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Chapter 522 Chapter 13.04 Wei Da, Wei Er

 In the unloading warehouse, batches of people wearing collars around their necks walked down. This group of workers is often the selected immigrant group on the Jiulan Star Connect Star Gate world. These people are used to maintain the inner circle planets.

After all, the upper core of the entire planet has the highest technology and the highest authority, but still needs to deal with miscellaneous things.

They enjoy the normal material benefits of the inner circle, but reproduction is blocked. It is like artificially creating a layer of reproductive isolation.

That level of reproduction lock will only be opened after breaking through the fourth level of dark energy, or when you end your immigration career and return to the original lower star gate world, the reproduction barrier will also be opened.

Large central stars such as Jiulan Star consciously carry out human selection. After all, after contacting dark energy, the evolutionary direction of human beings is energy life that can extract the energy of the universe. This evolutionary direction is to control reproduction.

In the Milky Way, Jiulan Star, which connects millions of worlds, is strictly speaking the "God Realm". Coming from the lower world to the upper world does not mean that you have divine status, and you must work according to the rules of heaven.

As immigrants, there are many jobs. For example, maintaining the ecosystem, adjusting organic matter, and adjusting the orbits of asteroids in outer space. Of course, in addition to handyman work, you may also need to provide a foundation of emotional support. This is to let the indigenous people here understand how

Leadership and domination.

Wei Keng, who was mixed in, touched the collar around his neck and muttered: "Just like the emperor, the empress needs eunuchs to serve her."

At this time, in the spaceship, the immigrants transported from the civilian area were full of expectations. Because even being a low-class person on the Jiulan Star would be better than living in the surrounding chaotic celestial bodies.

Wei Keng's hair changed from a solid color to a mottled black and brown color.

Part of it is brown and part of it is black. This kind of mottled hair color would have been extinct in the age of apes in the face of an aesthetic species like humans that even cares about skin color.

The reason for such a messy hair color means that the family's exposure to radiation while working in space has resulted in genetic instability, which makes it impossible to maintain a pure hair color. Mr. Wei deliberately faked his "personality" in order to blend in.

In the central area of ​​Track 13, it was very difficult for Wei Keng to enter with his normal identity, but by creating such an identity, the difficulty was reduced a lot.

Of course, they live in a civilian area, which is very humble and ordinary compared to the natural ecological area with gardens in the center of Track 13.

In order to match this class, Wei Keng's originally good appearance turned into a terrible sight. As for the scars on his face, they were caused by the incorrect proliferation of some cells on the face. In order not to scare people, he used an iron mask to cover them.

, but only two-thirds of it was covered, and a large edge of the scar was exposed to alert others.

Of course, everyone present is the same. The strong man on the left kept pushing and pushing him on the way here, and his body has been replaced by a robotic arm. The timid Wei Keng was also kicked by him, but everyone will have a new life soon.

About fifteen hours later, Wei Keng passed the genetic identity test in the central area.

The level 5 Eternal Heart dark energy, when the organic matter is extracted from the body, is also controlled by its own dark energy and can be adjusted. At the moment, the only thing Wei Keng has in the Jiulan Star Immigration Department is that he has very strong vitality.

: Cells are full of vitality, body functions are coordinated, and cell genes are not contaminated.

It's just such an advantage that few people will be able to see it because they are at the lower level.

After passing the customs, Wei Keng changed his submissive attitude before passing the customs. He turned around and secretly mocked the checkpoint personnel: The biggest cognitive gap is class. No one will regard the diamonds in the hands of beggars as diamonds, and no one will regard the diamonds in the hands of noble ladies.

Glass around the neck is not considered a gemstone.

The workers began to enter the corridor one by one to conduct debugging.

Under the lock of nanoparticles, Wei Keng's facial imperfections were repaired by biotechnology and restored to the appearance of a young man. However, the blue lights on his temples indicate that this appearance is artificial. This artificial appearance is a standard handsome man. As for hair,

The color has also been genetically edited and turned into pure black.

Of course, according to Jing Guyu: "This plastic surgery face is not as handsome as you were before."

Wei Keng agreed: "Yes, my face is masculine."

After waiting for this series of biological adjustments to be completed, Wei Keng used the Eternal Heart to restore his pinched face to its natural state.

The eternal heart has set the state of the body at the age of seventeen, which is the most metabolic stage.

Wei Keng: Everything is fine at this stage, except that the body exudes a unique smell every time. After identification, it is similar to a fruity scent in a flower shop passing by. Note: Wei Keng can now control these molecules.

Rapidly decomposes three meters away from your body.

In his personal space warehouse, Wei Keng opened the fountain and relaxed in the water.

After fluttering for a while, Wei Keng raised his hand, lowered his fingertips, looked at his face reflected in the falling water drops, and began to read his face. Wei Keng: "In terms of face, I am an honest person."

