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Chapter 2.17 The river bank overflowing with gunpowder

  In addition to nuclear bombing, what can destroy tanks with high efficiency?

Is it a ground attack aircraft? No, that thing is used to bully guerrillas without regular air defense firepower. Its ground circling firepower is very fierce, but the air defense forces of major countries can easily deal with such fixed-trajectory aircraft. In the future

Shenzhou's Suzaku ground attack aircraft is equipped with shielding technology, but even so, the impact formation deployed by the ground armored group is a horizontal row composed of an average of one or two hundred meters, and the destruction efficiency of pure attack aircraft is limited.

Is it an individual missile? The missile is indeed capable of destroying tanks, but the movement speed of these two-legged infantrymen carrying such single-shot firepower is a flaw. Even if China now develops individual mechas, it will not improve much.

In regular battles, the maneuverability brought about by the rotation of the tracks can completely kill the infantry who are relatively stationary. If the infantry rides in a vehicle, it is actually a confrontation between vehicles. The front row must

There must be units that can resist and resist armor!

 To deal with tanks, the most effective way is to spread out the tanks in a formation, with armor-piercing bullets piercing each other's steel shells!


On October 4, 2198, Qin Tongli, on the high ground outside the Ilie Valley, Wei Keng's regiment faced the Soviet armored group and began a tank battle.

From the perspective of total military strength, the strength of the two sides is very different, but this is an area blocked by hillsides and rivers, and the intersection area is very narrow, less than fifty kilometers.

Tanks from both sides marched in the direction where the Ile River turns from west to north, saluting each other with armor-piercing shells from a distance.

Within two hours, the Soviet Panzer Army encountered a head-on attack in the area and learned a cunning tactic.

They discovered that China’s defenders here had successfully deployed tanks in man-made bunkers. Sometimes these bunkers were just mounds of earth, but for China’s reversing experts, these barriers were just enough to block the assault of the torrent of iron and steel from Suzhou.

 And the Soviet armored forces encountered anti-tank piles on the road section!

This half-meter-high anti-tank stake does not prevent tanks from driving through.

But when the Su tank rushes straight up, the chassis will be lifted up to reveal the light to the front.

At this moment, it was immediately locked by the Sky Eye Sentinel in the sky and passed to the Shenzhou tank crew, which had a very high degree of information technology. Immediately, a high-speed tungsten steel armor-piercing projectile hit the Soviet armored vehicle.

 And if you try to go around, the weaker side armor will be exposed. The tank driver seems to have divine help, seizing this moment and opening fire.

  During the tank battle on the morning of the 4th.

  In the end, the Soviet army declared the attack failed at a heavy cost of losing 345 tanks. The Shenzhou side lost 32 tanks, achieving an absolute tactical victory.

In the evening, the infantry on the Shenzhou side launched an attack under the cover of artillery, and towed 87 tanks that could still be repaired to the tugboats on the Ire River, and then transported them to the rear.

During the following week of emergency repairs, these Soviet-made tanks were repaired, and some civilian electronic equipment (tablet computers) were installed on the internal frames, and their cameras and recognition programs were used for preliminary informatization.


 On the 5th, the Soviet army was obviously more fully prepared, using double-blade helicopters and bandicoot bombers for air-ground coordination.

However, such electronic coordinated operations became chaotic just after entering the battlefield. The three Phoenix fighters transformed into electronic warfare Phantom fighters caused dozens of times more targets to appear in the Soviet radar detection.

 Subsequently, Wei Keng showed them what coordinated operations were. The White Tiger heavy artillery was towed by a cement ship, and after being fixed on the Ilie River beach, a fierce bombing began.

This shell is still a traditional high-velocity penetrating shell.

The new generation warhead of the Chinese military is a plasma beam energy weapon wrapped in a nano-layer, which is being developed within the Shanghai-Soviet Joint Industrial Group. They may have completed the research and development, but there is no plan to install it in the Saibei Corps. The reason for this? Who is called The relationship between Wei Keng's Luoshui Group and the Zhangjin Group in the east is not good.

But Luoshui also has unique skills. Wei Keng’s father founded the Luoshui Group, which started with electronic technology. Wei Keng used network channels to revitalize a large number of mid- to low-end electronic industries, so some electronic products with simple structures are It can be made very cheaply, such as terminally sensitive ammunition.

After the curved trajectory fell, the high-speed projectiles scanned the ground. After exploding again, they turned into high-speed metal projectiles that penetrated the armor of the Soviet-made tank from top to bottom. A large number of flames burst out on the ground, only those with Iron Curtain energy enhancement. The chariot was not destroyed.

