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Chapter 18.28 The bloody drop on the finger of fate

 On September 5th, the maintenance team at the Swan City Airport released a pre-takeoff surveillance and investigation report of the Swan City Greve. In the video before the airship took off, there was clearly a flicker on the belly of the airship! (You have to risk your life to do this.

The act of exposing it was obviously the efforts of some conscientious factions in the old camp.)

Narrator: Before anyone makes a righteous choice, he must weigh it. Justice that is difficult to achieve in isolation is basically no one's choice. However, when the society is widely pursuing the right, rebelling against him in the conservative camp and bringing out the dirty darkness is a way of letting people know.

Those who bring order to chaos can gain "tremendous self-affirmation."

The Intelligence Department of the Minlar Group acted without authorization and thought they had solved the key link, but they were directly stabbed by the little people they were not paying attention to. This little person heard Su Ni's "speech" and smoked a lot of cigarettes in the room.

Determined to reveal the truth.

The airport where the video was released was blocked by Swan City authorities three hours later.

But soon, the new plan faction, through the cooperation of underground workers, obtained the recorder in the airship's black box.

The investigation team found that the abdominal parts had been tampered with, and special traces were discovered on one of the wreckage of the hatch near the oil tank at the bottom of the airship. This was the "Old Electric Rivet" only available to the Swan City Internal Affairs Department. Once activated, the rivet

, it will turn into a metallic liquid under the action of electromagnetic waves, and something can be quickly welded to it.

Narrator, this material is often used to repair the outer shell of airships. Of course, it can also be used to assassinate and secretly weld special bombs on aircraft.

After the evidence directly pointed to the internal affairs department of Swan City, Swan City avoided answering and only used a public relations tone such as "Don't speculate, be patient, we will give you an answer." They also added the sentence "For the sake of the collective power of the sky."


At the same time, Minlar also asked Su Ni to come to Swan City to attend the meeting in the name of military talks.

When Zheng Nian saw this news, he seemed to be very comfortable with such big scenes, and prepared a response plan for Su Ni: "Under the irradiation of iron star doctrine, I fought side by side with my comrades to pursue fairness. All happiness comes from us.

Created with our own hands, if there is something that blocks our prosperity and development, no matter who he is, even the so-called immortal emperor, we must smash him."

Of course, Zheng Nian wrote this manuscript for fun, assuming what he would do in the same situation, and did not pass it on to Su Ni. Zheng Nian believed that Su Ni could solve it on his own.

Su Ni finally gave this response to Swan City! The male and female radio announcers in Chinese subtitles issued a solemn request in a straight and clear tone.

Male voice 1. It is determined that the Iron Star in the Sky is a country under the xxxx system. There is no divine right to kingship in the Iron Star, and no one can restore the imperial system.

Because what he was pursuing was justice, his voice was particularly loud. The people in the sky couldn't help but follow the voice, looked towards Swan City, and asked questions together.

[1 Line: This is the definite framework! What is fought for in a war is legal authority and people's hearts. Su Ni's side has been developing strictly in accordance with the Iron Star Constitution. In the war, widespread mobilization will be directly launched, while Minlar is biased towards

Conservatives. The people they contact are also conservatives, so there is a high probability that during the war, they will use the slogans of the new era and use the bureaucracy and system of the old era to collect materials. In this way, his side will lose legal authority in the battle.]

Female Voice 2. The interim government must answer the current evidence within forty-eight hours. If it cannot answer, it must be dissolved and the head of the regime must be re-determined.

[In the lines of 2, only those with low emotional intelligence will say: "If no evidence is given within a limited time, war may start." Don't create problems in your speech, because no matter what, most people (including businessmen and people) do not want

When a high-risk war occurs, the dominant side must seize the other side's existing problems and ask questions, forcing the other side to lose its mind and continue to act in a direction that loses the support of the people, and let the other side choose between "collapse on its own" and "take risks".

is correct.

If before the confrontation, the New Plan faction took the subjective responsibility of "trying to start a war" on themselves, they would be very passive.

The subtext of asking questions with high emotional intelligence is that if you do not give evidence within a limited time, you (the Minlar Group) are illegal. If it is illegal, our new planners will have the right to take any action. Even if it is a war and friction, it is illegal Minlar

The Er group took the initiative to provoke.]

Male Voice 3. This is an internal matter of Iron Star and has nothing to do with a third party.

[Cut off the controversial nature of external interference. Lest those bitches from Anglo and Vern say: God still cannot bear the people of the Sky Kingdom to be tortured by demons, and is ready to send troops to assist.]

