts provides necessary nutrients for these big beasts. The will of Billion Eyes is like this

The entire plain was plundered and a large cavalry force was assembled.

However, there was no suspense in this battle from the beginning.

During the four months of defending the humanitarian band in the Rocky Mountains, Wei Keng had a rough understanding of the core protein system of various species sent by Yiyan. Therefore, when Yiyan was forming the cavalry team, Wei Keng had already deciphered its

"Organic band" military code. This is equivalent to opening a 'clear map'.

For Wei Keng, who already has a "high oxidative immune system", every time he defeats an apostle, he accumulates more experience.

In the Eighth District (Southern Thousand Islands), he fought the "Jingyu Mingfeng" landing battle for two full years in the beginning, in order to achieve these two core elements. What is slightly different from the Eighth District is that now Wei Keng

The capabilities are higher, the equipment is more advanced, and 'Billion Eyes' pays less attention to protection.

Tongfa Global Satellite Center, in monitoring the carbon-based frequency band field:

On the carbon base map, Yiyan's military clusters are clearly visible, and Yiyan's headquarters is located in the Great Lakes region of North America.

Because it is a mother nest system, when the Great Lakes Center issues various instructions to the outside world, it is like countless "hair strands" at one point. Billion Eyes is passing through these "hair strands" status information chains, affecting the Mississippi River southward, and traversing the Mississippi River.

There are many nodes on the "hair" of North America. These nodes are secondary apostle community divisions.

Wei Keng commented: Yi Yan has really worked very hard and separated countless organic matter to support each combat community on the front line.

From the perspective of satellite images to the ground, each node represents a biological tide of millions of tons of organic matter. They are all new forces that want to unite together to launch an attack on Wei Keng's residence.

However, Yiyan really doesn't know. In the current space, humans have rebuilt the satellite system. And in information warfare, what does the exposure of the command headquarters mean? One can imagine.

Oh, after Billion Eyes made the decision to surpass humans two hundred years ago, and witnessed the destruction of the advanced technology that represented the light of mankind in North America at that time, it has stayed in that era, thinking that North America has been destroyed, and other regions can never recover.

Civilization and technology before destruction.

Wei Keng never told Yiyan the "truth" during this contest.


On August 4, 1818, high temperatures occurred in North America. Through satellite information reconnaissance, Wei Keng determined that by this time, Yiyan had almost removed the organic matter deposits deposited at the bottom of the lake, enough for these secondary communities to compete for hegemony.

And at this time, Wei Keng referred to the experience of annihilating the sulfur-iron Xuanwu. Once the strongest node of this type of apostle community is annihilated, other nodes will quickly be swallowed up! Yiyan pulled this organic matter out to attack Wei Keng, standing on Wei Keng's side.

From a perspective, the scale of this wave of organic craze is quite large. It would be much easier to sweep it away after letting it "eat itself".

At six o'clock in the morning local time, which is the time when the activity frequency of each biological community is lowest every day, Wei Keng's three bombers arrived over the peaceful Great Lakes.

To be honest, after losing the influence of human society, regardless of the "disgusting feeling of alien organic radiation", this lake is very beautiful. In the center of this beautiful lake, there is a white island. If you look carefully, this island

It is formed by a large number of piles of bones.

And underneath the bones is the laboratory of ‘Dr. Qi’.

In the past two hundred years, the best large beasts will make a pilgrimage to the center of the lake when they are about to die, swim through the waters full of fungi at the bottom of the lake, and come to this small island to lie down quietly. Countless tiny tentacles will quickly kill them.

The flesh and blood are sucked clean, forming islands of white bones.

However, today, as a buzzing sound came from high in the sky at night, a pair of auxiliary bones were opened among the pile of bones, and big eyes were pointed at the sky.

The big eyes are five meters in diameter, and the small ones are one meter in diameter. At this time, the pupils of these giant gemstones are shining with bright light.