After the 5th, due to the proper air protection of the area by Wei Keng, the Soviet Air Force had no opportunity to take advantage of it. Although the Soviet Double-Blade armed helicopters passed over the river many times and destroyed many barges, the missiles on the barges also made the two sides unable to take advantage of them. The blade spins, spins, floats free, lands hard with a thud, and turns into a smoking pile of fire in the river valley.

 In the Ile River Basin, the main stage of the war is still the battle between artillery and armor.

After the failure of the five-day war, the Soviet army staff realized that it was unrealistic to rely on heavy-armed troops to force their way in. The complex and long Ile Valley passage could always cut off the iron rods extended by the Soviet army. .

 But, give up just now? How unwilling are the top Soviet commanders?

The goal of the Soviet army in this battle is to completely destroy all the resistance forces of China in the Central Asian outpost area and sweep away the Shenzhou garrison area in the Tianshan area.

With great difficulty, through tactics, China's main combat forces in the Western Regions were taken out of their homes and rushed to Tianzhu in the south. But now they encountered a gatekeeper like Wei Keng. It was just like eating sand and drinking water and seeing insects.


But now the Su Heavy Equipment Group has no choice. During this period, the Ministry of War of China has successfully mobilized troops to block the intersection on the north side of China. The Wei Keng light armored combat vehicle sentry team was the first to arrive here. Members have already handed over their vehicles and defensive positions to friendly forces on the spot.

Unknown to Mao Zi, these troops belonging to Wei Keng then moved south at an extremely fast speed, joined a group of supporting tanks and heavy equipment, and rushed to the Ile Valley.

 【Mao Zi's old proverb: When encountering difficulties, the iron rod sweeps across! When the difficulty doubles, the iron rod becomes thicker!】

After October 7, the Soviet army quickly bypassed a group of light group troops from the lower reaches of the Ile River into the Yibo Sea. This group army consumed less supplies and could barely maintain operations within a month after entering the area. After the transfer of supplies, they immediately attacked Wei Keng's regiment from the northeast. At the same time, they also launched an attack south of the Ile River, trying to use the north-south pincer tactics to destroy Wei Keng's blocking force.

But this offensive did not work. The participation of the Soviet light armor on the northern front in the battle was all calculated by Wei Keng.

Combat armor such as the Scythe and the Reaper, which rely on magneto-electric memory metal to form tensile muscles, has excellent performance in terrain crossing, and can even rely on the rockets at the bottom to perform leapfrog operations across thirty-meter obstacles. There are often more than a dozen of these. Mecha can capture the high ground.

However, regarding the mountain defense system on the northern line, Wei Keng conducted exploration before the war. During the war, the engineering team used blasting to temporarily widen the road, allowing the captured Rhino main battle tanks and Kirin tanks to drive directly to the ridge. One vehicle was as big as the mountain. , no chance left.

The Soviet light armored units were smashed one by one by the tanks on the hilltop, and Wei Keng's soldiers retreated from the ridge after firing a shot, and then followed the road behind the ridge, changing places to continue firing. It really made the commander of Mao Xiong's northeast direction so angry that he smashed the vodka bottle.

On the 12th, Wei Keng still firmly guarded many key positions in front of the Ire River Valley. Like a stubby vise that was constantly grinding, it slightly protruded to clamp the main force of the Soviet army. Occasionally, he would "twist" it to let the Soviet Union attack. The torrent of steel cannot advance and cannot be retreated!

Wei Keng is not a person who posts good news indiscriminately. Because Mr. Wei's mentality has always been: "Anything that cannot be settled, you must always be cautious."

However, the Ministry of War has reported victory in this battle in advance. In the major newspapers in Shenjing, all reports related to the annihilation of the armored forces organized by several enemy divisions in the Northern Fortress were published. There were even photos recorded on the Wei Keng battlefield. The sight of the wreckage of Soviet-made tanks strewn all over the west bank of the Ile River also made headlines. As for Wei Keng, his rank was also directly changed to deputy general. When he was ready to return, he was directly promoted to the rank of commander-in-chief.

This is real "martial arts", not something you can get through qualifications in a large camp or spending money to get through the back door of the military department.

The group in the Western Regions used their swords and slanted the front, that is to say, they were seeking promotion for their military exploits. They all came from famous families in the military attache academy in Shenjing, and they boasted that they had real talents and knowledge. Now in the end, Wei Keng, an outsider, got them. It's really ironic.

 These military exploits and military promotion are not Wei Keng’s main concerns at the moment. What Wei Keng is anxiously thinking about now is: ending the war!


 So when the Ministry of War in Shinkyo held another video conference.

 The supervisor of the country praised: "General Wei Keng, I hope you will continue your efforts and shine in the annals of history."

Wei Keng was very calm and put forward his current strategic thinking!

Wei Keng: "Excuse me, what is our strategic plan next?" Chief Secretary of the Ministry of War: "General Wei, we are carrying out a comprehensive counterattack plan."

