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Chapter 18.27 Strategic Contempt

 If the demons in the Anglo region suffered heavy losses, then within the scope of the Iron Star, the demons fell into the sinkhole.

Then from August to September, as the group in Braun City began to help the groups in the other three cities, the devils in the other three cities once again faced off against their opponents from the last contest in the Reflection World. These devils

The tempting greed continues to collapse thousands of miles.

In this battle against the reflection world, the strength of Iron Star's side is one and two, and two is four, and the chain reaction increases.

In this war, the Iron Star side cannot be said to be in danger. In the early stages, the Iron Star Braun City combatants were devoured by the city devil and reduced to spiritual form. There were as many as 123 (all mentally unstable and speculative workers).


After the victory of Iron Star and the gradual recovery of the etheric realm, these unlucky ones who had lost their spirit were spit out as their concepts were rebuilt, becoming the last batch to withdraw from the etheric realm.

These are all speculations in the real world. If the sycophant is defeated this time, the soul will suffer a loss of 30 to 40%, and there will be a spiritual fear of the devil.

But then, in the second urban war, victory was achieved, and through learning and cognition, the losses began to be recovered. It can also be said that these latecomers grew up in the battle.

no one left behind

In the end, all participants in the war achieved victory over the devil, and they will also represent this generation of Iron Stars and become immune to the devil summoned by the Anglo spiritual field.

The Wei Keng Cluster wrote a record in its "public" system: Mediterranean civilization requires human beings to be pure from the perspective of God, which is impossible to achieve. Therefore, the multi-dimensional human society it leads will eventually end up in the interstellar era.

Destruction, however, as an Eastern philosophy, people do not have to be pure, but they need to be able to discern the road signs. People need to remember that when it comes to big issues of right and wrong, no matter what choice they make, they should be aware of the cost.

Since Wei Keng's public system is now controlled by angels, this record soon arrived at the Temple of Destiny.

The little angels cannot see the expression of their beloved god.

...Michaelena couldn't refute, but Monat understood that this was Wei Keng's intention...

Iron Star, in major cities, those who are tempted to join the devil's side will suffer great losses.

Some of them were public servants, but they couldn't stand their ground and had to "neglect" the supervision of a certain bridge construction at the request of some people. Some of them were small businessmen who had just been drawn into the circle of luxury cars and BMWs. They had been appreciated by others before and began to serve.

, broke through justice and began to take risks to prepare and transport illegal goods.

Devil: There are thousands of ways of human depravity. I like to "test" all kinds of people the most.

Everything in the etheric realm left traces. When the devil was defeated, all the contracts made by these hell forces in the mortal world were revealed under the illumination of the red iron star in the etheric realm.

When their desires were shattered, those of them who had done something wrong began to fall into a state of constant panic and worry.

Because desire is also a part of the soul, when the originally expanded abnormal desire is crushed, a gap will appear in the soul.

After Su Ni's army completely occupied the Reflection World, they obtained a large amount of information on the city's illegal economic transactions.

If the devil side of hell wins, this information under the Iron Star law will forever be shrouded in mystery.

Now, at the moment when the Iron Star combatants defeated the monsters transformed by fallen souls in the reflection world, they all saw these secrets originally hidden in the darkness from the clouds and mist.

…Under the slogan of light, those who are selfish are seen through.…

The multidimensional plane is a more magical world than the main world. When people's hearts are broken, evil can be strange, but when humanity flourishes, justice can shine exceptionally. When the atmosphere of the main world is at its best, some dirty things are still invisible to the eye.


Now that the Ether Realm has been penetrated by the power of the Iron Star Lord World, huge benefits have flowed throughout the city (economic transfers of more than 100,000 yuan), which can be checked in the various "behavior" statistics of the Iron Star Ether Realm.

The general cleaning of cities like Iron Star has begun. Faced with targeted investigations, a lot of evidence has nowhere to hide. Small vaults and dirty transactions have been dug up one after another.

In all the cities in the South, many bureaucrats who had gotten their hands on ill-gotten wealth were hurriedly waiting for the summons from the investigation team! These guys who used to be mysterious and stretched out their hands randomly were escorted from left to right into the electronic court, surrounded by cameras.

