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Chapter 738 Chapter 17.14 Time Management Master

 On December 12th, in the Crystal Palace in the capital of Fengyu King, the young king saw that the Anglo minister who came to visit did not have the "gentleman" (arrogance) demeanor before, but instead looked like a very polite butler and servant.

It feels very strange.

The young king grew up in court education. He had seen the intrigues among upper-class politicians, and he also knew that the Anglo-Saxon side now wanted something from him.

In the main hall, after seeing off the Anglo minister, the king left the powerful ministers behind for discussion.

At this time, the powerful ministers of the industrial and commercial interest groups in the western part of Osima responded politely to the king's inquiry about the current situation: 'Everything is under control now, and we will end this war within half a year.'

Of course, the powerful minister himself knew that the war could be ended within half a year, but within this six months Osima would suffer from constant high fever, and Anglo would also lose a piece of flesh.

The decline of the country is not due to a treacherous minister or a mediocre ruler, but to the greed of a group of classes.

The rulers are fatuous simply because they do not have the intelligence to game the greed of that class, or they do not have the courage to suppress the greed of that class.

…In fancy office spaces, bureaucrats “put off” every trouble. …

All kinds of supplies in the Kingdom of Osima have collapsed. All the old officials know that whoever takes charge at this time will take over.

The big businessmen of Wind Whisper City were very happy to have encountered such an opportunity during the weak economy, which reminded them of the good days two years ago when orders were constantly flowing.

As we all know, during the economic outbreak, everyone's assets are increasing. If the assets of ordinary people increase by 10%, then the assets of the upper class predators will increase several times or dozens of times. When the economy rises, funds will have better opportunities.

When we go there, we will naturally invest in expanding reproduction.

But once factory orders stagnate, the economy, which is dozens and hundreds of times larger than the total amount of money in the hands of ordinary people, without any administrative power to control it, will be involved and affect all aspects of materials.

The entire Kingdom of Osima has important supplies such as food, fuel, cloth, coal mines, etc. However, all acquisition channels are crowded with people who want to "make a lot of money."

But when the empire was making acquisitions, the political forces behind these big businessmen seemed uncooperative and wanted to wait a little longer.

In short, the information these businessmen have is more accurate than the intelligence department of the Royal Army.

They judged from the internal situation of Iron Star that the Iron Star Corps (Bess led the partial division) currently near the royal capital had no plans to attack the royal capital of Osima, but the purpose was to contain the main force of Osima so that they (Iron Star

) can concentrate on strategic hedging with the Anglo overseas forces.

...Businessmen who want to make money at this time can immigrate to England, regardless of whether this is a "national financial crisis" or not...

Economics, decision-making, politics. Which in turn determines war mobilization power.

Osima still has a heavy troop group of forty units on the Windwhisper Plain, which can be deployed on the front line at any time, but it is holding back due to various reasons.

The generals of the Kingdom of Osima may be waiting for the best opportunity to conduct a strategic decisive battle.

Of course, whether it is the heavily armed group of Fengyu in the capital of Osima or the static defense group on the southern front, they are all waiting for their own strategic opportunities. (Everyone has their own thoughts and belongs to the warlords)

Some of their strategic opportunities are limited by the difficulty of supplying materials, and some are limited by the fact that the business groups behind them have not yet received a sufficient share of the war money.

Time dragged on for a full 50 days. On January 20, for Iron Star, this strategic opportunity was finally enough.

1: Enma's "Super Teleportation" has cooled down, and Etherland Zhongwei Keng can expand the coordinate teleportation gate at any time.

2: The Kaidi City defense front has been prepared, with 20,000 troops stationed here, and strategic supply troops have been replenished from the rear.

3: Over at the defensive position of Molten Steel Tower City, Lina, Kaidan, and Cruz also completed detours from several directions against the second wave of Anglo intervention forces, and when a new round of war arrived,

At that time, its most important winter supplies such as coal and lubricating oil were cut off.

If the Thunder and Lightning Alliance is holding each other back and ostensibly integrating, Iron Star's strategic execution has been upgraded.

After Enma had some spare strength, he began to attack Anglo.

On January 21, Tiexing launched a strong attack on Yuzui Port.

At the same time, the Anglo fleet in the outer seas was still conducting minesweeping operations.

According to the predictions of the Anglo Navy here, if the Anglo National Army can prevent Iron Star from continuing to mine mines, the Navy will be able to open the supply line in just ten days.

