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Chapter 737 Chapter 17.13 Playing against each other

 All of Enma's skills, combined with the Iron Star Corps under his command, have excellent fire concentration capabilities.

When the two door-like covers on the platform with a white circle in the middle of Osimar's "Earth Bear"-class land cruiser were opened, an electromagnetic tower with a diameter of three meters slowly rose.

Enma corrected his tactics in time and focused a round of fire on these tanks, which were busy sending "Repair Force Field".

Enma: Give all the hatred to the wet nurse.

As for the second round of shells, they were replaced with shells with dispersive properties such as "rusted thermal bombs", which are shells specially designed to deal with magnetic field repair.

The iron star's suddenly dense rain of bullets converged on the Earth Bear, which shone with blue light.

Among them, the external floating armor of Earth Bear No. 1 only blocked and deflected three shells, the fourth one hit the electromagnetic repair tower, and the fifth and sixth heavy shells caused it to ignite a fire.

Sixteen minutes after the battle, the seventh Initiation shot directly entered the interior. The 700-ton Earth Bear Level 3 overweight unit was killed by a salvo. Huge flames and thick black smoke spread over dozens of kilometers.

It can be seen from outside.

After half an hour of fighting, two of the 15 ships of the Osima Corps were destroyed on the spot. This made the existing strength gap even wider.

Enma's highest-level "group hit probability improvement" skill is most effective in team battles.

Each Earth Bear on the battlefield was severely injured one by one, incapacitated, or turned directly into black and tarnished metal remains.

…The battle is developing in a direction that is unfavorable to the Osimar people. Morale begins to collapse. As a general, Zhengqi must do something...

The Midas Hand, after an hour of expedition, had almost restored the shell armor. He had to join the battlefield and began to look for combat troops who could provide replacements.

Yes, he has an energy destroyer locked on.

The four-legged Land Cruiser is crouching slightly with its four mechanical legs, like a crouching dung beetle.

The square cover at the rear of the Land Cruiser opened, and a three-meter-long super-heavy warhead flew into the sky. This palm skill dropped from the sky and spanned twenty kilometers. It dived to the ground with precise guidance, letting the energy

The saboteur deployed three energy protective shields in the sky, but there was no obstruction at all.

Enma could see clearly that the amount of information contained in this thing in the etheric world was huge, enough to melt any steel.

Enma made a prompt decision and ordered the Energy Destroyer Battleship No. 12 to abandon the battleship, but it was already too late.

Well, as the molten warhead sank into our own steel land cruiser, the entire tank melted, and the soldiers inside melted as if they were submerged in molten steel. After the hot molten steel lasted for thirty seconds, it immediately lost its temperature and changed.

It turned into a pile of powder.

…None of the “heroes” above level 6 in the industrial age are simple…

Enma sensed that no one in that convoy had left, and determined that all the combatants on the 12th ship had been sacrificed. Wei Keng also launched a real attack on this.

The two-hundred-ton "rocket launcher" behind Iron Star began to project, and groups of warheads also emitted long smoke and hit Zhengli. The electromagnetic flicker caused the tank to slow down, causing its speed to drop to 100%.


However, the "Vine" level missile vehicle (300 tons) in the back row of Osima also projects "magnetic fluid warheads", which purifies the electromagnetic residual effects. Both sides carry negative buffs and warheads that remove negative buffs.

The "state" of this six-hundred-ton mechanical spider was like a broken light bulb, changing repeatedly from flash to flash. Various magnetic pulses and flashes of condensed matter erupted alternately on the tank's shell.

Of course, Enma also knows that time is running out now. Once Zhengqi returns to the battle queue and gets a round of force field repair, this round of attacks will be wasted again.

Enma mobilized peripheral light armor reserve forces.

Ten kilometers away, Iron Star's self-propelled artillery vehicle, which was optically hidden on the periphery, began to raise its barrel and fired a five-round salvo that swung from top to bottom.

These "light warheads" fell on the original long battle line of the Kingdom of Osima, and the "missile system" land frigate that was preparing to mobilize towards the rear suddenly appeared with a huge dust cloud following the falling steel hail.

On this marching railway line, in the eight-meter-wide heavy armored train, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Osima who were jumping out of the tank were also beaten to pieces by shrapnel. The Osima Land Cruiser lost its ability to provide infantry cover.

Twenty minutes later, the Iron Star Legion began to approach,

The Iron Star heavy artillery projectile ship also began to hurl one-ton artillery shells to the rear, and then one artillery shell landed in the middle of the train on the Osimar side.

