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Chapter 2.25 Making a promise

 In the second half of September, after Wei Keng returned to work for a quarter,

Sun Xiangyang looked at the new documents printed out by the electronic fax machine in the office, studying the new work content one by one. Some of the work content he could do, that is, holding a few meetings and holding several landmark activities;

He found it somewhat difficult. He needed to discuss the content with the staff at the conference and understand the central ideas of the superiors.

When conveying it, Wei Keng, who was also a member of the upper-level structure in the Shenzhou plane, understood the meaning almost immediately.

In the world of Pandora, Wei Keng never expected that the person who changed his work schedule would actually come from the plane of death.

Within a scope of thousands of kilometers, the genetic community has been beaten back by himself. The surrounding city-states have accepted the regional reorganization under the trade system. The supervisor has recently been studying the node organisms of Chongqing City. And Luo Hongxing, a colleague, has been beaten back by himself in this world.

Newly developed genetic agriculture projects are grabbing all the attention.

Wei Keng: Now that I have dealt with all the people I have to deal with, I should be free now.

Go fishing at sea, have a bonfire banquet in the jungle, or find a steep mountain and drop down from the top along the rope, on that rock wall that "no one will touch, but can be seen by everyone".

Engraved with the characters "Wei Keng's most evildoing". Wei Keng admitted that he may have begun to miss the comfortable feeling of not having to be responsible for anything in the main world.

Relaxed? That's just a temporary fantasy.

Pandora October 4, 139.

Yuanhua 834 started in the harbor, turned around, and moved closer to the new dock. When the hull came to a stop, two steam bulldozers began to push the mounds of soil to the bow and stern of the ship, completely fixing the ship. So,

Large objects transmitted from the space-time gate on the ship can be stably unloaded along the steel sliding bridge welded to the hull. Two cranes are already in place on the dock.

What was shipped this time was bio-refinery equipment in the chemical industry, as well as the engine production chain, because Wei Keng felt that this dimension should be used in the Air Force.

After the supplies were successfully transported, Captain Sun Xiangyang pulled Wei Keng, an individual representative, and fifty-three crew members onto the ship for a serious meeting.

When everyone arrived, Sun Xiangyang said: "Headquarters now believes that the progress of our mission is too slow. Now that we have established a unified expeditionary force and have a good economic foundation, we must go north as soon as possible to rescue more people."

Everyone present listened to these instructions from their superiors. Although they may not understand them, they all took pens and took notes in their notebooks. They all looked like they were listening to the report carefully.

The terminology of files in the Dead Plane is very special.

Wei Keng flipped through the documents and found the documents from the Plane of Death. The documents sent from the Plane of Death were full of inspiring words and directional guidance. There seemed to be a kind of subjective expectation behind them.

"I think the Ganzhou channel can be opened now." At the meeting, Luo Hongxing expressed his opinion on Sun Xiangyang's suggestion.

Sun Xiangyang nodded, but then said: "Not only that, the headquarters asked us to speed up and clean up the reactionary system of the old city-states in this world."

Next, Wei Keng understood why there was this meeting. Some people in the crew began to bring in the thinking habits of the Dead Plane and made a subjective analysis of the Pandora Plane. This then allowed the people in the Dead Plane to

The plane of Pandora produces non-objective judgments.

Wei Keng: "..."

After probably chewing one or two pencil stubs, the Wei Keng squatting at the venue had to admit that their previous attitude towards the plane of death was a bit superficial.

In the past, when I gave information and technology to the Death Plane, I actually had a trading mentality, as long as I didn't lose or owe anything, it was fine. Suddenly, I felt that I was a little short-sighted in the face of the very simple thoughts there.

Wei Keng knew from the system information that the Death Plane was in the process of a major historical turning point.

Wei Keng didn't know if Sun Xiangyang's current timeline had seen the emergence of "black cat, white cat" remarks that broke dogma and "re" thought outside the box.

"Right and wrong" in society are very complicated. Sometimes it depends on the era and who is saying "right and wrong".

Wei Keng is not qualified to comment on the "right or wrong" of the plane of death, but for those who come to this world from the plane of death, Wei Keng can judge the purpose of their actions from his own perspective.

All crew members, including Sun Xiangyang, want to mobilize the power they can mobilize to build the world, but in the process of execution, it is inevitable that the goals will become increasingly narrow.