Of course, Mr. Wei also persuaded Zheng Nian to return to Osimar. Although he is a native of Sky, he will have signs of Osimar Iron Star joining the war.

When Zheng Nian returned to Osima, he did not just watch from the sidelines. He sent his troops to the outer layer, facing Ver and Anglo, to guard against external forces intervening in the Iron Star civil war.

...For those in power, starting a war is just a matter of pressing a button. What is really high-end is regulating the contradictions locked in war. Determining the right and wrong actions in war...

When Su Ni's speech reached Swan City, Minlar read it carefully for a minute, then clicked on the chip to record it. After he read it all, he suddenly laughed. This kind of laughter was not happy, but a little crazy.

"Okay, it's so well written!" After Minlar finished laughing, he clapped his legs and praised Wei Keng, but the more he praised, the more out of control his emotions seemed!

As a noble with a long family history in the empire, Minlar knew politics very well, and Su Ni's message defined every circle!

1: Separate the neutral faction from his conservative faction so that only the imperial conservative faction will side with him now.

2: Link the outcome of the war from "military" to "governance". In this case, it is not enough for Swan City to defeat Su Ni in one or two military operations. It must also prove success in "governance". And this is Iron Star's advantage.

3: Containing the possibility of expanding the war and cutting off external influence. At this time, any attempt to borrow power from the outside is treason. Su Ni followed the strategy of surrounding the city on the edge and had strategic material advantages. In this battle,

In other words, only Swan City needs to purchase supplies through "foreign trade".

It can be said that this statement can already determine the outcome of the current situation in the sky.

Minlar is now convinced that he lost.

Because Su Ni was so outstanding as a new generation talent, Minlar wanted to kick those stupid pigs (intelligence team) around him to death.

Minlar looked through the "pig brains" in neat underwear and crowns in the next room and determined that the ultimatum time was coming. The last swing of the pendulum made him extremely irritable.

…All the subsequent actions of the Sky Center will be dominated by these pig-brained people. Minlar, who is trapped by contradictions, can hardly do anything next…

Su Ni's message allowed the New Iron Star planned economic faction to start establishing new economic centers and retain the central government's local control.

This makes the reactionary aspects of Sky Center have to take action. Now even if Minlar does not organize, the conservatives in Swan City are taking action on their own initiative.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs started to act preemptively again. Su Ni's article focused on the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When these people helped Minlar make decisions, they were gambling. But now Minral's "strange behavior" after reading the article made him

The heads of the gendarmerie uniforms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs felt panicked and began to gamble further because they were afraid of being "abandoned".

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took control of the national broadcasts and began to say "There is no three hundred taels of silver here" in the opposite direction. Su Ni wanted to rebel!

It's just that the whole country is "questioning" the truth about Grave's death.

This bunch of idiots in Swan City didn't even offer an explanation. They just entered the stage of "suppressing the rebellion". This is obviously a full admission of suspicion! Otherwise, why would they want to use violent suppression to "block" the moment they heard the "inquiry"?

What about “sound”?

In this way, according to the logic of "killing to silence", in the eyes of the world, it is almost clear who is the murderer of Grave.

However, it is not surprising that Minlar's men were stupid. They went alone without telling Minlar and did this for their own selfish reasons.

Minlar didn't know that they could do such a thing, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs naturally didn't know whether Minlar was determined to "find wealth and wealth in danger". So they simply helped Minlar make up his mind and announced the "Soviet rebellion" first.

”, so as to continue to cover up their crimes.

In Eastern history, since ancient times, in court dramas, subordinates coerce the prince to rebel and rise to power. That is, they put all their bets on their own side to win, and bet that the person they support is "Li Shimin" and "Zhu Di" instead of "Li Chengqian"

""King Ning".

…When Minlal conspired to usurp public assets, the shady little group in his hands would act without authorization along the interests he promised...

In the Pantheon, in the Temple of Destiny, just when the Wei Keng group headed by Su Ni was determined to clarify their position at the risk of a fight.

The fingers of the God of Destiny (Michaelena) weaving the lines of destiny seem to have been pricked by a needle, and "blood beads" are secreted from the fingertips. All this is a conceptual picture.

Michaelena finally straightened out the lines of Wei Keng and prepared to deflect it, but she found that no matter how well the weaving was, there would be very elusive changes and fluctuations in the weaving (skin).

To make matters worse, due to the sudden end of the quantum field in the future, God cannot see the future clearly now and can only deduce based on past information.

On the Wanlun Continent, according to the deduction, the iron star was originally going to be woven with continuous bumps, and then crush the satellite cluster supporting the iron star. But now, the "bumps" woven have become the whetstone for sharpening the iron star.

