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Chapter 168: Throw the evidence in your face

Rushing back to China from Switzerland, Chen Zhengping accompanied Xu Chuan back to NTU.

"Welcome home, classmate Xu Chuan."

Rong Zhizhuan greeted Xu Chuan at the school gate with a smile.

"Dean Rong, Dean Yu."

Xu Chuan greeted the two elders respectfully.

"I heard that you solved the mystery of the proton radius this time. Congratulations."

On the side, Yu Yongwang praised with a smile.

"It's an insignificant achievement, but I still have a lot to learn." Xu Chuan said modestly.

Hearing this, both Rong Zhizhuan and Yu Yongwang smiled and shook their heads, sighing: "You are still so humble. If solving the mystery of the proton radius is an insignificant achievement, then what else can you be considered famous for?


"If all students could think like you, there would be no problems that could stop us."

"Okay, let's go in first. It's not good to stand at the door all the time."


The group of people came to a conference room. Not only the deans of the Institute of Science and Technology, but also the leaders of the Propaganda Department were present.

As the most outstanding student of NTU in the past ten years, Xu Chuan is still very concerned about by the school.

At the beginning of the meeting, Xu Chuan briefly introduced the situation of the matter, and several people in the meeting room immediately became excited.

"Shameless! It's possible to do such a thing as complete plagiarism."

"Peking University really goes back to teaching more and more. A graduate tutor blatantly plagiarized and had no teacher ethics!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu Chuan, no matter what, the school will not let our students suffer."

"This time Professor Mo from Peking University plagiarized your mathematical theories and calculations. The school immediately contacted media reporters to speak out on your behalf."

"In addition, the school will prepare a lawyer's letter, including suing Peking University Mo Kun and "Progress in Mathematics". For this kind of plagiarism, the other party must retract the manuscript and apologize for compensation."

"Plagiarism is the most serious infringement of copyright and should be dealt with seriously."

In the office, the leaders of NTU banged the table in anger.

This matter is not only about plagiarism, but also about NTU's protection of students. If something happens to a student, the school will stand up as soon as possible to protect the interests of the students.

This not only unites teachers and students inside and outside the school, but also expands the school's reputation.

"This matter is troublesome to all the teachers and leaders."

Xu Chuan stood up and bowed slightly. Although he kept the evidence in his hand, he might not be able to successfully beat Mo Kun to death.

With NTU’s strong support, I will have more hope and certainty.

Not all professors call animals. Even though the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, calling animals will never become the mainstream.

Plagiarism and misappropriation of other people's research results will eventually be punished.


Peking University, on campus.

Mo Kun hummed a little tune and walked on campus, flipping through public opinion news on the Internet as he walked.

[Peking University still has strength. I hope that with a few more such talents, the country’s basic sciences can develop.]

[Now, look, I said it before, it’s not necessarily plagiarism, and Peking University has publicly responded.]

[It’s still okay. Professor Mo apologized to Professor Avila, and also added his name to the paper and put it in a group. This sincerity is enough.]

[And what about the great master who topped the college entrance examination? Didn’t I see his name? I didn’t apologize to him. Looking at the previous news, Professor Avila said that most of the theories and data were completed by Xu Chuan. If he wanted to apologize, he should also apologize to Xu Chuan.

Chuan apologizes.]

[Haha, you really believe it. That guy is undeniably awesome, but the Weir-Berry conjecture and the Langlands Program are two completely different fields. Not every genius is called Terence Tao.]


Reading these comments, Mo Kun felt even happier. Through his teacher's suggestions and the operation of Peking University, the opinions on the Internet have reversed a lot recently, which is much better than he had expected before.

As far as he was concerned, if there were no other accidents, this matter would have basically passed by like this.

And he will also become the prover of a famous mathematical hypothesis, receive a school bonus, be promoted to doctoral supervisor, and reach the pinnacle of life.

"I didn't expect that people would still have such opportunities in their old age."

Mo Kun squinted his eyes and thought happily.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang in his pocket. He took it out and saw that it was his mentor Tian Gang calling.

"Where are you? Come to my office now."