But now the army is very slow to act on Osimar and cannot prevent Iron Star from entering the coastline to lay mines at night. This puts the Anglo Royal Navy in a very difficult position.

Narrator: The Iron Stars are all aircraft and airships, and at night they are guided by bonfires on the ground and conduct mine-laying operations based on the luminous blue algae on the sea.

The Anglo naval officers calculated this account in their minds, but they did not calculate the entire war situation. The navy masters did not bother to make a plan based on the needs of the army.

Therefore, when Yuzui Port was attacked, the Anglo naval masters were determined to speed up the operation.

But the Anglo-Navy grandfathers stubbornly believed that Yuzui Port should withstand the attack for 10 days.

As everyone knows, after these fifty days, Yuzui Port has been almost burned due to the early fire attack. Osima and the Anglo defenders have become mentally numb due to the continuous siege and the threat of shelling.

As Iron Star's light and heavy artillery fired simultaneously at night, the land assault troops carried explosive ammunition and rode in light armored vehicles for a rapid assault.

After the battles on the 21st and the early morning and night of the 22nd, Yuzui Port was captured at 12 o'clock in the morning. Two land battleships (Knight class), four land cruisers, and two land frigates were stationed at the port.

As well as the fifteen warships parked in the port, they were all wiped out.

… Enma’s name began to shock the entire Wanlun Continent…

Of course, the Anglos did not let Iron Star capture these equipment, because there is a generally accepted principle on the mainland that it is okay for people to be captured after a defeat. But if a ship is captured, then it is an unforgivable crime.

In these land fleets, in addition to the nuclear fuel being extracted and put aside, the internal bearings and gears were all destroyed, and the concepts in the ethereal world were also torn apart. It is impossible to repair.

Enma, who was among the scrap metal, took a look at the materials here that had been destroyed by the Anglos, and decided to help Yuzui Port. He packed up all the industrial facilities and took them away. Even the cranes on the pier were blasted.

It was turned into scrap metal, completely cutting off the possibility of the Anglians retaking the port and using it as a springboard to interfere with the Iron Star.

Before Enma left, even the rails were pulled out.

…With Iron Star’s victory at Yuzui Port, the strategic situation on the entire continent reversed…

The plan originally planned by the Royal Capital of Osima to slowly slow down the Iron Star Corps by accumulating supplies suddenly collapsed.

These nobles were also horrified that Yuzui Port was breached so quickly, so they decided to send troops. When the Fengyu Wangdu Group Army realized this, they stopped the "confrontation" against the Bess formation, and instead responded to the pressure of international allies.

, go to the north to recover Yuzui Port.

Of course, little did they know that by this time, Iron Star had already achieved its strategic goal and immediately withdrew its troops.

Enma also carried out a strategic teleportation in the ruined and scorched Yuzui Port and flew to the northern part of Iron Star, 250 kilometers away.

Bess's troops moved to the south of Osimar and began the "iron star" strategy of surrounding the city in rural areas.

…What should be ended must be ended quickly, and what should not be ended must be planned for the long term.…

Enma wrote a poem in the Governor's Palace of Yuzui Port and gave it to General Osima who arrived slowly.

Twenty-one days later, Osima's sixth-level general Nusi saw the original engraving of Enma with a turtle crawling on the white wall of the Governor's Palace: "Come and go in a hurry, wishing to meet again, love in a hurry, hate in a hurry, everything goes with the wind."

Nusi's good mood of regaining the lost ground was immediately destroyed.

And his deputy, General Liuina (hero level 3), is now standing on the top floor of the Governor's Mansion, looking at the broken industrial furnaces around him, murmuring: "We will meet again in the future." She wants to make a decision

Ambition, but suddenly shuddered for no reason.

...The Iron Star military led by Enma is "outside first, then inside", just like a chef who plucks the feathers of a duck before disembowelling it...

On January 21st, during the second wave of Anglo intervention forces in the northern part of the Sky Federation, General Toss did not know that Yuzui Port had been breached.

Therefore, the sudden return of reinforcements from the Iron Star main force was completely out of the perspective of this group of Anglo interventionists.

There are no more than 20 heroes above level 6 in Wanlun. Enma's level has soared all the way and he has the "Big Teleport" skill. At present, a large number of military observers have not updated their knowledge.

The various forces in Wanlun Continent are still busy discussing the casualty results of the second battle between Iron Star and Osimar. They usually thought that Iron Star would continue to act in Osimar, but they did not expect this powerful force to break the century-old iron wall.

