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Chapter 474 It's over, Zhao Lan's father also fainted

Zhao Lan's father tensed up when he heard this.

"What complaint letter? Can't you solve such a small matter internally?"

Generally, it is normal for those engaged in foreign trade to encounter customer complaints.

The foreign trade salesperson must also have some ability to handle complaints.

If you talk to your boss about everything, then the boss doesn't have to do anything else and just helps you deal with the problem.

Especially Zhao Lan's father, during the few days he managed Taiya Group, almost no salesman would bother him with such trivial matters.

Naturally, the dissatisfaction in my heart gradually increased.

"Mr. Zhao, this is a big deal. The customer has encountered a patent problem!"

As the salesman spoke, he handed the translated email to Zhao Lan's father to read.

"What? Another patent?"

Zhao Lan's father now feels a little sensitive when he hears the word patent.

Yaya, even if there is a TV show now where two actors have a patented line in their lines, he will skip the show.

Nowadays, salesmen actually come directly to me to talk about patent issues.

I have already sold the goods to the ugly country, but the patent issue is like a maggot, lingering around me.

As he thought in frustration, he had no choice but to pick up the mail and read it.

He doesn't understand any English words, he only knows Pinyin.

But the salesperson has already written various translations and notes for him below.

Just look at the translation, it's not difficult.

Soon, Zhao Lan's father couldn't hold the paper in his hand anymore.

Then, his body began to tremble slightly.

The staff member saw Mr. Zhao's body trembling a little and asked anxiously: "Mr. Zhao, what's wrong with you?"

He hadn't waited for Zhao Lan's father to answer.


Along with a dull sound, there were several crisp sounds, which rang in the office.

Looking down, Zhao Lan's father was completely lying on the debris on the ground.

Moreover, there was a small section of the thermos bottle that was not broken just now, but now it has been flattened by Zhao Lan's father with his own body.

This familiar scene and familiar voice.

Zhao Lan felt as if he had seen his own scene that day.

Didn't my father just tell me to calm down and be calm?

Didn’t you tell yourself that once you fainted, nothing could be solved?

Why did he faint first now?

"Mr. Zhao! Mr. Zhao, wake up!"

The staff member shook Zhao Lan's father's body back and forth.

He was also shouting anxiously.

Hope I can wake him up.

But Zhao Lan's father didn't respond at all.

Her shouts woke Zhao Lan up.

He didn't care whether the scar on his butt would be torn because of his too violent movements.

He rushed past in a few steps.

came to his father's side.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Lan helped his father up and shouted loudly.

The exchange with his father just now made him know that he cannot do without his father. Without his father's supervision, he would still be prone to problems.

So at this critical moment, we can't let anything happen to our father.

The two of them were pinching each other and shaking each other.

The person did not wake up,

He shook out the heart disease medicine that Zhao Lan's father had hidden on him.

The crisp sound of small plastic bottles on the ground.

Zhao Lan suddenly thought of something: "Yes, my dad has heart disease. He must have had a heart attack."

Come on, give him medicine quickly!"

At this time, the staff also used pulse sensing on Zhao Lan's father's wrist.

I found that his heartbeat was indeed very fast.

Zhao Lan ignored the severe pain that started to feel in his butt again.

I brought the small bottle over.

He took out one and put it into his father's hand.

But because there is no water, the tablets will not go in.

"Go find water!"

Zhao Lan yelled at the staff.

The staff suddenly reacted.


Get up and run outside.

But Zhao Lan didn't just sit there and wait.

Instead, he stood up and looked around and found that there was no water in the office.

Extremely anxious.

He came back and touched his father's wrist again.

My heart was beating faster than before.

This made Zhao Lan, who was already a little anxious, even more anxious.


Zhao Lan felt his lower abdomen tighten.

"Forget it, I can't care about that much anymore, it's more important to save people!"

He directly unzipped his pants.

A few minutes later.

The staff arrived late.

If it were normal, then everyone could simply connect some water to the toilet and that would be fine.

But today, she was so clever that she actually ran to her work station, found a disposable cup, and poured another cup of hot water before rushing over.

Wait until she arrives.

More than half of the water in the cup in my hand has sloshed out.

"Huh? Mr. Zhao has already swallowed it?"

She saw that Zhao Lan had helped her father up.

He asked curiously.

She looked around the office just now and didn't see any water.

Zhao Lan did not respond.

The two of them carried Zhao Lan's father to the sofa and continued massaging and pinching acupuncture points.

"The pulse has obviously slowed down!"

The staff kept checking my pulse.

Finally, after seeing Mr. Zhao's pulse gradually slowing down, she exclaimed.

Zhao Lan nodded.

A few minutes later.

Zhao Lan's father calmed down.


He let out a long burp.


He patted his chest, as if he had escaped from hell.

"Why does it smell like urine?"

Zhao Lan's father could breathe a little easier. He frowned, feeling that there was a smell of urine somewhere.

"Dad, are you hallucinating? Are you feeling unwell now?"

Zhao Lan stepped forward to change the topic.

"Oh, I'm much better now! Fortunately, you gave me medicine."

He said with some fear.

Then his expression became sad again.

"What about the email?"

Knowing that you fainted does not solve important problems.

This email has to be processed anyway.

he asked.

The staff brought it over.

At this time, Zhao Lan also saw the contents inside.


He took a deep breath.

The content of the letter is very simple.

Let’s talk about the customers of Chou Country after receiving the clothing from Taiya Group.

Sold on a large scale in the country.

The result is of course one.

That is the hot and ugly country.

And along with this batch of clothes sold out.

Basically, all major shopping malls and supermarkets have started selling this batch of clothes.

Lu Siyu

when they came here.

It can be said that there is basically no waste of energy.

Enough evidence was found in no time.

These shopping malls and brands were brought to court in the country.

In the letter, all customers threatened not to cooperate again in the future.

All losses are required to be borne by Taiya Group.

This chapter has been completed!
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