These water droplets are normal water droplets, and they fall in an instant. However, due to their extremely high speed of thinking and perception, they can use the reflection in the water droplets as a mirror.

The "innocent" and "pure" expression on Wei Keng's face now is completely different from the extremely arrogant and talented image that Wen Tie Xing had sketched in his heart.

In order to give the supervisor a sense of presence, Wei Keng asked Jing Guyu: "What should we do next?"

Jing Guyu was translating the current information. Since Wei Keng had taken a very strict approach, she, the supervisor, had nothing to suggest. So, she just said casually: "You can forge the gender report, then put on women's clothes and enter

344 Celebrity Warehouse." - Jing Guyu's tone was full of broken jars.

Wei Keng gritted his teeth and said, "What next."

Jing Guyu seemed to sense Wei Keng's intimidation and ended his chatter: "Then he sneaked into the space gate of the 18th space ship and jumped to the directly controlled outer space asteroid near Jiulan Star to accumulate strength."

Wei Keng put away his expression and muttered: "Yes, this is a route, but I am a good man. How do you get in? I can give you a reliable plan."

Jing Guyu paused for a few seconds and seemed to be admonishing: "Run for your life. Women's clothing is not shabby."

Before Wei Keng could refute, Jing Guyu blocked it on his own.

Although Wei Keng has arrived at the core area of ​​​​Jiulan Star, it is still only in the civilian star area and is at the bottom. The perspective level is not high enough, so he still does not dare to move around.

At the gravitational balance point between the two large planets in orbit No. 13, this is an area that can only be reached by the upper-level residents of the mainland. The space jump area flashes with clusters of light.

The new blood force born in the Jiulan Star No. 13 orbital star is gradually entering the starry sky battlefield. The top few are all level four dark energy users. Of course, their age is based on the revolution period of the Jiulan Star’s seventh orbit.

Between the ages of 16 and over to 23 years old, but in fact each of their years is four times the Earth year.

And this is not a school model, but similar to a sect. Because the power at the top is directly involved in talent training, the model of master, apprentice, disciple, and friendship with fellow disciples is very high.

The Singing Light Tower is a facility in the orbit of the thirteenth planet, but in today's class, the two best disciples are divided into two factions.

Wearing a golden flying wing headdress, her hair color is also pure gold, and her name is Lurem. The other guy, with white jade rings hanging all over his arms, is called Yuno. Both of their current abilities are energy-based.

, but the essential degree of intervention in microphysics is very high, and it belongs to the technological level of the transmutation system.

As for the conflict between them, it may be that they have similar abilities and conflict with each other.

The Singing Light Tower is not a female sect. According to the total number, the male to female ratio is 4:6.

The first two here are both women, but they cannot be calculated according to the thinking of the female sect on Earth. The women here are more competitive in external things than the women on Earth, and they are more outgoing.

This is because women here have to compete externally, not only for resources, but also for friendship.

When Lulem led the team into the space gate, a hint of calculation flashed under Yuno's pure love face, and then she also called her team into the space.

On the planet's warp gate, a group of members disappeared.

On the other side, Wei Keng was looking through the information Wei Qiang gave him.

Mr. Wei slapped his palm hard, frowned and said: "Just do the task, why bother with so many goblins! Hey!" The tone was actually envy, jealousy, and relief. (Wei Keng: Himself

The bloodline of the Lao Wei family radiates across multiple planes, so it certainly deserves encouragement.)

As the eldest brother, Wei Keng began to "beat the corpse" of his younger brother for some of his current behaviors.

Eight hundred years ago, after Wei Qiang arrived on this plane, he discovered the strangest black hole known in the Milky Way, code-named the Great Black Hole of Creation. This is one of the farthest interstellar regions from the Promised Man's home galaxy.

Wei Qiang advanced to the sixth level of dark energy in a hundred years, and his dark energy is no less than the "direct generation of matter" in the "space-time system". That is, if he reaches the seventh level of dark energy, he can directly complete matter from space.

Print! And the information is accurate every second. It's like a plane projection.

This was also the highest level dark energy inheritance in the area, and Wei Qiang was the core disciple at that time.

But he did not advance to level seven in the end. Instead, after discovering the huge possibilities of physics in this universe, he made a radical attempt at that time! That is, he found a material wormhole to another dimension. And the result was that,

Jing Guyu supported him to the level of a king.

Coming back to the topic, although Wei Qiang (brother) has not completed the seventh-level dark energy system in this plane. But! His ability to attract women is amazing in this plane.

When Chang Hengxi met him, she was still a village girl named Tiexing. It was Wei Qiang who took her out of the small world, then guided her, and then guided her into the high-end life system dark energy field.

Furthermore, there is also his confidante on Jiulan Star, and he has also left behind a seed.

Wei Keng pursed his lips, his younger brother was a bit too romantic, he had done missions in several planes, and the number of girls he flirted with was not even a fraction of his number.

