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Chapter 2.26 Correct usage of Wei Keng

 "La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, um hum um, um..." Qin Xiaohan stood on the platform, using his feet to spin "Four Little Swans" on his own. While waving his hand, he smoothly clicked on the operation interface.

As the person who came to take over Bai Linglu, Qin Xiaohan called himself a junior, but his qualifications in the plane war were much higher than Bai Linglu's. Otherwise, he would not have been transferred by the Space and Time Administration to take over Bai Linglu's mission.

She carefully looked at Bai Linglu's recent operation records, and the smile on her face was still so sweet, but her evaluation of Bai Linglu in her heart was: "One-minded", "Eager for quick success", "Hey, he relies on his family background."

On her right was Wei Keng's information. Faced with Wei Keng, a time traveler, Qin Xiaohan wrote a very official report: "It is necessary to comprehensively evaluate the character, ability and development tendency of Sergeant Wei Keng through multiple dimensions.

These evaluation tasks could not be completed due to the urgent environment during the Plane War, but they cannot be omitted for this reason."

Qin Xiaohan is a very formal supervisor. If Wei Keng had met her earlier, he might have cooperated happily.

But now on the Pandora interface, Wei Keng is undergoing transcendent development - what is transcendence? It is a route that other timeline travelers on this plane have not even tried. If Bai Linglu was here? He would definitely do his best to deal with it.

Wei Keng's current state requires a lot of testing.

But now, on the Pandora plane, some signs have appeared in Wei Keng, and Qin Xiaohan, who is under the Space and Time Management Bureau, does not have the keen awareness of Bai Linglu.

Therefore, it is possible that since then, the Space-Time Management Bureau has lacked information on the origin of a magnificent historical line in this plane.

October 12, 139, Pandora's Era.

After the showdown with the Death Plane, Wei Keng spent four days to make more proactive plans in industry and agriculture. And before the Death Plane made a conclusion on the last discussion, he made his new plan here.

Report on the actual planned tasks.

Therefore, the leaders on the plane of death did not dwell on the previous theoretical discussion in the subsequent exchanges, but communicated on the details of Wei Keng's plan.

As for Sun Xiangyang and others, well, they are more than adequate as grassroots executive cadres, but they are lacking in formulating the overall development plan and coordinating and demonstrating the overall work arrangement.

Faced with the great task of conquest, Sun Xiangyang and the crew could only mobilize without fear of hardship or sacrifice, and then set an example. Of course, all of this was in line with Wei Keng, who had a very upright ass.

—The brain is used for effective work instead of grasping the power of domination. When repairing toilets, moving bricks, and when inspecting crops, I wear a straw hat to work.

The next plan of unification lies in two points: ensuring sufficient supplies and strengthening personnel organization capabilities.

On the Pearl River Reservoir, a piece-by-piece three-dimensional system of production parks has been completed.

Wei Keng used the first-generation biochemical power station (Yuri Plane Technology) downloaded from the system for several months. After summarizing all the problems, he directly started designing the second-generation biogas power station.

This type of biogas power station not only generates electricity, but also reduces the impact of life radiation on the operator in terms of safety, and successfully uses the diffuse radiation for planting!

The appearance of the second-generation biogas power station is characterized by the fact that it looks like a tower with a height of 60 meters. The center of the tower top radiates outward, and eight tower rings are hung. The radius of the outermost ring reaches 30 meters.

From a distance, it looks like an umbrella has been opened, like an artificial mushroom suddenly erected on the ground.

The "umbrella tower" uses a brick and tile reinforced concrete structure as the main body. The biogas slurry in the biogas pool will be pumped up to the top of the 60-meter-high tower every half hour and injected into the rings one by one along the vertical pipes of this spoked wheel structure.

pipeline, and the life radiation of biogas bacteria will be released outward along the sealed pipeline.

Since it is at a height of sixty meters and is a large umbrella composed of annular pipes with a radius of thirty meters, the diffusion mode is to irradiate a range of three kilometers.

And around this tower is a large area of ​​new crop farmland! These producers were genetically selected by Long Ximin's perception, and Wei Keng carried out judgment implantation, which happened to be similar to the decomposers on these towers.

The inheriting role of the life frequency band.

In other words, 80% of the energy dissipated by metabolism during the decomposition process of biogas bacteria will return to the system where producers accumulate organic matter.

This constitutes an artificial ecological energy cycle. After this cycle is completed, the amount of radiation suffered by personnel operating on the ground drops to one-fiftieth to one-hundredth.

