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Chapter 1.06 The world of immeasurable value

 The category of the first world that Wei Keng traveled through was between the immediate plane and the near plane according to the classification information released by the Ministry of Time and Space.

With the ancient history of the earth, most physical phenomena are currently similar to those in the main world, so it was initially classified as a near plane. Only recently have we discovered the supernatural powers that humans may have in this plane, so we are now considering classifying it into a near plane.


The turning point in history was in 1363, when the Mongolian army came to Diaoyu City and the Mongol Khan was about to be killed by a sling. Because the Khan met the messenger of God, he led his troops to retreat, returned to the grassland, and escaped.

The fall from the original destiny.

These divine envoys gave the Mongolian army light blades and divine bows.

Then, under the will of God, it began to move northward, sweeping across Europe. However, in the Mongol Empire, this attack had a far more far-reaching impact than the main plane.

On the main plane, the Mongol Empire's attack on the east was comparable to a dimensionality reduction attack.

This is specifically reflected in the nautical charts and cultural relics. Before the Southern Song Dynasty, the waterway was straight, but after the Ming Dynasty, the waterway became curved. This shows that navigation technology such as the Star Board was lost. The ancient civilization of human civilization was lost in the classical era.

Things are not just about navigation. Since books are fragile and rare items, it is very likely that after a siege in ancient times, the accumulation of classical science and technology was cut off when the soldiers burned a building with their big ropes. This time, Dongfang did not

Suffering such a raid. During the Song and Song Dynasties, a large number of technologies were preserved among the people. In the West, whether it was Constantinople, the Vatican Cathedral, or the unfinished Notre Dame de Paris, they were all attacked by the Mongols.

Completely burned.

However, when the Mongols attacked Europe.

This power that whipped the world suddenly disappeared, and the entire Mongolian hierarchy collapsed overnight. No tombs could even be found, leaving behind a lot of mysteries.

Later, after a vassal regime broke out in the East Asian continent, a general used the Tengu wood carvings to scare away the remaining Mongolian troops, established his capital in Yan, and established the Great Yan Dynasty.

During the Little Ice Age in 1644, this dynasty was once again invaded by the Tatars. King Jin, the direct heir to the empire, was killed in battle. Subsequently, warlords in the north under the banner of nationalism supported the queen's succession.

After nearly a hundred years, due to frequent commodity exchanges and the increasingly fierce ideological confrontation between Southeast Asia, the East and the West launched the Industrial Revolution. In 1734, the Shenzhou Emperor Henggewusi built the first steam engine.

Later, similar machinery was built in the West.

In 1895, global capitalism shifted from early liberal capitalism to monopoly capitalism.

The contradiction between the East and the West is growing day by day, and the First World War breaks out. All nations around the world are involved in this flesh-and-blood mill.

Later in the war, the New World joined the Atlantic camp.

And the vassal countries of the former China in the northwest Pacific had ambiguous attitudes during the war.

The East Asian China camp had to accept the armistice agreement proposed by the equally scarred Western Alliance.

After the end of this world war, the authority of Eastern China was greatly damaged, and political divisions occurred internally. Shengyang in Northeast Asia also took the opportunity to demand that it get rid of tribute and establish the status of a fraternal country.

Forced by the situation, China's upper-class rulers had to further compromise with the domestic bourgeoisie internally, and increased the proportion of students from the southeast who had successfully passed the imperial examinations to become officials. Externally, they reconciled with Europe and gave up the idea of ​​"civilizing Africa" ​​before World War I. A radical strategy, while recognizing the status of the Kingdom of the Rising Sun and supporting the development of its sea power.

But the West did not fare much better. A workers' armed movement emerged within Tsarist Russia in Eastern Europe. Tsarist rule was overthrown, Soviet Russia was established, and began to export doctrine to the West.

What followed was a world of constant small wars for fifty years.

China licked its wounds and reestablished order in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia, while at the same time being wary of the rise of Soviet Russia's land power.

Sunrise, on the other hand, was completely released, vigorously developed its maritime power, expanded its sphere of influence to the New World of Australia, and now began to covet the resources of South America.

The European Union has also experienced internal divisions. The Western Oceanist Economic Belt, represented by Britain and France, and the Central European Mediterranean Economic Belt, centered on Germany and Italy, are poles apart politically. The European Community is like the League of Nations in the main plane of World War I. , exists in name only.