The super-heavy warhead immediately penetrated the train and exploded at the bottom. The 120 kilograms of explosive warhead inside the one-ton heavy shell pushed the eight-meter-wide train three meters away, and then the car body derailed. The inertia of the train caused the train to fly.

The carriage of the derailed train continued to slide forward, turning into a "Z" shape, blocking the road.

The essence of land warfare is impact, not mutual shelling at sea. The cooperation of lightweight mechanical units and engineers can play a decisive role at the critical moment of confrontation.

…Iron Star’s mechanized infantry is currently the best tactical executor on the Wanlun Continent.…

When behind the Iron Star, a new round of steel hail (rapid fire of 150 mm caliber artillery) suppressed these "land frigates" and won ten minutes of charge time for the forward mechanized infantry.

Iron Star's armored cluster, more than forty fifty-ton assault light tanks, and motorized light infantry equipped with "air-cushion suspension" quickly responded to Osima's sporadic "light artillery" (70 to 90

mm caliber) and quickly approached the core formation of the land cruiser Zhengli.

This is a tactic that the Iron Star Legion has repeatedly pondered in several major battles. After suppressing the attention of all parties with precise firepower at all levels, it will then make good use of the enemy's time difference and the gap between space to carry out close-range attack and blasting.


Forty-four lightly armored tanks from the Iron Star side were rapidly charging towards the flanks of the Osima troops. The first wave of six tanks that surged forward were destroyed by the 80mm anti-aircraft secondary battery of the "Modern", but then the troops were attacked.

The spherical turrets on the armored vehicle that looked like a mechanical dung beetle were destroyed by armor-piercing projectiles.

Most of Iron Star's tanks, relying on their small size and high speed, penetrated to the side and successfully suppressed the "Password's secondary battery" with armor-piercing shells.

The Storm Troopers who jumped out of the tank had already been modified into steam armor. There was a steam backpack on the back, steaming hot, and the pulleys under their feet began to move through the flyboard.

These Iron Star commandos came to the land battleship "Dianjin" that needed to be looked up at, and hung the explosive package on the thigh of the mechanical chariot. As the metal clockwork on the explosive package ticked the clock to one o'clock,

With a bang, the leg exploded with flames, and the Midas was broken.

The twenty-meter-high land battleship where Zhengli was located immediately fell to its knees on the ground like a horse being tripped. After its thigh was blasted, mechanical steel cables immediately shuttled down from the chassis of the Midas, ready to


In the Midas, General Zhengli looked out the window at the "Storm Troopers" who were quickly evacuating.

The general remained silent because he had already sensed the crisis as the lightly armored force approached.

The main gun firepower of the Land Cruiser on the Osima side, which could have suppressed the "Light Armored Commando" with firepower, was suppressed by the Iron Star force's artillery fire at the same time.

The old general confirmed that the Iron Star commander had a strong coordination ability and created a gap in his own defense.

…No matter how powerful the fortress is, there will be times when its corners are dug out, and no matter how powerful the armored force is, it still needs infantry cover.…

Fifteen minutes later, when the Stormtroopers had just evacuated, the Midas was far from repairing its broken mechanical legs when a new round of shelling hit.

Six 500-kilogram heavy artillery shells penetrated the Midas' armor plate one after another. The explosive warheads caused large metal distortions on the armor plate, as well as gaps in the steel plates. Even after the explosion, these steel plates tried to close together like life.

On Iron Star's side, An Jiexin, who had once again attacked, drove the spaceship. After approaching two kilometers, he stopped and unfolded his mechanical legs. The front end of the spacecraft slowly branched out, forming a 20-meter-long tube like a long bow.

Cannon. As the red circle in Anjiexin's perspective shrank to a point, a blazing torrent directly penetrated the "Midnasium" that was already full of cracks.

The blazing flames directly penetrated most of the cabin of the "Dianjin". By the time the blazing combustion was over, the large amount of toxic substances in the cabin had already caused 40% of the battleship damage to the Midas.

After a successful blow, An Jiexin put away her battleship's cannon, "Bang Bang..." After firing a large number of smoke-shielding bombs, she immediately unfolded the mechanical airfoils, relied on the rocket jet from the chassis to quickly lift off, and left the place.


The "Dianjin" was annihilated after the second hour and forty-seven minutes of the battle, and His Excellency General Zhengli was forced to abandon the battleship. This land battleship was the flagship of the Osima Eastward March Corps.

The troops of the Kingdom of Osima have temporarily lost their leader. The original dispatch along the railway line was already in chaos, and now it has changed from a long snake formation to a caterpillar broken into three sections.