The army returned after a false shot at the capital of Fengyu Plain.

...Enma jumps back and forth, seemingly very scattered, but he always protects his own industrial and agricultural production areas, and his strategy is not limited to national boundaries...

On the 23rd, in the north of Iron Star, the Anglo Intervention Force encountered the main force of Iron Star. Thirty-two land heavy tracked cruiser units appeared behind the Anglo Intervention Force.

At this time, when they returned to fight on the inside, Iron Star's situation facing the Anglo Intervention Force was very different. Now the Anglo Intervention Force was alone.

General Toss's head hurt. After the first wave of fighting in the afternoon, the two sides engaged in mutual shelling. After shelling each other for an hour, the two sides separated from each other.

Iron Star's heavily armored group was not prepared for a "first and decisive battle" against the Anglo interventionist forces.

Instead, after calculating the available strategic practices, we adopt the old method, which is to "take it out for a walk" and then "break it into several segments" to fight.

Enma taught his subordinates by words and deeds: When I dealt with a dozen gangsters by myself, I would run away first, pull them into several groups, and then go back and deal with them one by one.

When Enma was in Osima, the peasant army on Iron Star's northern line continued to harass them through military means, cutting off logistics lines and constantly reducing the space for the invading forces to move.

However, this strategy is limited by strength and cannot squeeze out the living space of the Anglo-Intervention Army. (Narrator: Just like a child's strength cannot wring out a towel.)

But now, the main forces of Enma are back, the force of the suppression has increased suddenly, and Toss's Anglo Group has suddenly changed from a "quagmire" state to being stuck in "concrete".

Originally, Anglian lacked coal for heat engines and lubricating oil, but it could still reach rivers to get water.

Enma is back now with a heavy army group, which means that they can't even change the water in the steam boiler, and our own troops have just returned. The city of Molten Steel Tower is still in our own hands, and has not been reduced to ruins, maintaining productivity.

.Armor module repair and parts replacement and supply can be carried out at any time.

In the next few days, the Iron Star Heavy Armor Group will be consumed through frequent small-scale fire collisions. This kind of consumption can be replenished by the Iron Star Group at any time. The damage to the shell of the heavy armored unit will be repaired after returning to the garrison.


For the Anglo interventionist forces, every "small consumption" was fatal to them.

Enma used a very crude but vivid metaphor to explain to the Iron Star military commanders: arguing and entangled with a person who is holding back his urine in a public place is more demanding than fighting with fists.

There are advantages.

When Enma said this, everyone was having breakfast. An Jiexin took the hand cake she was eating and spit it out in one gulp.

…The “hooligans” from the Sky Country began to beat up the Anglo “gentlemen”…

On the 25th, during the fifteenth firefight, General Toss watched the Iron Star troops evacuate again, especially the three "Energy Destroyer" tanks that had been beaten and had their shells shattered, almost remaining behind.

At that time, it disappeared directly into the Anglo-Sighting System.

To be precise, it was the last twenty minutes. The tanks that stayed in place were already like mirages, and the real energy destroyers had been optically hidden and moved to the back of the queue.

This is the third skill among Enma's four skills, "Phantom Hidden". It can cover three chariots at one time, which can cover the troops for raids. For example, when Ludis robbed the princess, the flying army raiders were guarding

With the help of Keng Guangyin, he approached the princess airship.

Of course, the current function is to help the Iron Star battle-damaged Land Cruisers retreat.

..."War in spring and defense in autumn", "exchange injuries for lives" and exchange one's own surplus for the opponent's embarrassment of strength, which is the correct strategy...

In the end, the battle ended with the large-scale projection of smoke bombs.

When the smoke dissipated, Toss looked at the calf-deep track ruts on the plain in the distance, extending into the distance like parallel lines. The general's expression was as if made of iron. He had lost another man in this battle.

A Land Cruiser.

In this small-scale war, the Iron Star Corps' land cruisers were injured, while the Anglo Intervention Force actually lost tanks.

Toss and his subordinates are very clear about the current situation: "In two days, fifteen battles destroyed six of our units. The remaining land battleships were all injured, and the accompanying auxiliary combatants were reduced by 70%. We lacked

Fuel, food, they are trying to drag us to death."

Toss called the communications department over. The department in charge of telegraphs also knew what the general was asking, so he said in a difficult tone: 'My lord, the navy ministers are asking us to hold on for another week.'

In the not-so-small chariot headquarters, there was a deathlike silence. Toss laughed, mocking the empire, and also mocking himself: "Drag, drag, drag, several times the army, being mobilized everywhere, and still cursing

He is a mudblood. He is really stupid."

