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Chapter 523 Chapter 13.05 Chaos in Jianghu, Young Hero

 For the young dark energy users of Jiulan Star, the trial battle is cruel. One kind of cruelty is different from that cruelty.

The trial is not to test their dark energy skills, but to let them know that people in non-core areas are unpredictable.

A person who leads you with a friendly face may take you to the "Cross Slope" restaurant. A passionate beauty may be interested in your "kidney".

Young heroes who are new to the world are easily plotted by gangsters. Only after encountering them once will they become a thoughtful and ruthless veteran.

As a star knight and ruler of the star sea, you must be exposed to the darkness under the starlight.

After the third cycle of trials, a group of young dark energy practitioners who had just come out of the academy sect had their "hearts like glass" turned into fiery furnace hearts.

As for these local bandits in the Shura Sea, they may be happy to plot against one or two "young", but the damage is to the morality of the entire region. In this stormy world, even if they are completely wiped out, they will not get any sympathy.

Jiulan Star 6767, Shura Star Sea, two months after the alien jump gate was opened.

In an interstellar tavern at the mid-orbit distance of a white dwarf, as a stream of scorching particles penetrated this space building built on a 57-kilometer-wide asteroid, 30% of the cabin space was filled with flames.

Viewed from space, this stone, which was originally black and gray in the sunlight, instantly developed red scars like centipedes.

The person leading this attack in space is Lulem. The palms of her hands are circles of regular halos. During the rotation of the halo, it is a nuclear fusion reaction controlled by the force fields on both sides!

As early as a week ago, the team of trialists were still singing happily with the people here, but during the subsequent expedition, they encountered an ambush.

After information investigation, when I entered the asteroid tavern, the people inside pretended to be friends while secretly sending messages to the outside looters.

"It's always been a lie." Lulem whispered. Her golden pupils were cold.

Four minutes later, when the team members caught the seemingly cheerful and masculine young singer in front of him in the tavern, Lulem's eyes still flashed with hatred.

As the true successor of the core of Jiulan Star, Lulem originally thought that the son of the owner of the tavern was just forced to stay here. However, during the subsequent investigation, it was found that this handsome face was full of malice.

But now seeing his submissive look after the incident was revealed, Lulem's original desire for an explanation disappeared. She waved her hand and burned him to death.

Lulem set the tone for the team members: "No one here can be trusted." - In this dusty Shura Star Sea, these talented people from the Jiulan Star have a deep grudge against their surroundings.


In the Shura Star Sea, robberies are happening all the time, but what is darker than the hearts of the Star Sea bandits is the bottomless pit! The blackness of the heart is the dye of color, and the darkness of the pit means that the bottom cannot be seen.

In front of an asteroid area sixty light seconds away, Wei Keng, wearing space combat armor, suddenly stopped.

Also a few days ago, the "pure and honest" Wei Keng was traveling in the Shura Xinghai and met a good friend who enthusiastically introduced him to the dangers of the world. The two discussed the local customs and customs for a whole day, and finally met for a drink at the busiest bar.

No, Wei Keng followed. However, Wei Keng was circling several times away from the entrance of the tavern, making the people accompanying him more and more impatient.

Wei Keng leisurely asked the person next to him: "Is this place a black market trading point?"

The person leading the way slowly retreated and responded: "Yes!" Wei Keng then asked again: "Is it really true? Ang? (dragging the last sound)"

This guy smiled, then immediately faced the void and reacted: "There is something wrong with this guy, don't let him escape."

Wei Keng laughed - he originally wanted to grab this asteroid, but it was very difficult to fight a tough battle, so he provoked the bad friends here by "looking for the black market to sell the stolen goods", and showed off his pride.

The "fourth level" physical skill secret energy made them mistakenly think that Wei Keng was an inexperienced guy who was ready to go it alone.

Wei Keng just wanted to seduce these people and then settle the grudges appropriately.

When this group of people gradually unhidden from the surrounding interstellar dust.

Wei Keng looked at the encirclement network within a thousand kilometers, exhaled, and said to the leaders who escaped from him: "Today is really a good harvest."

In space, the leader of the fourth-level dark energy leader fiercely emitted light waves, and used the interstellar public frequency band of Jiulan Star to warn: "Hand over everything, or I will make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

Wei Keng said cowardly: "Well, it's safe if you pay the money, (tremolo)!"