Wei Keng: "To be honest, judging from the current battle situation, I can last for a month at most. After one month, if there is no action in other strategic directions to put full pressure on the Red Palace, I will be defeated."

When the situation was improving, Wei Keng suddenly said that the war was defeated, which made the Ministry of War feel that Wei Keng was a bit disruptive!

Wei Keng: "My dear officers, I am a person who joined the army halfway. My views on war are different from those of the mainstream in the army. Now I am bold enough to make a proposal. I hope you can understand my outrageous remarks."

  This Lord Supervisor was very optimistic about Wei Keng and motioned for Wei Keng to continue speaking.

Wei Keng: "Sun Tzu's Art of War: 'The soldier is the most important thing for the country! Life and death must be considered.' War is a collision of national powers. To win, you need to mobilize the power of the whole country. Just like now, the conflict in the northern part of the Great Wall is local, but it has spread. The long-term future of northern China is on the line.

I can hold on for a month because our army can withstand the current mobilization of the Rakshasa people. But if the time is extended and the Rakshasa people mobilize further, the battle our army will encounter is just one of the conflicts between the two countries. Just a small splash!"

The Hubu official who was listening on the sidelines was confused: "Are you saying that now you are supporting the frontier fortress alone?"

Wei Keng: "It doesn't matter whether I support it alone or with my colleagues. Soldiers are a major event for the country! Compared with them, we are all small. What is important is the attitude of our country towards this war."

The layman who was listening wanted to refute, but Lord Supervisor turned his head and said coldly: "I want to hear what General Wei has to say."

Wei Keng: "We in China should use war to promote peace. We should send good generals to attack across the board with light troops in the Mobei and Xing'an Mountains."

"Arrogant, Wei Keng, you are provocative! If there is a large-scale war between China and Rakshasa, our country's strength will be greatly damaged, and the benefits will be other wolves, tigers and leopards!" Members of the Xu Party found the opportunity to launch an attack.


Wei Keng remained calm: "A war should have been avoided between Shenzhou and Rakshasa. The two sides do not have the conditions for a large-scale war. The loss of security tacit understanding along the long border is a disaster for us, and the same for the other side.

Since the princes of the Ministry of War know it very well, then the Rakshasa will also know it."

 “You are playing with fire and burning yourself!” one minister scolded.

Wei Keng's tone was also a little angry, and he retorted: "Weren't we all playing with fire before? War is like fire, everything depends on attitude. If you light a match carelessly, although the flame is small, you are still playing with fire. The goal is clear.

, act cautiously and apply strict behavioral boundaries, this is fire control.”

Wei Keng gritted his teeth in his heart: "Previously, you, the central ministers, thought that the Western Region was far away and there was nothing to worry about. Now that you really want to solve the problem, you are like a turtle in Nanshan."

  【However, Wei Keng did not realize that showing emotions so easily was a taboo in China's officialdom.】

Wei Keng opened the electronic video and opened the specific proposal for the northern strategy, which is to use light troops to cut off the fragile transportation nodes in the vast northern territory of the Soviet Union and provide deterrence! Do not attack big cities, do not fight with the main Soviet forces, and even try to avoid local defenses.

Break the relationship.

 China should make its attitude clear and at the same time prepare for a comprehensive war to force the Soviet side to the negotiating table.


 Ten minutes later, the meeting with Shenjing ended. Wei Keng realized from the look in his eyes that his military career might have reached its peak.

However, Wei Keng is not afraid!

Wei Keng, the scoundrel Fan Dandan, said: "I have no intention of becoming a general in China. I don't have much general talent in the first place."

Weikeng Unicom has connected its own super network information system and looks at the big data information in the west.

At this time, Luoshui Group's various investments in the Western Regions all stopped falling and started to rise! When Wei Keng directly exited the market and succeeded, it proved that even the most risky military crisis could not affect Luoshui's investments.

 What? The liquidation of temples after the war. China’s current superstructure, even if the powerful ministers in the DPRK put Wei Keng in cold storage, it is absolutely impossible to suppress the rise of new forces in Luoshui.

 The cold storage is because the Chinese court officials are unwilling to give Wei Keng more seniority in the military position, but if they want to suppress Luo Shui, they will be forced to rebel!

Luoshui's material deployment combined with Wei Keng's current military prowess can resist several Soviet armored divisions externally, so internally, this is a huge bargaining chip.

A single general is easy to suppress, and a single order can make him leave his camp. And a single business family can also suppress rebellious behavior. But the combination of the two has completed a tacit understanding and cooperated in the war, then Be careful!

The cabinet may gradually cool down Wei Keng in military affairs, but it does not mean that it will underestimate Luo Shui, who has made great contributions this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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