The public TV sets connected to the factories and residential buildings involved in the incident were publicly interrogated.

These trials of illegal economic collusion between a small number of upper-level factory owners and bureaucrats were completed in accordance with the law, and the entire process was within a certain limit.

The sentence for the biggest economic crime is not death. Instead, these people who are not suitable for large-scale social cooperation are removed from society and escorted to the eastern swamp wilderness area to undertake the tasks of building railways, building new cities, and guarding mountains and forests.

The current new changes are different from the wave of uncontrollable thinking caused by "criticism" a few years ago, which allows pretenders like Silina (Mrs. Willy) to control it for their own selfish interests.

Wei Keng: During the Great Chaos, people just found the typical ones and tried their best to punish them. Then after the people who punished people came to power, they searched for new models based on the old history (for example, they found Zheng Nian) in order to punish them. The results were deep and broad.

There are no corrected errors in order.”

When the system is imperfect, a considerable number of people follow the herd by mistake, and 99% of people will make small mistakes when the system is imperfect. If you just look for people who make mistakes to kill, then everyone will hide it

They all look for mistakes in others, forming a dark forest of human nature.

Wei Keng: Before self-morality was developed, no one ever thought about stealing money when he was a child. Only when he was sure that he was "found to be unworthy" could he form initial self-restraint.

In Eastern culture: If you want to investigate the past, if a considerable number of people have made mistakes, the "small mistakes" that can be made up for can be made up for by everyone, while the "big mistakes" that are irreparable can avoid death if you have a good attitude, but you can't survive.

Next, you need to play the role of "warning future generations." Only if you make a big mistake and refuse to repent, you must pursue it to the end.

In Braun City, with the light of the bright universe, those in Iron Star who were stained with darkness soon stopped panicking and began to confess and be lenient.

Under the rules of gods from multiple planes, there is no intermediate value between good and evil. In the thinking of the religious leaders in the mortal world, people who are contaminated with "evil" often need to be purified, and do not give people the opportunity to cleanse themselves.

Wei Keng: Whether it is feudalism or capital, in the early days of the new dynasty, there were very few pure "single shameless" bureaucracies. The real unconscious corruption came from the failure of official restraints, leading to collective degeneration.

Wei Keng: From the experience of the ancient industrial era, a corrupt official is not scary. What is scary is that bureaucrats have formed an interest class and have begun to subtly take benefits from public funds. They regard gray benefits as their reasonable remuneration, and include black benefits as a way to make more money for themselves.


The newly appointed heads of departments in Braun City cleaned up the accounts, refunded the unreasonable items accumulated by the department in the past and should be refunded, and if they could not be found, the department debts were apportioned to everyone involved in the organization based on the total amount.

Of course, if someone doesn't want to be shared, he has to report it anonymously. Then the New Iron Star investigation team will remove all the leadership of the institute and continue the investigation.

Diao Min: Each department has various reasons to explain the rationality of its historical bad debts. Whether it is reasonable or not is put aside, but no matter what, the bad debts must be cleared. If it can be cleared, then it may be really reasonable. But if it cannot be cleared, then

It means that this department is unreasonable. Someone in the management should be responsible, and there should be rebellion below. Every dinner party the leadership has had should be exposed and settled.

This was an event that swept over half of the Iron Planet.

The economic freedom in the sky and the faction criticizing business regulation were severely damaged in this activity. It directly wiped out the belief in the goddess of finance, just like the ecology swept by the wave of death in the Pandora plane. In the entire pantheon,

The goddess of finance was directly downgraded, causing conceptual panic among the gods.

A new wave of discussions on national governance has begun.

In the past, the reason why people in the southern sky supported "freedom" was because it would provide opportunities for most development.

The data on the flow of economic interests over the past decade or so that have been revealed in Braun City now proves that "so-called freedom" can only bring the possibility of arrogance to a few people and bring injustice to 90% of the people. So it doesn't matter at all.

There is no doubt that this is a failure.

...The vastness of people's hearts should be like this kind of return of thousands of rivers, not the kind of undirected turbulent waves...

The Sky Central Group in Swan City is now the supreme chief Greve (he was in jail when Enma was a postman). In just one month, the Su Ni Group gradually turned from local resistance to suppression and encirclement. In the center

Very busy.