As for the New World United States, despite World War I, it successfully dismembered China's monolithic power in Asia and the Western Pacific.

But as the sun rises over the Pacific, it still doesn't give these Yankees any place to stand.

Moreover, the strategy of opening up African colonies promised by Britain and France during the war was interpreted by various treaties and came to nothing.

America's original economic recovery came to an abrupt end in the 1930s.

The Third World War did not break out, but the large amount of hidden fire accumulated in the world continued to add scars to the world in the following forty years.

It's 1965 now.

On the main plane, the Eastern and Western companies of the Earth Alliance are all stationed in this plane. The North American side has established the Future Company, which now spans the old and new continents.

China: Behind the alliances between the multiple family businesses of the established chaebols in Shaanxi, Sichuan, Ili and other places, there is the power of the main world.

Wei Keng's father is one of the pioneers of the new technology chaebol group in the world.

Wei Keng's father spent a lot of effort to consolidate his power in this plane, and when Wei Qiang was transferred, the main world immediately transferred Wei Keng over to succeed him.

Why is this?

The development of this plane has important reference significance for the Eastern civilization of the main world.

In the main plane, the industrial revolution broke out in England, and then a set of standards spread throughout the world, and the East followed suit and completed industrialization. So much so that those who wrote time travel novels in the 21st century and returned to the Ming Dynasty to engage in the industrial revolution were more or less Western in color.

Because the accumulation of ancient Chinese civilization was interrupted after the Mongol and Yuan Dynasties.

In the main world, the rational thought of the Song Dynasty remains a little bit, and it still provides standards for certain contemporary industries. For example: the book "Resolution of Wrongs". It was brought to the West by the Freemasons, and they realized the rationality of the East.

Logical thinking, which determines the location of the corpse based on the period when flies lay eggs and the types of flies in different areas, are all criteria for judgment.

What if the civilization of the Song Dynasty was allowed to precipitate and be perfectly inherited by later dynasties! And the Eastern Industrial Revolution evolved. What would the world look like?

This is the world. The East has a unique industrial system.

The carpentry industry is already an intangible cultural heritage in the main world and is passed down by folk craftsmen.

During the Ming Dynasty, only Eastern carpenters could use wooden inlays to complete furniture, while the West was more accustomed to using iron nails.

Please note that mechanical construction and assembly are essentially assembly.

Screws and rivets became part of industry because manufacturing developed a whole range of models for them.

The industry in the East of this world has a Yin and Yang system that quantifies the expansion and contraction of different materials at different temperatures. How to accurately embed them together to complete the fixation is also a series of data.

Moreover, when the West applied welding technology to industrial machinery, the East also widely used the technology of making soft metals such as silver and lead into thin films and pasting them between two steel plate riveted structures to 'glue' them together to enhance the bond.


Nowadays, the industries in Eastern China, ranging from aircraft carriers to various home appliances, rarely have screws.

There is a huge gap in industrial standards, which essentially interrupts many technical exchanges between the East and the West.

Facing China's set of techniques called "Yin and Yang Combination", it is actually a technological system of various thermal expansion coefficients. The West cannot learn it, but even if it has passed Chinese Level 4, it can skillfully use Chinese vernacular dialogue.

But technically speaking, my god, these literary youths in China directly use code words such as "The bright moon rises on the sea" and "The east wind blew in the small building last night" in some processing techniques. Different artistic conceptions are interpreted differently.

.So one word can even correspond to the possibilities of four processing techniques.

So, this is the reason why before Wei Keng traveled through time, he only took the basic knowledge test and did not make too many difficulties in the professional knowledge system! Because it is useless to take the test, even if you are a doctor in the mechanical industry in the main plane, when you come here, you may

Still not professional enough.

Faced with such a world, the main world's Eastern Time and Space Department's request for its own time-travelers stationed here is to "copy, copy the entire set of technologies to me, and what new developments have been made by the research and development institutions there?"

The technology was also copied.”

Inside the Qinchuan base, this is the life research center built anonymously by the Shenzhou Wei family.

Within this family, a large amount of funds are invested every year to provide research on the field that sustains human life.

The bodies of previous generations of family heads are preserved here, and the previous generation of family heads were also born here. The medical equipment here ensures that the children born here are all the best human beings.