After saying that, Tian Gang hung up the phone.

Mo Kun held the phone and frowned slightly. He was a very sensitive person. The tone of his tutor Tian Gang's words was a little different from usual. He immediately thought of proving the non-null hypothesis of the l-function.

As the saying goes, if you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself.

When you do bad things, even if others don't know about it, you will always know it, and this is what scares you the most.

It can be said that whenever there is any disturbance, you will involuntarily think of it, worry about gains and losses, and be frightened.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Kun was no longer in the good mood before, and walked towards the teaching building in a dull mood.

I knocked on the office door and heard a voice from inside.

"Come in."

Mo Kun walked in and saw Tian Gang sitting on an office chair with a tablet in his hand.

"Tell me, what is going on?"

Seeing Mo Kun, Tian Gang pushed the platform over from his desk, with an open news report on it.

Mo Kun flipped through it and found a criticism and accusation from NTU, accusing him of seriously plagiarizing mathematical ideas, theories and data from NTU doctoral student Xu Chuan.

As soon as this news report came out, it instantly stirred up the public opinion that had gradually subsided.

When a top 985 university in China comes to an end, there are a lot of things involved.

Unlike the previous Professor Artur Avila, although he is a Fields Medal winner, he is not from China and has little influence on the country.

But NTU is different. Although NTU is not as good as Peking University in domestic university rankings, it has been established for a long time, has cultivated many famous alumni, and has sufficient energy in the country.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Nanda will end it personally, and Peking University will also have to worry about the situation.

"Didn't you say before that this was an exchange between you and Professor Avila? What happened to Xu Chuan showing up here?" Tian Gang knocked on the desk made of mahogany and asked.

"He was indeed present. Besides him, there was also a student from Sun Moon University. I have said this before."

Mo Kun replied calmly, he still had to find a way to stabilize the situation.

"But you didn't say that he was the main contributor to this theory." Tian Gang asked with a slightly raised tone.

"Xu Chuan did participate, but his contribution was not high, teacher." Mo Kun followed Tian Gang's words and continued.

"He is just a doctoral student, a doctoral student, and he is only eighteen years old. No matter how good he is in studies, what ability can he have?"

"He and the other person are just students. Since they are students, they are still in the learning stage. The non-null hypothesis of the l-function is the core issue of the l-function in the Langlands program. I am afraid that he has not yet been exposed to such issues.


Mo Kun was still defending himself. He was betting that no one would know the details of what happened a few months ago.

Hearing this, Tian Gang laughed angrily: "He has no mathematical ability? Did you participate in the Morning Star Mathematics Award in May for nothing?"

"He proved the world-class Weyl-Berry conjecture and won the Morningstar Mathematics Gold Medal. Such a mathematician, do you think he has no mathematical ability?"

Mo Kun: "But the Weyl-berry conjecture is a difficult problem in the field of equal spectrum and partial differential equations, while the non-null hypothesis of l-function is in the field of number theory."

"These are two completely different fields. In just one year, we can achieve significant results in both fields. Teacher, do you think it is possible? Even Terence Tao is not such a monster."

Tian Gang chuckled and said, "I don't think it's important. The key is that they dumped the evidence directly!"

"Evidence? What evidence?"

Mo Kun was stunned for a moment, suddenly panicked, and quickly turned the tablet in his hand.

Sure enough, at the end of the news report, several fully edited pictures caught his eye.

Below the picture, there is also Xu Chuan accusing him.

[If Professor Mo can find even a tiny bit of his handwriting from these data calculations, both Professor Artur Avila and I will drop the charges and apologize to him.]

[But I can guarantee that he will not be able to find anything that belongs to him in it.]

[In other words, this Professor Mo not only plagiarized the ideas and theories that Professor Avila and I exchanged, but also plagiarized the calculation processes and calculation data that were temporarily calculated during our exchange at night. 】

[With such a ridiculous thing and such serious academic misconduct, I don’t know how he can calmly say that he is the main communicator.]

[This is a vicious academic plagiarism incident. I hope that Peking University and the journal "Progress in Mathematics" where this paper was published will pay attention to this matter and deal with it seriously. 】

The familiar scene made his penis shrink violently.