The progressive forces within Iron Star have begun to demand that Grave, the latest political leader of Sky Iron Star, accept new forces.

Su Ni can be so noisy now, all because of the tail left over from the early Sky Empire uprising period. At that time, the rebel army incorporated a large number of imperial troops, resulting in military disunity.

However, no one expected that due to this kind of military disunity, it would not be the old Imperial forces that would counterattack, but the new forces that were biased towards the Iron Star and start launching an attack.

The Iron Star Center now faces an embarrassing choice. They have lost the great cause of Iron Star, but the military the Center relies on at this time is the old-school military group headed by Minlar.

Now that the faction led by Su Ni has taken root in the vast area of ​​​​the sky, the civil war will not break out. If it breaks out, the Greif ruling group will not be able to deal with it.

The current Iron Star Center has not learned from the comprehensive financial reform of the Osimar Wind Whispering Plains Group.

Oh, not to mention that the "old guard" in Osimar Wind Whisper City have already demonstrated an epic defeat of "hundreds of land cruisers being pushed flatly by several dragon guard light armored regiments".

As far as the governance philosophy of the Greif Group is concerned, since it came to power, it has also firmly opposed Osimar's "two currencies to one" approach.

After all, in the Enma era, Grave had seen the role of rural areas in the great uprising, and he did not want to imitate the Sky Empire in detonating this minefield.

On September 2, Greif, who was in Swan City, decided to meet with the leaders of the emerging factions of Iron Star in order to reach a new consensus on reducing the risks of the Sky Council.

...A branch of the Weikeng cluster was on duty at air traffic control at the airport tower. He watched Grave get on the plane, thinking that he had chatted with him when he was still an Enma, and that he was about to change his identity again. He shook his head helplessly.

In Braun City, a Dragon Guard mecha docked with an airship.

Inside the airship, Su Ni was staring at the eighth interface on the operating platform.

The operation status on the interface marked as the chief of the air information formation. A series of digital markings, showing "aircraft carrier shutdown" perfectly.

The young man sitting in the mecha cockpit is wearing an air force flight helmet, and his eyes are covered. However, from the exposed cheek outline, you can still notice the first-rate appearance at first glance. So that the first impression is that you should not sit there.

In Weapons of War, he stayed in the castle library reading information.

Of course, those who are familiar with Zheng Nian's character, the Wei Keng group, know that this guy has such a "bookish temperament" only after his energy is fully released and he starts to prepare to think about problems. This peaceful temperament is completely inherited.

Got his mother (Princess Sherry).

Two minutes later, in the airship No. 7 cabin, Su Shun and Zheng Nian were talking about "views on future wars."

Su Ni: "The war experience of the Reflection World cannot be applied in real confrontation. Due to the characteristics of the Reflection World, the information hacking speed is too fast. The firepower parameters provided by the sky make the artillery bombard too fast, so fast that only light weapons can be used during the advance.

As fast as the armor can keep up."

Zheng Nian nodded: "Our actual combat thinking is to pick up big ones and explode them intensively. It is best to destroy them outside the visual range, but in the reflection world, it is a street battle."

The two looked at each other, and Wei Keng knew from this look that "the two sides were going to argue over their tactical concepts."

Su Ni said earnestly: "Large-scale heavy-loaded firepower is still needed. Regarding the urban offensive system, heavy armor that integrates 'firepower', 'armor' and 'mobility' is still needed. This way the fault tolerance rate is higher!"

Zheng Nian paused: "But in the field, only 'mobility' and 'firepower' are sufficient. The construction of armored forces should focus on full mechanization to ensure that infantry and artillery can sit on wheels to quickly fill the gaps."

Su Ni looked at the Holy Great Wall and tried his best to persuade: "What if the enemy is a strong army with very complete defenses, very strong information and command coordination, and a strong willpower in adversity that can resist under firepower?" (Wei Keng has always said that.

It is a preparation for saturation operation.)

Zheng Nian smiled, held the back of his head with both hands, leaned back and said: "Such a unit must have a firm philosophy and the country is in the right state. Why should I fight?"

Zheng Nian's expression changed seriously: "Only those who make mistakes should be beaten. And mistakes will inevitably lead to loopholes. (In Zheng Nian's thinking, only the other party has mistakes and loopholes.)"

