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Chapter 19.29 (Extra) The shaking before the building collapses

 At 4:34 p.m., we completed the rescue mission to destroy Ver's "miracle" and successfully evacuated to the safe area.

The landed armored troops were teleported back to the ship, and then safely transferred in from the Bohai area. Su Ni and Zheng Nian decided to make a plan based on the new battle situation and the intercepted intelligence about the collusion between Ver and the Anglo mystics.


The terrorist suppression of the Boma Group in Vernes has been witnessed by the two guys from Iron Star. When facing the mountains created by Boma.

The reason for Zheng Nian's action is: "If there are conditions, we must actively strive for it." As for Wei Keng's motivation: "Crime? Well, I am familiar with this activity!"

So, just like this, the Iron Star attacked thousands of miles on the southern line of Vers, and penetrated the southern line. Before it was finished, it also promoted the largest workers' uprising in the history of Vers.

On the night of May 27, Ver, who was beaten so hard on the front battlefield that he could not find the north, realized that the absolute rear area of ​​the southern line had been stolen. It was also in the rear area. The generals, including Boma, felt a chill on their necks.

Hastily began to form a "militia" force.

Oh, strictly speaking, the so-called "militia" is the local armed forces. This is different from the second-line reserve forces that are directly affiliated with the central government.

The security forces in the Vernezhi area are not actually affiliated with the Verneisi government, but are armed forces directly paid and hired by the Vernei large company. They are similar to what Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang did in the late Qing Dynasty. This is different from the organizational management that Tiexing accepts

The "militia" is not the same thing.

Boma was drinking poison to quench his thirst, but Wei Keng also sprinkled a lot of salt in it, so he was not just thirsty.

After the city of Lyon, an important town in the south of Vers, issued an order from the Center of Vers to form its own armed forces for defense in the southern region, the local forces in this area excitedly began to recruit regional armed forces.

...Boma couldn't see the pain outside his throne, but Wei Keng felt the darkness of rule all the time...

As an important industrial town in Versailles, Lyon is a prosperous city with textile, papermaking, chemicals, machine manufacturing, motors, man-made fibers, and dyes. It is also the city with the largest industrial conflict under business and private governance.

On North Street, rows of ground-powered walking mechas advanced in an evacuated formation. The chassis driven by the motor rotated the skeleton turret, the black muzzle turned back and forth, and the square mechanical feet left dents and cracks on the ground.

.But rather than saying this is a declaration of determination to fight externally, it is better to say it is a demonstration of ruling authority by intimidating internally.

Because this is a force to suppress workers' uprisings. After such an armed parade, they do not go directly to the front line. Instead, generals selected by the regional plutocrats are stationed at the terminal area to "protect" the factory.

Oh, by the way, in the name of acquiescing to local strengthening of defense during the war, these large companies seem to have increased the wages of workers in these factories, but 90% of the wages are "donated" to the local army.

How many reactionaries, in the name of "you must love a certain group", force everyone to make contributions that benefit the "initiators"

It is worth mentioning: In the "general donation column", their factory owners donated more than the workers.

Diao Min: In fact, the workers actually donated their own food rations, but the factory owners exchanged "industrial support funds" in the name of "donations".

What is particularly ironic is that among the total donations, because workers donated so little, when the “representatives of outstanding contributions” were judged, the “smallest amount” was represented by the factory owners.

It is very similar to some bosses in modern times who have sofas, chairs, computers, and Xiaomi in their offices. In such an environment, they take the lead in working overtime for twelve hours. They lead the social workers as a model worker and work harder and harder.


Returning to the topic, after the military parade in Lyon ended, the entrepreneurs in Vern admired the militia they had organized without waiting.

The city flashed sirens, and air-to-ground rockets fired one after another to break through.

Before the air defense laser tower in the city of Vern could flash, these rockets shattered and scattered a large amount of poplar-like stuff. These are graphite fibers, specially used to destroy electronic products. The thickness specifications of the fibers,

Specifically designed to modify the gaps left by the craftsmanship on the helmets of Iron Knights.

This raid by the Iron Star Dragon Guard team was harmless on the surface. The newly appointed regional commanders in the area all achieved a major victory in repelling the Iron Star Demon Wing Flying Corps (Vel's name for the Iron Star Dragon Guard).


It's just that these local commanders didn't notice that the blue eyes of the metal-armored mechanical soldiers in their security team began to flicker.

The Vernes bureaucrats are now "Selena" (Willie's wife) type of flamboyant bureaucrats.

This victory in Lyon City was quickly reported to the upper level, because other cities also encountered Iron Star attacks, and they also rushed to report. This was the first major victory in the "defensive war" since their local army was formed. This kind of rush

Reporting victory is a competition between enemy bureaucrats. When Iron Star was in chaos a few years ago, there were also local bureaucrats rushing to report grain production indiscriminately. What's more, various local cities in Verre have greater interests, and these local cities have capital

The giants want to correct the military power they control.

Under the pressure of public opinion due to false reports in a large area of ​​the south, Central Verde had no time to investigate, let alone the consequences of the "false reports" scandal, so it had no choice but to compromise with reality.

After declaring victory, Verl's "Le Monde" ended with the words "modest" and "neutral": Always be wary of the devil's comeback.

As for where to be wary of the devil's comeback, well, when introducing this passage in Ver's newspapers and TV maps, there happened to be a close-up of Iron Star's map, or Iron Star's chariot, and other things related to Iron Star.


In fact, this is just a habit of stepping on the iron star. This is the arrogance that Ver developed when he freely criticized the sky after hanging "Selina".

Under the instruction of Boma, the main purpose of "Le Monde" to make such a statement was to warn local vigilante groups not to be blindly arrogant or try to challenge their own authority after successfully suppressing the gangsters.

...In terms of internal governance, Boma has lost its self-confidence in its "kingly spirit", but still does not take it lightly...

As if in response to the crow's mouth of "Le Monde", two days later, in the cities that announced the defeat of the Iron Star, uprisings appeared one after another.

From the perspective of the big figures in Pomerania: At first it was just a "small" military rebellion, but within ten days, a large-scale southern uprising began.

But at that time, it was after June 6th, when all the "miracles" of Wanlun no longer existed, and Ver and Anglian were facing too many major events. They couldn't care less about such bad things like the local army uprising.

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