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Chapter 493: Action Quickly, Assistant Zhao Was Arrested

In front of Zhao Buzhu.

The place where Su Xinhai had been placed just now was now filled with air.

As for the two younger brothers.

One is here and one is over there.

There is a corpse lying on the ground.

Zhao Buzhu's men immediately became anxious.

The wontons in my hand fell directly to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?"

They rushed forward and helped up the two men who had been beaten unconscious by Liu Xiong and Gao Boss.

It's the same operation again, pinching people like crazy.

Finally, I woke him up at the end.

"Brother Zhao! As soon as you left, two people came to our factory and knocked us unconscious!"

When the two men saw that Su Xinhai was gone, they also saw Zhao Buzhu's gloomy expression.

He cried quickly.

"Have you seen what they look like?"

Zhao Buzhu's face was so ugly that water dripped from his face.

The two looked at each other and nodded blankly.

They all saw only a black shadow, and then their vision went black and they fainted.

"No, we didn't see anything clearly."

After hearing what these two people said, Zhao Buzhu felt despair again.

He stepped forward and kicked the two people over fiercely.

"Trash, two people can't stand an old man! What's the use of you!"

"You're so damn close to success. In a few hours, you can take the money and leave. Now that something like this has happened, you've failed!"

"And you idiot, what kind of wontons do you suggest we eat?"

He thought again of the person who had asked everyone to eat wontons together in the first place, and kicked him over again.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

But anger is of no use. The top priority now is to find the person back as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Zhao Lan would have no way to explain.

At this time, Zhao Buzhu suddenly thought of the motorcycle rider his men saw while eating wontons just now.

He turned to look at the subordinate who just said he saw Su Xinhai.

"Where did you see those two people riding motorcycles and taking Su Xinhai go?"

The man was stunned: "Didn't you say that all the old men in Dayuan Village wear those clothes?"


Zhao Buzhu directly hit the subordinate on the head with a large pen.

"If you want to say something, just say it, why are you grinding?"

"I saw they were heading north!" The man thought for a moment and pointed out a direction.

"Hurry, chase!" Zhao Buzhu directly called everyone out without any hesitation.

The two men who had not eaten yet and were beaten up by Liu Xiong and Gao Boss glanced at the wontons scattered on the ground.

After swallowing, one of them grabbed a wonton from the ground and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then he followed the person in front.


Liu Xiong and Boss Gao here took Su Xinhai out of the old factory of Taiya Group.

I called Su Ming immediately.

"Hey, Mr. Su, your father was rescued by us."

Liu Xiong got straight to the point and told Su Ming the good news as soon as the call was connected.


Su Ming immediately exclaimed when he heard this.

"You were rescued so quickly?"


Liu Xiong briefly told Su Ming what happened just now.

At the same time, he asked Su Xinhai to answer the phone and asked the father and son to say a few words.

When he learned that his father had successfully come out and was sent to Chuangshi Group by Liu Xiong and Gao Boss.

Why does Su Ming want to stay in Dongzhou Community?

Immediately drove to Chuangshi Group.

On the way, Su Ming also called Lei Jingkun and a few of his friends.

Now that the people have been rescued, all they need to do is go to that factory and arrest them directly.

Lei Jingkun was very fast and immediately contacted the police near the old Taiya Group factory to arrest Zhao Buzhu and others inside.

No one dares to underestimate the orders given directly by the top leader.

Almost right after hanging up the phone from Lei Jingkun.

The local police immediately surrounded the factory.

Just when Zhao Buzhu and others did not see Su Xinhai in the factory.

When I drove out in the van to chase someone.

The police car at the door stopped them immediately.

Zhao Buzhu was blinded when he saw this long row of police cars.

"Why did the police come here? So fast?"

As he sat in the car, his body couldn't help shaking. He knew that if what he did fell into the hands of the police, he would be jailed.

"Back up, back up!"

He shuddered violently, and then shouted to the driver.

Rather than shouting, roaring is more appropriate.


The man who was driving stepped on the clutch of the van and immediately shifted it into reverse gear.

Prepare to rush back.

As a result, a police car drove up behind them very sharply.

One after another, they surrounded the van where Zhao Buzhu was sitting.

The van braked hard and stopped.

The police also acted very quickly, picking up several people in the car one by one and handcuffing them.

It can be said that from the time Zhao Buzhu came to the door to the time he was caught by the police and got into the car, he had no time to react.

He didn't even have time to talk to Zhao Lan.

He was taken back to the police station by the police.

An hour later.

In the Genesis Group.

In Su Ming's office.

It was already very lively at this time.

Su Xinhai was wearing Su Ming's clothes and sitting on the sofa in the office drinking tea.

Hu Kaidi and several other people were sitting on the sofa next to him, looking at Su Xinhai with concern.

Su Ming was sitting on the boss's chair at the desk.

In front of him was a man in uniform.

He is the top police officer in Qinghe District, Jiangzhou.

Beside him, there were several policemen sitting.

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry that something like this happened in our jurisdiction."

The police leader said very guiltily.

Before coming, he was scolded by Lei Jingkun.

You can tell with just your toes that this Su Ming is a person that even Lei Jingkun is very afraid of.

Then my small position may not be enough for others to see.

Therefore, this leader has restrained all his usual arrogance, and his attitude is extremely humble.

"It's okay." Su Ming waved his hand: "My father is fine too. This matter is considered a near miss."

Although Su Ming was very angry, he did not want to accuse the police unreasonably.

After all, they usually have all kinds of things to do, and they don't just serve themselves alone.

"Hey, luckily your men are strong."

The leader sighed with emotion, and then said: "We just urgently interrogated a few people who were caught."

"It was discovered that the real culprit behind this was Zhao Lan from Taiya Group."

"And there is indeed money exchange between them, so it should be him."

"Look, should we go and arrest him now, or should we?"

Su Ming did not answer immediately, but looked at the police leader.

"Is the evidence we have now enough for us to deal with him, Zhao Lan?"

"That's enough, now

This evidence is enough to sentence them to several years in prison."

The person in charge responded immediately.

Su Ming nodded: "Then go and catch him."

His words just fell.

Su Ming's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was Zhao Lan's phone number.

This chapter has been completed!
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