Su Ni moved his lips and sighed: "You may be able to win, but one day you will make a mistake. You should change your tactics."

Zheng Nian fearlessly smiled cheerfully: "I'm talking about strategy! Even if I make a mistake, someone will follow me, and you, well, everything is good, just be more confident. You have repeatedly made sure that you are doing the right thing."

Wrong, but it is still better to assume that the other party is wrong than you are. You, don’t always assume that your obstacles are higher than yours. I understand tactics. You must pay attention to your opponent, but strategically you must despise the enemy!"

Wei Keng was stunned. He had always been teaching him a lesson as he watched him grow up, but today he taught him a lesson in reverse. Then he was stunned for a moment. He had never taught him this sentence. How did he know?

Wei Keng stared at Zheng Nian and began to follow his instructions: "Hong~ the lake water, the waves are so rough~~~?"

Zheng Nian was stunned: "What water?"

Wei Keng responded to the failed code: "Well, I wanted to ask whose famous saying is, 'Strategically, we must despise our opponents.'"

Zheng Nian raised his hand and pressed his temple with the knuckle of his index finger. After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, this should be, is, a book."

Wei Keng couldn't help but be stunned and blurted out: "Which one?"

At this time, someone called Dududu. After receiving the message, Su Ni looked stunned.

Zheng Nian: "What's wrong?"

Su Ni showed him the telegram: "Something happened."

Just now, Greif was about to come to Braun City for negotiations, but as soon as he boarded the airship, the airship exploded. The entire airship exploded in Greif's cabin, and Greif's cockpit was at an altitude of six thousand meters.

He fell down and was confirmed dead.

Su Ni breathed a long sigh of relief, and Zheng Nian said word by word: "If this is man-made, then someone has made a big mistake!"

...Those who break the system and prepare to make waves will most likely be sucked into the whirlpool of the tide...

Minlar of Swan City stared blankly at the scene where the entire airship exploded in the middle, crashed and ignited. He had just received the information, but he connected to the relevant interface and looked at the expression of his intelligence minister, and learned everything!

After blocking everyone, Minlal said to the intelligence minister: "Tell me why."

Minlar looked at him with a sinister look. At this moment, he did not directly say "you did it" to the intelligence minister. That was because he still wanted to maintain "I don't know", which was to clear up the relationship in the future.

Of course, Minlar knew that he would never be able to distance himself from the relationship.

Because unless he gives up his power, pretending not to know what will happen next is deceiving himself and others.

Minister of Intelligence Minlal was still encouraging his boss at this time: General, now the supreme president has been assassinated and Iron Star is in a state of emergency. According to wartime laws, you should succeed as interim president~~~

Minlar: "Get out!"

...This night, Minlar was faced with a major decision. He knew that "he would make a mistake next", but he was hesitant in his heart and wanted to find a "right" reason...

Next, it is obvious that the entire conservative faction within Iron Star can no longer withstand a little shock after the arrival of the new thunder.

When Greif was about to meet with Su Ni, he had already touched the bottom line of these conservatives.

In particular, the spies they sent to Grave learned that Grave was going south to nominate Su Ni, the next Iron Star successor, who were all members of the New Economic Planning Group.

Therefore, the conservative forces in Swan City joined forces and directly conspired to assassinate Greif.

And before the investigation even started, they began to use "probably" and "if" tones in the controlled propaganda to lead people to believe that Su Ni was involved in this matter.

…Being a thief has a guilty conscience, and the thief calls for catching the thief.…

The perspective returned to Su Ni. Four hours later, the entire Iron Star southeast city base entered a state of emergency and began to arrive at their posts to prepare for such emergencies.

Four cities and five battle groups, these are all military forces that can follow Su Ni to initiate actions at any time.

As for the Iron Star economic planners, they are still carrying out industrial transformation in an orderly manner.

Most of the factions in Iron Star are waiting and watching. Some want to wait for "conclusive evidence", while others are simply planning to "join on the eve after the victory is confirmed." It is not too late.

…Those reactionaries who act rigidly and strictly, always looking for defenders of right and wrong, will resort to throwing dirty water to fight against sloppiness.…

At this time, Wei Keng opened the international communication channel and watched the news silently.