, the original hidden wounds on the entire destiny line will become a "historical lesson" comparable to a gem.

Man-made disasters that lasted for several generations often occurred in history, but only wise men can sum up their experiences and lessons to warn future generations.

Now in the history where Wei Keng lives, there is no need for sages.

In Wanlun's Iron Star in the Sky, a generation of people experienced "complete ups and downs" in a short period of time and had extremely complete thinking.

This kind of comprehensive thinking of such a complex and complete event by one generation of a country gives the people the right to summarize history. And it becomes difficult for the gods to weave the web of destiny in the mortal world through a few people.

During the observation of the Temple of Destiny, after the arrival of Wei Keng, the huge variable interference surged, making Michaelena unable to advance or retreat on a large number of god war planes.

If she continues to advance now, she will be helping Wei Keng. The torrent of fate that originally suppressed Wei Keng will become a torrent that overwhelms those gods as the fate of the country changes.

Michaelena quickly looked over again along the line of Wan Lun's destiny.

Due to her "mistake", all the time and space zones, the God of Steam, the God of Metal Tempering, and the God of Torque, will suffer a setback in their godhood here. And what about herself? She may also fall to the mortal world on Wanlun Continent.

…The iron star in the sky did not turn sharply downward as the Anglo conspirators thought, but began to turn towards the sun, so the Anglo could only continue to turn negative...

The perspective turned to Vere, when Iron Star began to settle the accounts with the conservative faction internally.

Ver is not free now. The colonies he went south to annex a few years ago are now severely impacted by the "hell influence" expelled by the Anglo.

Just like in the ancient industrial age, Citigroup prepared to use the virus to severely damage its opponents, but in the end it screwed itself up, and as a result it also screwed its suppliers of "manpower" and "raw materials" in the world.

Nowadays, the civilization of the entire Wanlun Continent is concentrated in the north. The industrial stock is very high, and it can mobilize a huge steel legion and an excellent air force. The nobles in the old south of the entire continent who are reluctant to let go of the old history are absolutely unchallenged by the north.

This is the fact. No matter what kind of state system, once the upward path is completely cut off, it will collapse.

The agent kingdoms established by Ver in the old southern continent face the devil's invitation from hell.

(The "degraded world ruler" in different time and space successfully developed the world towards the final product, the final thinker, and the final power),

The agents in the Southern Old Continent who gave up hope and only pursued pleasure may have the same taste and are happily biting the bait.

But as the devils showed their fangs, they began to deploy summoning gates (travel gates in the decayed timeline) in reality, supporting brutal warlords in the old southern continent to usurp the throne one after another, and establishing an increasingly brutal cannibalistic rule.

Those "civilized people" in the old southern continent who were originally certified by the colonial empire couldn't stand it anymore. The members of the parliament began to "hum" and called the sovereign country to come for help.

The prosperous cities built by compradors in the old southern continent are filled with all kinds of weird "psychedelic drugs" and insect power implants that "will increase muscle strength in the short term, but will mutate into monsters after five to seven years."

, and there are perverted nobles who refine a large number of children and make youth potions. These are called devils, but they are actually the deeds of villains created in the ruins of time and space. Wei Keng thinks Anglo is disgusting, why doesn't Ver's Poma think so?


Poma restricted commercial transactions with the Anglos, but the colonial governor under his command took the opportunity to join in private goods during the implementation process. For example, he arrested all the moneylenders and sent them to concentration camps to work as coolies, turning the Governor's Bank into the only lending financial institution.


[As an aside, since the Middle Ages in the main world, including Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", Judah has been described as a moneylender. In fact, this is a one-sided stereotype. There are indeed some people in Judah who make a living by lending money, but they can't even stabilize the country.

No, it was just a small matter. Every time I lent a little, I was robbed a little by the king and nobles. The real ruthless characters in lending were the Viking pirates. The pirates sold the stolen goods and started running banks. Then, again

After a hundred years, it became the East India Company. After another hundred years, it became the Federal Reserve, laundered and became the so-called international capital.]

In short, when people with guns start to formulate morals and engage in business, they will inevitably be lawless.

As the sovereign state of Ver, facing the devil raging on the southern continent, the more repressive it is, the more unfair it becomes. And the more unfair it is, the hell forces that were originally forced to come out of Anglo suddenly feel that this place is more beautiful.

Wanlun Continent, a world of the second type (steam) and a critical third type (electronic data), has now standardly exhibited the shortcomings of a fourth type world (interstellar age).

