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Chapter 19.30 (Part 1) 'Self-controlled destiny' that acquiesces to the existence of gods

 On June 1, after the dunes at the junction of Versailles and Anglia were destroyed, the sandstorm blew to the north.

Gray particles landed in various towns in Verre and Angla, and as some of the shimmering particles penetrated into people's ears, they caused a phantom sound.

These voices are: "Do you want to live forever?" "Do you want to be strong?"

This kind of temptation is what the King of Feast encouraged the first batch of contractors thousands of years ago. It is also what he is doing to the animals in his territory now, which is to make the organisms inorganic.

There are benefits to becoming inorganic. Physical pain will be weakened. At the same time, thinking speed and desire will become faster, and wrinkles will disappear. In today's era when the belief in gods has been severely damaged by the iron star, people still want to become demigods.

Immortal, want to become like a demigod, extremely excellent. Therefore, in Vern and Angla, these cities that have lost their faith, thousands of people fell in less than half a day, they chose to let the inorganic particles fuse together


It's just that these people don't know that when they choose to be inorganic, they can never return to organic. When inorganic is completely completed, no new desires will arise.

When a few years later, all their desires are satisfied by this inorganic neural brain similar to a high-speed chip, oh, or after the calculation is completed, they will feel what is called the "curse of immortality."

After Ver and Angla failed to face the Iron Star, the "Feast King" in the dunes was bombed by the Holy Great Wall, interrupting the hope of "getting the promise from God", and became a crazy lunatic. He began to indiscriminately fight between Angla and Angla

The territory of Ver was destroyed, sandstorms hit a large number of cities, and all electronic systems in the cities began to flicker strangely.

This fossilized monster is still dreaming of condensing his godhead.

Wei Keng commented with great pity: "This guy who was born and defined as the protagonist of the world has had his psychological development terminated and will never mature. He (the King of Feast) has always been accustomed to having too high a starting point for himself.

I want to go further in my long life, but unfortunately I wait and wait until I go crazy, can't stand the temptation, and start to rebel. Then I am punished, which breeds resentment.

So this "Feast King" thought: Since he can't be forgiven, he will devour souls, obviously becoming an evil god. He jumps around repeatedly, trying to sell himself at a higher price.

When setting goals again and again, it is euphemistically called seizing the opportunity of "self-destiny."

When he was in the Pandora plane, Wei Keng understood the weaknesses of human psychological and emotional development.

Therefore: people should be people, and we cannot make people into inhuman gods and then come to dominate everyone.

... Wei Keng, who was being 'overrided', sighed: 'Freedom', which was pushed so high after the third plane war, should fall down...

On June 3, in the underground capital of Angla, in the metal-tempered temple, which was also a research institute jointly established by the Provisional Government of Angla and the state religion, in this hall filled with withered flowers and divine emblems, there was a training warehouse

In the liquid of life is a pure and extremely beautiful person.

Note: The Anglo Provisional Government was an army, and its faith was more pure. Relatively speaking, the navy faction had very mixed desires, so it was tricked by God. The navy group summoned Carus (the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse).

Here, a divine body that can carry the coming of God is cultivated. After being injected with a huge amount of knowledge and information from the entire Anglo, it wakes up. When they opened their eyes, the officers present were shocked and knelt down on one knee.

Note: A certain unruly person does not believe in unreserved surrender, because even if this unruly person behaves respectfully on any sacred occasion, he can't help but draw circles on the statues of gods. This is

It's called wild and untamable.

Most of the modern gods in this world were created by the spread of concepts when the kings of the main world traveled through the "source" plane at the beginning of this era. (For example, the mission plane of Wei Keng, Sainz, and Shan Zhen

, that is, traveling through the source plane.)

Now that the gods have descended into the Wanlun plane, it is equivalent to traveling through time again.

This metal god is also smart now. He can feel the enemies and loyalty levels of the people in front of him.

Everyone present realized that all their thoughts were penetrated by the will of this god without reservation. Feeling the superior's evaluation of themselves, they were like primary school students waiting for comments on their report card, trembling.

The divine body stretched, then looked at everyone and announced in a standard male voice: "Now, my name is Xingci."

