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Chapter 482 I will swim by myself today! Don’t trust me

Lei Jingkun is also very busy today and has been conducting inspections abroad.

As the top leader of Jiangzhou City, he also needs to take into account the economic and living standards of all people in Jiangzhou in real time.

Let’s see if the people in Jiangzhou have good food, whether the problem of elderly care has been solved, and whether there is a place to go to get treatment for diseases.

So he often needs to go down there and see the living conditions of the people.

No matter how late he came back, Lei Jingkun would always go back to the office to see if there were any documents.

Avoid missing some important documents sometimes and delaying the development of related work.

When it comes to being a cadre, Lei Jingkun is definitely a good and competent cadre.

At this time, he was opening the file bags one by one and looking at the documents inside.

Some are various documents sent from the districts below, and some are orders from the province above.

Suddenly, one of the announcements made Lei Jingkun pause.

This is an announcement from the province:

"Notice on Steady Lifting of Red Lines for Burden Reduction in Various Regions."

In this announcement, the recent situation is analyzed, that is, many parents are still complaining that students' learning tasks in school are too heavy, and the cancellation of out-of-school institutions has led to the prevalence of tutoring.

Many wealthy families directly invite some excellent college students to teach at their homes, which undoubtedly increases the expenses of these teachers.

At the same time, the educational gap has once again widened dramatically. Originally, the price of educational institutions was not too expensive, so many families could afford it.

So anyone who has some conditions will participate.

But things are different now. Tutoring itself is expensive, and coupled with such interference from policies, high-quality tutors have become a rare commodity.

The supply and demand were suddenly broken, and teachers simply could not meet the needs of so many families on the market.

Therefore, the teacher's price has also increased from the previous twenty or thirty yuan per class to seventy or eighty yuan per class.

To be honest, around 2000, seventy or eighty yuan could be considered a day's salary for an ordinary working family.

If you don't want to eat or drink, throw the money you earn every day to your child's tutor.

Many families cannot make such a decision.

Parents who cannot afford it themselves are anxious when they see others arrange tutors for their children. They are afraid that their children will not be able to keep up in school.

In school, it is also difficult to control the pace of the teacher's class. If the teacher speaks too fast, those students who have not hired a tutor will not be able to keep up. But if the teacher speaks slowly, those students who have hired a tutor will deliberately disrupt classroom discipline.

So all kinds of things were directly stimulated after the burden reduction order was issued.

In fact, the bigger problem is the gap between the rich and the poor in society.

There is no choice from above but to temporarily cancel this decision. When the domestic wage level rises in a few years, it will naturally be easier to implement this burden reduction work.

It took Lei Jingkun more than ten minutes to read the announcement.

I looked back and forth, up and down, left and right several times.

Finally, he put down the announcement in his hand and sighed slowly.

The reason why he watched it for so long was not because the wording of this announcement was too complicated, so it took him so long to watch it.

There were only a few hundred words in the announcement, and he could finish reading it with just a few glances.

But the reason why he looked at it like this was because his heart was too shocked.

The shock was not from this announcement, but from a person.

Su Ming.

Last time, he heard from Feng Cheng what Su Ming said about educational institutions.

After some time, the burden reduction announcement was issued as Su Ming said.

The whole city, and even the whole province, implemented it in a drastic manner, and many educational institutions closed down on the spot.

At that time, Feng Cheng said that according to Su Ming's estimation, after the announcement

Soon after you come here, it will be revoked by the superiors.

When I listened to what Feng Cheng said, I didn't pay attention at all, because such an operation was against common sense.

He has been a relevant leader in Jiangzhou for many years.

We also received countless announcements of various kinds.

None of them operate as Su Ming said.

So Lei Jingkun didn't take it to heart.

But now, as soon as he saw this announcement, he immediately thought of Su Ming's words.

Creepy and thrilling is not an exaggeration to describe Lei Jingkun's mood at this time, because he was indeed frightened.

Su Ming's background is so terrifying, and he can understand the things above so thoroughly. What kind of strength is this.

At this time, Lei Jingkun was already thinking about whether he should fulfill the agreement he made with Su Ming early.

Su Ming's company does not need to have a turnover of 20 billion, so he will grant land to Su Ming now.

Even if the people below have opinions or complaints, he will bear them all.


In the evening of the next day, Su Ming still took Su Xue and Lin Tongtong to swim together.

For Su Ming, the top priority of his work now is to accompany Su Xue and Lin Tongtong to swim until he teaches Su Xue how to swim.

Su Xue cannot swim for a day, so their swimming routine cannot be interrupted.

Su Ming's nose is also up to par. It fell off a little bit yesterday, but it immediately stabilized again today.

At least Lin Tongtong was still wearing yesterday's clothes, but Su Ming didn't have blood splattered on the spot.

"Dad, don't support me today, I want to swim by myself!"

Su Xue's stubborn temper grew, and she forced him to learn how to swim by herself.

She kept thinking hard about why Lin Tongtong could learn it immediately, but she couldn't.

Although Lin Tongtong said it was because she was still a child.

But during the day, Su Xue asked about it in school.

There are actually more than ten students in the class who can swim.

This made Su Xue confused. Lin Tongtong learned how to do it because of her age, but what about herself? People of the same age as her have learned it, but she hasn't learned it yet. It doesn't seem to be a matter of age, right?

So she spent the whole day thinking about why she couldn't learn.

Then she thought of it.

Isn't this because when Li was learning to swim yesterday, his father kept supporting him, but he didn't go to support Aunt Tongtong.

Yes, that must be the case.

So as soon as she got out of school today, she excitedly asked Su Ming to learn how to swim.

Su Ming was also happy to see Su Xue taking such initiative.

Unexpectedly, Su Xue made such a request.

"Why? If I don't hold you up, won't you sink?"

Su Ming had some doubts in his heart.

Why did Su Xue make such a strange request today?

Su Xue quickly told Su Ming briefly what she had thought about during the day.

Su Ming was dumbfounded when he heard this.

This kid's imagination is simply amazing.

It's getting bigger and bigger.

Next time I go down and write some ideas, it will not be easy to get on the top list.

"Okay, then if you want to swim by yourself, then you can swim by yourself, I will watch from the side."

Su Ming simply let Su Xue make her own way.

He folded his arms and stood beside Lin Tongtong.

I was sure in my heart that Su Xue would not be able to learn most of this today. When I was young, my father helped me learn it.

So this is something inherited, a treasure.

Without this method, it would not be easy for children to learn to swim.

This chapter has been completed!
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