Wei Keng suddenly reflected: Well, think about it carefully, have you ever flirted with a girl?

In the Pandora plane, he is the Human Emperor. The Human Emperor is just a cloth man and does not fall in love. In the Shenzhou plane, he fights on his own and finally ascends. He twists the plane in the air and engages in a direct plane war. He does not dare to move. The arcane plane

He was hiding from the curse.

Wei Keng felt a little embarrassed. Finally, he counted the dragon Xi Min from the Pandora plane and the Bai Zhaodi from the Shenzhou plane. He took out two fingers for the full count.

If Bai Linglu heard this, he would definitely laugh at her: "You haven't even kissed me on the lips, and you treat tofu and dried shrimps as a non-vegetarian dish?"

On the other hand, Wei Qiang has penetrated more planes than Wei Keng, and a girl who is familiar with the planes has surpassed Wei Keng, and the most important thing is! He actually reached a compromise with the supervisors.

Wei Keng couldn't help but touch his face: "There's not as big a difference in our looks between Wu Dalang and Wu Er. How did he do it?"

Since Jing Guyu is currently injured, Wei Keng will not ask for advice on "the red flag does not fall, but the colorful flag flutters".

Of course, there are many available information links left by his brother. Wei Qiang gave these because he was preparing to return to this plane to complete the plan, and Wei Keng had to finish it for him.

Wei Keng decided to start with the easy direction first.

These include special opening methods for approaching star gates. Wei Keng now uses a space-time dark energy system, which is much more convenient than Wei Qiang.

Forty-eight hours later, when the civilian spacecraft where Wei Keng was located moved to a special position, Wei Keng quickly flashed into outer space, locked on a point through the gravitational tidal azimuth system of the star, and output dark energy at this point.

It soon caused fluctuations on the star gate in the central area. This fluctuation caused the jump gate several kilometers away to eject a cone-shaped gravitational wave, which swept into space. This gravitational wave that penetrated out, the two people on orbit 13

The sect master didn't notice it. Just like humans don't care about the heat leaked from the chimney in the kang.

With the help of the influence of the star's gravitational tide, Wei Keng completed the outward jump from the Jiulan star at a position of three light seconds away from the jump gate.

At this time, Wei Keng's space jump was actually a "small gap" exposed when the nearby 13th orbital star gate jump point opened. Only the space-time system could insert the needle.

Therefore, the place where Wei Keng fled this time happened to be the place where the young dark energy users of the "Singing Light Tower" are being tested.

After jumping out of space, Wei Keng looked at the magnificent and beautiful celestial debris in front of him and took a deep breath.

This is an area three light years away from the Blue Star, near the white dwarf! There is a remnant star surrounding the white dwarf.

This star will be torn to pieces at perihelion and become a ring, and will turn into a shuttle state when it leaves perihelion. When it enters aphelion, it will condense into a star again, just like a zombie, dying and resurrecting over and over again, and this process will

If it lasts for a thousand years, it will eventually be completely absorbed by the white dwarf star.

But in the process of these thousand cycles, such a planet will be torn to pieces due to the core of the star, and a large amount of precious metals will be exposed, which allows humans to build large-scale space city creations here.

Millions of interstellar cities with a diameter of more than fifty kilometers float here. This place has always been a place to exile criminals (level 1 and level 2), as well as level 3 and level 4 dark energy Jiu Blue Star young trialists. The name here is Shura

Sea of ​​stars.

At this time, Wei Keng is looking for a "treasure house" left by Wei Qiang hundreds of years ago.

Of course, Wei Keng was not interested in finding the treasure house, but he was very interested in the celestial bodies in this exile area.

Standing in this sea of ​​stars, Wei Keng looked at the white dwarf. The fragmented debris belt of the zombie planet was wrapped around the bright planet like a python. Of course, at perihelion, matter fell on the white dwarf every day.

Some sins will be destroyed in it! Yes, if a trialist from Jiulan Star accidentally dies here, most likely his body will be destroyed on the white dwarf star, and nothing will exist on the star.

As for whether Wei Qiangliu's treasure house can still exist today? Wei Keng has no hope because it is too messy here.

Two minutes later.

"Buzz", Wei Keng suddenly raised the light blade at his side. After the light blade flashed, a light-invisible space shuttle appeared from the sky one hundred and forty kilometers away. Of course, it appeared because it had been cut into pieces by the space blade.

Cut in half.

It's not that Wei Keng is murderous, but the local gang is too rude.

This spaceship was sending a transaction request just now, but it was secretly accumulating the energy of a "thermonuclear energy beam".

Coupled with the fact that some hidden people are sneaking up around them and they are trying to lock themselves with neutrinos, it is enough to prove that they are enemies.

Wei Keng looked at the shining space cities in the distance and broadcast the report with a magnetic voice: "Here, the Shura Star Sea, where scum gathers. Cheer, a lawless world. I have the final say whether there will be chaos or not.


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