Xingci stepped down from the altar, raised his hand, and the light formed a map of the continent. He pointed at the cities on the map. Some of these cities were light red, and some were dark red - these were the standards of decadence and corruption.

Xingci: "The chaotic evil must be solved. But this is not the only purpose of my coming here." God's Realm has not yet arrived, but he came in a hurry, obviously influenced by the great cause and effect.

He pointed, and the dark blue color on the southern continent appeared, which was the power of the undead army. Then, to the east, the position of the iron star was marked in black.

The generals present knew that these were all enemies of God. It was just that the priority of God was different.

However, what the mortals present are most concerned about is not that "so many cities are filled with demonic aura in the eyes of gods".

Nor is it the "Saturn Rebel Army of the Southern Continent",

It's not even "Iron Star is in the label, and its tone is more solid than the other two enemies."

Because these are bad situations that these nobles are now accustomed to, and now that God has come down, everyone must believe that God can solve it.

What mortals are most concerned about is whether they are included in the group classified as a hostile camp by gods, and whether they will be abandoned?

The nobles present have countless interests. If God now draws a line of hostility, will these interests lead them to fall into the abyss?

Xingci frowned after sensing the whispering thoughts in the minds of the believers. Mortal people often unconsciously prioritize themselves. It is normal for them to be inconsistent with God's strategic priorities, but there are seeds of doubt in the beginning. It is really faith.

Too weak. This generation of followers is worse than any of his previous followers. However, this is the current situation due to the loss of faith in the God War.

Xingci had to explain each strategic area one by one and the limits of his tolerance in detail.

For example, now we are targeting the "Feast King" marked in blue on the map who is rebelling.

…When God first came, he wanted to establish rightness by showing miracles to attack wrongdoers, so he killed the most wrongdoers first...

Xingci looked at the border between Ang and Ver: "The desert will in the south has been lost in arrogance. He is trying to become a god and has begun to perform evil rituals at all costs. You'd better stop now. By the way,

There is one of his among you.”

After speaking, he raised his hand, and the three people were frozen. Just as the three individuals were about to say something, their mouths and eyes opened wide. White light emerged from the seven orifices. The three people were unconscious, and what was pulled out was a contract.

Xingci leisurely recounted: "I don't like people who sign a contract with the devil."

This scene made the mortals present at Anglo suddenly silenced, losing their innate bearing of superiors, and realized that they were now facing gods.

...Just like in a naval battle, you don't just fight the enemy when you come up, but you want to seize the T head. The first step of the God of Metal Tempering is not to directly suppress the iron star, but to find the moral high ground...

A few hours after Xingci arrived, the first thing he had to resolve was the "old grudges from thousands of years ago". The hero who he played like a chess piece in the "war between old and new gods" is still his to draw.

Full stop.

For the time being, Xingci could tolerate Anglo's rancid smell, but he couldn't tolerate Anglo's incompetence.

After all, Anglian's body is rotten, and he will let his faith escape from here. But if Anglian is incompetent and unable to complete the layout of the Promised Land in the Southern Old Continent, his faith in this continent will completely lose its foundation.

But as a descendant, he didn't know clearly: On the southern continent, the undead corps, oh, about seventy hours later, the hard work of this undead corps will be carried away by the southern continent Saturn Yurun in the heavy rain.

The troops annihilated.

And after that, with the twinkling of stars in the Phoenix constellation, there will be no more gods.

...Wei Keng: There is an old saying in the East: The government is too clever in its calculations, but it ends up costing your life!…

Now Xingci must severely punish the so-called "golden clan".

In all Anglo temple-level land cruisers, every inch of the parts processed by the "tempering process" is precipitated with conceptual power, and sacred light flows through every pipeline. The gospel instills this into every Anglo soldier.

The concept: The provocation of the dust inorganic particle family has now been defined as "Silicon-based Necrons" by the great "Quenching", and now this group belongs to order evil.

Faced with the suspected descent of the "metal tempering" god, Verzhengfu was distracted by the "plague coming from the south". This plague had caused the young people mobilized by Vern to start vomiting and diarrhea.

Because Boma, who had just received the news, was cursing: Those trash guys in Sirol couldn't even control the refugees in the control area, leading to infectious diseases.

This chapter has been completed!
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