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Chapter 15.24 The Thirty-first Century of the Main World

 In the year 3045, in the main world, on the sun, Wei Keng was operating the inner ring of the star. At this time, in the inner ring of the star, compared to the collapse of the universe in the meaning field plane next door, it was particularly peaceful.

Wei Keng's thinking of "hot carbon cloud" storage has already stored a huge amount of consciousness.

This hot carbon cloud that stores "consciousness" is the biggest technological advancement in the main world in the past two centuries.

In fact, this "theory" was discovered three centuries ago.

It was probably around 2805, when humans were building Dyson rings in full swing. Among a series of space laboratories near Mercury, there was a secondary scientific research structure that determined the storage of worm organic information in high-energy environments. This was at the time

It was an "interesting" experiment. It was then applied two hundred years later.

And now Wei Keng will apply this method on a large scale

This is similar to "the electric power system discovered by Faraday, which was applied by various countries in the 20th century. In the second half of the 21st century, more than one billion people in the East were fully industrialized and an ultra-high voltage network was established throughout Eurasia."

In the main world, Wei Keng is not good at "innovation", but he is "hardworking". When Wei Keng innovates, he will not publicize the results before they appear, but after the results appear, they are often publicized by others.

...Humanity in the main world has also experienced major stratification...

The "carbon hot cloud" layer on the sun is similar to Pandora's carbon base field, which can store a person's independent thoughts, but due to differences in each person's consciousness.

Some people's consciousness can flash at a rapid scale and control multiple "hot carbon clouds".

If the information stability controlled by the "quantum frequency band" of consciousness is insufficient, even if more memories are loaded into the "hot carbon cloud", the various contradictions that arise in dynamic thinking cannot be coordinated.

In the current scientific understanding of the main world: the physical existence of "consciousness" is already an objective reality and belongs to the personal physiological state of human beings.

"Consciousness" data is not an ordinary quantity.

A thousand years ago in the ancient industrial era, during physical examinations, the difference in each person's vital capacity and 100-meter dash data was no more than double. The stable natural basis of the main world determined that people are equal. But apart from basic physics,

In terms of knowledge, the gap between the worth of ordinary people and scientists and PhDs has reached hundreds of times in objective economic terms.

Nowadays, in terms of the amount of "consciousness", the gap between adults and children may be 1 to 1,000. But in time travel, the difference between special individuals and ordinary people may even be 1 to millions.

At this stage, the only way to exercise "consciousness", apart from working optimistically on the earth, can only be obtained by going to the "tunnel at the center of gravity" to contact the broader film information of other universes.

On the current star, when the thinking container of hot carbon cloud appears, this generation of solar workers has gradually occupied more and more work stations, and one person has begun to bear the scale of thousands of people in the past. Wei Keng occupies the scale of

getting bigger.

Mr. Wei's original production system is very suitable for the current sun mode of the main world.

Weikeng Cluster gives each of its conscious positions an independent number and requires an independent labor contract.

Of course, this is also the first time in the main world that people who have traveled through time have returned to work, using their "consciousness" advantage to occupy real jobs in the main world.

At present, "hot carbon clouds" still have limitations. Only a few difficult star working positions have the possibility of replacing such positions. This technology cannot yet be used for the exploration of other deep space areas in the universe.

But what about the future?——The world’s science and technology will continue to advance.

...Wei Keng: Our goal is the pastoral among the stars...

Wei Keng, who "drew screws" in the sun in the main world, is now the one left behind in the main world waiting for himself in another time and space.

Since Wei Keng was directly under the supervision of Bai Linglu and Qin Xiaohan when he came out last time, Wei Keng is careful and responsible for himself now.

Since Wei Keng has always been in the main world, the Space and Time Management Bureau can no longer hide some things from Wei Keng using the excuse of "no one can be found" (loss of contact in the mind field plane).

The Space and Time Administration directly sent a notification letter to the Sun's work area in the main world regarding the "Notification of Wei Keng's Space and Time Exploration".

Please note that "Sun Workspace" is a business establishment department.

In the entire modern departmental system of the main world, no matter how strong a subsystem is, it cannot break the rules and go to the lake to mess with people from another subsystem in broad daylight.

If the main world space-time management system wants to destroy this cooperation mechanism, other subsystems will not "effectively implement" its requirements.