The troops of Iron Star's Great Migration started with a T, and they marched hand in hand to attack the first legion that came to support from the Kingdom of Osima.

…This is the largest armored battle in fifty years.…

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Iron Star ended the war. At the cost of destroying one "Energy Destroyer" land cruiser and four "Projector" land fireships, 15 ships including the Midas were wiped out.

A land warship. They also seized twenty-five locomotives and six locomotives' strategic materials. They captured thirteen thousand people, including General Zhengli.

The strategic mobile force that the Kingdom of Osima urgently sent to the front line was completely wiped out.

After the war, liquid metal repair fluid was injected into every tank along with the robotic arm of the battlefield support vehicle. Under the injection of ether field information, these liquid metals showed extremely intelligent effects and quickly repaired the iron star.


After the repairs, the main force was divided into two groups. One group was led by An Jiexin. Three "Cheetah" class land cruisers drove eight large wheels with a diameter of three meters, as well as all light-armored mechanized troops, to escort the prisoners back to Kaidi City.

The Enma Group, on the other hand, carried the last ammunition and supplies and headed straight to the north! Time is very precious. This was the "dangerous move" of Bess's troops, delaying it.

Now the upper echelons of Osima are worried about their capital after the defeat, and are preparing to fight a "capital defense war." However, once they determine that Enma's strategic intention is not the capital of Osima in the Wind Whisper Plain, but behind Yuzui Port,

, then it will be mobile again soon.

Narrator: Bess's group of combat forces is very dangerous. There are outstanding people in the royal capital of Osima. In fact, Wei Keng will look down on his opponents most of the time. As the defeat of Zhengli spread to the Wind Whispering Plain, the royal capital

That group of nobles were not nervously engaged in a battle to defend the royal capital, but were panic-stricken and discussed moving the capital. All strategic and mobile forces prioritized ensuring the safety of these important figures. They did not dare to compete with Enma's strategy and cut off Enma's road.

…The perspective comes to the international level, Osimar is starting a war, and Anglo has already “shot its bow without looking back” to project interference power…

In the first half of December, when Wei Keng broke through the defense line, behind Sky Mainland, the Anglians hurriedly launched a new round of intervention.

Iron Star's northern line is also facing strategic threats. The defense tower facilities built by the "Molten Steel Tower City" on the Reims retreat during the first intervention are now being attacked by waves of the second wave of intervention forces.

And on December 9, dozens of hours after Enma annihilated the Osimar "Golden Hand" regiment, this defensive front composed of eight defense towers had already deployed heavy artillery and airships from Anglo.

During the fire bombardment of the troops, it turned into smoking ruins. Iron Star paid the price of 3,000 casualties and was delayed for a full ten days.

The second defense battle of Molten Steel Tower City is inevitable. While Anglian continues to deter Molten Steel Tower City to the south, the light armored troops are also ready to harass and delay the attack at any time.

...The current uprising situation is linked to the entire northern continent...

Enma headed north, trying to cut off the Anglian's follow-up supplies in the Osima Fishmouth Port. As long as this was cut off, the Anglian would not be able to interfere with the Iron Star.

(Narration: Just like the founding battle on the island of Eastern Civilization in Northeast Asia in the ancient industrial age of the main world, the problem is no longer solved on the island. America can directly infiltrate the Dongsanshan Industrial Zone in the option.

Others will take the initiative. In the following decades, when the western border continues to instigate rebellion, do not think that the other party has a conscience and will not use "evil tricks")

Like a giant clockwise revolving door.

It seems that Anglo turned around quickly. He first went south to Molten Steel Tower City, and then mobilized the conservative forces in the Sky Empire to force the Iron Star Corps to withdraw its troops.

The Enma force group was still fast enough to cut off Yuzui Port in the north, an important port transshipment base for the Anglo, allowing the Anglo-Persian fleet and the interventionist armed forces to fight alone.

...Iron Star is now challenging the three northern empires of Wanlun Continent alone...

On December 10, the Enma Corps approached the city of Yuzui Port, the northern port of Osima. Before the follow-up infantry regiment arrived, the artillery attack mode was started.

Heavy artillery shells fell into the fortress outside the port, causing the entire port to ring nervous bells.

But before the port defenders could recover, or in other words, the sudden fall of the shells caused panic in the port guard regiment, which had been mainly engaged in smuggling in the past two years.

Neither the Anglo troops stationed here nor the local officials of Osima thought that war would break out here one day. Now that they are suddenly suffering, they don't know how to deal with it.