Whether it is in the industrial temple of Anglo-Verse or in the so-called "Progressive Academic Seminar" of the aristocrats of the Southern Old World.

These "just" tricks from above, the more they exalt "science", "industry", "machinery" and "loyalty" and suppress them forcefully, the more they breed "superstition", "no governance", "evil beings" and "conspiracy and rebellion" below.


The reason is that the party that claims to be bright and just has lost its "empathy".

…Wei Keng: Towards a fallen world, it is not necessarily that there are fewer “heroes”. It is more likely that those who master public weapons and “self-proclaimed heroes” have lowered the threshold...

On September 23, far away from the powerful countries of the northern continent, the Ver colony was experiencing the disaster of a devil invasion.

Orr (Enma's nephew) was ordered to lead the Ver troops to the southern colonies and began to suppress the evil life. Boma directly appointed him to garrison the Flower Language Plain to strictly guard against the Anglo Legion's raid.

The Flower Language Plain area is rich in products. After Orr arrived here, he keenly felt that there would definitely be a war here.

Orr almost instantly imagined that the garrison area where he was located might be attacked in the future.

After the Anglo land battleships arrived, their coastal docks were under fire. In the smoke, as the airships flying in the sky followed the wind and arrived at the river hydropower station with only a few walls behind them, the Anglo airborne troops would control the power station and block the city's energy.


Then, on the 15th of every month, a wave of tide would fill the river, and the Anglo heavy cruiser would sail directly into the river mouth and bombard the entire protective city wall.

The picture Orr conjured was extremely clear, like a prophecy. And he quickly thought of what he should do.

Narrator: It can be said that this is the bloodline influence radiated by the identity of Wei Keng and Enma. It can also be said that the God of Torque chose him and focused on stimulating this bloodline. It is a pity that Enma died early and Orr no longer has a destiny.

"Backstab" is possible, because without that future result, his bloodline also loses the possibility of expansion.

...However, Orr still has the final value, which is to serve as a brick to block the torrent that may occur in the old continent in the south...

Orr immediately found the city's industrial list.

But you won’t know if you don’t look for it, and you’ll be surprised if you look for it. The “brilliant achievements” of the previous generation of governors here are as good as those of the bureaucrats during the Ver Empire. Various means of local exploitation have made the industrial infrastructure construction more efficient.

Less than 10%.

In short, all the wharf land that was supposed to be used for building roads was turned into mansions for the aristocratic class.

The so-called "remarkable" achievements of the previous governor-general were that he successfully transferred various public resources that should have been controlled by the Vern colonial government, such as steel plants and machinery plants, and then divided up all public assets within a few years. Let Vern

Domestic oligarchs took a piece of the pie.

Orr discovered that the previous Governor-General was very good at cheating on the accounts.

For example, the factory at the foot of Orr should have, well, at least in the project declared by the previous governor, the ability to produce kiloton-class coastal defense combat boats.

But after actual inspection, Orr found that there was no shipyard, only a canning factory!

During a private interview incognito, Orr, wearing a civilized hat, sat on a fishing boat, holding a binoculars, and carefully looked at the port in front of him where sewage flowed, and carefully compared the information map. He was sure that the smelly factory that processed canned fish was his.


Orr was silent. He picked up the newspaper and took a look at the current situation in Wanlun Continent. He was given up to half a year. He had to ask the drivers who drove cars for the nobles in the city to reorganize the freight team. Timber in the city

Processing plants must stop and instead send workers to truck assembly lines.

The northern continent has entered the era of Dragon Guards. The southern continent will definitely be attacked by air raids in the face of invasion, so it is necessary to have the ability to mass-produce air balloons (air defense balloons).

"Watch tower, bunker, tunnel", Orr looked at the land from the highest point of the city and sketched a blueprint in his mind.

Orr unconsciously sang the tune of the Enma era's six-year plan. In the plan with a pen, there were a lot of places that needed major construction projects, such as power generation dams and grain storage and water storage on the highlands on the east side of the city.

Six minutes later, Orr changed into a general's uniform and climbed onto the harbor's landmark building, the Statue of the Brave.

This statue of a brave man is 100 meters tall and looks like a soldier standing with a gun (please refer to the Red Alert Second Soviet Army Camp). He was standing on the platform with the epaulettes on the soldiers' shoulders and made a draft of the plan.

Behind Orr, there are several port officials who are frightened and derelict in their duties.

Orr gave them a choice: jump from here, or hand over the real ledger.

The insects were roasted by the fire and were struggling and twisting, just like Orr used to play in the countryside when he was a child.

This chapter has been completed!
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