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Chapter 1.05 Testing, Transmission

 In the plane shuttle base, you must go through sixteen training and assessments, which is necessary training before entering the plane.

At the beginning, Wei Keng was a little worried because he was specially recruited and might become a drag on the entire team, but he found that it was not difficult to memorize many cultural assessments.

The assessment is divided into two types according to its purpose!

The college entrance examination in the 21st century is a difficult type. Because it is included, the assessment goals include: a group of people must be eliminated. So based on the mastery of basic knowledge, traps are set to see if you can think.

If you are not flexible, you will be trapped. If there were no such traps, everyone would go to the capital to take exams, and 70 to 80 percent would go to a university. Wouldn't it be wonderful?

And this kind of assessment is obviously not, it just draws a passing line. If it passes the passing line, the time and space departments will all be required! Han Xin ordered that the more troops, the better.

June 17th, written examination on politics, economics, science and technology.

Beginning on August 23, 21st century factory smelting and chemical production scenes will be randomly selected for a fifteen-day or one-month social practice examination.

Wei Keng, who claims to be a middle-aged man, completed the course twice to ensure that he could pass it stably.

Wei Keng was also almost among the last batch to take the exam. Because he had studied very thoroughly, Wei Keng's scores were all perfect, which was worthy of his tense nerves during this period.

After all assessments are over, the last two days.

The instructor looked at the report submitted by Wei Keng and said: "Well, very good. During the last period, take a rest and visit the exhibition of the customs and culture of the target plane. Others have already gone to report, and no one will accompany you for the time being.

You can move freely during these two days."

The reason for the training center: The target plane corresponds to the second half of the 20th century in the main world. The local customs are very different from those of contemporary times. Contemporary people need to be familiar with the scene. For example, they have to queue up at the bank, spend cash, etc. This is modern

Something that no one has ever encountered before.

Wei Keng thinks it makes sense. But what about him? It's almost just a formality.

Five hours later.

In the streets sandwiched between ancient-style high-rise buildings, Wei Keng carried his schoolbag, opened what can be called an antique smartphone, and opened the same first-generation intelligent navigation program after the information revolution—Wude, er, Amap.

On this road without pedestrian passages, avoid unruly vehicles behind you at any time.

At this time, there were some bionic robots on the street simulating modern girls of the 21st century. Facing their inexplicable smiles, Wei Keng took a peek at the key positions and complained to the robots: "What are you smiling about?"

Wei Keng was not exactly roaming freely in the streets of this 20th-century city.

The communicator on Wei Keng's arm has arranged four guidance tasks in the past few hours, which can be understood as a novice tutorial for going to the target plane.

Task 1: If you need to provide yourself with a meal at noon in the 20th century, how can you use the least amount of money to meet the cost of a meal.

After a trip to the supermarket, Wei Keng had instant noodles and ham sausages in his backpack. He also checked to see if there were shepherd's purses in the flower bed. After confirming that there were none, Wei Keng thought to himself: "Tsk, the layout is unreal."

Task 2: Traveling at night in the 20th century, please use one hundred yuan to buy the necessary items.

Wei Keng went to a canteen and bought a flashlight, and then brought his ID card. He originally tried to buy a fruit knife, but then he thought it was a controlled knife. Just put a pen in the breast pocket of his clothes, and finally

I also chose a pepper spray.

Task 3: Find a place to live and use the cheapest way. Wei Keng touched his ID card and decided to go to an Internet cafe. By the way, he had to go to the supermarket to buy toiletries. At three o'clock in the morning, he used the toilet faucet to clean himself.

The sun began to set unknowingly, and this city built on the basis of old photos evoked a somewhat familiar feeling in Wei Keng.

The houses are all square and square, with white striped tiles on them. Some of the neon signs hanging on commercial buildings in the distance are no longer lit.

Wei Keng couldn't help but slow down, his eyes a little blurry.

The spontaneity of this stroll ended when I turned into an alley and saw a big dog on a narrow road.

Wei Keng looked at this grinning thing, cursed and asked the electronic system on his arm: "Is this also an assessment?"

The system on his arm refused to answer, and Wei Keng could only face this unexpected encounter alone.

The dim light of the sun was moving towards the top of the wall every second, and with every second it moved, the alley became a little darker. The shadows in the corners of the wall became thicker and thicker, but the dog's white teeth were still so eye-catching.