Before the human production system on earth is fully automated and intelligent, the division of labor system of "a small number of people are in management and the majority of people are in labor" is difficult to change. When workers' energy is dragged down by their positions, they cannot participate in in-depth thinking. This

It is caused by the objective fact of insufficient productivity.

Under this objective fact, even if a supervision mechanism is established, the feedback from the bottom to the top is very slow. Distribution will still develop in a direction that suits the interests of a few people.

As a small citizen, I cannot tell whether the work arrangements of the superiors are right or wrong. I can only judge how true their words are based on their past behavior!

For example, the local people in Pandora now have a very low level of education, and it is difficult to keep up with the managers from the plane of death. The executors often can only passively obey the ideas and understand them afterwards. This has essentially created a stratification of upper and lower levels.

This kind of layering can still maintain communication in this generation, but the next generation may have no concept of "Tongtian Pattern".

Wei Keng: In fact, for some people, there is no such thing as a dragon slayer turning into an evil dragon. Instead, they admire the power of evil dragons from the beginning, and use the name of dragon slaying to build initial capital such as armor and swords.

Become a dragon.


Despite experiencing the sorrow of his previous life, Wei Keng, who came back to the twenty-seventh century, has never hated the world, let alone any "name" created by the blood of his predecessors. He is just wary of a certain type of people.

Wei Keng cannot see the crew members who have arrived in Pandora's plane as bad people, but

There was some clarity in Wei Keng's eyes: "Maybe there are bad people among them."

Under the incandescent lights of the cabin, it was finally the turn of each working group to speak.

Wei Keng, who was sitting in the front row, stood up and said to Sun Xiangyang: "I need to talk to the leaders on the other side of the wormhole." Then other Wei Keng also stood up and turned to the crew officers, saying in a unified voice: "These days

, I have work experience in various industries and farmland, and I would like to give a detailed description of the headquarters based on the conditions of surviving human settlements in this Pandora era."

Wei Keng's voice was very loud this time. It was different from before.

Sun Xiangyang looked at Wei Keng. In his feeling, Wei Keng, who had been working quietly, suddenly seemed to have turned into a torrent!

Half an hour later,

Everyone on the ship walked through the cabin corridor and arrived at Yuanhua No. 834, before passing through the wormhole.

Several other Wei Keng were recording. And one Wei Keng used language and sign language to describe the wormhole as follows.

Wei Keng: "First of all, the objects we want to recover are all human beings in the broad sense of Pandora! What we need to challenge now is this harsh natural environment and the retrogression of civilizational concepts. Therefore, as a force for progress, we must unite as much as possible the forces that can be united

, seek survival and development.

Although it is necessary to divide the internal components of human beings, we cannot face it with the attitude of facing the "main enemy". Instead, we must use the attitude of "main work" to transform and strive for it.

I think that the current direct and violent war against the "old system", or even the direct elimination of its physical body to solve the old system, is not a sign of willingness to be patient and determined.

The collision between the old and the new will inevitably occur, and the purpose of the work must be clear. Otherwise, the achievements of the recovery will be usurped by opportunists. When the tide of saving all mankind turns into a new round of internal struggle for power within mankind in the next few decades, our ideals

It failed.

Now that we have the ability to create a new order, the first task is to draw a line, let our power push our rules, and collide with their rules. In the collision, we will innovate."

at last,

Wei Keng looked into the wormhole: "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Even if each of us cannot be right all the time, we must practice it before the people instead of defining the truth to the people first."

After Wei Keng finished speaking, the call team stayed here and waited for an hour.

An hour later, a message was sent from the other side of the wormhole, asking Wei Keng to temporarily disband, and it would take some time for discussions over there.

As for the other people attending the meeting, they were still discussing in whispers. The topic of discussion was not Wei Keng's content, but Wei Keng's ability to argue with the headquarters, which was really remarkable.

Sun Xiangyang was even recalling Wei Keng's words.

Wei Keng's academic qualifications were definitely high in Sun Xiangyang's era. However, Wei Keng was far ahead of his time perspective. During discussions, he could only recite the red book. I found that when he read from the text, Wei Keng could deeply integrate it with reality.


When Sun Xiangyang was in a daze, Wei Keng said: "Old Sun, go back. We still have a lot of things to do down below."

Sun Xiangyang: "Oh, steelmaking, farming, and more?" He clasped his fingers and understood some of the truth just now, but now he still can't explain it orally.