The light beams emitted by these "giant pupils" are the result of organic matter reacting quickly and converging to the center.

Ordinary human explorers will instantly lose their minds when seen by these eyes. This is the ability brought by high organic radiation, and it is also the ability that Billion Eyes has evolved in key ways.

Wei Keng complained about this big eyeball that was shining towards the sky: "Evolve perception, just evolve perception, and use the sensory organs as offensive weapons to evolve. Putting the cart before the horse."

Today, these big eyes are not facing the enemy of the old era. An organic reaction cylinder was hung from the sky. Ten seconds later, the center of the eyes on the ground instantly turned into an undercooked soft-boiled egg. The organic reaction tank in the central pupil was encountered.

When the phosphorus and chlorine organic matter radiates, it melts into water.

The entire bone island trembled, and of course it might have been rage, but after four consecutive waves of toxins from the planes, the trembling turned into fear.

Although Yiyan understood from the rapid disappearance of many other apostles in the world that an extremely terrifying enemy had risen on the earth. However, even though he did not understand it, the mentality of being in a 'country on the top of a mountain' still requires recklessness.

Just like the protagonist in a Hollywood movie, who "accidentally" discovers the weakness of a powerful opponent and wins?

[Of course, during the process, a large number of deaths may occur during the exploration, creating a strange atmosphere. Those with dark skin will die (die heroically), and those with yellow skin will also die. (They will be cowardly and despicable, and will be killed after betraying their teammates.

) But in the end, handsome white men and beauties will wisely discover the problem and finally save the world.】

It's just that Mr. Wei didn't cooperate with him in playing the villain today. The attack procedures one after another were perfectly connected, giving him no chance to show off the protagonist's "wisdom".

When Yiyan was scurrying around under the radiation of organic toxins and was suppressed to the point where he could not lift his head, the well-connected nuclear bomb fell.

These nuclear bombs were dropped together with thirty-three cloudburst bombs.

Thirty-three cloudburst bombs hit the ground first, turning into a large sea of ​​fire. Bones were rolling in the sea of ​​fire, and lumps of flesh below were rapidly spraying lake water, trying to extinguish the fire. The sound of continuous spraying,

It's like a person who's been stung by chili peppers, constantly inhaling and exhaling.

The flame oil cloud is only distracting. The cloud explosion bomb will not produce a magnetic pulse and will not cause damage to the electronic components of the nearby bomb, providing cover for the nuclear bomb's whereabouts at the last moment.

The projectiles projected by nuclear weapons are heavier in mass and can be easily distinguished in their trajectories, but the billion-eye community was now splashed with "kerosene" and burned their eyes, making it impossible to see them.

The nuclear bomb landed at a height of 300 meters on the ground. The large parachute was untied and replaced with a small parachute. The warhead smashed into the burning bone pile at a relatively fast speed. As the front section touched the bone island, the nuclear bomb weighed ten tons.

The super nuclear weapon weighing four million tons ignited a chain reaction, igniting the lithium tritide and allowing the depleted uranium shell to participate in the fission reaction.

Strong light bloomed in the world's largest freshwater lake. The consciousness of "Dr. Qi" who was still thinking about how to withstand this wave of blows in the ancient boat at the bottom of the lake was instantly reduced.

Wei Keng and he were not playing the same game of chess. He prepared the opening, but Wei Keng prepared the ending!

Dr. Qi has his backup memory and consciousness at other nodes, but these chaotic memories and consciousness will face the same problem as the Tianshu Long back then, that is, who is the master. However, he is destined to be unable to solve this problem.


On August 9, the entire Mississippi River biome was gradually divided into four major camps, three in the north and one in the south.

They began to launch a unified attack on Wei Keng. However, these Dr. Qi's community frequency bands were clearly distinguished in Wei Keng's satellite intelligence. The organic matter exchanges were clearly divided into four parts. This could not be deceived by the data.

