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Chapter 15.25 The war that is about to end

 The plane of mind field,

In the 1003rd year of the battle between Wei Keng and the Holy Spear, the final blockade of the Ancient Holy Star began.

Facing the holy spear, Wei Keng no longer showed any weakness.

Two hundred years ago, Wei Keng and Bo Lun reached an agreement and would only resist for a thousand years. If the Holy Spear had lowered its intensity at that time, then the war would gradually decrease in intensity.

But the result is that the Holy Spear does not respect martial ethics and is engaged in increasing the scale of the attack. Various high-tech equipment are used to teach Wei Keng a lesson.

Mr. Wei also has a temper, so he will not put down his weapons easily after a thousand years.

At least the battle to defend the earth must be fought.

The newly dead frogs will be stimulated with electricity to stretch their legs, and Mr. Wei will be poked with a stick by the holy spear to show the stickiness of the earthlings!

…Wei Keng: “There is a price for skin”…

After thousands of years of industrial transformation, from the perspective of the stellar spectrum, the entire sun's light has changed from a yellow dwarf to a red giant.

But the sun is still in the main sequence star state, and the reason why it glows red is because Weikeng has built a circle of concave energy defense zones around the entire sun.

This is the highest achievement that Wei Keng has achieved in the past thousand years when faced with the Holy Spear and during the explosion of science and technology.

Wei Keng split the entire Kuyinbo belt (outside thirty astronomical units) into standard particles.

At the same time, all particle trajectories in the Oort cloud (50,000 to 100,000 astronomical units) are straightened out, reaching an area where there is absolutely no intersection or collision. The entire area, like a sponge, accumulates solar energy into a concave energy state.

Any material arriving in the solar system from the outer sea of ​​stars will be captured by the concave energy state and "volatilized" on a large scale.

When gamma rays are incident, their energy becomes unstable.

This is specifically designed to deal with the starlight attack of the Holy Spear.

…On the starry sky position, Wei Keng, who was digging a hole, secretly poked Digu and said: Don’t you like poking holes?…

The final result of such a defensive zone was that in the war of 1003, the Holy Lance Gamma ray attack beam scraped an edge 0.7 light-years away from the solar system, seeming to say "Ouch, I'll kill you"

After thinking about it, it directly bypassed the solar system and prioritized attacking the stars around the solar system.

Holy Spear did not go to Wei Keng's "trap group". This made Wei Keng in the sea of ​​stars couldn't help but become anxious, and began to 'warmly invite': "Come, come, come over here for a meal, don't leave, and stir-fry meat with your belt."

This time it was the Holy Spear's turn to say nothing.

In the Sirius base area occupied by the Holy Spear, the Holy Spear controlling the white dwarf star heard Wei Keng's shouts in the universe and Digu said: "I'm a little naughty, but I'm not reckless or stupid. When fighting, face is the most important thing.


Holy Spear is not anxious because Wei Keng's "one thousand years limit" has passed!

Wei Keng's deployment on the ancient holy star is still far behind the Holy Spear in terms of technology. However, the trouble caused by the amount of work will make the Holy Spear unable to solve it for a while.

To use an analogy, this is like facing a mechanized fighter plane. The arrangement of layers of "energy and material trenches", although the technical content is relatively low, can still make the advanced side feel troublesome.

...In this universe, both of them have eliminated illusions...

The Holy Spear's original plan to conquer the solar system in one battle in 1003 was delayed until 1045.

The Holy Spear launched its attack on the solar system only after taking down all the stars within twenty light years around the entire solar system, and activated the previously most high-tech 'one-dimensional' gravity lines.

And the one-dimensional gravity line is not just one, because the core of the solar system has been fortressed and can automatically switch to multiple states of "micro black hole" and "quark furnace".

Through the "entropy increase" theorem, the information of all star rays including the one-dimensional line is continuously lost.

In other words, even if the holy spear's attack penetrates the core, the core can still heal, but the outer protective layer is forced to shrink.

This kind of layer-by-layer protection must be peeled off little by little by the holy spear!

Wei Keng also tunneled directly to the parallel timeline in this confrontation with the one-dimensional line. The results of this confrontation also made Wei Keng determined not to retreat!

…Wei Keng: The mountains and rivers of the earth are extremely valuable. If you want to take them, please give me the price.…

On the front lines of a series of planets such as Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, etc., deep into the solar system, but unable to gain the advantage of artillery fire, the Holy Lance troops could only passively land on the surfaces of these planets and continue fighting in a carbon-based posture.