The second leader of the interstellar bandits on the left is placing an optically invisible space bear trap system while continuing to give a paralyzing dialogue: "Yes, we are just looking for money."

But the man who had been with Wei Keng for several days felt more and more abnormal.

At this time, Wei Keng nodded: "I'm also here to ask for money."

At this time, the surrounding starry sky has already shone a little starlight. In this empty space, many things will be too small to notice. But for Wei Keng, this is a good place to make a big difference.

The sword array system, which is like an atomic structure probability cloud, has now been launched in the void. The space fluctuations are instantly released, covering the more than 140 bandits who originally wanted to attack Wei Keng within a thousand kilometers.


Among these bandits, more than 40 were originally on the periphery to isolate external communications and prevent calls for rescue. More than 30 were responsible for beating up Wei Keng, and the rest were to call the reserve team.

Just before Wei Keng revealed his sword array and unfolded it, the star thief leader even breathed a sigh of relief and thought: "This cowardly guy doesn't need to do anything." But in an instant they felt that there was a split in the starry sky - themselves

was torn apart.

The sword formation was deployed within a tenth of a second, completely destroying all their resistance. As for a few shuttles, they were also dragged into the space cracks.

How considerate of the comrades around him are the great and unfaithful people around him in times of peace, but how cruel they will be in spite of everything in troubled times.

As the saying goes, "After great chaos, there will be great rule." If you have not experienced the "great chaos" in the ruling structure, you will not know what kind of wild nature is hidden under the tameness.

Twenty minutes after the counter-ambush battle at this asteroid stronghold.

Wei Keng broke into this asteroid and began to destroy the family.

Traveling through space with a sword, he wiped out 6,700 Shura Star Sea forces. Among them, the remaining fourteen dark energy users were all killed, because they must have participated in the interception and killing.

In this chaotic place, even "doctors" and other life-type dark energy users cannot show mercy, because they have all conducted human experiments and subjected their victims to inhumane transformations.

As for being in front of people without dark energy, Wei Keng quietly avoided it, and did not even let them see his shadow. During the whole process, Wei Keng wore a holographic armor. As for the destruction process, he would also be on the battlefield.

Disguised as a vendetta in other areas.

Because Wei Keng didn't have time to screen out the non-dark energy people here, and he didn't want to kill them all, let alone face the possibility of retaliation in the future. He also had no interest in trying to reason with people who were born here! So he kept silent.

[In the face of noisy people who are here to argue with you and have no interest in helping you solve your doubts, you have no time to waste energy, so it is better not to talk and have less contact. 】

Wei Keng is a ruthless person who puts everyone in the entire planet in danger.

Entering this trial field, we first conducted a large-scale investigation, and then focused on seventy asteroids. Then, like a "monkfish", they pretended to be alone and weak, and even acted like people are stupid and rich, attracting people with evil intentions.

The attacker showed up and finally wiped out everyone silently, leaving traces of other bandits' spaceships nearby!

These more than 70 crimes caused an uproar, and the methods of committing the crimes were extremely brutal. They were all suspected of killing each other. On the center screen of all the destroyed asteroids, it said "The murderer is xx." The "xx" here are famous people nearby.

Star Thief.

[In modern times, in Gu Long's martial arts novels, Mr. Wei imitated how the world was in chaos and how everyone in the martial arts was in danger. 】

Throughout the Star Territory, various bandit groups were stimulated by this bizarre case of frequent group destruction. They cast wary and suspicious eyes on the approaching bandit groups.

The atmosphere of Shura Xinghai, which was originally a dark forest, deteriorated and turned into a place for cultivating poisonous insects. Each bandit group was quietly on guard. And this kind of alert just made the nearby bandit group think that they had found "clues", so they decided to strike first. Then they

Ambush and capture each other.

Mr. Wei ambushed more than 70 asteroids, but thousands of asteroids (gangs) around him are now fighting among themselves. - The "Werewolf Killing" has begun.

Those academic trialists from Jiulan Star who are also at level 4 and have teams and organizations are taking turns to be troubled by the bandits in this white dwarf star area. Master Wei is causing trouble to these bandits.