[This allows this power station to be operated by only myself, but now can be operated by most educated and culturally qualified young adults in the Pearl River District.]

Are you familiar with this new power generation model? The thinking model of mulberry pond recycling farming is of course more like the ecosystem of a space capsule in terms of technical design ideas!

In the first manned spacecraft to fly to Mars in the main world, people used producers and decomposers to build the simplest circulation system, and the surplus of the circulation was supplied to humans.

This is engineering design thinking. In the era of the Dead Plane, this thinking mode is now packaged as American thinking.

Of course, after the second millennium of the main world, this kind of thinking of building an engineering cycle was described by the Orientals themselves using local words such as "harmony between man and nature", "cycle" and "sustainable development".

After the other technical teams (non-Weikeng) sent by the Pearl River Management Group successfully worked here for half a month, they conducted preliminary acceptance of these newly built power stations by Weikeng.

Wei Keng immediately delivered fourteen integrated power plants, or 70% of the first phase of the project, to a team composed of local indigenous people and Yuanhua crew members.

December 12th.

In the power generation park, in front of the brick building, Wei Keng conducted a related handover ceremony.

Wei Keng No. 144 (director of the plant) who operates the power plant expressed a warm welcome to Huang Yuhua, who came to take over. The person who took the lead in inoculating Wei Keng's serum on the ship at that time received Wei Keng's authorization and brought the

Everyone completed the oath-taking ceremony under the national flag.

Procedures such as rituals are necessary.

Although in essence Wei Keng still has a monopoly effect in technology. However, after experiencing the situation in the Shenzhou plane, Wei Keng deeply believes that for the healthy development of a country or group, important resources can be centrally managed, but there must be less monopoly.

Once an important resource is monopolized by a few people, it will lose its support.

The human heart here does not decrease due to trust and obedience to certain people (such as Wei Keng). On the contrary, if Wei Keng were to be more powerful, he would eventually become a god who is worshiped! But such a human heart is worthless.

Wei Keng Yao’s human heart refers to the power to “participate in and promote” “ideals and future visions”.

One hundred comrades are more powerful than one hundred ministers.

When the top seizes the most important resources, then those "unimportant" peripheries can no longer pursue the center together, but lie on the ground and watch people flying above. On this point, both eras are prepared to lie down.

Wei Keng couldn't be more clear.

Allocate important resources to everyone to manage and promote together. Then in the end, if I fly, everyone will fly.

Wei Keng: As a time traveler, you should realize that for the development of an unknown alien plane, the only recognized resources are people, people who stand up, people who think about hope and the future.

The second-generation power station is put into operation. While making breakthroughs in this energy field, Wei Keng is also making rapid progress on the other line.

The last time they entered the Pandora plane, the Wei Keng cluster completed telepathic communication capabilities.

And after the conflict with the Dongting Lake community, Wei Keng expressed this information and standardized the language model.

At the same time, Wei Keng also sensed some emotions from the native humans like Zeng Jiagan.

After this arrival, Wei Keng's life radiation increased. Within an hour after the people here exchanged blood, Wei Keng could not only receive their messages, Wei Keng could even take the initiative to convey messages to them.

What should we do after such a situation occurs? This time Wei Keng did not go to the system, but directly discussed it with the comrades in this plane.

Nowadays, Wei Keng prefers to discuss issues with his colleagues more and more, rather than reporting to the leadership office on the floor above. Oh, I am talking about Bai Linglu, she is not in the same office as him.

In line with the concept of common progress, Wei Keng disclosed this teleportation phenomenon to the organization.

Perhaps because of Wei Keng's honest and generous appearance (mostly because he is approachable at work and has no sense of mystery), people in Zhujiang did not panic after learning about the new situation, but were curious about what was happening.

Is it possible to appear?

When the comrades were discussing the role of this phenomenon, Wei Keng took advantage of the situation and proposed a "telepathy and language development model."

Of course, this model was difficult to accept at first, so Wei Keng began to teach it to some people with strong acceptance ability, hoping that their leading response would help more people understand it.

Sun Xiangyang from the Death Plane and Zeng Jiaqian from the Home Plane were both selected by Wei Keng, who began to teach them how to "babble".

Because every time there is a spiritual communication, Wei Keng's blood needs to be injected to strengthen the resonance of life radiation, which makes it possible for Wei Keng's blood to be used as a resource.

In order to effectively coordinate resources, this is to carry out early abstract thinking training in the expression of spiritual language.

Wei Keng's spiritual language is more advanced than written language, but it is also divided according to the logic of "Chinese characters, radicals".