Now in the facility, a sealed capsule is taken out from the liquid helium. The manipulator that pops up from the concave chamber on the platform pops out a needle-sized electric key and inserts it into the small holes of the electric heating tubes in the sealed capsule to complete the heating. Under the thermal expansion, it can be easily pulled out.

After inserting the tenon, the steel plate was easily removed.

According to the will of the family leader Wei Qiang a few years ago, most of the company's shares will be handed over to the frozen twin brother.

Regarding this will, the veteran administrators in the group feel that it should be weighed according to current circumstances.

Three months ago, when Wei Qiang was about to enter the hibernation treatment chamber, he still insisted on this decision and claimed that he had transferred his experience and thinking to this unfrozen brother. The industry he ran only believed in his brother.

In Xijing, in an Oriental pagoda-style steel-and-cement building, all members of the Luoshui Group's board of directors were present and sat around eight square tables. Screens resembling screens on the stage showed images of the heir's medical defrost.

Most people present wanted a medical incident to occur.

However, no one dares to have any direct or indirect contact with the doctors in this laboratory.

Because once a medical accident occurs, if the current opponent on the board of directors finds out that one of his subordinates has even a little bit of trouble, even if there is no legal evidence, it will be enough to kill the society morally.

Although China's society has undergone many changes, the moral values ​​of the clan have always remained. If a person is suspected of being dishonest by other members of the family, he will always be suspected unless he finds enough evidence to clear himself. Therefore, at the moment,

This live broadcast is also a witness for all parties to ensure that although everyone has objections, they are all candid and gentlemen.

In the medical sterile cabin, under the illumination of the shadowless lamp, as the sealed cabin slowly opened, Wei Keng opened his eyes here. The numb feeling in his body gradually recovered.

Wei Keng ~ Uncle Wei, after seeing a figure flashing outside the glass screen, he opened his mouth with great effort and said: "I, I, I..." This posture was like hesitating before dying.

A female doctor put down the tablet electronic recorder in her hand, opened the door of the sterile room, lay down next to the thawing cabin, and put her ear against Wei Keng's mouth.

Wei Keng stretched out his hand tremblingly, touched the light above, and took in a big breath as if he wanted to swallow the light. Finally, he gathered enough strength, and suddenly stood up and hugged her, and then hugged her tightly: "It's so cold, it's cold, give it to me.

My blanket."

The female doctor in charge was a little panicked and had to immediately reassure her: "Sir, you cannot directly increase the temperature, otherwise your body will be damaged. Please be patient. I will inject you with nutrient solution immediately."

Wei Keng: "Then hurry up. Besides, those people asked them to go out. They looked at me and I felt uncomfortable."

Outside the sterile room, the families separated by glass sent relatives.

Now he kept an unnatural smile on his face, forcing himself to show respect, but there was uncontrollable disappointment in his eyes.

Because, the person who wakes up now is not a fool.

According to Chinese civil law, if the heir designated by the property holder is a person who does not have the ability to judge the meaning of his own actions, he cannot inherit the leading rights involving social and commercial activities. - According to this code, the West allows a dog to inherit the reputation and

The situation of wealth is not feasible in China.

Wei Keng's current performance is not only expressive, but also aware of shame. He is obviously not an unconscious doll.

Forty minutes later.

Wei Keng was on the hospital bed, wearing a standard blue hospital gown. He leaned on the slope of the bed, turned on the electronic screen, and began to look through Luoshui Group's personnel information, financial reports for the past twenty years, and real estate information.

The young nurse put down the liquid food on the cabinet next to the bed. After taking a sip first, she asked: "Sir, do you want to eat?" Wei Keng waved his hand and pretended to refuse seriously. Oh, if he didn't refuse, he would probably come by himself.

Hey, I absolutely can't control myself. I've just arrived, so it's best not to do anything that would make others look down on you, and to pretend to be decent.

Wei Keng: "By the way, you have postponed the external communication information for me. Tell them that I will reply to the status and talk about everything in twenty hours."

It is still unclear what attitude the group of capable ministers and generals under his younger brother have towards this weak leader of his, so he might as well take a small step back for the time being and maintain the mystery.

The effect of this trick is immediate! Even a weak master can find "rare things to live in".

On the board of directors, those high-ranking managers in the Chinese service have begun to place their bets on the current situation.

Wei Yue, the former assistant secretary of Wei Qiang, picked up the bell hammer and struck the golden chime: "Everyone, you should now swear allegiance to the new head of the family."

This chapter has been completed!
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