Jing Guyu seemed to be displeased with such cruelty, and said something to Mr. Wei, to the effect of: "You should be careful when playing with fire."

Mr. Wei retorted: "It's not that I want to play with fire, it's that the other side wanted to rob me, and plundering each other has become a routine here, and I didn't order it. Strictly speaking, it should be described as a disaster. I think so.

If you want this disaster not to flood you, you have to take the initiative to treat it and cure it through guidance. If you see them cutting each other's throats, they will not be able to survive, so there will be no chance to deceive and abduct them, right?" - Wei Keng

On water management.

Of course, there is helplessness behind Mr. Wei's madness. The dark interstellar areas directly connected to the Long Blue Star Gate have lost the continuous illumination of stars and stable supply points. As long as the foundation of civilization is still carbon-based humans, then the previously accumulated culture

Order, no matter how prosperous it is, will fall.

When stars die, civilization dies.

The perspective came to the Iron Star five thousand light years away. Now this asteroid is sailing alone in space. After Chang Hengxi left the originally unknown asteroid, the center of the Xinghai sent a large number of management personnel to tunnel here.

This makes the voyage of Iron Pattern Star orderly and orderly.

Everyone must accept the supervision of the new governor's office and inspect all internal and external hardware structures of the Iron Province.

In the outer area of ​​​​the asteroid, when the star is orbiting, the empty warehouses will be emptied to establish a permanent electromagnetic force field material isolation zone. It can be said that every milligram of airflow diffusing from the inner area will permanently electromagnetic force the layer after layer.

In the force field, it was absorbed back layer by layer.

To prevent instability during navigation, tens of millions of cubic kilometers of outer space warehouses must be emptied and a high-radiation ionized material extraction area must be established. At the most basic level, it is changed into an uninhabited land full of capacitive energy. To ensure

No one is digging privately anymore, and all food trade and water resource trade have gradually entered a state of control.

Then tens of billions of people were forced to enter a state of hibernation. The direct descendants of the star sea from the center of the twin black holes were a little confused about coming to this small place. Some sixth-level seed players Dark Energy also didn't know: "The great masters in the center

Why put so much effort into this inconspicuous little place?”

Narrator: Qingsu Yi and Chang Hengxi have personally experienced all kinds of coincidences on Wentie Planet. Shouldn't we pay attention to this place that is constantly "evil"?

More than 600 level-5 and above dark energy users dispatched by the Star Sea Central Council, with the guarantee of the Star Sea Council's credibility, the residents of Iron Star were dispelled one by one, and they were willing to enter the space capsule for hibernation. A sudden change in the society of an asteroid

status requires huge credibility to endorse.

The reason why "ship residents resist hibernation" is simple.

In the process of many ancient immigrants in the universe, there have been too many bad precedents.

In total hibernation, 99.9% of human beings are unable to make their voices heard in reality, and the human order will inevitably regress to a level worse than slavery.

What is slavery? Then we have to ask what is a slave owner.

In other words, what kind of situation is the slave owner’s most expected situation!

What slave owners look forward to most is that their orders are one-way and irreversible. Once this is actually the case in society, slave owners can take the greatest advantage.

When the star shines, the planet presents a cycle of sunrise and sunset. Even the richest people need to go through the sleep cycle with the common people. This is the greatest mechanism for maintaining fairness in human evolution.

When you sleep, you are vulnerable. When you need help from others.

Sleep is something that human cultures on the planet cannot compete with each other no matter how involution they are.

But in an asteroid, when most people are absolutely asleep, a small number of people can stay awake all the time. Then they can do whatever they want!

During the asteroid voyage, many tragedies occurred while everyone was hibernating.

The first stage of the voyage: When the navigator faced the disobedient people in the hibernation cabin, he initially adjusted the nutrient liquid and deliberately let it exhaust and die, and waited for the chilling effect to take effect——

In the second stage, he established his rule and harvested organs at will to keep some people who listened to him healthy.

In short, after a century, only the upper and lower layers surrounding him were left on the entire spaceship.

The third stage: The rulers will get bored and want to take a closer look at what is hidden in the minds of the people below, so they will instigate commotion and take advantage of insufficient resources to kill two people and three people.

Eventually! Everything will be dark. Humanity has lost the sun, and biology has begun to collapse.

