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Chapter 493 Its done!

In the laboratory, Xu Chuan personally controlled the equipment to prepare improved superconducting materials.

He hasn't done any experiments himself for a long time. He mostly drives the development of materials by solving theoretical problems.

But the muscle memory is there. The moment you enter the laboratory, the familiar feeling of various equipment quickly comes to mind.

Wearing rubber gloves, Xu Chuan skillfully controlled the micro-manipulator to transport the film that had completed guided growth to the inert atmosphere protection furnace.

Here, the grown film will be protected by inert gas and heat treated at a temperature of 860°C-900°C to generate the final improved superconducting material.

After handling this step, Xu Chuan took off his gloves and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this point, the entire experimental process has basically been completed.

Just wait quietly for the inert atmosphere protection furnace to complete the final heat treatment.

All that's left is to test the prepared materials.

"Academician Xu, do you want to take a rest? I'll watch over here."

In the laboratory, the assistant researcher looked at Xu Chuan with a tired face and asked.

Doing experiments is, how should I put it, some parts are quite easy, but most of the time, doing experiments is quite energy-consuming and physical.

Regardless of the fact that conducting experiments in a laboratory does not require the transportation of any large devices or heavy objects, precision experiments, especially materials research and development, often require a high degree of concentration on the part of scientific researchers.

After all, during the entire experimental process, if there is any error or mistake, the entire experiment will basically be scrapped and we will have to start all over again.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan glanced at the inert atmosphere protection furnace that had just started working and nodded.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't have exhausted himself.

But before doing the experiment today, he had already stayed up for two or three days in a row. Before he had time to adjust himself, he hurried over to do the laboratory, so naturally he didn't have enough energy.

After handing over the rest of the work to his assistant, Xu Chuan returned to his office, leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to take a nap.

The reason why he rushed to complete the experiment today was mainly because tomorrow was a report meeting on the unified framework theory of strongly correlated electronic systems.

Considering the report meeting and the report meeting on the Large Strong Particle Collider Construction that followed immediately after the report meeting, Xu Chuan was anxious to mention the material experiment today.

Today, after making the material, we first conduct a superconductivity test to see if the prepared improved superconducting material has as strong a magnetic field strength as in the simulation experiment.

If so, you can hand over the rest of the test to others. By the time they finish the report meeting, the overall test results will be almost available.

If not, the Sichuan-Hai Institute of Materials Research can also use the time he holds the report meeting to analyze the overall situation of the experiment and find out where the problem lies.

Otherwise, we have to wait until the report meeting is over before doing it, which will drag on for several days.

Perhaps for other researchers or scholars, a few days is nothing, but for Xu Chuan, it would be best if he could not waste time.


After setting an alarm, Xu Chuan leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes for about forty minutes.

It didn't take long, but it was enough to greatly relieve his fatigue.

After all, you are young and your body can handle it.

He reached out to find his cell phone on the coffee table and clicked off the alarm. Xu Chuan stood up and stretched before returning to the laboratory.

In the laboratory, the preparation of improved superconducting materials has just been completed, and pieces of silver-gray films are being transferred to glassware by assistant researchers.

Fan Pengyue, who had finished his work and rushed over to supervise, turned his head and glanced when he heard the noise: "Why don't you take a rest for a while?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "That's enough. What's the result?"

The assistant researcher who followed him for research and assistance throughout the process quickly reported: "The improved superconducting materials prepared by visual inspection are in perfect shape, with no tears, wrinkles, curls, etc. The specific performance can only be determined after testing."

Xu Chuan nodded, stepped forward, put on gloves, picked up a glassware, took out the improved superconducting material film from it, and observed it carefully.

The film, which is less than the size of a child's palm, is held between fingers and has a quasi-metallic luster on its surface.

This is a characteristic that high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials do not have. High-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials are ceramic materials. Although they also appear silver-gray to the eye, they are matte and do not appear like this.

Metallic luster.

It may be that after experimental improvements, Cu atoms in excess Cu nanoparticles were doped into the holes, and the resulting magnetic trap changed the characteristics of the raw material, giving it a reflective feel similar to a metalloid or a small amount of metal.

