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Chapter 33 The best place to sell eel turtle

Su Ming was overjoyed when he heard Huang Ping's words.

Of course you can make this lobster meat! Not only can you make it, but you can also make it with slightly smaller lobsters!

He responded repeatedly: "That's great. I can sell you lobster and lobster meat! Especially lobster meat."

Seeing Su Ming's happy expression, Huang Ping did not trick him: "To be honest, the young people who buy from me are different from those who go to the food stalls. They like convenience and speed. If they buy lobsters and cook them themselves, they will have to

Washing and cleaning are required. Some people don’t have this technology yet, so lobster meat that can be directly cooked is more popular.”

"But even though you helped me today, I will not relax about the quality of lobster meat. It must be fresh! This is the purpose of our Huitai Supermarket!"

The two had a good conversation in Huang Ping's office. Su Ming's broad vision and control of the future made Huang Ping's eyes shine, and he got a lot of inspiration for the future development of Huitai Supermarket.

Moreover, Su Ming was practical and didn't like to play with nonsense, which also appealed to the straightforward Huang Ping.

He gave Su Ming a price of 5 yuan per catty for lobster and 10 yuan per catty for lobster meat.

He also introduced Su Ming to his friend, Xu Quanjun, the general manager of Qinghe Hotel in Qinghe County.

On the third floor of Qinghe Hotel, a man sitting on the boss's chair put down his phone.

He murmured in his mouth: "Hey Huang Ping, how did you know that I need wild food here? I don't know why these days, everyone has begun to pursue eating wild things."

Recently, Xu Quanjun happened to be out in the field to study and learn from how other large hotels operate.

He found that all big hotels have some special dishes.

Pheasants, ducks, and other wild things are the signature dishes of these hotels.

Rich people rush to eat it.

So after he came back, he also began to look for ways to find this wild product.

Unfortunately, when people in rural areas can get these things, they either eat them themselves or get them from the vegetable market.

Basically no one will take it to the county town to sell it.

Even if someone wants to sell them, they will only be scattered one or two.

Therefore, when he heard Huang Ping say that someone had a relatively large quantity of wild animals for sale, Xu Quanjun was also a little excited.

He waited impatiently for Su Ming to come to him.

But when Su Ming carried the eel to Qinghe Hotel, he encountered a problem.

He came to the hotel lobby and asked a hotel waiter: "Hello, I made an appointment with your general manager. Where is Mr. Xu's office?"

The waiter looked at Su Ming and the wooden bucket in his hand, thinking that he had never seen such a rustic person before. He came to see Mr. Xu, and he must have pretended to have an appointment with Mr. Xu.

She glanced at Su Ming: "We, Mr. Xu, are very busy and not everyone can see him."

"Uh..." Su Ming was stunned. This was so disrespectful.

I'm not here for accommodation and food, I'm just here to see Xu Quanjun to sell eels!

"Can you help me ask? Go and ask. Your boss, Mr. Xu, will meet with me. My friend just called him." Su Ming tried his best to suppress his anger and said with a smile again.

I never thought that the security guards and waiters that would appear in later novels actually existed!

The waiter became a little unhappy: "Can you give us the phone number of our general manager?"

This question confused Su Ming. The call just now was from Huang Ping. How did he know the phone number?

"You can't tell me you're here. Stop making fun of me. Get out quickly and don't affect our work. Otherwise, I'll ask the security guards to chase you away." The waiter said in an arrogant tone.

"No..." Su Ming wanted to say something else, but when he saw the waiter picking up the walkie-talkie in his hand, he thought that it was not the first time, so it would be better not to argue with them.

So he went out with the bucket.

"Tsk, you country bumpkin, you actually want to come to see Mr. Xu, your tone is really serious."

The waiter laughed from behind.

Su Ming had just walked out of the hotel.

Xu Quanjun, who was sitting upstairs, couldn't wait any longer.

Why is it that this person promised to arrive soon, but he still hasn't arrived after so long?

He picked up the phone and called the front desk.

"Hey, Mr. Xu!"

The person who answered the phone was the hotel lobby manager.

"Please help me pay attention over there. Is there a person carrying eels who wants to come to me? If so, just ask him to come up directly."

The lobby manager had not seen him before. He raised his head and asked: "Have you ever seen a person carrying an eel and coming to see Mr. Xu?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Only the waiter Su Ming asked about just now was stunned.

This... doesn't this refer to the one who was driven away by me just now?

Is he really the person the general manager wants to meet?

"I've seen him before!" The waiter knew that he was in big trouble and shouted quickly: "I'll invite him to the general manager's office!"

She didn't dare to hide it because she was afraid that Su Ming would go to Mr. Xu again and say something bad about herself, and then she would be a loser.

It's better to call Su Ming back directly and admit his mistake!

The waiter rushed out of the door and found Su Ming: "Sir, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I didn't know just now that you were the person the general manager was looking for. Should I take you up in person?"

Su Ming is not a soft persimmon. For him, if they don't accept rice eel here, he will end up finding another restaurant.

"Sorry, how dare I trouble you?"

After Su Ming finished speaking, he was ready to leave.



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