The battle for the earth's surface is the most intense in normal wars. The first wave of 93.34 million wavers that arrived settled behind Antarctica and pushed northward along Australia and South America.

The weather on the surface of the planet has become like a naughty child pulling on the light of a light cord, and there are flashes like (Disco) ballroom lights and so on.

The energy brought from outer space, the average temperature of the atmosphere in the two years before and after, differed by a full fifty degrees.

Oh, this is not the temperature difference between the highest temperatures in summer and winter, nor is it the temperature at the Antarctic and the Equator. It is the average daily temperature around the world in the past two years, which has fluctuated up and down.

...The energy injected from the sky makes the earth feel cold...

The Sahara region could be at 500 degrees Celsius for the entire summer of 1038, a terrifying semi-molten state. It could also be hit by freezing raindrops with an annual precipitation of 10,333 millimeters in 1040 at minus 4 degrees Celsius.

The extreme climate here depends on human tactical needs.

Wei Keng wanted to kill Wave Lun's attacking troops, so he created extremely hot weather. Wave Lun wanted to make Wei Keng drown in the tunnel and drown him to death, so he created icy rain.

The brutality of the Earth War can be said to be the embodiment of two men strangled each other's necks and gouged their eyes in the mud.

The earth, which has always been treated as a "garden", was destroyed in this battle, and all animals under three centimeters were wiped out.

This picture of the earth's last protective battle was broadcast to the entire star sea through the carbon-based energy communication planet in the solar system.

After the remaining human beings saw the picture of "higher beings can survive at all costs", they finally understood what kind of human genetic species will be left on the earth in the next era.

The higher the life, the more ferocious it becomes when it struggles to the death.

The final fight between "Ling Ke" and "Holy Spear" for the earth is the last light for mankind in this century. However, this last light is not recognized by mankind.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, among the tens of thousands of backup planets placed by Wei Keng, facing the battle to defend the earth, fewer and fewer planets are "responding"!

When the old shadow of a beauty is slim and graceful, she does not want to think of aging and decay. When she is used to the beauty of the earth, she does not want to record the cruelty of destruction.

…In this regard, Mr. Wei said: “I understand it very well, but I have reservations about it”…

Six hundred light years away, on a peaceful planet, the white-striped planet.

This is a settlement chosen during the human race's escape. Here, looking up at the starry sky and looking at the sun, it is a small dim yellow star.

The people who have moved to this planet have gradually forgotten their hometown there. Although the battle horns and the screams of fighting and bloody battles are still coming from the cosmic sea of ​​​​stars. But the humans who already want to stop start to block it.

Information, they choose to "forget" about that distant front line.

Because when you can't accept the painful fact, you will protect yourself.

...Today's "unwillingness to face" seems to be the end point in a hurry, but little does anyone know that it is the starting point of the next era...

One of the "Peach Blossom Lands" in the sea of ​​​​stars that avoids war, White Stripe Star, Seventh Continent, Longitude 33.4 degrees

The wooden dragon who came to monitor the signal tower looked at the collapsed mountain area at the front, where the huge lighthouse broke, shattered, and stopped under the blow of the ice wind.

This tower was originally used to record battle information in Xinghai, but the continuous fighting meant that all the news coming through the tower was bad.

As well as the fact that in various cosmic regions, after stopping resistance, there will be no "beam" strikes.

For decades, the resister "Ling Ke" in the star sea sent them messages, describing the various elements of resistance in the star sea. Not only did it not have a spurring effect on the humans who immigrated to the white-striped planet, but it gave them hope.

Awareness of "accepting fate".

These refugees gradually developed a desire to "get over quickly" in response to the resistance on the Earth's front line.

They were in the ocean and on land, and gradually stopped talking about the interstellar war, because as long as they "don't talk about it", everyone can tacitly forget their responsibilities together.

The "weak" in terms of will do not expect "one's side to be victorious", but already expect "the enemy to leave quickly after sweeping away one's own resisters".

The humans on all the escaping planets in the star sea do not know that each planet is not just the place where they fled. The "responsible" Wei Keng competes with them to the end. (The work of "following investigation" and "continuous return visits",

Axis people are very serious about what they do)

In the outer space on the White Stripe Star, Wei Keng's consciousness group judged that this group of refugees had become "precipitants who abandoned their responsibilities".

In the vast universe, Wei Keng, who had been withdrawn from the front to rest, turned into starlight to patrol these "rear" migrants to see these "last hopes for mankind"

Wei Keng lamented: "No matter how rich the emotional transmission is, it cannot replace personal experience! Everyone likes to hear beautiful things, but everyone has different tolerance for painful things, so how much can they accept? This is definitely not the same."