The shape of the object: it is a "radical";

Color: is also a "radical".

Being able to use these two "radicals" to successfully express shape and color information in the language of the mind is the first level of the language of the mind.

A higher level. Hard and soft: also a radical.

For example, a glass of water and a cylindrical stone sculpture are two concepts in the brain. Soft things like water can be poured out of the cup, while solid stone sculptures are completely rigid.

"Hard and soft", "cold and hot", "rough and smooth", "bright and dark"... you have mastered these "radicals" of the language of the soul. Congratulations on passing Level 4.

Of course, once you have learned this level, your brain tissue activity will be very complicated, and your intake of high-sugar foods will exceed that of a normal person. Without the help of Wei Keng's blood, you will use weak life radiation to send out relevant information by yourself.

This was something Luo Hongxing tried out in the next timeline. It took him two months to complete Wei Keng's spiritual language learning, and now he always has a small bottle of syrup with him. Because if he communicates in spiritual language for an hour, his brain will be very damaged.

When you are tired, you must go to sleep (which can also be said to be meditation) to recover.

Of course, there are still six and eight levels of spiritual language.

The sixth-level radicals are no longer information intuitively sensed by human eyes, ears, and other body perceptions, but are more concepts defined by the brain.

For example, when communicating within the Weikeng cluster, the radicals of "speed and kinetic energy" are often used. This radical is often used to express "bullets", "cannonballs" and "explosion shock waves".

Example: Humans cannot see the speed of bullets, nor can humans see the speed of swifts flashing by.

However, the concepts of these two types of phenomena are different in people's minds. The speed of a bullet hitting your windshield can penetrate it and cause fatal injuries to you. But Swift can only shoot one outside your windshield.

Blood flowers. Two invisible phenomena, with different concepts of "impact" in the mind.

For another example, when describing "current", Wei Keng would combine it with the feeling of stiffness due to electric shock and describe it as a line of energy flickering along a conductor.

The relevant radicals of the eighth level of the language of the soul have been separated from themselves and replaced with appropriate reference objects for mutual comparison.

For example, the size of the sun. If you still have your own concepts in the language of your mind, you will never be able to imagine its vastness, volume, distance from you, and its ultra-high temperature. At this time, you can directly assume that you

Become the Earth and compare it with the Sun.

The eighth-level spiritual language requires a lot of popular science knowledge to form a new concept of "world matter". Of course, it is divorced from the normal life application on the earth, but it does not prevent the satellite cluster from establishing "my universe" thinking when looking at the stars.


Narrator: "Wei Keng sometimes behaves like a silly child, licking the muzzle of a newly fired gun, because he unconsciously wants to expand the concept. Now the Wei Keng group expresses the concept of gunpowder smoke when firing, which is a direct reference.

The taste you get when you lick the muzzle.”

After Wei Keng delivered the power station, one hundred people also passed the spiritual language level, which is to describe the information they perceive according to the unified scale reference of their current place of residence.

Emphasis: When telepathically conveying information, the most taboo thing is inaccuracy.

For example, if human language documents are not formulaic enough, then during the communication process, each person will add expressions based on the concepts he or she understands, and eventually they will become alienated. Hence the idiom "hearsay".

To prevent demonized content from being directly conveyed through telepathy, the reference objects are very strict. All personnel carry the three primary colors and ruler reference objects with them. When making judgments, they use these rulers in their minds to evaluate the objects to be expressed.

Judgment. Even if possible, during spiritual communication, some personnel will directly use surveying and mapping equipment to digitally measure the target, and then publish it to everyone.

February 2, 140, Pandora's Era.

The Tongfa Army conducted a military test, and the testers were fifty people with first-level psychic language skills.

Zeng Jiajian picked up the gun and aimed at the target. While chewing the candy in his mouth, his brain began to transmit information. At this time, others also conveyed information in his mind.

When it was his turn to shoot, the target was in front of him, but he could mentally separate from his body, move to the left, and move to the right to constantly adjust his perspective. He could even see the target from his original position through this perspective.

Something blocked by the target.

[You can refer to World of Tanks, you can have the commander’s perspective or the vehicle’s body perspective.]

In fact, Zeng Jiaqian did not directly obtain the continuous perspectives of others. The dynamic information given to him by multiple other team members while moving allowed his brain to simulate a dynamic perspective.

There were two gunshots of "Pa--". The first shot hit the target, and the second shot penetrated the target and hit a stone three meters behind the target. The fallen leaves on the stone were fragmented by the impact of the bullet.

Fly away.

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