Wei Keng watched this thing with shiny fur approaching step by step, and began to think in his heart: "When you encounter a creature, don't be afraid, don't panic and run away. The footsteps of running away will easily arouse the other person's desire to hunt. As an adult male human being

The correct way should be-"

Wei Keng glanced at the corner of the street, slowly put the food in the plastic bag at his feet, and then——

He suddenly rushed to the fire window in the alley two meters away, swung the small hammer on the side and smashed the glass window. With a crackling sound, he picked up the fire ax in one hand.

Such a sudden action caused the big dog to pounce immediately.

Wei Keng cursed in his heart: "cnm, a dog in the 21st century ran away when he saw me holding an axe, and dared to charge at me. That's a mad dog."

Wei Keng shook the thing in his hand. As a young man, his blood surged and his heart beat faster.

The height of contemporary adult men is generally 1.9 meters. In the past, humans may not have been able to fight a leopard in the wild. As for now, this is the moment when the terrifying erectus ape has the highest hand-to-hand combat ability in tens of thousands of years. Of course, humans now generally do not rely on hand-to-hand combat.

Facing the giant dog that rushed towards him, Wei Keng shouted to encourage himself and swung the ax at him. Well, the dog retreated directly and did not hit him. But it was still temporarily driven away.

Wei Keng quickly took out the anti-wolf spray from the side pocket of his backpack.

Wei Keng was actually mentally prepared for this sudden test. If a literary man "never speculates on others in the worst possible way", Wei Keng has always been a "villain's heart judge the gentleman's belly". Wei Keng just thought,

The planning of this base may involve robberies by gangsters, interrogations by the police, and fortune-telling, so I bought an anti-wolf spray that is not illegal and is more effective.

When the giant dog pounced on him for the second time, Wei Keng pressed the pressure button and closed his eyes at the same time.

Pungent chili oil can instantly make medium and large animals lose their combat effectiveness. The premise is that you have to wear goggles, otherwise if you rub your eyes, you will cry like a bear.

"Aww, oww!!" The dog howled like a ghost and howled like a wolf!

This cry also provided Wei Keng with his eyes closed to determine the direction. He had just half-opened his eyes and didn't even look carefully. He picked up the fire ax and hit his butt hard. Before he could explode with ferocity,

Turning back, a wave of spray sprayed the dog back again. With the dual output of "chemistry" and physics, Wei Keng became ferocious and prepared to chop this thing into pieces and run around in the street.

At this time the whistle sounded, and the dog turned around and ran away.

five minutes later.

The rotary-wing police helicopter arrived in the sky, and the SWAT team members wearing mechanical protection lowered the pod containing the dog. Judging from the proficiency with which the dog moved towards the aircraft pod, it was obviously a military dog.

The tester took the watch and ticked the last assessment item in front of Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "For the last test, you're just going to let the dog bite me?"

Tester: "As a shuttler, you not only need to master knowledge, but also understand your resilience in unexpected situations." The tester looked at Wei Keng: "You are very good. There are 14 people in your team.

It was brushed off.”

After that, he turned on the projector and played other people's test situations.

This final assessment is not necessarily about letting the dog out. In the 20th century, there were many tricks.

Some are performing fairy jumps in a small apartment. This bionic female robot simulates a lady, claims that she is injured, and then asks for help, um, leads you to the apartment. Finally, a group of black men intercept, beat the examiner violently, and after grabbing the money,

Trying to grab the ID card and then take a video.

There was also a man who was driving to grab a bag. In this scene, Wei Keng had to take the main road, but Wei Keng ended up heading into an alley, so there was no way to arrange it.

The cultural class did not remove people, but - there was elimination in this aspect. So what is the significance of this final assessment, so that contemporary people can know the "dangerous human heart" of the old era.

After reading it, Wei Keng pointed at the dog on the plane and said to the assessor: "You are better than that dog."

"Woof, woof woof."

Not satisfied with being pointed at, the military dog ​​barked at Wei Keng again.

Wei Keng was afraid of being bitten, so he withdrew his hand with a swish.

The dog won.

When the assessment results for the new shuttle reserve team came out, the information was placed in the review section of the Space-Time Management Bureau. Wei Keng's information stayed on the table for a while, and was finally stamped and passed.

After fully graduating from the training base, Wei Keng came to the gravity well facility.

Although I have seen this thing on video more than once, when I see it with my own eyes, I can’t help but feel awe-struck! This is a wonder facility of this era.