Empathy "Words can make things happen."

Mr. Wei looked at the white-striped planet with amusement in his eyes.

How can the advantage of the unruly people be so easy to obtain for free?

Diao Min: Since you are unkind and unjust, don’t blame me for digging a hole!

...In the ends of the world, how can there be peace and tranquility? If you don't want to recognize justice, you will have to face all kinds of bad things...

On the Baiwen planet, where the ocean and land meet, Wei Keng locked an aircraft.

This aircraft is piloted by a cross-regional postman on the planet. He is working as usual today.

At this time, music was playing in the aluminum alloy cockpit of the aircraft.

"...I moved heaven and earth. Why can't I move you? You know clearly that there is no end, but you are still determined..."

The pilot of the plane, named Mu Long, was playing music on the side, which matched the storm outside the window. The raindrops were ticking on the glass window, but it was drowned out by the music.

He took his hands off the steering wheel, handed it over to the automatic driver, and began to play with the gadgets he had just bought from the Planet Light Industry Commodity Zone.

After playing with it for a while, a sudden flash of lightning outside the window brought him back to reality.

He stared at the air pressure data on the dial, and the flight path of this flight automatically unfolded in his mind.

Mu Long complained: "The weather is so damn bad, so we arranged this task."

Mu Long held the watch in his hand. This watch was made of pure metal alloy shell. He bought materials and polished them, and made many watches. This one is the best, with an error of only two seconds in three days. There are still thirty minutes left,

Will be caught in an ice storm.

He looked at the channel, and there happened to be an abandoned "watch tower" near the channel.

This type of "watch tower" was built on a large scale when humans first arrived on the planet, in order to establish contact with the star sea. However, it has been abandoned in the past few decades, just like the "abandoned mountain god, earth temple" in Ming and Qing novels, which is a prosperous time.

legacy products.

With Mu Long holding the steering wheel, the plane "involuntarily" began to descend in altitude, even turning off the plane's ethane engine and entering a gliding state.

Then Mu Long "thought" and decided to completely land in the building shelter left by the collapsed signal tower to take shelter from the rain. (This kind of thinking is to find reasons for actions after the fact, rather than deciding to act in advance)

…In the wind and rain, a bolt of lightning, like a horned dragon, moved in the sky.…

On the ground, the three-hundred-meter-high watch tower has now been broken. The steel spherical cover at the top of the tower is damaged. In the jagged gap, the launcher of the large pot lid is revealed from the spherical cover.

After Mu Long flew the plane over the granite mountain ridge, it was as if he had climbed over a wall and saw the creation standing behind the wall.

Mu Long looked at this huge tower and suddenly became curious about this towering tower.

Although the leaders on the planet are no longer prepared to repair the signal tower, he feels that he should finally understand the information received from this tower.

He turned on the carbon-based frequency band radiation and transmitted his positioning towards the global frequency band. Then he began to land.

Under the influence of the landing wind, the propeller adjusted its angle, providing lift, and slowly arrived at the ruins on the base of the tower. - This three-jump aircraft looked like a giant in front of this building with a base comparable to a pyramid.

The mosquito landed in front of the embankment.

When he stopped the plane and locked it in front of the stone pile on the tower, he began to look at this magnificent creation.

After going around seven or eight times, he finally found the gate in front of the base of the tower with a diameter of one thousand meters. Suddenly, he "smelled" the smell of protein carbon-based information.

Curiosity like a "cat" prompted him to start taking risks. He followed the huge yellow painted arrow in the ground and found the "backup mechanical storage cabin." A few minutes later, he opened the mechanical cabin wrapped in "tinfoil".

Wearing a biological mecha.

After he put on the mecha, he pushed open the closed door!

"Clang", after the door opened, a large amount of sand and gravel hit him in the face. But then, he found that the light came on. When he was nervous, the multi-barreled self-defense weapons on the mecha ejected directly from his shoulders, and hit him

Mecha perspective, synchronous rotation.

The internal system of the tower that had been eroded by wind and rain for thirty years still had energy, which made Mu Long feel incredible.

But then, from his perspective, he saw a ball of light coming towards him. He raised his mecha and prepared to block it, but steel could not defend against such energy intrusion. The information light ball penetrated into the cockpit of the mecha like raindrops.

, and then linked to his carbon-based brain waves in an instant, and then a large amount of information poured in, and he fell into a coma.

In space, Wei Keng whispered: "My child, you have been chosen, start doing evil."

Subsequently, the Wei Keng Cluster Will evacuated from the periphery of the White Stripe Star.

This chapter has been completed!
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