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Chapter 891 fall in love with me

After a brief passionate kiss, it became clear that this was not a good place to solve the problem. The sound of slight footsteps made Fang Lin wake up completely and finally let her go.

The movement of the golden elixir in his body completely suppressed the hot breath, and Fang Lin let out a long sigh of relief.

"It has nothing to do with anything, I just simply fell in love with you."

After the passion passed, Zhu Ling also became much softer. She leaned on Fang Lin's shoulder and said with a happy smile.

"Sister, if you fall in love with me, you can't fall in love with me in a place like this! The conditions are too bad, how can you be worthy of your status as Miss Zhu's family?"

"You bastard."

Zhu Ling was slightly stunned, and for a moment she really didn't react. After all, she was still a little confused about this kind of thing.

After hearing what Fang Lin meant, Zhu Ling was so angry that his face turned red like a red apple, and he cursed.

"Next time I will definitely choose the presidential suite. No kidding, someone is coming."

The footsteps got closer and closer, Fang Lin quickly grabbed the pink fist she was about to hit him with, and said with a wicked smile.

Although Zhu Ling heard nothing, she did not doubt Fang Lin's words. After all, he had learned his skills many times.

"Fang Lin, why don't you give up the King of Kitchen Competition!"

The two of them returned to the open space side by side, and suddenly Zhu Ling's expression was full of worry.

"Are you worried that if you don't get the presidential suite, I will disappear like other chef kings?"

Fang Lin said with a bad smile again.

"Looking for death?

Please be serious, Miss, I am not in the mood to joke with you now."

If he hadn't known that Fang Lin was always a gentleman, based on his words, Zhu Ling would have been so angry that he went to chop him with a kitchen knife.

"It's okay, trust me, I can not only win the kitchen king for you, but I can also prepare the presidential suite for you safely."

"You...hum...you are so angry with me."

After going around and around, and finally reaching the presidential suite, Zhu Ling almost burst out of anger.

However, she actually felt happy in her heart.

She understands that there are some things that friends and relatives cannot say.

But it is the glue between lovers.

This is enough to show that Fang Lin has himself in his heart, otherwise he would not make such a joke with himself.

"Okay, don't be angry, let's get back to the topic.

What I mean is, don’t worry, I’m full of confidence.”

Quickly grabbing Zhu Ling who was about to leave in anger, Fang Lin smiled slightly.

"Forget it, I forgive you.

By the way, you came here today not just to ask me if my father and my brother will participate, right?"

"Crazy Zhu San is not crazy! Bingxue is smart.

It’s just that there were so many people there just now that I couldn’t tell you some things directly, so I decided to send you another message on my phone.”

From the moment she recognized herself, Fang Lin knew that Zhu Ling was an extremely smart girl, so she didn't find it strange at the moment.

"That's right, no one in the entire Seoul Province knows that this young lady is smart.

By the way, what do you want to ask me?"

"It's not a big deal, I'm just thinking, your Zhu family has no shortage of chefs, so why do you spend huge sums of money to hold a chef competition every year?

You are a member of the Zhu family and the patriarch’s wife. Your mother is the patriarch’s favorite. Do you really know nothing?”

Fang Linhu asked doubtfully.

"The King of Kitchen Competition is a conspiracy and a big lie. In fact, the Zhu family is looking for someone."

Zhu Ling's expression suddenly became extremely serious.

If it hadn't been for the passionate moment with Fang Lin just now, there were some things that Zhu Ling wouldn't have said even to death.

But now it's completely different. She has decided that Fang Lin is her man.

It can be seen that Fang Lin's insistence on participating in the King of Kitchen Competition is definitely not just for a promise of his own.

Zhu Ling didn't want him to die, so she didn't want to hide anything anymore.

In fact, it is not difficult for Fang Lin to get this answer, it is a matter of hypnosis.

But the reason why he didn't do this was because he didn't want to hurt Zhu Ling's heart.

Once she finds out, let alone getting more information in the future, she will definitely hate herself to death given her character.

"Find someone?

Who to look for?"

Fang Linhu asked doubtfully.

"Looking for a medium that can complete the Zhu family's many years of research results, I only know so much about it.

And this year Nanfu also got involved. They are also looking for someone. Why exactly?

Then I don’t know.”

"How do you know Nanfu's purpose?"

"Nan Tiexin said it."


Do you know each other?"

Is there such a coincidence in the world?

Fang Lin almost didn't get killed by the thunder, and said with some surprise.

"Is it weird?

She and I were classmates before."

"Okay! You win."

Although Zhu Ling felt a little strange, she didn't ask any more questions. The only thing she was worried about now was Fang Lin's life or death.

She even regretted her original decision that she should not ask him to fight for the barbecue restaurant.

Zhu Ling didn't know who Nanfu was looking for, but Fang Lin could guess it.

Nanfu has never participated in such boring competitions in the past, but this year it spent twice the money of the Zhu family and joined in. The purpose was very obvious, and that was himself.

In his previous battle with the Fuxi Divine Clan, Fang Lin learned that all things complement each other and that he could absorb the Fuxi Divine Clan's soul to improve his cultivation.

The same is true for the Fuxi Clan, just like the black-robed people in the Central Plains Province.

He once wanted to seize his own body in order to find the strongest body in the world for the leader of the Fuxi Divine Clan.

Combining these circumstances, Fang Lin became even more certain that the King of Kitchen Competition was not a simple one, and the killer move behind it had probably been planned for many years.

At least this is the case with the Zhu family. They need to ensure that after they find the person they are looking for, they will be obedient. They must be prepared for this.

Just when Fang Lin was organizing everything, his cell phone rang at the right time.

"Director Jin, is there something wrong?"

When he saw that it was Jin Junxiu's call, Fang Lin quickly answered the call.

The King of Kitchen Competition takes place on the Seoul Satellite TV site, and the one who is most convenient to understand everything is naturally the station manager Jin Junxiu, so Fang Lin needs his help at this time.

"Fang...Mr. Fang, you...where are you now?

I...I feel like I'm being followed again."

Jin Junxiu's trembling voice soon came over the phone.

"Tell me your address."

"In the Haicang Building on Chengdong Road, I am hiding in the supermarket. There are many people here and it is safer.

Just...just now, when I was buying something, a flying knife suddenly hit me.

If...if the bodyguard hadn't discovered it in time and blocked it, I...I would have been dead."

"Wait there, I'll be right over."

"Okay... Mr. Fang, you... hurry up.

The bodyguard was taken away just now, and I...I didn't dare to follow him out, because I was afraid that once I went out, I wouldn't know how I would die."

Not having time to listen to his explanation, Fang Lin quickly said hello to Zhu Ling and immediately drove to Chengdong Road.

Before the King of Chef competition, the TV station director was brazenly assassinated. Fang Lin found the charm of this very intriguing.

This chapter has been completed!
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