Narrator: If a country really has a strong subsystem that deceives other subsystems, then the various systems will quickly become overstaffed. In the 21st century, developed countries in Europe and the United States began to fight against each other by trying to be "correct"

, whether there are frequent accidents in the military, the inability of public medical care to "contain drugs", or the overall contraction of the public security system and the complete disregard of "zero-dollar purchases" in public areas. All systems have begun to "play tricks".

The Main World Space-Time Management Bureau can now manipulate people in the internal system, but for Wei Keng, a shrewd guy who took the exam as an editor in the "Sun Engineering Bureau", he can cross departments to "damage" the reputation of the Space-Time Management Bureau. Claims about time and space

The Administration arbitrarily deducts the amount of consciousness from oneself.

If the main world's Space-Time Management Bureau cannot properly solve the problem, the Solar System Engineering Bureau will send "information enthalpy" to the main world every year!

It would be interesting to find out if the information enthalpy of a hundred large hourglasses is missing even one-tenth due to various "technical reasons".

In the modern system, it is very easy for a department to "do nothing and be irresponsible"! All it takes is one reason! Relevant departments will prepare many reasons for ordinary people, but they will never prepare any for the relevant departments they are in contact with.

A reason!

…The news that Wei Keng had completely lost contact with the field plane was transmitted back to the sun.…

This has brought drastic fluctuations to the reputation of the Space-Time Management System on the sun.

At this time, the person responsible for docking on the sun in the Space-Time Management Bureau was "Micah". At first, she saw that this "vast land" department had lost the "positioning of the Wei Keng Consciousness Group" and felt baffled. But in the end, she understood

When it comes to the actual situation, it is a matter of concern.

Micah was thoughtful and his mouth curved inexplicably: "Hey, this is (Wei Keng)'s wrong adventure!"

Now in the thirty-first century, there has been a loss of consciousness, which is currently the only one in hundreds of years.

Micah basically concluded that this was a major mistake made by the Vast Territory Department in their adventurous "ultra-voyage exploration".

At present, if "Haosu" cannot handle this problem well internally, the Time and Space Administration currently occupied by Micah will take the opportunity to give this opposition a final fatal blow.

"But what?" Micah turned to look at the sun. At this time, he was at the work station in the Arctic Circle of the sun, which is the "solar information well" responsible for the satellite cluster. Micah: "You are really unique!?"

…Micah’s praise for Wei Keng is rather her regret that Wei Keng failed to stand with her…

Now every world in the plane dimension is short of manpower.

It is too late for high-quality consciousness to stabilize in the space-time system, and it is basically impossible to use it to project the main world.

Nowadays, the "multiverse area" occupied by liberal time travellers is occupying a large area of ​​​​the priesthood and is thriving. Even if the "vast land" is squeezed out, its time travelers will still occupy it, close to the physical area, and create the "gods" space-time area of ​​the Eastern cultural area.

Squeeze together in the "multiverse area" and never retreat.

Mika wanted to squeeze Qin Tianfang out, but now, instead, part of Wei Keng's consciousness was "squeezed out" and entered the sun of the main world.

Wei Keng now realizes that he is a highly confidential "King Level" in an alien plane.

In the main world, it takes one hundred years to expand consciousness on the surface of the sun.

From the perspective of the informant sent by Michaelena: Wei Keng is going to work as an electrician instead of receiving a high salary!

Mika is now paying close attention to Wei Keng. After she determined the "Haosu" aspect and reached a compromise with Wei Keng, she immediately made the decision and selected the recruitment order.

...Micah remembers that Wei Keng lacked the cause and effect of an industrial godhead...

In the quantum communication room on the star, Wei Keng, who had just asked for a salary increase and experimental funds, met the guest. Oh, Bai Linglu.

Bai Linglu told him a question very seriously. The plane of Pandora one million years later has encountered an S-level abnormal event. The passage there has been blocked, and a large number of consciousnesses have fallen there.

Wei Keng carefully read the situation of the "intention field plane", remained silent, and said to Bai Linglu: "Just withdraw it."

Bai Linglu looked a little unnatural and said: "I~"

Wei Keng: "I won't let me finish this exploration expedition. It's you who have accompanied me in monitoring for so many years. In the end, I missed a lot of planes. So far, you haven't obtained the constant (throne). Thank you for your hard work."

Narrator: Nowadays, all the veteran supervisors have obtained kings in the plane due to their vast resources. Bai Linglu is still the supervisor. For Wei Keng, there is nothing else he desires if he can accompany himself in poverty.

Bai Linglu stared at Wei Keng like an owl.