All in all, the Anglo defenders here are far from well-trained, so much so that the anti-aircraft cannons in some large warehouses do not have combat-ready personnel on duty at all.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Iron Star low-altitude dive fighters broke into the city from the east and accurately dropped fifty-kilogram thermite incendiary bombs. These warheads fell into the unguarded warehouses in the port.

For these large, forty-meter-high buildings, no one reacted within 20 minutes of smoke rising from the top, and eventually the warehouse was burned through, igniting a raging fire.

After the investigation, those who wanted to put out the fire found that the water pressure in the pool was insufficient, and those who started the steam press were transferred to the frontline defense tower to carry out work.

Of course, another theory is that there was a large deficit in the warehouse, so the fire was deliberately ignored by the warehouse executives.

...In the Kingdom of Osima, it threatened the interests of the Anglos and triggered a crisis of imperial rule on the entire continent. Later historians felt that this battle was particularly chaotic...

On December 11, during the Iron Star counterattack and occupation of Osimar, Iron Star reinforcements arrived at Osimar. Five infantry regiments crossed the defense line from the Sky Empire in chariots, along with three "Mountain Giant" logistics vehicles.

The support ship arrived with siege weapons.

The defense of Yuzui Port is in danger

While Enma was planning a strong plan, he was also observing the city.

After Tie Xing's airship completed the mine-laying work at sea, the person in charge of this area, An Jie Xing, reported to Enma: The entire city's defenders had no intention of leaving the city to fight.

The map of Yuzui Port was unfolded during a group discussion hosted by Enma. Each coordinate point and channel on it was accurately represented. And the temporary weather observation station now gave the arrival time of the next cold wave.

A series of islands on its northern line produce a large amount of floating sea ice in November. Only Yuzui Port has a molten volcano on the sea surface, forming a safe and unfrozen channel.

Now, after Iron Star has removed a series of defensive lines on the outside, Iron Star has blocked all land and sea communication lines here.

An Jiexin's ground-effect aircraft "layed eggs" on the sea, and the magnetic mines burst into the sea water, completing the tactical requirements of blocking the waves.

Since then, although Anglian has not lost its port, the entire port has not been able to function.

In the eastern part of the Bohai region, the Anglo intervention forces that landed in the northern part of Iron Star are now trapped in the ice sea.

…The unbreakable alliance between Anglo and Ocemar begins to rise to the challenge.…

Next, it depends on whether the internal political groups of each country are united and compete with each other's strategic schemes.

During the end of Fire Emblem Calendar 3232, Iron Star's posture of encircling and annihilating heavy army groups one after another on the mainland made the situation on the entire continent tremble.

Whether it is Osima or Anglo, there are still a large number of heavy armies in the vast land, but these cannot be easily mobilized, because there is not only the Sky Empire as an enemy on the continent.

Furthermore, when traditional land-based countries were still in a feudal state, local legions were connected to local interests.

That is to say, it is similar to the situation of Guan Ning's cavalry. In the late Ming Dynasty, this elite force consumed hundreds of thousands of taels of Ming Dynasty every year. It had industry in the country and could not be transferred to Guan Ning.

The same goes for the Kingdom of Osima, which is now facing a very complex problem.

Iron Star penetrated the famous "reinforced concrete fortress defense line" on the east side of the mainland, and was severely weakened in the subsequent encirclement and annihilation battle. The heavy armored force sent by the Wind Whisper King showed its strategic determination to fight the Anglo. This

This caused great confusion among other forces in the Kingdom of Osima about "entering this war".

What about this ally? Should we save it? Well, we should save it, but there is no need to be so active.

Even though the Kingdom of Osimar defeated Iron Star, it was still difficult to interfere in the situation within the Sky Empire, and it was unable to obtain compensation. Therefore, in the international bond market, Osimar's new round of war bonds were like waste paper.

For the calculating Anglos, instead of spending money to save old allies, it is better to make their corpses more resistant to bullets.

The edge of the iron star is so strong that the Anglo politicians also have the idea of ​​​​"waiting".

…Enma’s mobile warfare has made traditional empires like Anglian and Osima extremely uncomfortable, and the situation is no longer what it used to be.…

What, three years ago, why did everyone work together to fight against the Sky Empire and continue to fight for a hundred years? Because the Sky Empire was trying to push down the entire defense line, trying to defeat the entire Thunder and Lightning Alliance, and demanding compensation. The purpose was to hurt Lei.

The alliance has common interests, so of course everyone can fight.

Moreover, three years ago, the Sky Empire was unable to carry out this strategic encirclement and annihilation war of "cutting off one of its fingers".

This chapter has been completed!
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