Wei Keng smiled cheerfully: "The production plan that has been set cannot be changed, but people cannot continue as usual. In today's exchange, you are right about one thing."

Sun Xiangyang: "?"

Wei Keng: "That's just to raise the issue."

Speaking of this, Wei Keng showed him an apologetic smile: "Many problems arise due to neglect.

You always say that I am an intellectual. I was embarrassed a few times at first, but then I became complacent after being criticized too much. So I had a wrong mentality and ignored the problems of the masses.

In fact, workers in our world are never polite to the intellectual community. When a problem cannot be solved, they should get angry and pull the intellectual community to solve it together, even if it cannot be solved, they must face it together. In most cases, knowledge

People know how to try more, but they just don’t want to take responsibility and subconsciously leave their choices behind.”

In the space bubble, Bai Linglu had just finished recording Wei Keng's speech, preparing to use it as evidence that Wei Keng would stay in the Pandora plane.

After hearing Wei Keng's words, the supervisor who was osplaying the airship pilot's uniform couldn't agree more.

Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng's 'handsome' face making a promise on the interface: "Yes, you are capable, but you just want to give up the challenge."

However, at this time, another interface appeared in the space bubble!

A timid voice came from above: "Hey, is this Bai Linglu, the Bai Supervisor?"

Bai Linglu: "Who are you? Huh?" She saw the latest content sent to her on a certain post. She immediately zoomed in on the interface carefully.

And on the original interface, a girl with blue hair and lilac hair jumped out. This "newcomer" wearing the formal attire of a time and space monitor introduced in a "junior" tone: "I am Qin Xiaohan, and I am now Corporal Wei Keng.

Supervisor of the mission. Please give me more advice."

The content on the interface was quickly scrolled by Bai Linglu. The speed of scrolling was a reflection of his irritable mood.

Bai Linglu: "How can we arrange another dimension for him to explore? I don't agree."

Bai Linglu's voice was very fiery.

Qin Xiaohan was "scared" by Bai Linglu and paused for a moment, but then said in a businesslike tone: "Senior Bai, I have received a personnel transfer order from the Space-Time Administration, and you have no right to refuse."

Bai Linglu waved his hand at her: "I'm not talking to you, go ahead."

Bai Linglu stared at a new communication interface with his head raised, but this communication interface was always being answered. It didn't connect for several seconds.

On the contrary, Qin Xiaohan seemed to have connected with someone.

Qin Xiaohan: "Hello, Teacher Bai. Yes, I am handing over tasks with Senior Sister Bai. Well, Sister Bai is here and she is busy now."

Bai Linglu suddenly turned to Qin Xiaohan: "Who do you think is busy?"

Qin Xiaohan's face looked innocent.

At this time, Bai Hengqian appeared, and she now appeared in the form of a space-time law enforcement uniform. Relatively speaking, Bai Linglu was the only person at the scene who was not wearing formal clothes, and Bai Linglu was at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

After looking at Bai Linglu, she glanced at the information she had just recorded and said: "In the Pandora plane, Corporal Wei Keng's mission has been determined and will be carried out intermittently." The so-called intermittent execution means that the plane mission is divided into multiple stages.

After completion, other tasks will be completed in the gaps between different stages.

Bai Linglu wanted to elaborate on the reasons: For example, Wei Keng has just entered the leadership state of the human beings in the Pandora plane, and should carry out a complete mid-twenty-year mission.

However, what I got was a "ignore" response.

Bai Hengqian: "Your task guidance work is basically qualified, but other research groups in Pandora have reported that you may not be suitable for related projects."

Bai Linglu was dissatisfied, but thought of something, and immediately raised his voice and said: "It's the consciousness penetration project of the node alien species, right! You, you" Before she could say anything further, she was blocked.

As for Wei Keng, in this mission, Bai Linglu's guidance is temporarily over.

In the Archives of the Space-Time Administration, Pandora Plane Column. Top Secret Level 34:

"Node Fusion Project"

Project content: It is necessary to complete the calibration of a certain type of node creature with strong human genes.

The purpose of the project: to allow the consciousness of our female travelers to reach the Pandora plane and seize the center of humanoid node creatures.

Current progress: Beginner.

Difficulties of the project: Currently, only the life radiation intensity of traveler No. 44983 meets the conditions, but his moral values ​​refuse to cooperate.

This chapter has been completed!
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