Wei Keng continued to comfort her: "I over there ask you to retreat. This is a military order. Nowadays, many people make the exploration of time and space a joke. Little do they know that in our time, time travelers were recruited as military personnel. There must be at least one person.

You did a great job in bringing back the news. Don't be upset. If you really want to talk about the problem, we can only say that we have been going smoothly for hundreds of years and lacked vigilance against time and space crises."

Bai Linglu raised his hand to cover the back of his eyes and said: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Look at this data, the final state of the mind field plane."

This is because in the ‘intentional field plane’, Wei Keng did not perish at the beginning, and within fifty years, the node “bulge” created by Wei Keng on the film of that plane was still growing.

After Bai Linglu was forced to leave, he analyzed the data: Wei Keng's consciousness there had not died out. It should have surged to an unprecedented level, and it was only recently that it began to suddenly disappear.

Bai Linglu speculated that Wei Keng might have gone through an epic round of resistance in the field plane before starting to evacuate.

In the sun, the Wei Keng consciousness group finished reading the information and responded: "There is too little information. Is there anything abnormal in the main world?"

Wei Keng means, has the crisis in the mind field plane penetrated into the main world?

Bai Linglu spread his hands: "No, all major planes are normal, and there are many conflicts between them. There is even the possibility of a fourth plane war."

Wei Keng nodded: "It seems that I over there (in the mind field plane) should have completed my goal (stopping the enemies of time and space)."

Bai Linglu stared at Wei Keng's fingers. Wei Keng's fingers were clasping something. It was obvious that when he said "the main world is safe and sound", he didn't mean it, or he was slightly worried.

What Bai Linglu knows about Wei Keng's character: he has no margin and is uneasy, especially if he doesn't know what happened to the "intention field plane"?

…Worry first about the world’s worries…

For Wei Keng in the main world at this time, the unknown existence of the mind field plane would cause the worst possibility: "invading the main world".

The tiny civilization on earth cannot resist the bombardment of super civilizations emerging from the vast universe.

Now Wei Keng is working more and more seriously on the sun, but there is a sense of crisis in his heart.

In the face of super civilization, all moral culture is empty, and only scientific strength is king.

Wei Keng didn't know who he was trying to stop on the other side of Yi Chang Civilization at all costs.

Wei Keng: Every hundred years we strive for today are precious.

The above are Wei Keng’s own worries about the worst outcome.

...However, there is no need to worry about the physical situation of the main world...

We must take precautions against enemies based on reality.

Wei Keng: Now in the mind field plane, if the unknown existence I encountered is hostile to the main world, it is unlikely to enter the main world directly, but to attack the edge first.

In other words, a large number of dimensional plane areas centered on the main world will be hit.

Wei Keng: It is very likely that inexplicable disasters may occur in the realm of time and space.

Opposite me, at this stage, the main territory of mankind is in the multidimensional plane. That place over there is already very chaotic.

...The multidimensional area can be said to be a very old dimensional area discovered in the main world...

The humans who traveled through time in the main world in the second half of the 28th century claimed to be on the technological side in the early days, and their stance was biased towards order.

But now, after the Third Plane War, the cultures of various regions interacted with each other. In the later period, it was not so simple. Some pursued "extreme freedom", while others recognized "mystery, concealment, and obscuration."

In other words, in the current space-time territory of the main world, all justice and order are fake, only power is real. For some time travellers, as a "king", it doesn't matter whether he is a demon king or a god king.

, even a skeleton king is worth occupying.

In the last century, there were also time-travelers in the main world who thought this was wrong, and began to mobilize forces to fight against these time-travelers who had gone astray.

That internal cleanup of the main world was exactly the same as the "Celestial Divine Army's sweep" from the perspective of mortals there.

However, desire and rationality correspond to each other. When there is no higher-level desire to replace lower-level desire, simply trying to use "rationality" to suppress "desire" will result in those "lower routes" in these planes.

Here, the spring breeze blows and gives birth again.

...Now is no longer the era of pastoral time travel, but someone still thinks about pastoral in his heart...

Wei Keng raised his head and asked Bai Linglu: "You said the fourth plane war is going to happen?"

Bai Linglu nodded: "Yes." He seemed to be a little bit critical of Wei Keng's reflex arc. Of course, Bai Linglu knew that Wei Keng's train of thought might have taken a long detour before returning to the plane war.

Wei Keng: "Should I go over and take a look?"

Bai Linglu: "Are you going to break up the fight?"

Wei Keng: "I'm going to check out some places."

This chapter has been completed!
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