After carefully observing the appearance, Xu Chuan pinched the two sharp corners with his hands and slowly applied pressure.

The film in his fingers was not very thick. Visually, it was only as thick as an adult man's fingernail. When his fingers exerted pressure, the silver-gray film deformed slightly, and the whole film took on a slight arc.

Noticing this, Xu Chuan's pupils narrowed slightly.

This is also a characteristic that high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials do not have.

After all, the properties of ceramic materials generally have little toughness. Later, he also added a little toughness to them through research together with Academician Zhang Pingxiang.

But now the raw material on hand, which has not been toughened by whiskers, obviously has some original toughness.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan wanted to see where the limits of this improved superconducting material were, so he found a vessel and slowly continued to apply pressure inside.

As the intensity increased, the arc of deformation began to increase, but not long after, with a crisp 'snap' sound, the film exploded when pinched between fingers, turning into several fragments that flew out and landed on the glass.

inside the vessel.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "It has toughness, but it is far inferior to superconducting materials toughened by whiskers (fibers). Visual inspection can achieve 7-7 under pressure.

With an arc change of about 8 degrees, the impact toughness should be between 8-10."

Seeing the materials exploded in the glassware, Xu Chuan made a simple calculation.

Although the numerical value is not high, as an unexpected gain, it is still very surprising.

After all, in terms of the physical properties of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials, the toughness value is very low. Even a small improvement is enough to optimize it.

If combined with whisker toughening technology, I believe its performance will be even higher.


In the laboratory, everyone just took a look at Xu Chuan's damaged film of an improved superconducting material and continued busy preparing for related superconductivity tests.

Big boss, you can play however you like.

It is not difficult to test superconducting materials, and it can be carried out through equipment such as cryostat and Dewar liquid nitrogen container.

In particular, the Chuanhai Institute of Materials also has a complete superconducting electromagnetic testing system, and it is enough to just put the materials in.

Xu Chuan did not test it himself, he waited aside.

This kind of work can be said to be an extremely small test step for today's Chuanhai Materials Research Institute.

Not everyone can do it, but researchers from the Superconducting Materials Research Laboratory, even a graduate student in internship, can do it.

Compared with the tedious testing of critical magnetic field, the test data of critical temperature was the first to be produced.

"The first test Tc critical temperature results are out, the current temperature is 127.3K!"

In the laboratory, the assistant researcher in charge of the test quickly reported it after observing the curve falling off a cliff.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan, who had been waiting for a long time, leaned over and looked at the computer screen.

The large display screen is divided into four parts according to the XY axis, each showing different data.

Resistance information values, temperature control system values, magnetic field index values, AC magnetic susceptibility and other data for testing the main properties of superconducting materials are displayed.

In the resistance area, the originally smooth curve has now bottomed out.

In the numerical area of ​​the temperature control system, the huge number paused at 127.3K, and the bright red color represented the critical transition point.


This number happens to be in the simulation results of the simulation experiment, which can be said to perfectly confirm the theory.

"It's done!"

Looking at the data on the screen, Xu Chuan clenched his fists and almost cheered!

Although the magnetic field test data has not yet come out, the changes in critical temperature have already told him the answer he wants.


After quickly getting out of the way and signaling others to continue working, Xu Chuan sat in the laboratory and continued to wait.

The key now is no longer the critical temperature, the final indicator still needs to look at the critical magnetic field!

After waiting patiently for more than two hours, the first round of superconductivity testing was finally completed.

The test results were printed out and delivered to him immediately.

Xu Chuan turned directly to superconducting properties.

[Critical temperature (Tc): 127.3K]

[Critical magnetic field (Hc): At 127.3K, the critical Hc is 40.76T, up to 46.68T. 】

[Critical current (Ic): reaches 5092A/mm2 at 43T]

【Critical current density (Jc):......】

Looking at the preliminary test results in his hand, he grinned.

This value is theoretically enough!

Not only the miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion and aerospace engines, but also the large strong particle collider that he had not considered before.

With the support of this new material, the collision energy level may be increased by more than half an order of magnitude based on the original!

This will bring new science to the world of physics, and even to the entire world!


PS: Second update, please vote for me!

This chapter has been completed!
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