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Chapter 475 Dad, Dad, you have to calm down!

This request is equivalent to putting Taiya Group on the fire in an instant.

Because Taiya Group cannot live without these big customers from ugly countries.

Among all the orders, Chou Guo’s orders are always the largest, most numerous, and best made.

Taiya Group has also made a lot of money from Chouguo's orders.

It can be said that the rise of Taiya Group is inseparable from orders from these ugly countries.

But now the customer is actually threatening Taiya Group, saying that they will not give them orders.

This made Zhao Lan and the others a little confused.

If you don't agree, it may cause Taiya Group to directly lose these customers.

But losing these customers is a huge challenge for Taiya Group.

Not having so much business means making less money.

Rather, the lack of these business volumes will directly lead to losses for Taiya Group.

Because part of the business volume is used to maintain the operation of the factory.

There is a part of the business where they really make money.

Without these businesses, it means that their remaining business volume will not be enough to even maintain the operation of the factory.

A definite loss.

But agree, how to agree?

Such a high claim.

Don't say you will lose money if you pay.

Even if they wanted to pay, they simply couldn't.

Because China’s patent law is very strict with regard to claims for infringement.

In just this one email, the compensation requested is already in the hundreds of millions.

If other customers are added together.

It is estimated to be more than one billion.

This is the year 2000, what kind of level is more than one billion!

Where does Taiya Group have so much money?

Not to mention Taiya Group, even in China, there are no companies that can so easily come up with more than one billion in cash.

It is difficult for state-owned enterprises.

So rejection is inevitable, but Taiya Group cannot lose these customers.

Only then did Zhao Lan understand why his father fainted just now.

Such things and situations.

Fainting is easy!

"Hey, what are we going to do now?" Zhao Lan's father sighed. This time he didn't know what to do.


Just now he had sworn to tell Zhao Lan how to stay calm.

How to climb uphill and overcome obstacles.

As a result, the cow had already encountered a problem even before it was covered with heat, and it completely covered itself.


Suddenly Zhao Lan roared.

Zhao Lan's father and the staff were shocked.

"What is your name?"

Zhao Lan's father was drinking water, and from time to time he could feel the smell of urine in his mouth, which made him want to vomit.

Just drink some water and press it down.

The result was good, the water did not go down, and I almost choked to death from Zhao Lan's roar.

"I thought of it!"

Zhao Lan slapped the table.

"What did you think of?" Zhao Lan's father didn't dare to drink water, so he wouldn't really choke to death.

"You think, this email only says that our products infringe, but doesn't say whose rights our products infringe?"...

"We are accustomed to thinking. Because Chuangshi Group has copyrights in China, we are accustomed to thinking that it is Chuangshi Group."

"But if we think about it on the other hand, Chuangshi Group has domestic copyrights, so this copyright appeal can only be made domestically, not internationally."

"So as long as we explain this situation to the customer, the customer will know the key. Not only will they not have to lose money, but they will be more bold to sell these clothes!"

Zhao Lan briefly expressed his thoughts.

I have to say that his mind works quite fast sometimes.

For example, now he suddenly thought of the key to the problem.


After being reminded by Zhao Lan, the other two people also reacted.

The staff member didn't need the guidance of Zhao Lan or his father, and said directly: "I know, I will reply to the customer immediately. I believe the customer will know the pros and cons!"

After saying that, the staff member left as fast as he could.

Today's events are also very stressful for her. After all, her salary depends on these achievements.

Now a customer with such a large order is asking for compensation.

This is a huge impact on her performance, and not only will this customer reduce her order volume in the future.

Moreover, those orders made previously may also be cancelled.

If it comes and goes, then it doesn’t mean that your work this year has been in vain?

So now that she has such hope, she will try her best to fight for it.

In the office, Zhao Lan and his son looked at the leaving staff.

"Let her go, she knows how to deal with it, they may need these orders more than you."

Zhao Lan's father quickly saw the crux of the problem.

Immediately, he turned his head, looked at Zhao Lan and said with some joy, "I saw a different you today."

"I didn't expect that at some critical moments, you would be calmer than me."

Zhao Lan didn't know how to answer the call.

I don’t know why I have such thoughts today.

Maybe he was anxious after seeing his father fall like this.

If I were the first one to see that email, I might be the one who fainted first.

"No, it just happened to me."

Zhao Lan said modestly, not complacent because he expressed this idea.


Zhao Lan's father patted Zhao Lan heavily on the shoulder.

All the praise is already contained in this good word.

Ten minutes later.

The staff member came back again.

His face looked even uglier than before.

The father and son in the office had bad thoughts in their hearts.

"Mr. Zhao!"

When the staff member arrived, he was out of breath. After calling Mr. Zhao, he was speechless.

I just handed over the documents in my hand.

It was obvious that she had put a lot of thought into delivering this document as soon as possible.

This time, Zhao Lan was the first to take over the document.

Because Zhao Lan was standing and Zhao Lan's father was sitting.

He took the document and looked at it.

I felt like my eyes were getting a little dark.

Just one word and he collapsed.

The literal translation of the first sentence of the email is: "Your Taiya Group is so irresponsible. The patent for this dress belongs to a company called Chuangshi Group, and they have already registered the patent in Ugly Country!"

Seeing this, Zhao Lan felt that his world view had collapsed.

It seems that all decisions made by Chuangshi Group are ahead of their Taiya Group.

Obviously I have thought very hard.

But I couldn't bear it and others had already predicted all the moves I thought of.

Despair filled his mind.

It's like when you work hard to dig a tunnel out of a closed prison, only to find that the tunnel actually leads to the prison guard's toilet.

When you look up, you see the toilet squatting in the pit, grinning at you with big yellow teeth.

Only this time, Zhao Lan was very confident that he didn't faint.

"Let me see!"

Zhao Lan's father

Pass this document.

Take a look.

Soon, there was shouting again in the office.

"Ah, Mr. Zhao, what's wrong with you! Why are you foaming at the mouth!"

"Mr. Zhao, where is your medicine!"

"Dad, Dad, you have to calm down!"

"Quick, go out and find water!"

This chapter has been completed!
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