These pictures, he knew very well, were researched during the discussion between Xu Chuan and Professor Artur Avila at the Morning Star Mathematics Prize Gala.

The core of his proof of the non-null hypothesis of the l-function was taken from this.

But why, why is this thing still there?

Why is the manuscript paper of this preliminary argument still in his hand?

Normally, this kind of manuscript paper recording preliminary data will be sorted and thrown away, and the manuscript paper after secondary sorting cannot be used as evidence at all.

There is only this kind of first-generation manuscript paper. By comparing handwriting and theoretical ideas, it can be seen at a glance that he has indeed plagiarized.

These manuscript pictures are quite complete. You can clearly see the extension of the theory and calculation data from beginning to end, and there are no gaps.

In other words, he could not excuse the other party for not producing the manuscript data that he participated in.

More importantly, none of these manuscripts have his handwriting on them.

If there is one copy, he can continue to use the previous reasons, and he did participate in the discussion.

But there is not one copy. It is impossible to say that he provided the theory and others were responsible for the calculations, right?

It may be possible in other aspects, but in mathematics, don't dream about it.

If your basic knowledge is not up to standard, even if the theory is given to you, you will not be able to write down the calculation process.

If you participate in this kind of discussion and are the main communicator, you will definitely leave your own calculation data on these manuscripts.

But he didn't. In this case, and since he is the main communicator, this theory is simply untenable.

You can also copy the answers in Chinese, but in mathematics, it will be useless if you copy the answers because you don’t understand the calculation process.

However, Mo Kun never understood why these original manuscript papers were still there?

Shouldn’t the contents be thrown away or broken into pieces after sorting them?

Mo Kun was stunned, his whole body could not help but feel a little stiff, and there was a faint cold sweat on his forehead.

Once the picture evidence came out, he could no longer deny plagiarism.

In any case, there is no escape from the crime of using other people's theoretical ideas and calculation data without their consent.

Even if he is also a person involved in the exchange, he cannot escape this crime.


In the office, Tian Gang looked at the trembling body of his student and sighed in his heart.

From now on, it is not too far off to say that he plagiarized everything.

Mo Kun didn't explain the situation to him.

If it were just a simple plagiarism of Professor Artur Avila, the situation would not end here.

But when it comes to that boy, it's even worse.

Maybe Mo Kun didn't know the significance of that NTU student to the country, but he knew it.

At the age of eighteen, he won the Morning Star Mathematics Award, and indirectly promoted the Morning Star Mathematics Award to be awarded nearly two months in advance. This energy is already quite terrifying in the domestic academic community.

After the "Weir-Berry Conjecture" was proved, the genius from NTU has been defined by the superiors as 'the leader of the young generation of mathematics'.

The purpose of the attention and promotion of major official media is to further his reputation, expand China's influence in the international mathematics community, and win the Fields Medal two years later.

This year, Qiu Chengtong cooperated with the above to hold the Morning Star Mathematics Prize two months earlier. The purpose is also to win the Crafford Prize to be awarded in December this year, as well as other international mathematics prizes in the next two years.

These are awards that have never been won by anyone in China.

If he had known from the beginning that Mo Kun’s paper was mainly plagiarized by that young man, and in this way, he would definitely not have chosen to respond publicly.

Now, it's probably too late.

This year's Crafford Prize has entered the preliminary selection process, and the name Xu Chuan has also caught the attention of the judges of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

At this juncture, if you plagiarize his theory and calculation data, aren't you asking for trouble?

And you didn’t just copy the theory, you also copied other people’s manuscripts and data. You plagiarized everything. The core can be said to be almost all other people’s things. At most, you made some minor improvements and subsequent expansions.

This nature is completely different.

Retraction and apology are certain, and I hope this student can be saved.

Tian Gang sighed. After all, he had been with him for so many years, but if he really couldn't keep it, there was nothing he could do.

The Mathematics Department of Peking University must draw a clear line with him and not be implicated in this matter.


This chapter has been completed!
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