…Contrary to the politicians in the palaces of the Anglo rear, the generals at the front knew they were facing the end…

General Toth's war skill, "Superheated Fire" (a green light is radiated to the opposite side, and the temperature of the mechanical body hit on the opposite side increases by 30%. This will cause the fatigue of all machines to increase.)

The second skill is "Electromagnetic Repulsion Armor", which has a probability of reducing the hit rate of enemies within a radius of 600 meters by 30%. This disturbed electromagnetic repulsion force allows Wei Keng to constantly correct and determine that only a large-scale fire attack will be possible.

Only then can it really hit him hard.

Of course, as a level 6 hero unit, Toss still has a big move.

The original 280 mm large-caliber main gun on the car body will shrink, and the 70 mm secondary guns on both sides will pop up and start emitting heat ray warheads that are far more ferocious than the main gun shells.

, its penetrating power can penetrate one meter of thick homogeneous metal armor in twenty seconds. It can also continue fighting for six hours.

Toss used this skill twice during this intervention battle.

On the 15th, it caused the biggest crisis in the history of Molten Steel Tower City. The changing mechanical car body was like a doomsday mecha holding two light blades. The forty-meter-long car body supported the thirty-meter-high erected

Battle Tower, eight defensive towers were strafed with rays within six hours, resulting in the loss of the entire outer position at that time.

Of course, fortunately, the pitted anti-armor trenches on the outside made the Toss Land Cruiser move too slowly.

This makes it impossible to expand the results of Toth's "heat ray" firepower.

At the same time, Iron Star's blasting team hidden in the infantry tunnel repeatedly approached to detonate, forcing Toss to return without success.

As for the current war, Enma was always on the lookout for Toss to open up, and all battles were controlled within two hours. As long as Toss opened up, Iron Star's entire army would quickly leave.

Through "eating less and more", Enma intensively consumes the combat potential of Toss's regiment. In fact, Toss can no longer enlarge his moves, because his concept field lacks "operational power" (the CD is good but the mana is not enough)

As for the third wave of reinforcements sent by the Anglo fleet, Enma also squeezed the time, and at the last moment, he used all his strength to eat up the Anglo Thos regiment.

...Of course, Iron Star has also noticed that the internal groups within the Sky Federation have also begun to "hurry"...

The perspective returns to the south, and now the Sky Empire has been reorganized into the Sky Duma.

The regent resigned, the emperor was demoted to king, and power was transferred to the parliamentary system.

This arrangement, with no objection from all parties, seemed to have calmed down the Sky Kingdom. Although it was not possible to compromise with the dissidents, it finally allowed the royal family to escape from the conflict.

While the Northern Iron Star is still fighting with the Anglos, the new ruling group that came to power is ready to do some "inspiring" things.

Enma commented: "They also seem to know that they cannot be in power for long, and based on the principle of "if you have the right to use it, and if it expires, it is a waste", they started to mess around."

On the 26th, the new Duma collective resolution is to solve the problem of economic and price stabilization, and of course, at the same time, it must reach a real ceasefire agreement with the outside world.

Regarding how the Duma reformists implemented these two policies,

Among the reformist politicians, Ms. Sukona: "We will organize unified procurement prices." In the grand parliament, such high-sounding words rang like bells in the hall of the Imperial Parliament and won a round of applause.

So-called "purchasing teams" have been organized in major cities and are preparing to organize armed forces to go to rural areas to forcibly purchase materials. (This group of asset reformists believe that it is inappropriate for rural areas to have "the slightest objection" during the acquisition.

It’s important because their base is the city.)

As for reaching a ceasefire agreement with the outside world, naturally this group of reformists feel that this is a bargaining chip for them to negotiate with Iron Star. From a political standpoint, the reformists even hope that "Iron Star will fall into a quagmire in the northern battle."

Just when they were about to use the economic transaction model to reduce Iron Star's results.

On the 28th, an unpretentious battle report came from the north, "The second wave of Anglo intervention forces have been destroyed." The wreckage of armored vehicles with jeweled crowns and the Anglo royal logo were scattered on the northern land, and groups of prisoners walked in with their hands raised.

into the prisoner camp.

At the same time, under the ruin-style Molten Steel Tower City, rows of land cruisers conducted a victory parade, announcing that Iron Star's northern main force was once again free.

Happy New Year from the South.

This chapter has been completed!
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