During this month, Anglo's speech on Wanlun Continent was very interesting, but a little hell phenomenon also appeared inside Iron Star.

The Anglo-American report was very interested and followed the report, and the terms used included "concern", "great sympathy", and the words "prepared to assist, will assist" that are not real.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this force that had previously been calling for "the world to come together to fight against the black tide of hell" is taking pleasure in others' misfortune.

As for this kind of schadenfreude, if you bring up "scold him", whether it is the conservative elements in the Iron Star or the Anglo scholars, they will use an aristocratic tone to teach you, "He didn't mean anything else", but said "

You have low self-esteem and are narrow-minded." But if you don't say anything, he will continue to disgust you in the situation where you have the right to speak.

These are the current "rulers" of the world. They always maintain aristocratic and elegant demeanor. While thinking about themselves, they say "their difficulties are so overwhelming" to inspire you to speak out. At the same time, they use literary and artistic words and gestures to prepare to contrast your rudeness -

—The green tea bitch is not one ten thousandth as good as these pretentious guys.

The gods of this world are obviously like this too!

Faced with the sudden changes in Iron Star, what choice should I make?

According to Wei Keng's character, of course he should continue to hold it in. Wei Keng firmly believes that as time goes by, Iron Star will gradually gain an economic advantage and have more surplus in the future. It is Wei Keng's decision to build on the momentum and attack again.

It’s due to personality. (Aside, the gods have obviously taken this into consideration.)

However, after Wei Keng had a conversation with Zheng Nian, he couldn't help but start thinking again.

It is true that by accumulating the general trend, you can launch a huge blow when necessary, but every time you accumulate the general trend, there will always be impurities mixed in.

In previous worlds, such as Pandora and the Shenzhou plane, after Wei Keng advanced the historical trend twice, the people on that historical line would reflect on it and then "make progress on their own and abandon their illusions."

But in this world! It’s different. Gods will constantly tamper with it, so you have to stand firm, and when is the best time to stand firm? Not when you are strong, because there are thousands of answers when you are strong. (

The foundation left by Master Wei is so good that even a prodigal can find a way out.)

Establishing a "stand" is to be at the moment when "the world thinks you are right, but feels that you are not strong enough to defend justice"!

"Achieve great things and establish great faith!"

…There was a gust of wind outside the window. When the dust rose, the roadside sprinkler truck sprayed water mist to re-fix the dust…

Su Ni walked away from the TV, looked at Zheng Nian who was "wandering around" outside the airship's airflow, and took a deep breath, "This monkey is not afraid of heights or danger, but he is very sure about 'right and wrong'


At this time, Zhong Zhengnian of the Air Force Base began to conduct safety inspections on the landing and take-off of his aircraft carrier airship and began to summarize.

When an assassination has already occurred, quickly clarifying the "targeted plan" instead of "providing a plan" after arriving at the airport seems to be unnecessary nervousness, because the things that should be checked have already been checked. But it is correct.

The whole army and the whole country have expressed their attitude.

If we say that before Su Ni's airship landed, he came up with a "wartime airship safety" plan in the air, and the plan directly filmed a scene of "risking the airship in the air".

That means that people who are firm on the Iron Star Road in the Sky are highly vigilant about this assassination in Swan City, and have an attitude of "we must pursue it to the end!"

"Strategically, we must despise our opponents." Mr. Wei made a decision that "went against his own habits."

Twenty-four hours later, Su Ni began to give a speech.

This speech did not follow the public opinion guidance of the reactionaries in the north and debate "who killed Greve?" This kind of thing will inevitably be done in broad daylight in the future. Now it is to criticize the remaining imperial conservatism of Iron Star in the past twenty years.

faction, trying to 'advance' Iron Star Legal System's major crime.

Su Ni: There has always been a group of people who want to circumvent the law, use the mouthpieces they control, and upper-level connections to steal public power and place it on the so-called personal glory of the family that has nothing to do with the public, and rebuild the empire. They have always wanted to be superior to others.

, it is impossible to see the return of fairness and justice, knocking their self-proclaimed nobility into the dust. Therefore, they have been plotting openly and secretly.

This chapter has been completed!
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