After the chaos in the Shura Sea was slightly disturbed, Mr. Wei seemed to have some reflection.

Wei Keng looked at the interstellar debris nebula in shuttle state, and suddenly said: "We need the sun to rise and set here." After "dancing the shovel" and "digging the grave", we must have expectations for the world.

As if sensing Jing Guyu's seemingly gentle and polite look of disdain, Mr. Wei ended his sentimentality and patted his forehead: "Come on, we have to get down to business and go check out the ruins."

Check out those little tails left by Wei Qiang.

In another area of ​​the universe, Lulem also looked at the debris cloud in front of her with a confused look on her face.

The debris cloud of this planet is five times the diameter of Jupiter. Countless red tracks flicker and disappear within the cloud body, and then new debris is splashed out.

The teammates on the side reminded: "Captain, if you want to explore the ruins, the storm ahead is very scary, and you must have a guide to guide you!"

In the zombie planet, the core of the star is once again gathering under the influence of gravity, but the internal dust is colliding violently, and most of the objects are splashing. The entire shuttle star is surrounded by storm clouds of magma and lava. Unless it is a large-scale fifth-level space capability

Scan, otherwise you have to find local people and follow the storm pattern to enter.

After the interstellar tavern incident, Lulem no longer wanted to look for the locals. But she had to look for it - the relics left by her ancestors could only be found when the shuttle had not yet gathered.

【Meeting each other is sometimes fate】

Three days later, near the outskirts of the shuttle-shaped zombie planet, Mr. Wei repeated his old trick, pretending to be a lone trialist, wandering hesitantly in the "shuttle planet cloud", as if he wanted to break in, but was not allowed to.


Mr. Wei plans to lure a group of money-grubbing people, then reveal the news that he has a treasure map, and kidnap them on the road together.

But this time, just when Wei Keng had prepared his sword formation and successfully caught a wave of interstellar bandits, before he could fool the gang into joining him, he suddenly bumped into a group of uninvited guests. Wei Keng could tell that the price was expensive.

The light shuttle equipment must be the trialist of Jiulan Star.

When the star pirates were making noises and shouting with fusion cannonballs and hollow swords.

In the interstellar dust cloud, Wei Keng's sword formations were quietly hidden in the space vortex. When Master Wei hid his butcher's knife, he stopped his butcher's plate.

Thirty seconds later, a mighty beam of light came from the outer circle and streaked across the space.

It is announced to these interstellar bandits that they are dying.

The intense light beam exposed all the originally inconspicuous and dark bear trap systems in space, and every stone reflected light like a light bulb.

The originator of the strong light is the goddess who controls hydrogen and helium nuclear fusion.

When Lulem saw this robbery circle, it just reminded her of the ambush circle she had been fooled into. But at that time, her team was inside the circle, but now she is outside the circle.

The death light destroyed all the ambush spaceships. - Women are sometimes unreasonable, because she will vent the anger she received from other places in another space.

The spaceships of the Star Thieves are "invisible" to the perspective of the center Wei Keng, but they are not invisible to the outside perspective. (Of course, under the sword formation system, the Star Thieves are invisible.)

Wei Keng watched the beams of death rays annihilating the space team in the center. He paused and realized what kind of performance he should perform at this time.

He immediately said to the guide sent by the star thief on the side: "How dare you trick me!"

["Pfft!" Jing Guyu couldn't help but laugh, then waved his hand and said to Wei Keng: "You continue to perform and ignore me." Then he covered his face with his hands and continued to laugh. ]

As the uninvited guest's death ray attack descended, Wei Keng also suddenly attacked in the inner circle. He immediately completed the weapon switch, the particle cannon flashed on his torso, and he held the hollow sword in his hand.

The star thief who was originally planning to lure Wei Keng was stunned by the situation outside after being hit by the death ray, and did not notice that the weak guy in front of him turned his face. Suddenly, all six people who were close to Wei Keng were chopped down by Wei Keng.


They didn't recover before they died, and they didn't know that the person next to them was the most terrifying thing.

After a few minutes of fighting, the entire outer circle was wiped out, and the inner circle was "retaliated" by Wei Keng. In the end, the guide Lulem captured was the stowaway who accidentally entered the star sea, Tukang Qiduo.

This chapter has been completed!
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