The tunnel is in the shape of a trumpet. It has the largest entrance on the ground, with a diameter of two kilometers. The inner wall of this part of the tunnel is a reinforced concrete structure, and is covered with gold foil to ensure optical properties.

Gradually downward from the surface, the tunnel shrinks. When it is about six kilometers underground, it shrinks into a pipe with a diameter of only one meter. After descending for dozens of kilometers, this channel reaches the mantle, which is only one millimeter in diameter. After penetrating the mantle,

, the channel will shrink further, but it will always be aimed at the artificial singularity at the center of the earth.

From the surface, this is the entrance to a golden trumpet, brilliant and brilliant!

Now at the entrance of this huge tunnel, six huge steel bridges span the center, hoisting a laboratory base with a diameter of 400 meters.

In the experimental base, Wei Keng was lying in a five-meter-high and seven-ton metal bullet-type protective cabin. As an examiner of this cross-air trade, there were 15 other new personnel participating in the examination, a total of

Eight men and eight women.

Captain Ke Feijia is the oldest and has traveled through that plane three times.

Ke Feijia was also lying in the cockpit, giving the others some final notes.

Ke Feijia: "You have all passed the cross-dimensional assessment. I ask you to remember those knowledge and key points. Don't get carried away. Don't do it. Especially the brothers who have "impulsive" comments in the personality test in the final assessment. Don't be dissatisfied.

Brother, I am verbose. Some of the physical rules of the alien plane are somewhat abnormal, and there are extremely abnormal individuals in our target plane."

Speaking of this, Ke Feijia glanced at Wei Keng's dialog box on the communication interface with ulterior motives.

In Wei Keng's cockpit, among dozens of floating lenses, Wei Keng aimed at Ke Feijia's lens and nodded solemnly.

The huge entrance of the surface tunnel with a diameter of two kilometers, as the lights on the base on the six cross-gantry cranes are fully turned on, reflect a golden halo, and the high-energy transformation of the consciousness of the people in the capsule is completed in the base.

Now a laser penetrates into the tunnel.

Broadcast in the hanging base: Telemetry geocentric channel is normal, shuttle consciousness energy storage is normal, photon stability is normal, particle phase information analysis is normal, target plane response is normal,...

The light points are launched into the tunnel, and the consciousness is directed towards the center of the earth, and towards the target time and space ~ traveling!

There is a group of new forces in the main world, heading towards the vast unknown plane and space.

Note to travelers: In contemporary time and space exploration, the planes with a large number of signs of human civilization in the time and space near the main world are temporarily classified into the following four categories: immediate plane, near plane, far plane, and alien plane.

Parallel plane: It has the same history. Due to unknown reasons, the history bifurcated, and the development level was blocked. Most of the technologies are also in the state of understanding. No paraplane that is more advanced than the main plane has been found yet, and it seems to indicate that human beings

The current state is the end of history. For example, the devastation of the world after the Cold War, or the history of the confrontation between Asia and Oceania, led by the two-s parties that unified Europe and occupied Africa, Latin America, and the New World of the Free World.

Near plane: It is still on the earth, but the bifurcation may be in prehistory or in the future. The laws of physics have undergone major changes. Although there are super technologies such as spaceships, they are all based on special physical rules and breakthroughs in computing technology.

It can't be compared to the Federation. In this kind of plane, there are often some supernatural phenomena that affect life or are directly related to life.

Alien plane: Not limited to the earth, the physical laws are very strange, there are super individuals such as gods, and mysterious influence mechanisms such as spiritual pollution and curses. This type of plane is very dangerous, and scientists cannot even deduce the existence of human beings.

The only reasonable hypothesis for the birth of these worlds is that time travel caused by early space-time vortices allowed humans on Earth to spread here and form human settlements.

Far plane: This space-time region contains complex celestial bodies, continents, oceans and other physical environments, but no traces of human civilization have been found. At the same time, the space-time exploration department has determined that humans can naturally exist in this area and reproduce and evolve. Currently, these far planes

It has the largest area on the plane. Both the Eastern and Western time and space departments have sent human seeds here. Due to the nature of the passage of time and space, if you plant a seed today, you can travel to the time and space of this plane thousands of years away from the previous node in the next century.

To put it simply, in these planes, the main world builds the human civilization of this world directly from the origin.

This chapter has been completed!
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