Wei Keng adopted a strategy of attacking one faction and releasing the other. When the Yiyan southern faction launched an attack, Wei Keng adopted a tit-for-tat policy. When the Yiyan northern unicorn group attacked, Wei Keng's troops adopted a tit-for-tat policy.

The policy of blocking war.

Bombers bombed the northern gathering points one after another, making it difficult for them to go south to support.

As for the south, it was a direct blitzkrieg, dispatching standard beasts and destroying important organic biological pools in the south.

The content in these river biological pools is very viscous, porridge-like liquid that bubbles and bubbles.

When he discovered that their biological pool looked like this, the feeling of throwing bombs was different for Wei Keng. Each time he dropped a bomb, Lugia also lowered multiple sets of biological eyes for observation. As the warhead drilled

Entering the biological pool, there was an explosion and a hundred feet of mud flew up! This is the pleasure shared by human males.

Within forty days, under Wei Keng's "preference", more than half of the southern billion eyes were reduced, and the northern colony of billion eyes was only blocked by Wei Keng's death wave.

For Dr. Qi's consciousness in the south, he was carrying the Wei Keng alone, and he had doubts about the north. So he also cut off communication, and carried out a large-scale strategic retreat before October 15th.

On October 16, Wei Keng weighed the pros and cons and began a top-heavy and foot-light attack strategy, focusing on the northern communities on the west coast to give other communities a chance to breathe.

This kind of behavior similar to "playing games and grabbing the heads of "Yao Mei"" caused the northern community of the West Coast Apostles to begin to evacuate the eastern Great Lakes at the end of October and also withdraw from the war.

In November, when the big cold wave comes, Wei Keng prefers the southern tribes who are the most severely affected by the cold wave, while the northern tribes live in peace!

This caused Dr. Qi to completely fall into a split consciousness after December.

Wei Keng explained to the successors: Is this a rift? No, the rift is a distrust between individuals in the same camp who undermine different rights and responsibilities. There is no division of labor in Dr. Qi's groups. It's just that one has lost its core.

The spiritual queen tried to use a foreign enemy to unite the alliance.

The strategy in North America is just the old-fashioned strategy of breaking up "cooperation", suppressing one, letting one go, fighting one, and letting one go. This makes each franchisee in the alliance always feel that someone else is taking advantage.

This is the deadlock of the hydra forces! In modern times, the representative force of the hydras was the "European Union".

In December 181, Wei Keng further divided Yiyan in a strategic strike, and Yiyan gradually began to turn into Yitou,

That is to say, the cranial characteristics of the eyes of different communities are different, and they have become diversified. For example, in the southern colony, the insect's head has evolved into a diamond-shaped compound eye, while in the northern colony No. 3, there is a single huge eye, and in the northern colony No. 4, it lurks underwater, and its characteristics have changed.

It has become a snail's antennae-like eyes. The characteristics of the community are so huge that they are obviously severely divided.

The billion-eyed community still occupies most of North America, but judging from the "carbon-based map distribution" everything has fallen apart.

At the end of the 181st year of the Pandora calendar, for people in this plane, the dawn is about to shine on this earth, but for those who have traveled through time, they must leave.

Peng Haitao, Pu Tufan and others had quietly entered the carbon-based high-energy field. Before leaving the world line, they opened the system and took a final look at the world's information.

Peng Haitao: "The earth is being humanized!"

Everyone silently looked at the global status quo on the system interface. After a while, Shi Qingyuan responded: "This is the real human era."

This wave of new people is still unclear: in their first mission, they witnessed the top evolution of the world and the development of the history of civilization.

Peng Haitao and others don't know whether advanced time travel missions meet this standard, but they know that the captain who leads them on the mission is a super powerful person.

In the supervisor space, each supervisor has a serious expression: because what is happening in the Pandora plane right now is a brilliant surge of consciousness that has never been recorded by the Space-Time Administration!

After such long-term hard work on a plane where time flows the slowest, the "middle man" now stands out.

This chapter has been completed!
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